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Amolet of Wilderness

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This is optainable only after you've finished the "Wild Wolf Slayer" quest. Info about it coming soon. With this you can attack other players outside the wilderness, and it also prevents your character from getting skull on its name while PKing. (Only if used in the wilderness) And the level recudion will be eliminated (only outside the wildy)








Also while using this comes Random Event while PKing outside the wilderness "I'll duel you" called "PKer Kevin" as always it's on higher level than you are.












Coins: 5K-80K




100%: Big Bones or Bones




Weapon: All kind of scimmy




Armour: Runite Kite Shield




Runes: Law Runes(40-67)




Misc: All types of pizza, stew, Dragonhide and Runite Bar




Can only be attacked to these they are after








If you take this off in midle of a battle the battle stop (if not in wildy) and there will come "You can't attack player outside the wilderness"








But behave if you use this outside the wilderness you'll get skull on your head, and also behave of the random event.








What do you think of this idea? You guys can help me make the quest.








Edit: It also gives following bonuses:








15 in Slash, Stab, Range, Crunch and Magic












Other Bonuses:




76 Prayer

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Those items are far too good for a random event. They should act as a deterrent, with this it almost makes it seem the best thing about it.




I'm guessing you'd only be able to attack people who are also wearing the amulet?








Actually you can kill any player. Even these that don't have the amulet.

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it may be just me.... but that idea is... well... really stupid....




if u could attack everybody outside the wild... why should the wild then even exist? its just like saying "we need to smith without bars!!" :roll:

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Those items are far too good for a random event. They should act as a deterrent, with this it almost makes it seem the best thing about it.




I'm guessing you'd only be able to attack people who are also wearing the amulet?








Actually you can kill any player. Even these that don't have the amulet.








And once again folks, we have yet another extremely stupid idea by a child who obviously still plays by the "pokemon" style of videogaming. (Hence his name)








This is RUNESCAPE where there is a WILDERNESS. The point of the wilderness is to be able to attack people IN IT...not outside of it. Amulet or not, this idea sucks horribly.



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With this you can attack other players outside the wilderness, and it also prevents your character from getting skull on its name while PKing. (Only if used in the wilderness) And the level recudion will be eliminated (only outside the wildy)




Edit: It also gives following bonuses:








15 in Slash, Stab, Range, Crunch and Magic












Other Bonuses:




76 Prayer




You have to be kidding me........Thats one of the stupidest things I've heard. Scenario time!




Jim an honest, fine young man finnaly completes is phat set, he goes into falador world 2 near the bank and is suddenly hit by an enourmous hammer 3 times within a second and collapses!!POOR JIM,he was also wearing full rune at the time so he loses his helm and the entire set! Then Jim logs off and throws himself off a 10 story building to his death, later Jagex is sued for liability and must shut down Runescape, thus children of the world find that the yhave nothing to do and murder their entire family in cold blood, then the police and law officals of the world are overwhelmed. World leaders launch missles into trouble zones and kill off 75% of the worlds population, those that remain are deformed and psychotic. This is how your idea would lead to the end of the world.

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[insert idea here]








You, sir, are an idiot.
















On topic, this should never happen. I don't care for PKing and I avoid the wild unless necessary for quests, so it would be extremely unfair for me. People have posted that "the wildy is for PKing." I'd like to add that the non-wildy is for, um, not PKing!









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What a truly horid idea! I mean, I go to the Wild to mine, and I know and respect the danger that represents since it is, y'know, the Wild. If I get killed out there with a full load of Mith, Addy or whatever, I'm understandably upset, but I don't quibble over it because there is an inherent risk to it. HOwever, if I were to be killed with a full load of Mith bars when going to smith them at, say, Doric's, then I'd be extremely angry (the actual word I'm thinking of starts with P and rhymes with "mist") because the non-Wild is supposed to be safe (with the exception of aggressive monsters, but that's different).




So, no, this wouldn't happen and shouldn't have even been thought of in the first place. I'm not one to flame, but this deserves it.










Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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lol @ kingkonk.. very funny








I don't agree with the thread at all. A very large perportion of RS players don't PK or like PK'ing. I have never done it, and really don't want to be attacked while I'm lets say fishing and completly defenceless.

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With this you can attack other players outside the wilderness, and it also prevents your character from getting skull on its name while PKing. (Only if used in the wilderness) And the level recudion will be eliminated (only outside the wildy)




Edit: It also gives following bonuses:








15 in Slash, Stab, Range, Crunch and Magic












Other Bonuses:




76 Prayer




You have to be kidding me........Thats one of the stupidest things I've heard. Scenario time!




Jim an honest, fine young man finnaly completes is phat set, he goes into falador world 2 near the bank and is suddenly hit by an enourmous hammer 3 times within a second and collapses!!POOR JIM,he was also wearing full rune at the time so he loses his helm and the entire set! Then Jim logs off and throws himself off a 10 story building to his death, later Jagex is sued for liability and must shut down Runescape, thus children of the world find that the yhave nothing to do and murder their entire family in cold blood, then the police and law officals of the world are overwhelmed. World leaders launch missles into trouble zones and kill off 75% of the worlds population, those that remain are deformed and psychotic. This is how your idea would lead to the end of the world.











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Please think before you post!!!! Also spell amulet right, damnit! This would a useless addition, it would just infuriate people outside of the wilderness. As said before what would be the point of the wilderness??

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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Other Bonuses:




76 Prayer








who wants to think about super prayer?








also attacking outsside of wildy would be stupid, i know for a fact that is what they created the wildy for, to be safe from pkers

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Hey, wanna give me back the IQ points you stole when I read this? Seriously, this is fracking.....mentaly chalenged.








I guess your still high...

Not even drugs can churn this garbage out, he was at gunpoint, what sick individual forced him to do it I dont know.
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Hey, wanna give me back the IQ points you stole when I read this? Seriously, this is fracking.....mentaly chalenged.








I guess your still high...

Not even drugs can churn this garbage out, he was at gunpoint, what sick individual forced him to do it I dont know.








*throw an amplified speakerphone* TheBlazikenMaster! Step AWAY from the stubby umbrella-shaped plants and lets talk about this like civil, respectful people.








*He comes down*








Ok...now we talk: Why on earth are you so stupid??? *beats you over the head* Sheesh! Go kill some goblins or something...you're wasting our time here.



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