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i dun me mage pixel.. wid proof..


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those screen shots don't prove anything. You can easily just copy and paste something and then fill in white.








Would someone really go through all that trouble?








Well if you did it then looks good. I dont' see why anyone would waste their time making it look like they did the sig if they didnt'.

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Maybe I'm just messy but you must've been pretty dam certain of how the picture would turn out to not have changed a single pixel from start to finish on the outline....








I must've rubbed out and redone millions of the buggers to get things like curves and stance right on just one....




*edit: (about 20 times bigger admittedly)








I also saved about 30 slightly different ones along the way as differently named files just in case something went really pear shaped and you can tell that if you overlaid them you'd see the outline changes between them....








But that, I swear could be overlaid from first to last and not a pixel would be out of place.








Anyway, you suggested ripping first and that always raises my paranoia levels :roll:








Picture looks low quality, bit like a jpg but its a png so.... not sure why....








Apart fron that its ok.



Superknight/Blademaster: Level 150; Hps: 132

Theoretical damage per round: 234

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Well it's not completely pixel anyway, and I am a bit suspicious... In the first place why would you bother saying I didn't rip it. No one else says that when they post their new pics


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The sig could have be ripped, because in pixel or WIP sigs the name is like Drwed too, no a regular windows font..., you could have edited it from another forum, or from tip.it, juts removed the name, that would be where your name is now, painted with the same color and added your name with any font in white, I dont know, just giving my opinion.




But congratulation for who made it! :)

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The mage is probably the only thing he ripped, if he ripped anything.








So yea.. Nice job on the mage's linework (not very clean, but its a good rough sketch), whoever made it, but the rest of the sig just goes downhill from there.

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The mage is probably the only thing he ripped, if he ripped anything.








So yea.. Nice job on the mage's linework (not very clean, but its a good rough sketch), whoever made it, but the rest of the sig just goes downhill from there.




Only the mage?




Maybe all the sig, see my post below, it might be this, he ripped it and added a aleatory (or not, but not pixel/WIP style) font.

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It seems like that issue follows your round alot due to your history, so far it seems like your so stuck on the fact that your known as a ripper, why don't you simply admit your olden rips and start over clean.. If these newer ones are genuine then you won't have any problems starting a new account and forgetting about your current, cmn The_Jeppoz managed it for a good 2 days and everyone knows him, if your so desperate to wipe your name thats what I would do.. Im sure Godslayer won't miss ya :lol: .. He's like a friggin rip busta.








It seems your pixel sig technique is very weird and complicated for such little outcome, the characters are ok though the blurriness and carelesness of colouring in places suggests rippage :evil: .. Using graphics gale to do colouring and backgrounds (looking at your screenies) is a bad idea as it's too unnecessary, it's easier which is weird cus you seem to have no problem drawing in paint.. Though I've got to admit it is a bigger improvement as it looks like it could be your work, there is a lot of room for improvement so if this is another rip you probably thought about how you could make it look like a begginner sig.








5/10 if its genuine




1/10 if its a rip








Really im not here to judge but you've posted it on a free speech forum looking for critisism from people who know what theyre talking about, most people here are americans who believe in freedom of speech and aren't afraid to say when they think somethings been ripped. Where I come from I would never just butt in without anything decent to say, unless I was just really P!ssed off :P ..








(If this post seems too clean its cus I just had my English exam today, still in the habit of using full english :D )

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Terley, america isnt as free as its told to many and i dont quite get why you would associate freedom of speech only with americans nor do i quite understand what being american or not has anything to do with it.












Its kind of blurry and styles change within the sig.




kind of suspicious if you ask me.

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Well I kind of noticed that you used a program called 'GraphicsGale' Or something I was wondering ... Where could I get it because that's the only problem with my pixel stuff the colours are badly done .








Thanks - Firefreek

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