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Granite isn't meant for easy money

Atom Smash40

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i'm pretty sure that granite was *meant* to be used in a quest, and people started taking advantage of it for powermining.




This. Also, for summoning.




Which means xxxgod should gtfo of the granite mining area, it's meant for summoners and questers, not for your noob power mining. lulz.




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the point is i was there first. i never said the rocks had my name on them. i was there first, ergo respect should kick in and they can find another batch of rocks when there are plenty more everywhere. but no. they come to the section im in.




and to all u who say u have "sold" over 10m in granite, BS. u obviously have like GSs and 3rd age. no one can sell granite alone. so say the full truth or say nothing at all.




What? And since you can't sell it apparently no one else can? My God. And another thing, people can go to any rock they want, you don't own it, they don't own it, it's just THERE. Integrity never existed, it's every man for himself, you mine and shut up. So no, people won't respect that you're there power mining, oh well, life goes on. Not only that, but now you're saying they're going to your rocks even though there are other open ones, but at first you said that it was crowded. So, which is it? Again, EVERY man for himself.




And another thing, why don't you just go to a different section, neigh, find a different world where people MAY respect you. Too God damned lazy? Or do you literally think people should get off your rocks, which by the way you said MY ROCKS:




Im ranting about noobs who come into the mine while im powermining my way to 99 and steal my rocks, and i try to explain that granite doesnt sell, and they dont listen. theyre stupid. there. i said it. theyre plain idiots.




So for Chrissake, get over it and good luck finding other rocks.




It's gonna fall soon, relax. In the mean time it's a great way to do junk trades, seeing as that's the only way you're going to be able to get rid of it.




Sephiroth, I can't take you seriously on anything you've said. Your mining level is 52, you can't even enter the mining guild. If your powermining a few granite and suddenly a bunch of people with 45-50 mining (oh wait you fall into that category) what do you do? Can't switch worlds, took you forever to get to those rocks.




I've had 500 granite sitting in the ge at minimum price since the update. I had it in my bank and I put it in ASAP, so no it doesn't sell. Every man for himself? Mine and shut up? Do you even know what the hell you're talking about?




Btw, reeeeeeeeeeal original name. Go back to watching anime buddy. Come back when you've played the game, or have some experience.

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It's gonna fall soon, relax. In the mean time it's a great way to do junk trades, seeing as that's the only way you're going to be able to get rid of it.




Sephiroth, I can't take you seriously on anything you've said. Your mining level is 52, you can't even enter the mining guild. If your powermining a few granite and suddenly a bunch of people with 45-50 mining (oh wait you fall into that category) what do you do? Can't switch worlds, took you forever to get to those rocks.




I've had 500 granite sitting in the ge at minimum price since the update. I had it in my bank and I put it in ASAP, so no it doesn't sell. Every man for himself? Mine and shut up? Do you even know what the hell you're talking about?




Btw, reeeeeeeeeeal original name. Go back to watching anime buddy. Come back when you've played the game, or have some experience.




Wait, so now it's because you can't sell it validates his answer as true? Absolutely not, okay? 500 granite isn't a lot, I suggest getting it in massive amounts of bulk then selling, 'cause whenever I do that for an item it works.




Yes, I do know what I'm talking about. I've been here longer than you. In fact, there were/are many threads complaining about how they can't get this because it's crowded or my rocks or my kill. Here and the RS forums. This rant is barely productive.




If people came when I was mining, I'd deal with it, and if worst comes to worst, find a different world. So ya, mine and SHUT UP. I wouldn't say a word, I wouldn't come onto here and go "0mfG st00pid n00bz0rz m1n3 my r0ck!!!111"




I don't know who you think you are, but what gives you the right to tell me that I should get experience, when I've been playing for more than 4 years? Hmm? Oh, right, I watch anime and therefore I'm unoriginal, stupid and have no experience!




Ya, for one, I'm 100 times more original in names than you, creating many noob accounts like Fienrir, Ren Lotus [My Japanese name], and others, which are way more creative than frickin' dudius. And, with the 4 years+ of playing, I think I may know what I'm talking about. Just because I'm not ranked, doesn't mean I have no experience--in fact, it shows I use my time for other things. [wagon].

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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Btw, reeeeeeeeeeal original name. Go back to watching anime buddy. Come back when you've played the game, or have some experience.




Your entire argument was offput by how stupid that statement was.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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Every man for himself? Mine and shut up? Do you even know what the hell you're talking about?




Do you? Personal attacks aside, you obviously don't. You also have no gasp of the concept of competition, you're probably the kind of person who goes into a multiplayer fps and says "Hey everyone, stop shooting each other, let's play with the physics!" then gets annoyed and starts complaining about how they all have no lives because nobody will listen to you.




I put yew longbows on the grand exchange at minimum price, and they didn't sell for a few hours. OMG DEY NOT SELLIN!!!




Dudius, you only have two skills over 80 and you still have a skill unranked. I can't take you seriously on any of your opinions on how game mechanics should work if your stats tell me your account is as old as Bounty Hunter.




Put up and shut up. I notice you're not complaining about anything that hasn't affected you directly, try thinking about others who play the game, other than yourself.




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Im ranting about noobs who come into the mine while im powermining my way to 99 and steal my rocks


the point is i was there first. i never said the rocks had my name on them. i was there first, ergo respect should kick in and they can find another batch of rocks when there are plenty more everywhere. but no. they come to the section im in.




I support, and have always supported, a free economy.


At the moment xxxgod there is nothing you can do. When PvP worlds come out, I suggest you mine granite there. Then you can claim dominion.

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It's gonna fall soon, relax. In the mean time it's a great way to do junk trades, seeing as that's the only way you're going to be able to get rid of it.




Sephiroth, I can't take you seriously on anything you've said. Your mining level is 52, you can't even enter the mining guild. If your powermining a few granite and suddenly a bunch of people with 45-50 mining (oh wait you fall into that category) what do you do? Can't switch worlds, took you forever to get to those rocks.




I've had 500 granite sitting in the ge at minimum price since the update. I had it in my bank and I put it in ASAP, so no it doesn't sell. Every man for himself? Mine and shut up? Do you even know what the hell you're talking about?




Btw, reeeeeeeeeeal original name. Go back to watching anime buddy. Come back when you've played the game, or have some experience.




Congratulations. You've completely shot your entire argument in the foot. When it comes to availability of resources, skills mean absolutely nothing. Of course, your ego blinded you to that. Oh, and you want to talk about original names...? Pfft.




By the way, what's wrong with switching worlds? Talk about being stubborn, you're the one that's immature. Why don't you come back when you've had a lot of time to grow up?

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Every man for himself? Mine and shut up? Do you even know what the hell you're talking about?




Do you? Personal attacks aside, you obviously don't. You also have no gasp of the concept of competition, you're probably the kind of person who goes into a multiplayer fps and says "Hey everyone, stop shooting each other, let's play with the physics!" then gets annoyed and starts complaining about how they all have no lives because nobody will listen to you.




I put yew longbows on the grand exchange at minimum price, and they didn't sell for a few hours. OMG DEY NOT SELLIN!!!




Dudius, you only have two skills over 80 and you still have a skill unranked. I can't take you seriously on any of your opinions on how game mechanics should work if your stats tell me your account is as old as Bounty Hunter.




Put up and shut up. I notice you're not complaining about anything that hasn't affected you directly, try thinking about others who play the game, other than yourself.




Hypocrisy at it's best.

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It's gonna fall soon, relax. In the mean time it's a great way to do junk trades, seeing as that's the only way you're going to be able to get rid of it.




Sephiroth, I can't take you seriously on anything you've said. Your mining level is 52, you can't even enter the mining guild. If your powermining a few granite and suddenly a bunch of people with 45-50 mining (oh wait you fall into that category) what do you do? Can't switch worlds, took you forever to get to those rocks.




I've had 500 granite sitting in the ge at minimum price since the update. I had it in my bank and I put it in ASAP, so no it doesn't sell. Every man for himself? Mine and shut up? Do you even know what the hell you're talking about?




Btw, reeeeeeeeeeal original name. Go back to watching anime buddy. Come back when you've played the game, or have some experience.




Wait, so now it's because you can't sell it validates his answer as true? Absolutely not, okay? 500 granite isn't a lot, I suggest getting it in massive amounts of bulk then selling, 'cause whenever I do that for an item it works.




Yes, I do know what I'm talking about. I've been here longer than you. In fact, there were/are many threads complaining about how they can't get this because it's crowded or my rocks or my kill. Here and the RS forums. This rant is barely productive.




If people came when I was mining, I'd deal with it, and if worst comes to worst, find a different world. So ya, mine and SHUT UP. I wouldn't say a word, I wouldn't come onto here and go "0mfG st00pid n00bz0rz m1n3 my r0ck!!!111"




I don't know who you think you are, but what gives you the right to tell me that I should get experience, when I've been playing for more than 4 years? Hmm? Oh, right, I watch anime and therefore I'm unoriginal, stupid and have no experience!




Ya, for one, I'm 100 times more original in names than you, creating many noob accounts like Fienrir, Ren Lotus [My Japanese name], and others, which are way more creative than frickin' dudius. And, with the 4 years+ of playing, I think I may know what I'm talking about. Just because I'm not ranked, doesn't mean I have no experience--in fact, it shows I use my time for other things. [wagon].


More original than "Sephiroth King", I'm pretty sure every wapanese/kingdom hearts fan has that name. Tell me where you've seen dudius before. gg no re.

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More original than "Sephiroth King", I'm pretty sure every wapanese/kingdom hearts fan has that name.Tell me where you've seen dudius before. gg no re.




Are you stupid, ignorant, or ten years old? All of the above? Attacking someone's screen name is like saying "Hey, your name is John Smith.Everything you say automatically sucks because your name is unoriginal."


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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More original than "Sephiroth King", I'm pretty sure every wapanese/kingdom hearts fan has that name.Tell me where you've seen dudius before. gg no re.




Are you stupid, ignorant, or ten years old? All of the above? Attacking someone's screen name is like saying "Hey, your name is John Smith.Everything you say automatically sucks because your name is unoriginal."


Lol, well it's true buddy.

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ok this is flame central mod please lock this.




and the number of people has died down so im happy. =D>

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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I give up. Arguing with you is like arguing with a blonde brick wall with ADD.


Your post count isn't your life, if you give up stop posting you noob. Dang. What a noob.




Look up the word "hypocrisy".

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Recently, JaGex updated granite so that you can take a chisel to it and make smaller pieces. This made the granite prices shoot straight up (5kg is now 10k ea and 2kg is now 4k ea).




Thanks for the info, meet you there :lol:


Fire Cape - Aug 14, 08.



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thats junk trade. and it's almost impossible to sell on it's own

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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