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HEY EVERYONE! Couple Questions - Graphic Battles?


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Hey all, I'm new (Kinda, I used to be here a LONG time ago) to this forum and I have a couple questions.








1. Do ya'll do graphic battles here? I didn't see any around and I was thinking of having one for fun just to meet people.








2. Pixel art (?) Is this just hand-drawn work?








3. Is Ks Jeppe still around? She was always very nice to me. Probably doesn't remember me, but I never forgot her attitude.








4. Who are some of the leading "Pixel Artists" that are active a lot? I'd like to challenge one of them, and donate the sig to Ks Jeppe.








5. Rate my very simple sig. Easy to make, but I love it!












Thanks, Can't wait to get to know ya'll!









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Two words to let you know how the forums go:




















heehee :D












oh and welcome back to the forums

[sig inserted here....in few days]

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1. Yep.




2. Usually a sig done in MS paint or made with 1px pencil tool in PS. None of them made at tip are very good, but there are some great pixel artists at other sites or on deviantArt. If you use brushes in your pixel art (on tip.it, at least) its considered "cheating" and not true pixel art.




3. No idea, sorry.




4. ?? Misterxman (spl?) if he's still around. TJ too...




Good luck though. If you know anything about the human anatomy or how shadows work it shouldn't be too hard to win. Not many people here seem to take it seriously..




5. I don't like it. Nice text though.

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hey, never new u i dont think, but nice to meet ya, welcome back








like ur sig alot, just not the biggest fan of the colors though, but i love the simplicity








gl in ur graphics battle, ur gunna have to be pretty good to beat sum of the tip.it pixelers


thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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1) Yes and No. Random Battles vs. Random People usually as some sort of showdown. No real rules or anything. It's be nice to see something more solid, though, and im sure you'd find some volunteers.








2) PhotoShop + Pencil Tool. MS-Paint too.. but.. anyways - I think thats the basic limitations. I don't like pixel all that much myself.. and i've only seen very few that I do like.








3) http://forum.tip.it/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=12








4) No clue. Don't really care to either. XP








5) Don't think I will. (looks for :ninja: emote.. what!? No :ninja: emote!? Blasphemy!!!)

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I think i'm still around :oops: But to be honest i don't remember you, hope that's not to disapointing (sry!!).. And as much as i'd like a free sig, it's really not needed :D The kind words you said are more than enough for me

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Sorry but I'm not a big fan of your sig, its just a bursh used twice and some text slapped on, takes 35 seconds in adobe. Venomai, what are you talking about...there are some great pixel artists here.




Leading pixelists are pobz.. misterxman, punkage, princessa9 and a few others


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Hey all, and thanks for all the kind replies.








Ks Jeppe! Well, you might be getting one wether you like it or not! If not, I'd be happy to make one for the next kind friend that walks along. Glad to see you're still around though, looks like you're still the nice person who welcomed me to Tip.It ages ago. :D








I'll practice a little bit before I start a Graphic battle here, but I'm glad to see it is supported.








As for my sig: Well, I like it. Hypnotic, I'm very aware of how long it took, but I'd rather have something simple and unique as opposed to a filterpile. Insulting artwork because of the time it took isn't really an appropriate reason. You really need to watch that guy who used to do paintings on TV in 1 hour. :P









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I assume you mean Bob Ross? The guy with the big hippy hair? The one who says things such as "a little tree lives back here....etc." ?












In any case welcome back.








Lol, I miss that man and his fro. :(

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Hey all, I'm new (Kinda, I used to be here a LONG time ago) to this forum and I have a couple questions.








1. Do ya'll do graphic battles here? I didn't see any around and I was thinking of having one for fun just to meet people.








2. Pixel art (?) Is this just hand-drawn work?








3. Is Ks Jeppe still around? She was always very nice to me. Probably doesn't remember me, but I never forgot her attitude.








4. Who are some of the leading "Pixel Artists" that are active a lot? I'd like to challenge one of them, and donate the sig to Ks Jeppe.








5. Rate my very simple sig. Easy to make, but I love it!












Thanks, Can't wait to get to know ya'll!
















1. not entirely sure. i haven't seen a few around lately though.








2. yes. done on photoshop with a pencil tool, MSpaint etc.








3. She's still active.








4. a few good one's that i know or can think of right now; misterxman, princessa9 and terley. i'm still a newb pixeler, my first attempt is my current sig (but i cheated with the matrix code part :P, so semi-pixel?). :D








5. i like it. simplicity is the key i say. would love to see a few samples of your pixel work though. :wink:

Became a noob soon after leaving Tutorial Island...


Member of Phobia | Current Status: RETIRED

Main: Jervi | Pure in Progress: Onehandsword

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Holy crap i know you :|












I made you one of my first sigs.... LOL. Infact, i probaly have it on my brothers pc if i looked hard enough.








Yeah its been a long time since you were last here, definitly welcome back.












1. Very rarly. Everyonce and a while someone will chalange someone else. which sometimes is kind of lame (and i get caught doing this) but its just to kind of embaress and hopfully make a ripper/flamer leave the forums.








2. More or less yes, hand drawn, then pixeled in with a 1px tool in paint/whatever.








3. SHE DIED. No realy. that person who posted above me, its a fake. a faaake. (or she is still here, maybe,kinda,sorta)








4. I'd say Misterxman is one of the leading, however there are alot of very talented ones on the forums. The sad thing is, alot of them arn't quite active (The Jeppoz was a great one, but haven't seen him in ages) Jabaulter i belive is still doing pixels... Godslayer isn't bad at them. I dunno, you'd have to look around some.








5. I like it :) Very playful, and it is simple, but cool.












and just currious, your name was like I Snipe I wasn't it? Belive I pked with you a few times on RSC as well, lol :lol:








But welcome back, wonder if you still remember me (Nadril_zhc on scapeboard) :D

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:shock: Nadril! Of course I remember you, and your avatar. Always one of my fav's on the media boards! Where is Crate and Deximus.. and.. Azvareth? Those are the ones I remember.








As for my embarrassing Self, X Snipe X.. 8) ..First pure ranger to 60+ Range... Everyone and their mother has killed me. :P








But I'm glad to see you're still here, and if you're still the PS god you were back then I'm awaiting your new pieces. :)









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"Azz"? Not cool. :(








But yeah, I'm around. I browse this forum daily, just don't post as much.








Welcome back.
















// Azvi.


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Crate is Ryan and Azz is somewhere around here, just not very often. Deximus.. I must have not been around, or may have left before he arrived.. or didn't care about him.. with me, who knows.








hehe, Azz.... :lol:












and yeah, I remebmer some of the *ehm* "masterpieces* back then lol. I can assure you i have improved a lot from then thankfuly :oops:












and X Snipe X, yeah I remember pking with you lol, was kind of sad in a way :oops: :oops:








Anyways, welcome back :P Hope you stay around :)

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