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::How emotionally involved are you while staking/pking?::


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Nice topic.




I shake so much when I pk. Especially in mage gear. I haven't really tried staking. And I don't get scared in castle wars.








I get pretty annoyed when I die pking, I usually log off for a few hours.








ya same wit me




but not if i lose just like 60k




when i die on my pure or my main i just go off for a few hours :P


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I get shaky while PKing on my main. One of the reasons why I don't pk (besides I shuck really at pking).








Also, if I die, I get pretty annoyed and log off for a few hours. I think its mainly because I know I can do better. For example when I forgot to use prayer, run to the right place, etc.




Strangely enough, I remember once when I was PKing, and just when I was in combat I lagged out, I couln't eat anymore. Pretty obvious I died. But I was only a bit pissed of at the game itself, nowhere near as angry as I'd normally be when I died.



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My heart pounds a bit faster when pking ( while fighting I mean ).








Same here.








I won't be sad if I lose something, it's just a game.




If I win something, I am happy.




I am usually polite to my enemies, if they start to act idiotish, I try to flame gently back. They are just often too jerks towards me, and I can't understand why :?








Make that a 3rd :wink: I always thought it was just me that shakes when I pk but once i asked my fellow friends irl they agreed that when they first start to pk (mainly P2P), they get really shakey and nervous on dying, and so do I. As you all know or should know or at least have heard of (he's kind of a big shot around tip.it) Lord Rodyle0 [evilrodyle], well he's one of my friends irl (in my class even), and we talk about pking alot of times and how we react to it. As we both started pking we were both equally nervous but we've found out that once we get a few kills, we just sit back and relax b/c by then, we're in the + area of cash and don't need to worry about dieing as much and also, we get used to the tension. VERY good thread (to the idiot who keeps flaming this, have you ever actually pked? [1 and/or 3-iteming doesn't count] :shame: ) Other than that, very good idea for a thread. :thumbsup:








Were there really any need to bump this almost 2 years old topic?

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If you say you dont care AT ALL then you're lying, or you're just totally mindless because if i get pked i do feel some sense of anger/annoyed, for example if i get a crap mark in a homework i do feel slightly upset with myself because failing at something isn't good. Not caring at all isn't "cool" it proves you're an emotionally inept koala.

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It doesn't matter if we bump this thread, as long as we post relevant things and this thread isn't outdated.








I used to be very nervous when in the wilderness, but later and as I became more experienced with it all I'm not nervous anymore. I often talk to others in the wilderness, and chatting on MSN is what I usually do too while in the wilderness, sometimes even up to level 40.

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If you say you dont care AT ALL then you're lying, or you're just totally mindless because if i get pked i do feel some sense of anger/annoyed, for example if i get a crap mark in a homework i do feel slightly upset with myself because failing at something isn't good. Not caring at all isn't "cool" it proves you're an emotionally inept koala.
well actually for some of us it doesn't matter.. i really don't care if i die in the wildy i'd lol as i die... some of us don't take the game as serious as others

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a good staker doesn't care about money. I used to care but at the moment i just get annoyed when i die during slayer because the day i have to waste runecrafting to get the stuff back. Otherwise i don't care because it was my own choice to risk dying (connection loss ftl though).


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At first I was VERY nervous and involved when staking, too much I'd say.




After that I just stopped caring, which is I think better. I hate it when people go "Oh my god I'm crying right now" after you beat them, it's just irritating.

and if remember correct you made a nice amt of cash staking..

RSN: drgnslyer15


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i was shaky a bit whenever i killed a lurer lol, look in my sig

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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