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What would runescape be like...


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....If there was no rares.




I mean c'mon, would there be as much staking as there was before? Would there be as many rich people as there is now? Would people actually spend their earned money on skills, instead of meaningless rares. I don't know.


Think how different it would be. Items that are hard to get would be the "Popular" ones. Things like Third age sets would be worshipped. Or would they? I don't know. I'm not really that much of a senior members of Runescape. In fact I'm not at all. But that's where you tifers come in. Tell what you think about this crazy idea and lets see if Runescape would be the same as it is now :P




[/Attempt to make a hot topic again]

I may start making sigs again


RSN: Pie Naple

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More money would be in the economy not locked up in party hats, santa hats, etc.


I agree. Everyone would be going for the rare drops. Unless you're counting those as "rares" too. Like.. everyone would be after full dragon, and the like. That's what I think at least.




Other than that... nothing would be really changed, I don't think.

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Nothing would change,except the market would probably drop a few mill. As already said everyone would go for rare drops.

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"Life is short, and shortly it will end, Death comes quickly which respects no one, Death destroys everything and takes pity on no one"

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What would runescape be like...If there was no rares.




The same as it is now.




What do you mean I'm biased against rares? How dare you...



Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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Hmm, to be honest I think a lot of the wealthy elite players would be bored, because they wouldn't have anything to spend their money on. I mean what if you've maxed out your skills and you've got the best armour in the game? What then..?




And another thing, players, like myself who played in RS1, wouldn't have been able to see their holiday drops become worth anything, and wouldn't have the wealth that they do today o.O

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What would runescape be like...If there was no rares.




The same as it is now.




What do you mean I'm biased against rares? How dare you...




I'm sorry, what? I don't get what you said there >_>


To answer everyone else, why would the market be the same? People may not spend loads of money on p hats, but instead on their own skills. Maybe there would not be much money at all?

I may start making sigs again


RSN: Pie Naple

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Well in the past I think people would have just quit, because there was nothing to aspire to. If you look down the top 100 list on the GE database, ignoring rares, 3a, gwd items etc (newish things) it takes a long time to get to Dragon Chain. Since gwd, the price of d chain has gone down because there's better show off armour, (more expensive things to buy) so in the past, it only follows that otherwise expensive things would have been even more expensive due to the lack of rare expensive items for people to spend their cash on. They would buy up loads of rune sets and any drag they could get their hands on instead of rares. This would increase the price hugely because all these items would be taken out of circulation. Then, when 3a came out, these people would sell their stacks of rune and dragon and spend on 3a, and the same would happen when godswords come out, causing a flood in the market.




Basically, without rares, the Runescape economy now would be very different, and Runescape may even not exist, at least not in such huge popularity. In the early days, if people didn't have phats to aspire to, maybe they would have quit, maybe not, but lots of money would have been undoubtedly drained from the game by rich people quitting because they had nothing to spend their money on. However maybe Jagex would have noticed this and brought out hugely expensive items to replace the expensive item gap where the rares aren't.




There is so much of Runescape based in rares that it is really unbeleivable. Although nowadays lots of people invest their money in godswords and 3rd age gear instead of rares, and the high-end rare market is being hit badly by the trade limit and the GE, a lot of modern Runescape is based on the past economy and the influence rares had on that.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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If there was no rares from the begining, then people wouldnt be able to become so rich in a sec if they just kept the rares from when they were dropped.




But don't forget someone actually had to have the money to buy the rare from the person that originally had it >_>


So maybe if there wasn't any, people would not even go for big money goals?

I may start making sigs again


RSN: Pie Naple

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