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F2P lower level ~~~how to make 1st mil?


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I am f2p and i know that it is very hard to make cash in f2p. and im not looking for a get rich quick scheme but wat i do want is suggestions and advice on how to make decent money when ur in f2p.




the method i have used is the steel method. i buy coal and iron at any price, smelt in alkharid and bank etc. then sell bars on ge for a big profit + smithing level goes up. note how this only requires level 30smithing.




can any of u help me?




i have heard of buying staffs in varrock and selling it at ge. does that work?

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Before we start, how much money do you have? I am sure you know that you need to have money to make money. If you have about 100K then you can buy Cowhides, and tan them into Leather then sell them for about 50GP profit per Leather. Another idea is buying Eye Of Newts at the Magic Store in Port Sarim, then banking at Draynor and then selling at the Grand Exchange.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Before we start, how much money do you have? I am sure you know that you need to have money to make money. If you have about 100K then you can buy Cowhides, and tan them into Leather then sell them for about 50GP profit per Leather. Another idea is buying Eye Of Newts at the Magic Store in Port Sarim, then banking at Draynor and then selling at the Grand Exchange.




nice and how much profit would this bring?

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Before we start, how much money do you have? I am sure you know that you need to have money to make money. If you have about 100K then you can buy Cowhides, and tan them into Leather then sell them for about 50GP profit per Leather. Another idea is buying Eye Of Newts at the Magic Store in Port Sarim, then banking at Draynor and then selling at the Grand Exchange.




nice and how much profit would this bring?




For the tanning into Leather, about 50K+ an hour, for the Eye Of Newts? I can't answer that really. I have never tried it myself.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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My way is not suggested by people, dunno why but that's how I got my first 4-5M in f2p.


You get 60 mining by powermining(mine drop mine drop) Iron ores.


Then go to Mining Guild and mine coals. Jagex just put 22 more worlds, so I think you will find an empty world fast.

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My way is not suggested by people, dunno why but that's how I got my first 4-5M in f2p.


You get 60 mining by powermining(mine drop mine drop) Iron ores.


Then go to Mining Guild and mine coals. Jagex just put 22 more worlds, so I think you will find an empty world fast.




I agree with you, and think that Coal Ore is a superb way to make money, but mining Gold Ore at the Crafting Guild is an ever better way to make money.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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after looks in the AOW i fell upon a guide claiming that u could make 1mill after 2 days of making a new account!




i was like :shock: r u kidding? u could make 1 mil in 2 days on a level 3 when i have 300k on an almost decent pure?




i read it and it doesnt really look possible and looks like luck was involved as well.... after reading it i want to try some of the things he has mentioned. much of it was raising starting money and i already have that. 300k ;) now wat do i do?




looking at his guide one of the things that caught my attention was the newt thing. and overall buying from shops and selling on ge and another was buying lobbs on ge and selling at bh site. im thinking... does this work? looks like an easy moneymaking idea. no effort really involved is this true?

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It does work, not sure about the eye, but the blue wizard hats are selling for almost 60 coins each on GE, and you buy them for 2 coins each at the shop. I also know that pots of flour have gone up (were 46 max, now in the 60's) and those sell for 13 each at the port sarim food shop.




One of the biggest reasons for this is the amount of time it takes to collect the resource is also considered. If you want a LOT of pots of flour, do you want to spend all that time collecting them? Also, if you want a blue wizard hat for use in FOG, do you want to have to run to Port Sarim just to get one, or would you rather pay a higher price, but get it from the Grand Exchange?




It's all a matter of how you are willing to spend your time and how other people aren't willing to spend theirs.

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My way is not suggested by people, dunno why but that's how I got my first 4-5M in f2p.


You get 60 mining by powermining(mine drop mine drop) Iron ores.


Then go to Mining Guild and mine coals. Jagex just put 22 more worlds, so I think you will find an empty world fast.




Offtopic: But they removed some worlds and then readded them with a couple of new worlds.




Ontopic: try hill giants/moss giants. Or try collecting red spider eggs and get the apothecary to make u strength potions and sell them on ge.


Pto6's Ultimate Blog!

Any of those pics will take you to my blog.

If you wanna ask me a question PM me on here or on RS.


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if you are f2p there are a couple things you can do for money




that is skilling usually fishing or wc




i recommend fishing as they auto respawn




there is no monster hunting because the cockroach are the best monster but it very random and only 20k max



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Mining and fishing. That's pretty much the best in f2p.




I'm not sure if f2p can buy pure ess from the RC guild rewards shop, but if you can and can get a good amount of tokens per hour, consider that.

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Eyes of newt works pretty well, store is like 3 gp I think, but if you sell on ge I think its somewhere in the 100's? Worked pretty well, but it gets boring and is pretty far from a bank.




Go mine ess, quick and simply, people are buying max on ge for 45 gp each now.

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