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Grand Exchange on YOUR PHONE!


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Did you ever need to access the grand Exchange, and you couldn't get to your computer to check prices of your recently purchase items? I have found the solution!


Hey Tip.It, I have been trying to figure out how to look up prices of items while I'm at work, since I dabble in merchanting. After lots of tinkering with Apple Automator and the like, I decided instead to use MMS messages through the website TextMarks, which is free, except for the cost of the text message itself. I don't know if this classifies as a guide, but I guess this is the best place for a post like this.




I am posting this twice; once at the bottom and once at the top, just for reinforcement.




To Naysayers:


I do not own this site; I am not plugging, advertising, or any other form of promoting this site. I believe that we at Tip.It should have a simple way to access the Grand Exchange prices. If you think that the use of modern technology to get information is bad, please leave and do not flame this thread. Again, I just want to create a simple way to access the Grand Exchange from afar.




How does it work?


[hide=]*How to Request a TextMark via SMS


*Send a text message (SMS) to 41411


*In the body of the SMS, type the keyword associated with the TextMark that you want. TextMarks are not case sensitive.


*You should receive the information associated with the TextMark via SMS within a few seconds


*If you also want to send a message to a TextMark, write a space and up to 100 characters after the keyword. Alternatively, you can send messages from the web page of a given TextMark.


*To request again the last TextMark that you requested, simply send an SMS with "." in the body of the message


*To post a message to the last TextMark that you requested, without receiving the value of that TextMark as a response, text a message with "." followed by a space and your message, e.g. ". Save me a seat. I will be 5 minutes late".


*To send a TextMark to someone else's mobile phone, send an SMS with the keyword "FORWARD" followed by the 10 digit phone you want to send the TextMark to (no spaces or dashes), followed by the TextMark that you want to send. If you know the recipient's TextMarks username, you can also use that instead of their phone number.


*To view the details of the TextMarks that you have requested, go to http://www.TextMarks.com and login.[/hide]


What the creation section looks like:




So far, I've done:
























Unfortunately, there is a limit on the amount of TextMarks you can make. Feel free to create your own, and I will add it to the list. Again, this service is completely free both ways - creating and viewing.




To Naysayers:


I do not own this site; I am not plugging, advertising, or any other form of promoting this site. I believe that we at Tip.It should have a simple way to access the Grand Exchange prices. If you think that the use of modern technology to get information is bad, please leave and do not flame this thread. Again, I just want to create a simple way to access the Grand Exchange from afar.

Now known as Expl0de.

My Defense Pure Guide

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Couldnt you just use a mobile browser such as opera mobile 4.0? to actually GO to the ge database. The other flaw i can see with this is, lets say you do find a change in the GE of MASSIVE significance what can you do about it? As you've said your not near a computer or else you would be using it...

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Couldnt you just use a mobile browser such as opera mobile 4.0? to actually GO to the ge database. The other flaw i can see with this is, lets say you do find a change in the GE of MASSIVE significance what can you do about it? As you've said your not near a computer or else you would be using it...


You should really download version 9.5 :thumbsup:


Master of Firemaking since 10-11-2007 Yes, I QUIT! =]

Master of Woodcutting since Christmas 2007

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i added a few of these things myself, but rather then g.e. i made soem other things....


Runescape: the update under newest game content tab


rsupdate: the update below that tab


tipit: next event and newest tipit update




bandosgs: bandos godsword g.e








the update parts of them genrelly only say the title of the update




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Couldnt you just use a mobile browser such as opera mobile 4.0? to actually GO to the ge database. The other flaw i can see with this is, lets say you do find a change in the GE of MASSIVE significance what can you do about it? As you've said your not near a computer or else you would be using it...


You should really download version 9.5 :thumbsup:




apologies i meant opera mini not mobile #-o but anyways back on topic....

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Couldnt you just use a mobile browser such as opera mobile 4.0? to actually GO to the ge database. The other flaw i can see with this is, lets say you do find a change in the GE of MASSIVE significance what can you do about it? As you've said your not near a computer or else you would be using it...


Exactly. Say you see a price that looks good and you need to merchant something and..well you aren't by a computer so you can't then all these hardcore merchanters will sit infront of their ge prices panicking. Seems a little flawed to me :S

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But this is very handy for nerds with no life.




i agree lol honestly i think you can live with out look on the G.e. for 5mins, y would you neeed it on your phone -.-


PSN: Skaterguy1224 Tactical Nukes - 22

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Haha, you could just ask ChaCha. (well, if you're in the USA).


Text 242242 with the question, or call 1-800-2CHACHA. They'll respond with a SMS text message in a few min.




This works for people with just regular cell phones. Oh, and the service is free, - whatever texting fees you have.

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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Will this work with my iPhone 3g? Not supporting MMS and all.




If you have an iphone why not just go onllne and check the ge? and If you cant go online then why the hell did you buy an iphone, its not even cheaper lawl, read your contract the plan costs $245 more meaning your iphone 3g is more expensive.


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If you are a 'serious' merchant, you can make a simple parsed vb.net code to recieve live changes. You can have it notify you on the desktop. I tried the ge thing on my moms phone and it totally sucks. takes hours to load. I don't support this.


[software Engineer] -

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