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Many people believe in some sort of afterlife, right? I mean... How many people die and just are "teleported" and "respawn" in a city? That doesn't happen very often (as far as I know :?).








After you die, you instantly become a ghost standing at the exact spot of your death. Your corpse would be on the ground. Corpses wouldn't be bloody or gory, just the graphic of your character, only lying on the ground.








As a ghost, you cannot use anything in your inventory (your 3 best items that you keep), you cannot pick items up, other players cannot understand you (When you say something, all they see is OoooOooo), and you can't even open doors (but you can walk through them...).












And so, we have the question of resurrection. Well, there are 3 ways to be resurrected:








1) Mage Spell: Resurrect. Requires 79 Magic, 2 Soul Runes and 10 Air Runes. Resurrects a player.








2) Wandering Healer: These would be the good people of RuneScape who wander around healing (mostly in the wilderness), and they are not uncommon to find. NPC.








3) Visit a Town Healer: Most major cities (well, the ones with banks) would have a "Town Healer" in which you would walk to and then be resurrected.








Your Corpse, What Happens?




Well, you died, your corpse is on the ground, you've kept your 3 best items, now what?








Well, if you are fast enough, you may get there soon enough to 'Loot' your corpse. (Left Click --> Loot), and a little window opens on the screen (similar to a completed Treasure Trail window), and you will get the items that were on your corpse. Beware, in the wilderness - other players can loot your corpse instantly. Should you die by an NPC or Monster, other players must wait 2 minutes to loot your corpse.








This gives you a chance to get those runes you had, or that 500k you were carrying, etc.








I hope you followed my idea okay, feel free to post your feedback and comments.













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It's an interesting idea, but it would make the game too complicated. I think that respawning in lumbridge is fine. It's only a game, after all, it doesn't have to be that realstic.




It's obvious that you did put some effort and thought into this, though, and if you can develop it into some kind of a quest, then you might have something. It would certainly be a far more interesting quest than the usual "gather this, kill that" quests that have been coming out lately. Well, from what I hear, anyway, as I'm only f2p...










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Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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wow this sounds exactly like system Ultima Online has in place for when you die. Actually.... im pretty sure the only difference between your idea and what UO does is the part about waiting... but im not totally sure.












its a good idea, but i really doubt you just happened to come up with an almost exactly the same idea that UO already uses, but i guess its possible...

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To make things a bit more complicated (as if the ieda's not complicated enough), your corpse would disintegrate after a given amount of time. At that point, the "Resurrection" spell wouldn't work. Someone would have to use different spell on your ghost. The spell would require a magic level of 90. The runes needed would be as follows:








1 mind, 1 body, 1 blood- people have a mind, a body, and blood








3 natures- to combine the above runes into a body








1 law, 1 soul- to 'fix' the ghost to the newly created body








Wow, now it's getting really complicated... :|






Woah, I never knew Tip.It had that sig. I'll keep it since it's cool (and to make people wonder what was in my sig).

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That is virtually identical to the Ultima Online system. Maybe you should have mentioned the fact in your post, rather than claiming it was 'your idea' ????








And yes, I can see Specialedone picked it up and mentioned it earlier - I'm just reinforcing the fact

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i do think jagax could do more with death, with some sort of wandering spirit thing, ppl comming back to a war after an instant resporn is abit annoying.








Maby letting u stand/float around for a min or so to watch the rest of ur clan fighting a war.. or something like that would be an ok touch... but this idea has already been used in far to many mmorpgs.

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no dice, first off way to many lifeless corpses on the ground and then it would pose people mocking the dead body with some sort of emote like in X-box live (corse hump: a player kills a player then stands over the dead players face and crouches down and stads back up repetidly) which is inappropriate for a game like this even though if there were dead bodies I would do it

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ya, theres a bit of a problem with your plan of the mage being able to do that, also if you have to pay the other ppl, then if you only keep 3 things, a mage probably wont keep those runes, and if you have to pay the healers, you wont be able to cuz u go to the bank and all the banker will hear is OoooooOoooooo

Horus was weak, Abbadon was a fool, but I Karkan, chosen of the chaos gods, shall conquer Terra, I shall kill the false emperor. Under my blood stained banner, chaos shall rule the universe

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