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Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning


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Managed to come across a (while very incomplete, there are so many more titles than this) list of some titles you can get.




http://warhammervault.ign.com/wiki/inde ... ement_List






The Might of Poultry Killed 5,000 players as a chicken




Looking forward to how someone will get this one.

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God I love my Witch Hunter. They're great for killing squishies/distracting healers. You sneak around behind the enemy with Incognito, Burn the guy who you're gonna take down, use the detaunt and proceed to murderlize your target with your Judgments and stuff. I love helping to break their defence by taking down their healers, or just distracting them and getting killed. Getting killed is kinda sucky though. D:


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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It seems like you hit a point at 23 where the leveling curve seems to flatten out a bit and the grind doesnt seem so bad.I think it took me about 12 hours to get to level 5/6 and it was boring me to pieces but it doesnt seem so bad now.




Anything about the flakey collision detection? i heard that theres some fix for it.The best analogy is that its like youre characters running into a pole and it either stops dead or it rebounds past and yeah if there in a doorway you clip through walls.I have seen people exploiting ihis by trying to rebound them off and into locked rooms so tehy then cant get out, tehres even one where they didnt render a floor so its like an entry and exit portal and there stuck there.Maybe its already fixed and i cant grief people with my big burly black orc -.-

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Decided to roll order on one of the +20% servers, so I made a warrior priest. Roomate made a Witch Hunter, and our two friends both made white lions. I have to say the 20% bonus helped a lot, those servers have a ton of order on them now, at least in T1 now. Looking forward to more world RvR objective incentives in this next week here.

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nadril, if u make an order character on heldenhammer, i'll play with ya on my archmage



I am known only as The Seer. I have many names and many different forms. Cross me at your own risk, fight me at your own peril, but join me and fight by my side, and none shall stand before our power.

Owner of the Quest, Firemaking*2-12-08*, Fletching, Magic, Defense, Cooking, HP, Attack, Strength, Herblore, Summoning, Farming and Prayer Capes.

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http://herald.warhammeronline.com/warhe ... war?id=380




Not bad. They are doing a regional chat system so that it is more inline with what WoW's chat is like, should hopefully clear up a lot of complaints people have about the community being silent.






oh and also:




Hi all,






A few days ago we introduced Phase 1 of our Experience Enhancements, boosting quest experience in Tiers 3 and 4, adding repeatable quests to key chapters and increasing the experience awarded for killing an enemy player in an RvR lake by 50 percent!




Today, we launch Phase 2 of this ongoing effort. Players who capture an RvR keep previously received only renown. As of today, players of the appropriate rank (actual, not bolstered) will also earn an experience bonus for successfully defeating a keep lord.




As with Public Quests and defeating monsters, the experience awarded for the successful capture of a keep will vary depending on a players rank relative to the difficulty of the keep. In Tier 2, players will begin to earn this bonus when they reach rank 15. In Tier 3, the minimum rank required is 25, and in Tier 4 it is 35. Players will notice a diminishing return from keep captures if their level approaches the top of that tier.




Keep sieges are a centerpiece of our RvR gameplay, and were happy to make the successful capture of an enemy keep even more rewarding. Well continue to look for ways to improve the rate of experience gain in WAR, including rewards for defending Keeps and capturing Battlefield Objectives. Stay tuned!




Good stuff. Looking forward to hopefully getting an XP bonus for Battlefield objectives as well.

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I'll tell you what, Mythic does do a great job of listening to their customer base.




EDIT:Im not trying to be snide and like oh they dont but its kinda a given that they would be more forgiving to there customer base because they have a new mmo and they need to get there players infused about it, funcom prime example, and thankfully mythic gives a damn about there game.

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I'll tell you what, Mythic does do a great job of listening to their customer base.




EDIT:Im not trying to be snide and like oh they dont but its kinda a given that they would be more forgiving to there customer base because they have a new mmo and they need to get there players infused about it, funcom prime example, and thankfully mythic gives a damn about there game.




I've been involved in MMO launches before, and the rate at how Mythic fixes known issues is great. They do actually pay attention to the warhammer alliance forums, and you see them (Mark jacobs even) posting there a lot.

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http://herald.warhammeronline.com/warhe ... war?id=386









After over three years of work and one of the smoothest launches in MMORPG history, WAR is moving quickly towards the end of its first month. This is a perfect time to take a look at where we were, where we are and where we are going. First, on behalf of everyone at Mythic, I would like to thank you for your interest in our game. While it is impossible for me to personally thank all 750K+ worldwide account holders, please know that we are grateful for your support to date and the support we hope you will show us in the future. Its been a long road to get where we are today but it has been a worthwhile journey. While I might be tempted to say that the futures so bright we have to wear shades, as youve seen from our podcasts, well even wear those indoors.




So, as to where we are today, WAR is doing fabulously. We are one of, if not the, fastest selling MMORPG out of the blocks and we are also one of the most highly rated MMORPGs of all time. While the game is off to a great start, we still have a long way to go before we can declare WAR a major long-term success. That success will only come by being focused on making a great game even better. How we are going to accomplish this begins with our first major patch (1.1), the subject of this State of the Game message. While WAR is truly a glorious MMORPG, it is not perfect and over the last month our primary focus has been to correct bugs and tweak a few things here and there. Weve stayed away from major feature or career changes until weve had plenty of time to gather and analyze the data from our players. Having done that, we can now move on to what we are going to do over the next couple of months, culminating with the release of patch 1.1 later this Fall.








Lets start with what we know is some truly exciting news. Im happy to announce that in December, the Black Guard and the Knight of the Blazing Sun will officially be part of WAR. We have very special plans around their appearance and in our next newsletter we will provide full details about that exciting and rather novel event. When they were cut from the game launch plans earlier this year, I said that the Black Guard and the Knight would be part of WAR only when they were great and deserved their place alongside all of WARs other compelling classes. I also said that we would not charge any additional fees for this new content or put it in a separate expansion pack; thats not how we operate. Weve kept to that plan and with the introduction of these two classes, Mythic shows that once again we are happy to keep giving players more value for their subscription dollars than any other MMORPG developer.




Creating an MMORPG, especially an RvR-focused MMORPG, which runs perfectly on all types of PCs, is one of the most challenging technical aspects of game development. While the performance of WAR is great on most higher spec machines, we know that we can improve its performance on lower spec machines. Weve been working non-stop to improve that performance and weve got a number of things going into the game between now and 1.1 that we expect will help to address everything from crashes to desktops (CTDs) to stuttering. We have a number of other client changes that will improve things such as propagation and ghosting.




Thanks in part to WARs success; our mail system that worked well in Beta has been straining to keep up with the heavy demand placed on it. Its functional and it works, but it can also be slow and cumbersome to use. In all fairness to the team, the systems problems have been magnified by the demand of having so many servers and players using it at the same time. Thats not an excuse though and we are working hard on deploying a substantially improved mail system for this patch. We will continue to enhance WARs mail system until it is one of the best mail systems found in any MMORPG.




Moving on to some more good news for our RvR players; we have brought additional resources to bear on, and augment, our RvR gear and overall itemization. In 1.1 (and beyond) we will be doing a myriad of things for our RvR players, including improving gear drops, increasing drop rates, and implementing an RvR-influence system to compliment the current PvE-influence system. We will also be giving players more incentive to engage in open RvR by improving the rewards for both assaulting and defending in RvR. WAR is an RvR-centric game and we will continue to do whatever is necessary to encourage people to join in RvR and reward them when they do so.




Other changes for 1.1 include major additions to the chat system (item linking and more) as well as continued work on our targeting system, including adding Main Assist and Target of Target. In addition to the server balancing methods that have worked so well over the last week, we will also be offering the first server transfers to our players to continue to help even out the server populations. These transfers will be free of charge but they will be limited to moves off high-population servers to select mid-population servers or off of low-population servers to a selection of mid-population servers. Much like we are doing now, we will select certain mid-population servers and let people transfer there. Once they reach a certain population level, well remove them from the list and give their spot to another server. We will publish the list ahead of time so players can plan their moves accordingly.




While that might seem like a lot for a month, were not done yet! Well also be adding more exciting content to the game, including fourteen entirely new quest chains, two new Lairs, and many more Tome of Knowledge unlocks! This is only the first of what will be our ongoing content updates to WAR and it is a great start.




So, that about wraps it up for this first annual State of the Game, so without further ado




Okay, so I was joking, were still not done. Over the last month the team has been looking at all the careers and building up a list of issues/concerns to address. Almost every career is going to see some changes and love coming their way and there are very, very few changes that will be seen as reductions to a careers abilities. The Combat and Careers team has spent the last month looking at the changes that they want to make with an eye towards making improvements and buffs, not removing or weakening abilities. I wont go into details here but the vast majority of careers all have nothing but love coming their way. Of course, we will continue to monitor and track all the class data so expect, like every other MMORPG, changes to the careers to be an ongoing process.




Well, that just about wraps my first WAR State of the Game and I hope that it has given you some insight into what we are going to be doing over the next month or so. This is by no means a comprehensive list of everything we are working on and I wont go anywhere near talking about general bug fixes. The items mentioned above are just some of the highlights of our first major patch and I hope you agree that there is a ton of good stuff coming down the pipeline.




As required by lawyers everywhere, heres the usual disclaimer that this letter is a guide to what we hope to include in this upcoming patch and not a guarantee of any kind. We are working on many things right now and my letters, as always, are just the tip of the iceberg. Fellow WARriors, we have a lot more big surprises coming your way that I will address in my next State of the Game message and its going to be a doozie.




Once again, I thank you for your support, patronage and interest in WAR.




Mark Jacobs




VP, GM Mythic Entertainment







In summery:


http://www.massively.com/2008/10/17/fir ... #c14933993


* The Empire's Knights of the Blazing Sun and the Dark Elven Black Guards will be entering the game in December! Jacobs reiterates previous comments that the cut classes will not be introduced for a fee, and further states that their introduction will be accompanied by a unique in-game event.




* The team is hard at work on stability and crash-proofing for players. The upcoming 1.1 patch will address a bevy of issues, including the frustrating crash-to-desktop issue and stuttering.




* A molasses-like mail system still plagues the game, something the team is taking very seriously.




* RvR players will see retweaking to itemization and rewards across the game, with the 1.1 patch improving gear drops, drop rates, and even implementing a new RvR-based influence system to accompany the PQ influence system we've already seen.




* The Combat and Classes team has been hard at work since the game launched, and numerous professions are going to see their abilities and gameplay tweaked in the coming months.




* Other highlights include: massive improvements to the chat system (including item linking), target of target, and even free server transfers to further get people where they want to be as regards server balance.








1 word: awesome.

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What roles will they be? Both Tanking classes? And, I've never had any issues with the game apart from not being able to use the [Caution: Executable File] to launch, but it's great to here they're working on fixing the tech issues that are there. Chat improvement = gud, hopefully it'll convince more people to use it. Really, whenever I'm in Altdorf it's like a ghost town. But then again, there's not really any endgame people with nothing to do sitting there spamming the chat, now, is there?


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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What roles will they be? Both Tanking classes? And, I've never had any issues with the game apart from not being able to use the [Caution] to launch, but it's great to here they're working on fixing the tech issues that are there. Chat improvement = gud, hopefully it'll convince more people to use it. Really, whenever I'm in Altdorf it's like a ghost town. But then again, there's not really any endgame people with nothing to do sitting there spamming the chat, now, is there?




The KoTBS is the "tanking mirror" of the Chosen, and the BlackGuard is the tanking mirror of the Ironbreaker.

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yea knight for the empire and guard for the dark elves. now all they need is the choppa for the greenskins.



I am known only as The Seer. I have many names and many different forms. Cross me at your own risk, fight me at your own peril, but join me and fight by my side, and none shall stand before our power.

Owner of the Quest, Firemaking*2-12-08*, Fletching, Magic, Defense, Cooking, HP, Attack, Strength, Herblore, Summoning, Farming and Prayer Capes.

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Some guy on the Ungrim forums called out all of the destruction to order rerolls (like me) calling them cowards and generally bad players. :P








1st heals, 2nd dmg. Oh and Donezo? Destro reroll with me






1st heals, 1st damage.






1st heals, 1st damage. Also, speedy? Destro reroll with me.






I like proving people wrong.






Getting more and more temteded to get this game.




Any news on a trial though?




No word yet on a trial, I wouldn't expect one for a little bit.






Oh, and My Warrior Priest :P

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Havent played since the new wow patch and im so swamped with work that i just cant keep up with 2 MMO's.I only have 5 days left and i wont resubscribe till after WOTLK when all my college assignments are done and i have waaay more time than i have at the moment.





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Just got this game the other day, and so far I'm really liking it. I'd always enjoyed WoW, but this one seems more like my type of game. Currently have a rank 11 Chaos Marauder, alot of fun in PVP and PVE both. What level did you guys start dungeons at?


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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Double post, but whatever.






I'm really loving my new guild, . They are the top guild (in terms of guild level) on the server, and I've had a ton of fun the past couple of days with them. Non stop T3 full group premades, just rolling every scenario we enter. the XP is incredible, averaging 16k-21k per scenario which may last for around 10-15 minutes. Getting a ton of renown as well, and getting to know the guild.






Anyways, just happy that I found a good guild. Got tired of guild hopping on AoC and it seems like I found a great guild for WAR. Warrior priest is currently level 24 getting real close to 25.

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Reason why im keeping my subscription up even while im in wrath...




With the addition of the new region-wide and RvR-wide chat channels we have seen a marked increase in Open RvR participation. In order to encourage this trend even further, we have made an additional adjustment to the experience awarded for killing enemy players in an Open RvR area. Previously we increased this amount by 50%. As of today, that bonus has been raised to 100%. With this change players killed in Open RvR will now be worth double the experience than those killed in scenarios!





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