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Your Wierd Allergies?


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I'm allergic to sulfa medication but penicillin is ok, however my twin brother is the exact opposite.


I'm also allergic to tea tree oil (not sure if spelled right). It gives me hives.




My younger brother says he's allergic to the following:


me, clowns, the color mauve, plastic tweezers, smilies, mountain tops with green snow on them, Microsoft, concrete pillars, squirrel-gopher hybrids, Ford cars and trucks, dragons, pegacorns and penicillin. :^o




I react really badly to mosquito bites. I'd rather be stung by a bee or yellow jacket than bitten by a mosquito. The pain may be more intense, but it's only for a short time; with me the moquito bites swell up and I'm miserable for about 4 days before they start to go away.




we're the same :o




although i havent had the pleasure being stung yet




I thought i was unique with mosquito alergies lol.




The bad thing is you sort of have to scratch them. They control you.




My youngest sister has this allergy too.




Edit: do to the smilies in this post and the ford dealership across the street from my apartment my brother has suffered an allergic reaction that can be scene below.



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I react really badly to mosquito bites. I'd rather be stung by a bee or yellow jacket than bitten by a mosquito. The pain may be more intense, but it's only for a short time; with me the moquito bites swell up and I'm miserable for about 4 days before they start to go away.




we're the same :o




although i havent had the pleasure being stung yet




I thought i was unique with mosquito alergies lol.




The bad thing is you sort of have to scratch them. They control you.




same here, and even if I'm doused in insect repellent I am still eaten alive, and I don't eat bananas (doctors tell you not to eat bananas if you're going to rainforests because you attract more mosquitos that way. I heard garlic keeps them away but that's false because I eat a ton of garlic)




it's weird because when my mom gets stung she doesn't itch at all.




also my dad's allergic to ibueprofen which sucks for him, he gets hives on his arms when he takes it...




also I'm horrendously allergic to cats and kind of allergic to dogs, and I think i have generic outdoor crap allergies, this time of year my eyes water and my nose runs.




edit: i've never been stung by a bee or anything, but chances are I'm probably allergic to it, it's just my luck.

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Sulfa, Severe Allergy. Taken a drug with sulfa has a pretty high shot of killing me, so I get all the sulfa free drugs. :ohnoes:




I also have a mild allergy to chocolate, I break out in rash..and I feel cold.. :shock:

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Cinnamon, onions, and popcorn. Popcorn upsets my stomach, onions give me blisters on my tongue, and cinnamon causes me to throw up every time I eat it.




A less unusual but much deadlier is my allergy to formaldehyde. Formaldehyde allergy+asthma=near death.

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allergic to soy in all its forms... which, just by coincidence, happen to be in virtually every prepared food made. I take a lot of benedryl. I've ended up in the hospital a couple times and my heart stopped once... I really cba reading ingredients all the time.




with that plus vegetarianism, I don't eat out much.


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I have 5 allergies -.- I'll tell you one of them at least...






















I also have an unknown one that gives me hives in the automn (started last autumn).

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my bumps are much larger than normal, it sucks :wall:






Same here, one time, me and my bro were out on the trampoline late at night with water balloons and such. I had my shirt off, and the mosquitos loved it. I came in with 20+ bites on my back, and a ton of em on my arms and legs. They swelled up huge! Was pretty funny actually... but itched like hell! #-o

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