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Verac Set vs GodSword at Saradomin boss


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So if everyone exept the player getting hit is praying melee.




You'd use up your potions and food many times faster.




Your numbers are your numbers. however, you cannot use some random numbers as evidence. I know her defense is strong. Ever heard of BGS spec? Even if her defense is strong, you're not going to be hitting 0's left and right.




I'm starting to doubt how many times you've been to SGW





This is the quote that bothered me the most.




Here, as in other posts, you attempt to dictate the mechanics of Monster Hunting in the Saradomin Encampment to an experienced player, when you, *by your own admission,* had previously confessed that you had no personal experience in the matter. Quite frankly, it's ridiculous--I don't believe you had any right in posting, let alone engaging in this "debate," when, at best, any information you might have had to offer would have been based on second-hand accounts or your so-called "common sense" (i.e. hearsay and suppositions).




Anyway, to clear up another point with you, everyone is entitled to their own opinion--however, that, by no means, makes all opinions valid or equal.




[hide=Example]If I were to be of the opinion that domestic violence is acceptable, for example, my opinion would not give me free license to beat any future wife I might have.




This example may be extreme, but it should, hopefully, get the point across--that your opinion in this matter, being unsubstantiated and at fault, is of lesser value and can therefore be dismissed.




I do not deny you the freedom of forming your own opinions--I merely assert that you have no right to continue in your badgering of the OP when your opinion is so clearly faulty and unwanted. It's disappointing that you continued arguing even after the OP asked you to stop several times.




Let me ask you this question: Why have you persisted in posting in this topic, and for what purpose?[/hide]




Normally, I'd expect apologies to both the OP (for needless agitation and flame-bait) and myself (for the inference of my being arrogant and "stupid"), but, somehow, I doubt we'd get them. You seem to fall into the category of problematic players I mentioned in my "Off on a Tangent" quite nicely.






I realize I come off as being condescending, but you have to understand that I fervently believe in not posting in a thread unless I have something of value to contribute. I'm a fairly laid-back guy, but "waste" (as I term it) simply sets me off--unnecessary actions that do not serve a purpose bother me unduly.




I apologize for any offensive you may have taken. <---There's my apology. ;)

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They are just numbers to illustrate how hard the defence of saradomin boss is....and no the numbers are not so in-accurate as you think so.




You don't have a clue how Saradomin GWD works. Now your going on about taking on melee prayer instead of magic?




Do you know even with magical armor: saradomin boss hits you 18s extremely accurate?




Exactly. Stop commenting this if you haven't been to Saradomin please.




So they are numbers that you "think". I really don't care actually.




So prayer...




Melee or magic. Its depends on strategy. You could be either doing hit and run with a group, or taking turns to hit her. In any case, I'd rather be hit constant 18s than multiple 20+ hits.




I have not been to SGW, but that doesn't mean I don't have common sense, or knowledge of how the game works.




For someone who haven't been to Saradomin GWD, you should care. Cause i know way more than you, and you can not debate this, if you don't have knowledge about it.




But some info: here magic hits 18 easy even though you use magic defensive armor. Her magic hits very fast and everyone near her.




Here melee hits fast and 20+s, and is very fast. But she does 1 hit and not two. So people either melee/range her until she goes after them, then they run and while they do the other team mates will kill her.




So even though you tried, please don't continue cause there's only flaming ahead.

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For once I agree with you. Flaming me does absolutly nothing. Glad to get that over with.




I know you've gone to SGW. But what you have said here really doesn't back it up. I know about the hit-run method. But we are not discussing methods.




Weather you use magic or melee prayer, obviously depends on the method used. Again, above comment.




Oh, and knowing more then I do?






Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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For once I agree with you. Flaming me does absolutly nothing. Glad to get that over with.




I know you've gone to SGW. But what you have said here really doesn't back it up. I know about the hit-run method. But we are not discussing methods.




Weather you use magic or melee prayer, obviously depends on the method used. Again, above comment.




Oh, and knowing more then I do?








We are discussing GodSword Vs Verac set. So can't you backup some stuff that prooves GS is best then?




I have backed up alot info on first post, now tell me what makes GS better.

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has 5 bar speed


Hits are like this: 0, 10,20,13,3,0,14,30,0






Has 4 speed: speed matters( as boss comes after you:your attacks gets canceled)




GS hits: 0,10,40,0,20,0,12









If thats what you call evidence, I tihkn I win.




Anyways, I have put much information in these posts(which apparantly you cannot/have not read)




But anyways, since you are using the hit and run tactic, GS would be, again, better. Because you can hitting a few at a time, and not consistantly, that would benefit GS. The GS is slower, but that is minimized by the tactic, since you are only hitting once or twice.


Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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has 5 bar speed


Hits are like this: 0, 10,20,13,3,0,14,30,0






Has 4 speed: speed matters( as boss comes after you:your attacks gets canceled)




GS hits: 0,10,40,0,20,0,12









If thats what you call evidence, I tihkn I win.




Anyways, I have put much information in these posts(which apparantly you cannot/have not read)




But anyways, since you are using the hit and run tactic, GS would be, again, better. Because you can hitting a few at a time, and not consistantly, that would benefit GS. The GS is slower, but that is minimized by the tactic, since you are only hitting once or twice.




Just please don't post ok? You don't make sense to me. Now i told you: don't post.




I would like to comment, but i am tired of explaining how Sara GWD works to you. So save yourself trouble and don't post.

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For once I agree with you. Flaming me does absolutly nothing. Glad to get that over with.


^Immaturity at its finest.


You know full well that that the only one flaming here is yourself. The OP has asked you *repeatedly* to stop posting flame-bait, but I suppose that's simply asking too much--as reasonable a request as it is.


[hide=Some "proof"--which you seem to regard so highly.]Stop commenting this if you haven't been to Saradomin please.


So even though you tried, please don't continue cause there's only flaming ahead.




*Note the word "please"--here used twice. The OP was never flaming you, as you claimed. Rather, he was trying earnestly to avoid a flame war.[/hide]


Weather you use magic or melee prayer, obviously depends on the method used.


Again, you don't understand. Ever since the safe-spots were removed and Zilyana' AI manipulated to thwart triangulation, the only method for killing her successfully has been the Hit-and-Run Tactic. Really, the only debate in this matter is whether to use Melee or Range in the Hit-and-Run. The OP has clearly chosen to follow through with the Melee aspect--hence, this thread is centered around the question of preferred Melee gear. However, despite which aspect of the lone method is used, there are a few, vital components to hunting Zilyana that both share in common--one of these being the use of the Protect from Magic Prayer. Trust me, anyone who walks into the Encampment will soon realize the futility of the Protect from Melee Prayer against Zilyana. And, even if you won't take my word from it, you could always PM one of the GWD Experts here in TIF--they'll all confirm what's been said.




You've no allowance to preach to anyone the mechanics of Saradomin GWD--not after you've admitted to never having gone and especially not when you don't even know which Prayer to use.








I tihkn I win.


Ah, I think I understand now. I had previously believed that you had merely been misguided and argumentative--now it's become obvious that you're trolling for attention. This will be the last time I post in this thread--I don't have the time to continue on in a never-ending, meaningless squabble. If you want the "last word," you may take it. You may also take you're "win"--I was simply here to give my opinion on the matter and to correct what I first thought to be a misunderstanding, not to feed a potencial flame war.




With that said, I bid you farewell, and suggest (to SirHemen) that he seek Mod intervention to either clean out the unnecessary posts or close the topic altogether.

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I will do so if he has nothing senseable to say Rien.




Anyhow Pantim here's something for you to know:




Saradomin boss has a "Timer": which is between 7-12 secs where she chases after someone. The person chased runs: and no matter how far the boss will chase after that person as long as her "Timer" is not out.




So let's say Pantim, that you+me and a friend are doing boss.




Boss runs after you for lets say 12 secs: then in that time me and the friend of us have 12 secs to deliver damage.




GodSword >Slow>Few hits>High Hits but it hits 0s despite how accurate weapon it is.




So within those 12 secs i believe a Godsword would hit only 3 hits where a Verac flail would hit 5.




Also if your Attack skill accuracy don't pierce through Zilyana's defence the Set effect of Verac Set will. Making it Verac set a good option from my view.




Another thing: since GS is slow, sometimes boss turns on you and then you can't do nothing but cancel your attack and run for it. So godsword is good, but i wouldn't use it to much as Verac Set does better.




But if i am wrong: please show me statistics or proof that GS is better, cause i don't believe it as of now.

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^Immaturity at its finest.


You know full well that that the only one flaming here is yourself. The OP has asked you *repeatedly* to stop posting flame-bait, but I suppose that's simply asking too much--as reasonable a request as it is.




And how am I flaming exactly?




[hide=Some "proof"--which you seem to regard so highly.]Stop commenting this if you haven't been to Saradomin please.


So even though you tried, please don't continue cause there's only flaming ahead.




Above comment




*Note the word "please"--here used twice. The OP was never flaming you, as you claimed. Rather, he was trying earnestly to avoid a flame war.[/hide]






Weather you use magic or melee prayer, obviously depends on the method used.




Please Please Please...So thats 3 times .Apparantly using "please"makes you feel better?


Again, you don't understand. Ever since the safe-spots were removed and Zilyana' AI manipulated to thwart triangulation, the only method for killing her successfully has been the Hit-and-Run Tactic. Really, the only debate in this matter is whether to use Melee or Range in the Hit-and-Run. The OP has clearly chosen to follow through with the Melee aspect--hence, this thread is centered around the question of preferred Melee gear. However, despite which aspect of the lone method is used, there are a few, vital components to hunting Zilyana that both share in common--one of these being the use of the Protect from Magic Prayer. Trust me, anyone who walks into the Encampment will soon realize the futility of the Protect from Melee Prayer against Zilyana. And, even if you won't take my word from it, you could always PM one of the GWD Experts here in TIF--they'll all confirm what's been said.



Me no care. Understand? I'm not here to debate this.




You've no allowance to preach to anyone the mechanics of Saradomin GWD--not after you've admitted to never having gone and especially not when you don't even know which Prayer to use.




Above comment






I tihkn I win.


Ah, I think I understand now. I had previously believed that you had merely been misguided and argumentative--now it's become obvious that you're trolling for attention. This will be the last time I post in this thread--I don't have the time to continue on in a never-ending, meaningless squabble. If you want the "last word," you may take it. You may also take you're "win"--I was simply here to give my opinion on the matter and to correct what I first thought to be a misunderstanding, not to feed a potencial flame war.








With that said, I bid you farewell, and suggest (to SirHemen) that he seek Mod intervention to either clean out the unnecessary posts or close the topic altogether.




Closing the topic would be ideal. I've grown board of this. Since obiviously he has run out of "explinations", and I'm just forced to repeat again and again, until he understands. Mod intervention? Sure. This has gone past discussion, I'm just using this to liven up my day.




^Immaturity at its finest.




@ Sir Heman:




I don't belive its that long?




Even if it is 12 seconds, realistically, you only get 4 hits with Veracs. Sure the set effect helps, but its not 100%. You should know that.




The attack animation of the GS really isin't slow. Although it appears you will be hit, you will skid away. Same with Verac's flail.


Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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Not only am i debating with you despite you have not been at Sara GWD and you even dare to question my experience at Sara GWD.




I have taken your comments seriously for good while, and now you disrespect me by calling me SirHeman?










The GS is slow: i know cause i tested it. The great thing about gs is that it's nr 1 accurate weapon at big monsters and it deals great damage.




The bad thing? Just like Verac set: it's not 100% that it hits damage.




And unlike Verac Flail: the godsword does not have a accurate crush style.




If you take GS on crush: it will be "Aggressive", and being accurate matters at the boss. Also the Verac flail has +2 more crush.




NOTE: I will do a test of Verac flail+GS on a monster that has nearly as great defence as Sara boss.

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To the person who told me to grow up because i said that you started it.


I apologize if that made me seem immature but i wanted to make sure that it was known I did not invite the flaming. You made a comment that was unnecessary and disrespectful, so i replied in kind.




On topic. I am still inclined to agree that veracs is better. And i dont think that the sgs would be all that usefull, i really like bgs spec at boss monsters to lower defence ;)

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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Here's the test video of Verac Set and GodSword (Bgs) on Giant Rock Crab:




http://www.dailymotion.com/Dragonfang20 ... videogames




Giant Rock Crab - Has as high as Saradomin boss.




Godsword: Used 2 minute and 24 sec to kill crab. Used Aggressive Crush style.




Verac Set: Used 1 minute and 9-10 sec to kill crab. Used accurate crush style. Also had a delay when Crab moved to a spot that blocked me out.




Point proven.

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Great you did a test.




But again, that is only one example. I can just as easily vid myself killing the rock crab with GS much faster.




But there are many variables that cannot be proven. Such as potting and such.




In any case, I really don't care.


Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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Here's the test video of Verac Set and GodSword (Bgs) on Giant Rock Crab:




http://www.dailymotion.com/Dragonfang20 ... videogames




Giant Rock Crab - Has as high as Saradomin boss.




Godsword: Used 2 minute and 24 sec to kill crab. Used Aggressive Crush style.




Verac Set: Used 1 minute and 9-10 sec to kill crab. Used accurate crush style. Also had a delay when Crab moved to a spot that blocked me out.




Point proven.


Point failed. Rock crab has much, much more defence than Zilyana. And you are aware of how much lower the defense bonuses of Verac's are, right? That's a huge assumption made about Rock crabs and Zilyana.

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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Here's the test video of Verac Set and GodSword (Bgs) on Giant Rock Crab:




http://www.dailymotion.com/Dragonfang20 ... videogames




Giant Rock Crab - Has as high as Saradomin boss.




Godsword: Used 2 minute and 24 sec to kill crab. Used Aggressive Crush style.




Verac Set: Used 1 minute and 9-10 sec to kill crab. Used accurate crush style. Also had a delay when Crab moved to a spot that blocked me out.




Point proven.


Point failed. Rock crab has much, much more defence than Zilyana. And you are aware of how much lower the defense bonuses of Verac's are, right? That's a huge assumption made about Rock crabs and Zilyana.




I don't believe Giant rock crab has higher defence that Zilyana, it's so hard to say but i am sure they are very close.




Verac defense bonus? What do you mean by that, the armor defence bonus you mean? and what do you mean by it?




Anyhow either if the crabs or zilyanas def is not exact: both have 1 thing in common, they have what id like to call....SUPER DEFENCE.




Super defence: is often 0s.




So that's where Verac set comes: it ignores the defence level and the armor of monster/player.




About giant rock crabs and zilyans def not being close: you can either disagree and prove me wrong or you can agree and leave it.




I'll wait and see for your proof :P




Great you did a test.




But again, that is only one example. I can just as easily vid myself killing the rock crab with GS much faster.




But there are many variables that cannot be proven. Such as potting and such.




In any case, I really don't care.




I am sick of your debating, your posts are not good as you guess how it is at Saradomin GWD. You have no experienced with Saradomin GWD, and now you are accusing me of lieing about that video test i did?




I can assure you i did the test both with same thing. So i am warning you, 1 more post that is not good i will post a pm to a mod to clear your posts.




This is Debate forum, not guess forum.

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Super defense, but to what extent?




And verac's has MUCH lower defense bonuses.




About the defence: one thing you must agree to, Saradomin boss and Giant rock crab has both defence that is close to eachother.




As for verac having lower defense?




I can wear full torag for best defense, but i would still get hit: and in return i would hit lame.




Defense is not always the best thing.




That's why i use verac set. On top of it, verac has prayer bonus.




Now i don't know what armor your comparing verac to: but according to what i have heard: Torag is best defensive armor.




I also know players use torag at Bandos alot. The plate+leg is not used much at armadyl/saradomin by my friends: mostly cause it does not provide prayer bonus which is what keeps our super restores from lasting. But using a torag helm is not a bad idea at arma/sara.




Now let's summ it up:




Verac Set:




- Great prayer bonus


- Close to same defense as torag/Yet it's very good defense stats


- Ignore effect - a good defense is a good offense.




So from this post: unless you can prove Giant rock crab does not have close defence to Saradomin, then our debating is over.







Video Test 2:




GodSword - Super Strength and Attack Potted (Since Inu, you claim giant rock crabs def is higher than sara: i super potted)


Verac Set - No pots.




http://www.dailymotion.com/Dragonfang20 ... videogames




Look at the fast kill of verac :|

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I can assure you i did the test both with same thing. So i am warning you, 1 more post that is not good i will post a pm to a mod to clear your posts.




This is Debate forum, not guess forum.




Yes, take the easy way out. Just declare yourself the winner and report me. I want to see how far that gets anyways... I think you are the only one that is guessing at the moment. Rock Crabs have good defense, but that in no way affects WHATSOEVER Zilyana. Saying defense doesn't matter is also just stupid. Sure defense cannot be relied on to win, but with bad defense you can rely on loosing. Test cannot simply done with one experiment. They must be CONSISTANT. Everything controlled(except the thing in question).




In any case, the evidence you provide MUST be real facts. Not just guesses at what happens, not just killing something else. In this WHOLE topic, you have YET to provide one piece of ACTUAL evidence besides the stats of the weapons! If you look over all of your posts, you can see that for your ego to win, you have simply repeatedly saying I am stupid. Its also clear that you might have some problems reading the entirety of my posts, so besides being childish, it really shows that you have nothing to say. So please. Give it up. Just don't bother posting...let it die. Then advertise how you won and all. It would help alot.


Thank You.


Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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I keep coming up with tests of Verac and GS, and use Giant rock crab to test on.




One thing is for sure: Saradomin defence is high enough to make you hit 4-6 0s.




That's what i like to call a super defence OK? I call it just that.




As i tested: GS super potted: used over 2 min and 30 to kill a crab.




Verac used 1 min and 09.. WITHOUT POTS!




What does that say?


Verac set is very good.




Now i have made tests: and i will soon make a final test to end this topic. Which is: GS+Verac on BOSS!.




What have you done?




You have only comed up with statements that you can't back up.




One of them included was to pray melee at boss and kill her. If that's so: why is everyone praying magic?




I gave you a chance, and i was being nice despite you were debating with guesses.




But now you are criticizing my posts for no good reason.




Again: i will post a video test at the boss, and i don't want to use foul language: but hopefully that will SHUT YOU UP.






DON'T: Post if you don't got anything relevant to topic, until then wait til i have done the video test.

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One thing is for sure: Saradomin defence is high enough to make you hit 4-6 0s.




I just went and hit 6 0's in a row on a chicken. This means that chickens have the same defence as the saradomin boss.


Prove me wrong.




Got it video recorded?

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I keep coming up with tests of Verac and GS, and use Giant rock crab to test on.




Proof you don't read posts




One thing is for sure: Saradomin defence is high enough to make you hit 4-6 0s.








That's what i like to call a super defence OK? I call it just that.








As i tested: GS super potted: used over 2 min and 30 to kill a crab.




Verac used 1 min and 09.. WITHOUT POTS!




What does that say?


Verac set is very good.




Will you ever learn?




Now i have made tests: and i will soon make a final test to end this topic. Which is: GS+Verac on BOSS!.








What have you done?




You have only comed up with statements that you can't back up.




Oh yeah. We've seen alot of this.




One of them included was to pray melee at boss and kill her. If that's so: why is everyone praying magic?




Depends on strat




I gave you a chance, and i was being nice despite you were debating with guesses.




Oh yeah...lots of guessing. A fex examples: Hits, monster def, damage taken...etc




But now you are criticizing my posts for no good reason.








Again: i will post a video test at the boss, and i don't want to use foul language: but hopefully that will SHUT YOU UP.








DON'T: Post if you don't got anything relevant to topic, until then wait til i have done the video test.




GL with that


Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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SirHemen, I hate to say it, but you are completely contradicting yourself alot here.




I can assure you i did the test both with same thing. So i am warning you, 1 more post that is not good i will post a pm to a mod to clear your posts.




This is Debate forum, not guess forum.


I don't believe Giant rock crab has higher defence that Zilyana, it's so hard to say but i am sure they are very close.
This is a huge guess.






Anyhow either if the crabs or zilyanas def is not exact: both have 1 thing in common, they have what id like to call....SUPER DEFENCE.
This is not a valid argument. I fought some guy who hacked runescape and had 300 defence! I fought some guy who hacked runescape and had Over 9000(!!!) defense. They have the same defense, as I couldn't hit neither of them. ... (Your argument) However, you see, when you DO hit, you'll hit on the guy with 300 defense 30 (or so) times first. (However long that may take...)




And defense is especially useful for tanking the minions; that's the source of alot of damage.

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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Well. This has gone boring. Everything proven. So lets just get some facts straight. I dislike it when people Hippocraticly comment on my comments. I am just going to answer some stuff.




Here goes :ohnoes:




First Example of a weird contridiction:





- Is accurate and hits high: against Saradomin boss it's other way around though







- Lower Defence (BGS): This is good thing


- 2 High hits (AGS): I have tested AGS, and it is so inaccurate that BGS beats it by far...and its so expensive


- Freeze boss(ZGS): This is good, but i do not believe that this is good for "Meleing" boss.


- Get Prayer+HP restore (SGS): This is very good and makes you last long,but i don't see how it contributes to more damage.





BGS: Very effective


AGS: Are you potting/praying?


ZGS: Amazing for hit an run/ranging


SGS: Heal prayer and HP on minions=amazing.







has 5 bar speed


Hits are like this: 0, 10,20,13,3,0,14,30,0




Has 4 speed: speed matters( as boss comes after you:your attacks gets canceled)




GS hits: 0,10,40,0,20,0,10





Your first piece of "evidence" (lol)





Now Saradomin boss has highest defence of all monsters in Runescape...


defence scale of gwd bosses from 1-10


Bandos boss defence: 4


Zamorak boss defence: 3


Armadyl boss defence: 3


Saradomin boss defence: 9





Second piece of evidence which is factually incorrect.





Anyway, to clear up another point with you, everyone is entitled to their own opinion--however, that, by no means, makes all opinions valid or equal.





I'm kinda disappointed by your scope. An opinion is an opinion. Nothing changes it. There is no "rating" of opinions.





So even though you tried, please don't continue cause there's only flaming ahead.




Notice how every one of your post flames me?





Giant Rock Crab - Has as high as Saradomin boss.




Godsword: Used 2 minute and 24 sec to kill crab. Used Aggressive Crush style.




Verac Set: Used 1 minute and 9-10 sec to kill crab. Used accurate crush style. Also had a delay when Crab moved to a spot that blocked me out.






Yet another "piece" of evidence.







I don't believe Giant rock crab has higher defence that Zilyana, it's so hard to say but i am sure they are very close.




Verac defense bonus? What do you mean by that, the armor defence bonus you mean? and what do you mean by it?





So...I'm guessing here?







Anyhow either if the crabs or zilyanas def is not exact: both have 1 thing in common, they have what id like to call....SUPER DEFENCE.




Super defence: is often 0s.




So that's where Verac set comes: it ignores the defence level and the armor of monster/player.







So if you hit 0s, they have "super defense"








Well, I hope this ties up any loose ends.




I see no point to continue this "debate" as it has become a flame fest. Feel free to call yourself the king or winner for your own ego. I don't mean to damage it in any way.






Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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