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Item lending.


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Ok for once this isn't about the wild. :shock:




I think my rant can be summed up to this example..




Armadyl godsword 92.6m


Change today -804.2k




I'd advise anyone who has a godsword or any other item that can be borrowed to sell it now.




I feel terrible for anyone that was unfortunate enough to buy a rare.. It's obvious there is no demand for them now... and there wasn't much of a demand before item lending... because Jagex won't allow the change of prices whatsoever with p'hats. "Free market?" Psssht yeah right. I feel bad for you people that own rares...




As much as I love the more "freedom" to the trade system now sort of with lending its done wrong... people should only be able to lend items to friends that have been on your list for x ammount of time. Now I can pay someone like 20k to wear a p hat and experience the "fun" of having one ... It just makes the glory of having one worthless now...

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Though if everyone sells their Armadyl Godsword as you suggest then the price will just crash even more and make the situation worse. Don't see the logic in that, just wait for the lending hype to end and prices will stabilise.



Woodcutting does not raise your combat level because most people do not play as yew trees.
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Now everyone is just lending out Godswords and the glory of having one no is pointless now like eatrunearrow said with the p hat.




The glory lasts 24 hours tops,unless you both stay logged on forever :roll:




Lending items to people that have been on your list?Have you seen your friend list recently?Its not exactly full of onlines,is it?I get 10 tops and at least 7 don't talk to me much.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Lending items to people that have been on your list?Have you seen your friend list recently?Its not exactly full of onlines,is it?I get 10 tops and at least 7 don't talk to me much.




That just means you aren't opening your friend's list to new people....not that people have stopped playing the game.

May the presents of our lord and savior, Santa, be with you this holiday season!

First annual Clausmas - 2009 December 25

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Item lending is also an easy way for people to scam.




Like the people "lending" items out for money when they just log out after they take your money... it's so easy to do... this update is almost enabling scamming...

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Item lending is also an easy way for people to scam.




Like the people "lending" items out for money when they just log out after they take your money... it's so easy to do... this update is almost enabling scamming...




If they set to 24 hour lending to my knowledge logging out doesn't affect it?


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Item lending is also an easy way for people to scam.




Like the people "lending" items out for money when they just log out after they take your money... it's so easy to do... this update is almost enabling scamming...




It's against the rules to ask for money in return for lending items, whether the player intends to follow through with it or not, so no, it's not enabling scamming.




By the way:




Bandos Godsword: 27.6m


Change Today: +359.4k




Armadyl Godsword has been dropping for several months now, people don't want to pay as much as they used to now that there's more of them in the economy. Supply and demand, a concept you clearly haven't grasped. People said the exact same thing when every other piece of armor and weaponry began to drop in price.




Ooo godsword prices changing, doomsaying, ruined game, no more achievements, wooooo eatrunearrow thread, ooooooooo another Jagex bashing session, oooo upcoming comment about Jagex puppets oooooo still not knowing what you're talking about




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Wow... a rant I actually somewhat agree with. I don't like having Jagex hold our hands on the price amounts. For the most part, I like the GE, but it does have it's downfalls.


I don't like the ideas of lending too much, but it is a step in the right direction.




I still would have this system over the old shouting in World 2, but it does need to be continuously improved.


Eliminating Price limits in the GE would be great. Just keeping it person to person (to prevent RWT) would help.




See, eatrunearrow, we can agree on something.


:mrgreen: =D> :thumbup:

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Jagex holding our hands yet again, frustrating stuff. They should give up already and watch and learn from Blizzard -.-




What you mean how Blizzard isn't holding players hands by, say, moving mounts down to level 30, dramatically (15-20%) reducing the time to level between 20 and 60, raising the experience quests give. Yea, real not hand holding. Then when Jagex does anything remotely like Blizzard, they get smashed by the same whiny children that they're trying to hard to be like Blizzard. Double edged sword, not worth it.




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Jagex holding our hands yet again, frustrating stuff. They should give up already and watch and learn from Blizzard -.-




What you mean how Blizzard isn't holding players hands by, say, moving mounts down to level 30, dramatically (15-20%) reducing the time to level between 20 and 60, raising the experience quests give. Yea, real not hand holding. Then when Jagex does anything remotely like Blizzard, they get smashed by the same whiny children that they're trying to hard to be like Blizzard. Double edged sword, not worth it.




Blizzard aren't concerned with wasting peoples' time to get to 70, and since the expansion to 80 is coming out shortly they need to speed up the leveling process. This is the reasoning behind their actions. Jagex instead protect us from the big bad scammers that the children of Runescape can't seem to avoid. It wasn't that hard, and just because some of the population was getting stupidly scammed, doesn't mean Jagex should change their whole system. This is hand holding.



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Jagex holding our hands yet again, frustrating stuff. They should give up already and watch and learn from Blizzard -.-




What you mean how Blizzard isn't holding players hands by, say, moving mounts down to level 30, dramatically (15-20%) reducing the time to level between 20 and 60, raising the experience quests give. Yea, real not hand holding. Then when Jagex does anything remotely like Blizzard, they get smashed by the same whiny children that they're trying to hard to be like Blizzard. Double edged sword, not worth it.




Blizzard aren't concerned with wasting peoples' time to get to 70, and since the expansion to 80 is coming out shortly they need to speed up the leveling process. This is the reasoning behind their actions. Jagex instead protect us from the big bad scammers that the children of Runescape can't seem to avoid. It wasn't that hard, and just because some of the population was getting stupidly scammed, doesn't mean Jagex should change their whole system. This is hand holding.




Right you mean like when Blizzard put all of those restrictions on what guest 10-day trial accounts can and cannot do in WOW to prevent them from scamming players. That's not holding by the hand #-o




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Right you mean like when Blizzard put all of those restrictions on what guest 10-day trial accounts can and cannot do in WOW to prevent them from scamming players. That's not holding by the hand #-o




Lol I actually think the trial was aimed at giving potential buyers merely a taste, restricting their capabilities in the world. Eventually they figure once they hit lvl 20 and can't go any further, they'll buy the game and be hooked.




That's why so many people say the trial is just as evil as actually buying the game :P Either way you lose your soul :P



Proper Daily blogging including Starcraft 2!


Includes goal for 80+ all stats

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, yeah, the people who owned a very expensive/high demand item should have sold it before the update. It's just how the market works. As for lending rares I really don't see a point in that. Also, your conspiracy theory is wrong. There's no market for rares because there's no demand. There's no demand because people were frantic during the January updates. And people won't buy them now because there's no point. Why? The prices have been the same for the last few months, actually they've gone down about 5% every 20 or so days. No one would consciously buy an item that they knew would not sell. It's not Jagex's fault; it's called "emotion" which is a big factor in the economy. Just look at America's economy right now. It sucks. And before that, two main things caused the Great Depression: credit cards and fear. too much debt created inflation and made the dollar worth less. Because everyone was scared about losing money, they all sold their stocks. No demand = lower prices or no sales. It's a free economy except for those caps, which are very good at limiting sky rocketing prices. Just wait some weeks and they'll come down back to Earth like normal. It's all free trade that follows the law of Supply and Demand.

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Right you mean like when Blizzard put all of those restrictions on what guest 10-day trial accounts can and cannot do in WOW to prevent them from scamming players. That's not holding by the hand #-o




Lol I actually think the trial was aimed at giving potential buyers merely a taste, restricting their capabilities in the world. Eventually they figure once they hit lvl 20 and can't go any further, they'll buy the game and be hooked.




That's why so many people say the trial is just as evil as actually buying the game :P Either way you lose your soul :P


I lost my soul to that game for 3 months...


*shivers* I am so glad I back to Runescape.


The pvp was awesome, except for camping spawns.... -.- -.- -.-


Raids were really good, but I didn't find enough friends to play them with.


Besides raids, pvp, and exploring (which is REALLY slow without a mount), WoW is boring. The skilling is almost automatic because you can have a max of 100 inventory spaces with raw materials that stack in lots of 20 and has a "make-X"...


At least Rs keeps you involved every 28 or 14 so "Make-X"s

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