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New Slayer Woes


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Now I enjoy it when Jagex implements updates and doles out decent rewards with those updates. What really bites my goat is the fact that these updates do not take into account that suddenly....EVERYONE wants to do the same thing at the same time. Take the newest slayer update for example. I spent an hour last night hopping worlds just to finish my steel task. I was not alone either...a couple of other players were doing the same thing as we kept meeting in different worlds. I understand that this may be a fad for many...get the cool new stuff...but I think Jagex really should plan a little bit better and temporarily increase the supply to meet the demand. This goes for all updates, not just slayer. With every new update that promises the chance at a new reward that looks cool, the area(s) associated with that update is always over-crowded beyond belief. Once the fad dies down...things return to normal. Look at the Mith dragons or GWD...they are now 'old news' and not as crowded anymore. Just my 2 cents worth I guess.








SHHH, I am concentrating.....oh look, a paperclip!


Where was I again?

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This happens every update, do you really think Jagex isn't aware that new places and places that will receive piqued interest from updates will be crowded?




They know, that's the point of the updates: To get more people into the area. And yes, once the fad dies down the place will empty once more. This isn't anything new.




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Same thing happened with Hunter, was nearly impossible to train within the first few days, literally hundreds of people catching a handful of birds.




Nothing says you have to be the first on the scene to get something, and it would be best if you just waited out the rush instead of going on the bandwagon.

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Well yes. An updated area gets full after every update. It's called the rush.


And those who work hard to get the new items/emotes/skill abilities reak in the rewards.


They get to train skills/show off/whatever that the new update provides before everyone else.


Like the first people to go to godwars got the godswords before anyone else.


Nothing wrong with that :)


No pain no gain.






~~~~~~~~~~~~Goals keep you going~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Current goal : All skills 80+. Skills left: 69/80 Summoning.

Next goal : 99 Magic. Skills left: 96/99 Magic.

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I can understand how frustrating that is, but there really isn't any way that JaGex can prevent the masses from trying out new updates immediately, and besides, the crowds always die away quite (A few days tops) fast once the novelty of it all wears off.




I'm just happy that JaGex has released something that has *not* been detrimental to gameplay. :)




Good luck with your slaying, hope you don't get any dreary tasks like mine (I HATE turoths) :cry:

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Any idea on how to "slowly impliment" this update? Not like they could limit the amount of players to get the update.


4031st person to 99 Thieving on 5/25/2008

If anyone plays NBA Live '08 online on the Wii please PM me. I'm up for anyone.

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First days of hunter: Like 900+ People in Feldip Hills catching birds, had to wait like 1 week to start training, when it was like 200 people, and look at it now. not even 1 person catching birds.




Metals have been crowded since visages, so why complain now? This has nothing to do with the slayer update, it's just people (mostly mages) training and hoping to make some profit


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That sounds like a good idea. Jagex could increase the respawn rate of critters and resources for a few days to a week after the update. Then they return them to normal, similar to the way in which they boost drop rates of newly released items to get them into circulation.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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I hear you. Every few weeks/months all the slayer spots get a great deal of extra pressure.


They added the visage to the metal dragons drops. Well, there went one of the few uncrowded areas left.


They release the dark bow. Well, there went all the people powertraining to get to 90 slayer in a few weeks.


They release summoning. Bam, Nechryaels and Abyssal Demons spots were ruined, among many others (Aberrant Spectres, Bloodveld,...).


And now they released the slayer point system.




They just keep on trying to popularise slayer (I'm guessing they have a 95 slayer monster in mind and need a certain amount of 95 slayers). It only works for a few weeks, but these updates are dreaded by every dedicated slayer. Suddenly the usual slayer code (not to fight for a spot, but to simply change worlds) is completely lost because a lot of impatient idiots think only of themselves. Slayer becomes a horror, but if you try to make this clear to the impatient idiots, you're told to suck it up or that you're a noob. Guh. One weekend of this nonsense got me thoroughly fed up with these juvenile egotists.




Changing the respawn rate would be most welcome!

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The solution would to change the way updates are implemented.




Instead of updating little and often, save them up for a few months and release several large 'exciting' changes at once.




Spread the interest around, everyone still enjoys the updates - Without putting such a stress on any one location.




Of course, be prepared for the WTF ITS BEEN THREE MONTHS AND STILL NO UPDAET rants...

'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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Yeah it happens. I'm lucky in that I play when it's pretty quiet and my slayer level is pretty high so I get a lot of Abby Demons and Mithril Dragons and other not so crowded tasks.




If it really is that bad just steal a steel from someone else. Most steel slayers will camp there for ages and target just one steel. All you need to do is stand near the spawn point and the dragon will attack you. Sure it's annoying to the person your hoofing out and it's a pretty unkind thing to do, but it's only a game and they've had the dragon for 20 mins at least so it isn't that bad.




As for new updates I like to investigate them first then train them. So for Hunter I waited 2 weeks to start training and then rocketed to 60 super fast as the spots were dead. Same with Summoning.


Trust the Gene Genie!

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...get the cool new stuff...but I think Jagex really should plan a little bit better and temporarily increase the supply to meet the demand.




Isn't the fact that not everyone has the cool new stuff the thing that makes the new stuff cool? #-o



GT: JRD is AvT


YT: hatethegamer


Youtube has nothing on it atm, but getting HD PVR within a month, so watch this space.

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yea look at the stupid black mask prices...they have doubled already >.> well good thing i'm taking a break from rs to study and will only be back in action in november...hopefully they will have restabilised by then =S

maxed out melee on 10/10/08, current goal: 94/99 cooking

life may be unfair, but why can't it be unfair in my favor?

my fake plant died because i forgot to pretend to water it


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Thats the nature of RS. Don't complain.




Even I haven't ranted about Rocking Out, all smithing resource went up and all products went down dramatically. Why? Everyone is wishing to buy. Eating into my profits, wasting me time while I try to outcompete those buying themeselves 69 fast as possible.




Everything eventually cool down. Jagex shouldn't need to bother to cater for a problem that rarely lasts for more than 2 weeks.

Templar Guardians

When are trying to lend something, the word to use is borrow. Not barrows, which is a mini-game.

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I know what you mean about the rush to do the new updates. But could you explain the whole increase supply a bit more?


"Probably the worst thing I do is take bubble baths. But manly ones."


No matter what the avatar looks like, I'm male

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