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well i finally finished my entry for the potm!




if you saw the stuff i was working on for the potm before, youll notice i got rid of Mister 300 guy :lol:






here it is.




C/C would be loved <3:<3:




I personally think its one of my better ones, if not my best as far as drawing people go. I dont like the sky much but i tried to make it fantasy-like because halfway through it i noticed the fire out of his hand wasnt going to cut it.


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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That is really cool. I love the way everything is drawn, and you did a particularly good job on the person. I love your colours, and the background of him.




Also, if your not using anywhere.....Could I please have it for my sig space? I really like it, and if you can put my name on it please.




Thanks if you let me have it, and great piece!

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haha i just realized yesterday that i had 3 days to do it 8-) :lol:




thanks, and goodluck if your going to try to finish.




im actually now jealous of xxbamxx for this siggy #-o ah well next one i do with be for me


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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I had a couple minutes so I just wanted to show ya something:




Post Back in 07.


this is the first one ive ever completely finished... all the others i get through the outline and then never can get the texture the way i like it.








and rate from 1-10 :) 10 being the best uve ever seen (which it wont be)




















well i finally finished my entry for the potm!




if you saw the stuff i was working on for the potm before, youll notice i got rid of Mister 300 guy :lol:






here it is.




C/C would be loved <3:<3:




I personally think its one of my better ones, if not my best as far as drawing people go. I dont like the sky much but i tried to make it fantasy-like because halfway through it i noticed the fire out of his hand wasnt going to cut it.








Keep up the good work bud! :D





RIP Michaelangelopolous
Thanks to cowboy14 for the pimp sig!

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Really like the colours on this one, love the pose of the character and you've done a great job on the sun. The text could have a little work though - did you draw it in or add normally?




Really nice, you keep getting better!


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Love the background, the character looks pretty good too. I think the text is a bit too big though, something subtle would work better. Same with the border really, too chunky and distracting IMO. Though overall, you did a great job.


pixel avvy by me deviantART

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Amazing job :thumbup:. There is just one things I keep thinking about. The bridge seem to be tilting a bit to the left and


The rail that's furthest away looks larger than the one that's closer to you. I really like how you did that shoulder, it's quite amazing.

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haha julius i love how your the only one who noticed the bridge was off :lol: even i didnt see that. i might fix it but im too scared of messing the shading up for the grass and mountains behind it.




and dharok when you say contrast do you mean make the grass more like the stuff by the tree?




thanks guys :) next thing to work on is N_Odie's


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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I LOVE this signature..


Only things i could pick out after staring for an hour are..


The bridge is off a bit, and the right seems empty, and the whip is too bright.


But those are so minor compared to the whole thing.


It's amazing, thank you =D> \' :thumbsup:



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and dharok when you say contrast do you mean make the grass more like the stuff by the tree?



Thats pretty much what I mean. Now you can see the shading, but only if you look at it closely. The ground just looks like one green/blue/brown blob from a bit further away.


The transitions are great, the sky develops nicely into another shade. But you can't always shade things that softly. If there isn't light there, it aint going to be lit. It will be dark, not something a bit darker but still pretty much the same colour.




With adding deeper shadows, comes bringing brighter highlights. I can clearly see that that fire is close to him, but the only light that seems to emit from that fire is seen on the hand. The body or armour doesn't show any ambient lightning from the fire.




If you start experimenting with this you will notice that shapes are more easily recognizable. A square for example will start to show more depth.




Here, took your work, and added some contrast to the piece, no worries. Im not going to use it, just to make the difference show better. Oh and the beard and the mustache... Well I couldn't resist.


Yours v




Mine© v






You show some good potential.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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gah how do you guys do that with the bridge :wall: i pmed terley a long time ago and he never responded, im sure it wasnt on purpose, i bet he gets tuns of "Make me pixel sig pl0xz?". i saw a sig he did of the barrows dungeon and he did an amazing job at contrast.




but yeah your version of the bridge makes much more sense, if you see i tried to do it a little.




and that beard and stache is funny.. =P heh. :lol:


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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