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OOC: I assume it's been atleast 8 hours since my person fell asleep. I have an idea, we should move our headquarters to somewhere in the commercial district. Easier access to food and supplies, and good place would be either home depot or the supermarket. I think I'm gonna have my person go their and decide to defend one of those places, and then maybe one of you can run into me.




Lisa awoke to a thump downstairs. She slowly stood up, reached over to her nightstand, grabbed a knife and a flashlight she had left there, switched on the light and held the knife in a ready position. There was a stumbler lying on the floor, it had tripped over one of the traps and landed on another. Lisa quickly moved forward, and stabbed it in the head. (9 dmg) It was almost dead, but not quite, it began to get up, but before it could she stabbed it again, this time killing it. (I think it would of taken it a turn to get up, since it was on the ground.) Lisa kicked it in the chest a few times to make sure it didn't move. She knew that if there was one, there had to be more. She took the flash light and shined it around the room a few times, no more zombies in here. She went up to the door to the next room, it was slightly open. She kicked it the rest of the way open, and shined the flash light around a few times. The door to outside was ripped open, and the barricades shoved to the side. Lisa quickly ran to the garage, manually opened the door, which took a few moments, then got in her car and turned the key. It sputtered to life. It was a good thing she had packed it with all she needed the night before, she didn't have time now. She drove out of the garage as fast as she could, and down the road. She thought the best place to go was the commercial district, since there were gas stations there. It took her about 20 minutes to get there (sort of made this up, but rolled 5d6 for minutes, since she was in a car). She drove to closest gas station. She put her credit card in and hoped it worked, fortunately, it did, as it was either powered by a generator or power still went there or something. She filled up her car, while staying in it for extra protection. It was filled in a few minutes, and she drove further into the commercial district. She went to the closest store that might be of some use, home depot. She drove around the store once to check for zombies, and to see where exits were. There was one large service entrance with a garage door, which she couldn't open from the outside since it needed a code to be opened from the outside, and the main entrance.




She decided to park the car outside the service entrance, got out the two guns and knife, putting the knife in her belt, keeping the revolver in the holster and holding the shotgun, and ran over to the main entrance. The main doors were made of glass unfortunately, but they still could be barricaded. She went inside, closing the doors behind her, and went to the aisle that had wood. she got a plank, and stuck it in between the two door's handles, so they couldn't be opened and would stop the zombies for a little bit at least. She went to the back with her gun at the ready, should there be any zombies. She slowly worked her way towards the area where the service door came in. She got there, and was able to open it by using it's switch. She then went out to her car as fast as possible, turned it on and drove it in to the store, then closed the door once more.




Before doing anything else she went through the whole store checking everywhere for anything living or dead, or any combination of the two, this took about 15 minutes (5d6 again) and she found nothing. Lisa then began checking the store for things she could use to barricade the front entrance. She settled on taking 6 two inch thick 10x10 sheets of wood and nailing them together with other supplies she found in the store, it was, after all, home depot. That only took about 30 minutes to do, including finding all the supplies (rolled d100 for minutes, since i didn't think d6 for hours would make sense for something as simple as this)


She propped this up against the doors, but realized it could just be pushed down, so she had another idea. The first thing she did was search the store for a tape measurer, which she found at one of the cash registers.She measured the door, and it was about 8 feet tall. She laid the start of the barricade flat on the floor in front of the door. She began to make 7 more of these, and each time she made one she nailed it to the next using the longest nails the store sold. Eventually making a giant cube, which was far to large to be pushed easily. This took in total about 5 hours, and by the time it was done she was exhausted. There was one more thing she wanted to do to be safe. She went to the department that sold lawn mowers, and drove three against the back of the barricade, to add a few thousand pounds to its weight, so it would be basically impossible to move.




She was exhausted, and fell asleep with her back against the barricade for three hours. It was now just past one, since the zombie had woken her up quite early in the morning in her house. Lisa walked slowly towards her car, and unloaded it. She remembered that there was a code to get into the store from the outside, and she figured she would look through the offices to see if it was written down anywhere. She went to the back of the store, where the offices were, and after looking through every shelf and drawer she finally found it, though it took her almost an hour. She memorized it and put the piece of paper in her pocket.




She opened the service door, then got into her pickup truck, drove out, then got out, went to the keypad and typed in the code, and it closed. She got back in her car and drove to Wal Mart, parked her car right next to the door, so she could make a quick escape if need be. She went inside, and took a shopping cart, and sprinted with it to the gun department. She took four guns that looked good, a browning short trac shotgun, a browning gold evolve shotgun, a browning safari shotgun and a 'savage 14 euro classic' rifle. Although she had little experience with rifles, she took that last one anyway, since it might be useful. She then went to the ammo section of the store and took all the ammuntion for the type of pistol she had, and for the type of shotgun and rifle she had. Lisa next went to the food section and got all the canned goods and foods that couldn't go bad that required little preparation she could fit into the cart.




Lisa was finished there, she had gotten all she needed, and she drove back to the home depot, opened the service door, drove in, and closed it. She realized she didn't have a watch, so she went to the offices, and took two clocks down, put one in her car, and one by the barricaded front entrance. It was just past two-thirty, but she was still tired from all the work she had done earlier. She had no bed or anything similar to sleep on so she went to the offices again, picked out the most comfortable chair without wheels and carried it to the front of the store, where the barricaded front door was. She left it there, then searched the store for a step ladder, placed it up against the barricade's back, in between two of the lawn mowers, and carried the chair up it, and put the chair on top of the barricade. She then climbed up to the top herself, and brought the chair to the back of the barricade, so the back was pressed against the wall just above the doors. Finally she went over to the side of the barricade that the step ladder was on, and she reached down, and knocked it down, so no stumblers at least could get up onto the barricade, if one managed to get in.


Lisa walked back over to the chair, leaned back and went to sleep.




OOC: Long post, but it was all within about eight or nine hours of time, and it's only mid afternoon, so you people are still probably dealing with hawks at the police station, and once your done with him, you were planning on going down to the commercial district, and maybe you can notice the door to home depot is barricaded, and we meet that way.


I tried to keep everything balance, and I checked wal marts website to make sure they sold guns, and I picked 4 guns from their selection.


http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product. ... id=2685162


http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product. ... id=2685178


http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product. ... id=2685203


http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product. ... id=5057214




Anyway, hope someone posts soon.



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I did a quickish map of zombea. All I added was an airport, which won't be of much use, but adds some realism.


Key is color coded.






Also, pretend the roads separating the districts are way bigger, but if i did it, it would be about 6000x6000 pixels,and that's far too large.



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OOC: Yeah, I check here all the time too. I love when other people get obsessed with things like this ^_^




ICC: Teach heard the muffled shouts of Hawks and Vladmir and rushed towards the voices, pistol raised and at the ready. His combat instincts kicking in, he scanned each room before walking out of a bathroom and tripping over Hawks' limp body. There was a small streak of blood coming from the back of his head.




Vladmir came out from a corridor, and came very close to being shot. Deciding to ask questions before shooting, Teach demanded an explanation about the bleeding Hawks.




After hearing it, Teach wasn't sure if he was relieved or angry. "That's a horribly stupid way for someone to get injured," he muttered. "But there's nothing we can do now. Help me find some gauze to wrap up his head, he might be out for a while. And I think the cop is asleep somewhere."




Teach remembered his own wound, and made a mental note to wrap it up as well.




After caring to the best of their ability for Hawks and putting him in Falconer's well-barricaded room, Teach concentrated on himself while Vladmir checked the heifer.




"Well, comrade. The cow is not sick. She is with child!" Vladmir cried out happily. At first Teach was shocked, and then very happy. "Any idea how far along?" he asked, cutting the last of the gauze.




"I would not be surprised if she had this child within hours. Get some towels and warm water. Also, look for those latex mittens (OOC: Sorry for taking a bit of control over you, Dragoon. Just trying to pick up the pace a bit.) that the police wear for cavity checks. Oh, and bring the grass-cutting machine's bag as well, it may prove useful." Vladmir commanded.




Teach had a sudden, odd feeling that Vladmir was his commander and he was a soldier. He began to snap off a salute, instead nodding and rushing to get the supplies.




It took him 22 minutes to get it all, and the pair waited for the birthing to begin. Daylight was soon to come, and they wished to get to the Wal-Mart and back before dark. A loud series of moos awoke the pair around eleven A.M., and they got to work. Vladmir appeared to have at least a basic knowledge of helping an animal give birth, and Teach followed his orders as best as he could. The birthing didn't take long, a mere half hour. And they had a grand, young female cow. "This is great. We'll be able to have fresh milk soon, won't we?" Teach asked. "Maybe in about 6 weeks, comrade," Vladmir said. "The mother will be giving most of her milk to the child. The offspring may begin producing milk by that time as well, although it can vary greatly. For now, perhaps we should go to this Wal-Mart, eh?"




"Will they be safe? I mean, we don't want them to get infected or eaten or anything," Teach muttered, reaching for the newborn's head. The mother and father both pushed his hand away roughly, and the steer pawed the ground and snorted in anger. Whereas Teach was terrified, Vladmir was delighted. "This is a proud father. No undead will reach the child. Besides, we'd be able to hear the land mine's explosion even in the Wal-Mart," Vladmir laughed.




"Well, okay then. I suppose we can set out for the store now," Teach muttered, backing away from the bull slowly. "Do you have an automobile? I figure we'll be picking up a lot. Also, we should stop at Home Depot, to see if they have any mortar or cement."




OOC: Whew, long post. I hope someone else posts as well. By the way, I was thinking about getting something more along the lines of this:http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=2685074




Nearly the same, but more lightweight and easier-to-find caliber of ammunition. I want one of these :P Anything Browning is typically great, though.




Also, that's a good map. Hope Dragoon posts soon.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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OOC: I was thinking about that but, I picked sorta randomly.




Lisa woke up suddenly, thinking she had heard a noise, but it was only a nightmare. She got up, she was now fully rested. She looked at the clock she had left near her, it was now around 6, it was going to get dark soon. She realized there was one more thing she should get from wal mart before dark; batteries, since the lights in the store would probably turn off automatically after it closes, and she would also need to get some more flashlights.


She went through the routine of opening the garage, going out, and closing it again, before driving off to wal mart with one of the shotguns on the seat next to her. She drove out and headed to wal mart, stopping just in front of the store as usual. It took her a while, but she eventually found batteries, and half a dozen electric lamps and another half dozen flashlights.


She was walking back to the car, when she heard voices, one with a slight accent


"I swear, this car was not here when I came her last"




OOC: Took control of characters, but I figured skipping the getting to wal mart would move it along much faster.



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OOC:Yeah, I don't think Falcon would object to a bit of picking up the pace. We kinda just talked for a good day in-story earlier :P




ICC: "I swear this vehicle was not here earlier, comrade," Vladmir urged. Teach shrugged; they had a gun and a forklift. And he was hungry, he'd already downed four bags of M&Ms and a can of Monster. "Let's take it," he said. "More carrying capacity." Vladmir seemed to agree, and then they both froze. They'd heard footsteps coming from just inside the store. They didn't sound like zombie footsteps, more steady and pre-conceived. Nothing happened for several minutes. Deciding to make something happen, Teach drew the pistol and walked forward. "Who's there? Show yourself," he commanded in a quiet, forceful voice. "And don't come out with a weapon, or we'll shoot."

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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"I presume none of you are zombies" Lisa said, as she walked out of the door. She had left the pile of supplies in the shopping cart, and had stopped pushing it when she heard voices. She walked out, and had the shotgun held on a strap behind her back, which she had found in the store, though it was not intended for that purpose.


She had her hands empty, to show she meant no harm.


She saw two people, standing next to her car, they had a forklift, and one had a pistol pointed at her.


"Who are you" both Lisa and the two others said at the same time. They all gave there names, and the man with the gun lowered it a bit.


"is this car yours" said the one with the accent. Lisa replied yes.


"So what are you doing here Lisa asked."



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OOC: It's a forklift, I'm afraid. No trucks for us. :(




ICC: "Well, Lisa. I guess we're going to be friends," Teach said. He holstered the pistol, and pulled out another bag of M&Ms. "Where have you been hiding?" Vladmir asked while Teach ate.




Lisa told them, and the pair invited her to come back to the police station. She declined, stating that she wanted to stay in the Home Depot, where she'd have easy access to this part of the town. She also offered them a place to stay, and this time Teach responded with a simple "We'll think about it."




"Do you think you'd mind us using your vehicle to carry supplies? We only have this forklift, and to be honest it isn't the best..." Teach muttered, kicking the tire of the vehicle. "Whatever, think about it. Me and Vladmir have some shopping to do, eh?" Teach laughed, clapping the man on the shoulder. They walked into the store.




OOC: I might not post for the rest of the night. Might as well wait for Dragoon and/or Falcon to post. I figure they'll want some different things than just me and you.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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OOC: I meant to put in forklift. This is my last post for tonight too.




"well, it's probably best if you stay at home depot for tonight, otherwise bad things might happen, and your the only people i've seen, so that would be bad." Lisa said.


"what are you looking for inside, I can probably help you finish faster."




Lisa helped them get what they needed from the store, and load it into the back of the pickup. They walked to the exit, and lisa said "well, we can try to get back to your police station, but it's already dark. We can head to home depot instead, but it's up to you. I'm willing to drive to the station, but it's very risky"



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OOC:I always figured I would go for each of the 4 key type of guns in Counter Strike...Do they have any Colts?Colts are ftw.(I wouldn't mind a Silverballer either,47 rules!)Oh right,judging by the map the closest source of weaponry to us would be the fire station,with their axes and all.So I'm going there.Wal-Mart is some distance away,so I'll wait for Falcon to get back,since we're supposed to go together.




ICC:"Madam you are very kind to offer this to us.Its getting late,the zombies would be arriving soon.I suggest you spend the night here,and return the this Home-Dee-po tomorrow."Vladmir had been thinking a lot during his silence."Its probably at least 8.From my experience in this prison the zombies usually arrive in about 5 minutes,thats barely enough time for us to bring the truck in and shut the gates."




Saying all that with the strongest of convictions,Vladmir opened the gates,careful not to step on the landmine.




"This,Madam,you do not want to step on" He said,pointing at the red flag they had used to mark the landmine.




He sat down against the wall,waiting for the lady to accept or decline the offer of protection on this night.




OCC:I'm serious,you better spend the night here,you know how zombies seem to appear each night?Well from his cell Vladmir always heard the zombies at around the same time.(Besides if you go tomorrow we can send someone to the home depot to check for safety.If you go tonight you may get attacked on the way.Your call,really.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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OOC: I think you got confused with where we were, we took control of your character for a bit so we could move on without having to wait for you. Oh well, that was a good post dragonsoon. Maybe we can use it later somehow.






Or wait, did you think we drove back to the police station? If so this could work. Let's just say that's what we did. If we decide to do that use this :




ICC: " sure, I guess its best if I stay. Not like there's anything important I need to do back there tonight," lisa said after a few minutes of thought. "but I have two questions, how secure is it here, and where do I sleep?



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"Well, we have lights out here and barricades inside. I can't answer the question of your bed, though, I only got here today as well. I'd recommend staying away from the the cows' cell." Teach said, unloading some of the bags from the car. They'd shopped the entire day, and most of the car was stuffed - not to mention the three shopping carts they'd tied to the bumper. They hadn't really gone for any building supplies, that could wait for the next day. The total haul:




2 Browning .308 Semi-Automatic Rifles.


1 Remington 20-Gauge Shotgun.


2 12-count Boxes of Shotgun Shells.


4 20-Count Boxes of .308 Winchester rounds.


120 Assorted Boxes of Dried Cereal.


2 Tires.


5 Steak Knives.


92 Six-Packs of Assorted Soda.


18 Gallons of Water.


25 Buckets.


200 Cans of Vegetables & Fruit.


14 Fluorescent Lightbulbs.


58 Pounds of Various Seed.


19 Bags of Fertilizer.


84 Microwavable Meals.


8 Bags of Marshmallows.


52 Bottles of Various Medications (Tylenol, Aspirin, etc.)


3 Shopping Carts.


19 Can Openers.




OOC: I'm a bit (well, very) tired, so that list might be changed in the morning.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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OOC:Like,microwave for the microwavable food?




Oh,we'll be needing more Red Bull soon,Vladmir loves it.




Actually,nevermind I'll get those tomorrow (game tomorrow) along with my dear Vodka.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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OOC: Or maybe you took the shoping carts, put them together to save space, put in the back of the truck, then filled them with stuff. I guess that would work.




ICC: Right after they finished tallying the supplies, everyone went to sleep. Hawk was still unconscious, and Lisa found a couch to sit on in the upper part of the station.


The next morning Teach woke up first, and then woke everyone else up. They checked outside carefully, and there were no zombies in site. Lisa wanted to get back to home depot, since she thought it was safer. She took some of the supplies from what they got the night before, with permission, and loaded it once again into the back of her car.


20 boxes of cereal


10 six packs of soda


4 gallons of water


30 cans of vegetables and fruit


3 can openers


12 bottles of medication


This, along with her other supplies would help her last for a fair amount of time. Lisa asked if they could go back to home depot when it was around noon, when the zombies would be least likely to attack. Teach and Vladimir offered to come, to help her if she needed it, and to see if they should stay at home depot, if it was in a better spot. Falcon (I guess, since he hasn't posted in a while) offered to stay with hawk, and the cows.


They waited for a few hours until noon, then they all got into the pickup truck and drove off towards the commercial district. Around halfway there, they went around a blind curve, and dead ahead of them was a crowd of about two dozen stumblers. They were not prepared to fight this many, and Lisa swerved around them. The stumblers slowly began to follow behind them, though the car outran them easily, but they were still headed towards the commercial district.


They got to home depot around five minutes later, and Lisa opened the service door, then one of the others drove the car in, then they shut the door once more. Lisa walked around the whole store with them, showing them where stuff was, and how she had defended it, then she asked them what they wanted to do.




OOC: I was thinking that maybe the zombies start to become more of a threat now, I mean we've only seen like 3 zombies in this whole time.



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OOC:Whats at the home depot,anyway?How defendable is it?I mean would I have to dig out the landmine or something,or does it have its own security?




Hmm its probably dawn right?Would you say more dark than light?Anyway Falcon had that funeral right?


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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OOC: Back, sorry was tired so didn't post yesterday, love the map and welcome to Zombea. Oh and don't worry, I plan for your first encounter with a strongarm soon. A hunter by the end of the next two weeks may come into play, I don't know yet... It's not like I have control of the horde. :P


Oh and HomeDepots are not what I'd call defendable at all. Made a trip to Wal-Mart and HomeDepot awhile ago not only for a new drill but, to scout out the area. Pluses are lumber, tools, paint, generators, masonary supplies, and all sorts of building materials. Cons, Like 40jillion entrances, the entire front is glass and wood, and the wood is generally not great quality for the quantity we would use.




ICC: 'Falconer sat, slowly feeding the cows some of the cereal in his hand. "Such nice cows," he said to the unconsious Hawks, "I'm thinking I should go down to those big grain silos on the edge of town and get them some food. Gotta hold down the fort though." As he held out his hand to the cows with the cereal, one of them started mooing loudly, then the others started. He dropped the cereal and unholstered the gun, heading for his barricade. He saw a single zombie, but smaller than stumblers... He pulled up his pistol and cracked off a shot to it's head. It's head exploded in a great burst when the bullet passed through decaying flesh. "BOOM! HEADSHOT!"' (Shriekers have 3 ac, 7 health. Did 9 damage.)




OOC: If I had failed that, it would have screamed and brought those zombies you saw earlier running. :ohnoes:

Blender builder

Today's experiment is:

Learning how to make light industrial space craft.

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OOC: #-o .I really suggest keeping the prison.Its walled,and there's usually what?1-2 entrances,with some towers where we can mount snipes.PLUS I don't have to dig out the landmine,and carry Hawks...


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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ooc: home depot in my area is all concrete, sells chainsaws and wood, and some metal sheets and stuff, and only has two entrances, except maybe one on the roof. Either way, it couldn't hurt to have a building in the commercial district that's safe, at least temporarily, from zombies. Also, how do we tell how much damage zombies do? and can you make a list of all the zombies health and stuff, to make it easier. I know stumblers have 10 hp, I guessed strongarms have like 20, though we haven't met one, hunters maybe have more then that, and first bloods the most?


I'm assuming we want to keep the police station then, judging by your responses.




ICC: The three decided that the police station was probably safer then the store, so they decided to get what they needed from the commercial district, and get out, before the stumblers came. "well, atleast we have a safehouse in the commercial district," said lisa


"but I have a suggestion. Why don't we try to get one safe building in each area of the city, that way, if we are ever stranded, we can go there. We could put a stash of guns and food and such at each one"


"That's true, and maybe we could try that," said Teach.


Before they left, Lisa left the old shotgun and some food and a knife in a easy to get to location in the store, in case they were ever trapped in the commercial area. She also took the following, and loaded it into the truck:


12 10x10 pieces of sheet metal


10 2x4 planks


5 gallons of gas (designed for lawnmowers, but might work with other stuff)


5 10 packs of lightbulbs.


The three drove to the wal mart and got the following:


5 Digital watches


5 sets of tight fitting clothes, that were thick enough to provide a bit of protection


20 3 packs of red bull


20 bottles of vodka


10 5 packs of cigarette lighters.


They got it all back to the car, put it in the back, and then drove to the gas station, where they refilled. They noticed a few propane tanks in the back, and put three of them inside the car (not the giant ones, the littleish tanks).


In total it took about 2 hours to find everything they needed. The sun was still high in the sky, but it will be going down soon.


Just as they were getting back into the car from the gas station, they saw two smallish forms about 100 yards away. Shriekers. They hadn't seen the survivors yet, but if they get much closer, they will.




OOC: This should be a challenge. I know I have a shotgun, a pistol, and a rifle in the car, and I think the other two each have guns aswell, so we would need to both hit above 9, otherwise they scream.


Also, I was thinking we should get a better vehicle. I was thinking that maybe the airport might have some trucks at it, or something, or the industrial area.



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OOC: We have a microwave in the station (at least I'd think so). And yeah, I took a rifle, Vladmir probably took the other rifle, and we left the shotgun back at the station for Falconer. Also, I think we should find a big, open roof somewhere to stay. Like Wal-Mart's, but better (all the meat that hasn't been stolen or rotted yet will soon. That might entice the zombies a bit).




ICC: "Okay, get in the station. We'll be able to barricade it if we miss," Teach said, looking at Vladmir. "We're going to have to hit them at the same time. Damn, I knew I should have looked harder for scopes."




"No use worrying about that now, comrade," Vladmir said, holding the door open for Teach and Lisa. "Could there be a way onto the roof?"




"I'll check," Teach muttered, rushing out the back door. It only took a few minutes for him to find a good ladder leading up to the roof. "Guys, c'mon," he said through the back entrance. "It'll be safer up there."




While Lisa watched the ladder, Vladmir and Teach scanned the area for anything more than those shriekers when they heard a muffled gunshot. "Sounds like it came from the police station," Teach said, looking worriedly at Vladmir. "We'd better hurry back." Vladmir nodded, concentrating as much as he could on the now-nearing stumblers.




"Ready to take the shot, comrade? I'll take the one on the left." Vladmir and Teach aimed carefully for the Shriekers' disproportionate heads. They fired simultaneously. Lisa also fired on the one Vladmir was aiming for (he has less weapons training than the two of us). (OOC: I'm thinking the rifles would have around 10 strength? I'll roll for the three of us) Vladmir's and Lisa's shots both tore the Shrieker apart, his hitting directly on the bulbous neck, hers tearing through its navel. (51 dmg combined, we're definitely gonna have to meet some stronger zombies soon :P) Teach's slug tore through the other Shrieker as well.




"Come on, we'd better get back to the station to help Falconer." Lisa said.




OOC: Also, we need to find a bit of leather sometime, for "armor". Could there be a sex shop somewhere in the town? :lol:

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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OOC:That won't work,the zombies...kinda eat your head.Our best shot at survival would be find a roof thats partially covered.You know what I mean?Like its sheltered on one half,and the other half would be open air,for fresh air...(bel prince...)


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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OOC: Zombies don't go for the head always. If your bitten at all, you are screwed. Your infected and there's no cure.


If you have tight clothes they have nothing to grab onto, and if you have something thickish there's less of a chance of them actually biting you successfully.






"Okay, they're dead, shall we move on" teach said?


Vladimir nodded, and they got in the car. They drove slowly down the road, until they saw that there were no more zombies in sight. After they got onto a straight area of road, with no places for zombies to hide, they sped up, and within a few minutes they were back at the police station. They got the car into the garage, and got out, with their guns at the ready. They slowly exited the garage, after closing the door, and into the rest of the station.


They slowly advanced towards towards the front, and as they walked around a corner they came face to face with falcon holding his gun at them. He immediately lowered, saying "Sorry, I heard a noise and I thought there might be more zombies"




"yes, I just killed a shrieker. It was trying to get in"


"we just killed two shriekers on the way here. Could they be looking for us?"


"I don't know"


They all began to help unload the car, and falcon had an idea when they took out the propane tanks


"We could set these up outside, and put some how rig them to explode remotely, or maybe we could just shoot them, but it could be an effective defense"



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OOC:What do you guys think of a kind of "flip-side" of Zombea?Like we're the undead,and we're trying to get into this survivor colony...If you guys don't mind,I'll get a quick run-up of the first post and send it by Falcon...


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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