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F2P Boss Monster - The Cockroach Queen


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Ever since the Stronghold of Player Safety was released I always thought that the Cockroach Queen should be introduced, and now I am suggesting how I think it should be put it.




The Cockroach Queen would be found in a tucked away room in the Stronghold in multi combat. [hide=Image]queenpq1.th.pngYou can get here by following the path near the hanging rope entrance.[/hide]




Cockroach Queen:


Combat Level: 192


Maximum Hit: 17 with melee, 16 with ranged, 14 with mage


Hitpoints: 240




Drops: Rune Platebody (1 in 60), Rune Battle Axe (1 in 40), Rune ore (2 unnoted)(1 in 35), Rune Kiteshield (1 in 50), Death Rune 11-25, Law Rune 2 - 35, Rune Axe (1 in 21), Adamant Platebody (1 in 25), Adamant Platelegs (1 in 18), Mithril Kiteshield (1 in 13), Coal (2 - 30 noted) Coins 5 - 3000, Lobster (3 unnoted)(1 in 3), Uncut Gems (5 Random)(1 in 8), Adamant 2h (1 in 6) (Note: One of the following: Death Runes, Law Runes, and Coins are always in the drop.)




Notes: The Queen will spawn Cockroach Workers which will be agressive and attack you with improved accuracy. Coinshare takes place on all Rune drops if you enable it. The Queen will switch between targets, and its ranged attack his multiple players (all within 10 squares). She has a high magic and ranged defence so it is not effective to range or mage. If you do stay out of her attack range (10 squares) she will send out a mage attack that can reach you from anywhere in the room




Well, thats it ::'! I hope you enjoyed reading my suggestion.




If someone could make some P2P drops for that would awesome, as well as a picture of the queen <3:

Levon.png Bladewing.png


It's great you know what you're talking about rustiod. Everything you've said is 100% accurate a true.


That being said...your a [bleep]ing [bleep] douchebag, and none of your advice will ever (or should ever) be taken seriously because of it.

disregard good advice because the giver is a douche



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^Reason? F2P have lootshare. Good question is.. why?




Nothing in ftp is really teamable. :|




EDIT: Queen cockroach =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~



I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Though i sortof agree,








Mems have like 20 dif bosses, and the taste of 1 boss wouldnt be too bad.




Plus. lootshare is used for what, in ftp?

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Rocky; no. Thats stupid and you know it.




I1; who cares? Majority of ftp cant tank well anyway. (Or have high range) :|




oh and if ftp dont deserve 1 boss then i dont think they should get anything at all.


Lootshare came out so im pretty god damn sure they deserve something to team up on since you cant lootshare pk anymore -.-

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Rocky; no. Thats stupid and you know it.




I1; who cares? Majority of ftp cant tank well anyway. (Or have high range) :|




oh and if ftp dont deserve 1 boss then i dont think they should get anything at all.


Lootshare came out so im pretty god damn sure they deserve something to team up on since you cant lootshare pk anymore -.-




Hows it stupid? Free to play dont pay for anything NOTHING GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD




They pay = They get what they want. Its not like it costs much for membership anyway...

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To anyone that says we don't pay; we don't deserve a boss: we have almost nothing to lootshare (Soldiers, Greaters (Coinshare doesn't work, and multiple drops (runes, coins) are not split up evenly.)) A F2P boss monster would make me want P2P more not less, and im sure other's would agree with me.

Levon.png Bladewing.png


It's great you know what you're talking about rustiod. Everything you've said is 100% accurate a true.


That being said...your a [bleep]ing [bleep] douchebag, and none of your advice will ever (or should ever) be taken seriously because of it.

disregard good advice because the giver is a douche



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To anyone that says we don't pay; we don't deserve a boss: we have almost nothing to lootshare (Soldiers, Greaters (Coinshare doesn't work, and multiple drops (runes, coins) are not split up evenly.)) A F2P boss monster would make me want P2P more not less, and im sure other's would agree with me.




If you want something to kill with lootshare, I can recommend the KBD or the Dagannoth Kings. There is also GWD, but that is more high level than what you are suggesting here. If you want to kill something with a team that badly you'll buy members, if Jagex kept adding content to F2P that isn't balanced then they wouldn't make as much money.

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If you dont deserve it WHY DONT YOU?




1. A boss will make more people think of getting members for more boss fighting.


2. People will actually have something to do in F2P


3. If you had to go ftp you'd probably be annoyed as hell that theres nothing good to do.




I still want a reason from your Rocky why F2P shouldnt get one. They look at ads which gives jagex money. If there were no ftp Jagex would have half the amout of Real life GeePeez they have now. -.-




hartlar, you, like rocky, and more than half the other P2Pers (Im P2P) dont understand much about marketing. :|

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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If you dont deserve it WHY DONT YOU?




1. A boss will make more people think of getting members for more boss fighting.


2. People will actually have something to do in F2P


3. If you had to go ftp you'd probably be annoyed as hell that theres nothing good to do.




I still want a reason from your Rocky why F2P shouldnt get one. They look at ads which gives jagex money. If there were no ftp Jagex would have half the amout of Real life GeePeez they have now. -.-




hartlar, you, like rocky, and more than half the other P2Pers (Im P2P) dont understand much about marketing. :|




I don't think you understand marketing either, if F2Pers have nothing to do then they are more likely to consider members than if they are completely absorbed into a free version that offers them so much that they can never finish it all. Personally, it isn't about Jagex making money or how many members we have. I pay for my membership, therefore in my opinion those that don't shouldn't get updates unless it is things like Bounty Hunter or the SoS. You do realise as well, that the ads are only there to subsidise some of the costs of F2P servers?




Sort your arguments out, it was hard enough to understand what you were writing...

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If you dont deserve it WHY DONT YOU?




Was this dirrected at me? If it was i think you missuderstood my comment. I said

To anyone that says we don't pay; we don't deserve a boss:
what i should have put was
To anyone that says "F2Pers don't pay; F2Pers don't deserve a boss":


Notice the quotation marks, and i changed "we" to "F2Pers" as is was ment as a general quote of people that say F2P doesn't deserve this, that and the other thing.




And if it wasn't dirrected at me, who was it, and sorry for missuderstanding you ;)

Levon.png Bladewing.png


It's great you know what you're talking about rustiod. Everything you've said is 100% accurate a true.


That being said...your a [bleep]ing [bleep] douchebag, and none of your advice will ever (or should ever) be taken seriously because of it.

disregard good advice because the giver is a douche



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I support the idea, it would be fun..




To the people who believe in "no pay, no play", that's just stupid... if you put it that way, you don't deserve this forum, I don't pay for it, does it mean I can't use it? :roll:




Lol, i should've thought of that, nice comparison \'

Levon.png Bladewing.png


It's great you know what you're talking about rustiod. Everything you've said is 100% accurate a true.


That being said...your a [bleep]ing [bleep] douchebag, and none of your advice will ever (or should ever) be taken seriously because of it.

disregard good advice because the giver is a douche



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I support the idea, it would be fun..




To the people who believe in "no pay, no play", that's just stupid... if you put it that way, you don't deserve this forum, I don't pay for it, does it mean I can't use it? :roll:




Who said that if you didn't pay you couldn't play? Oh, no one. :roll:




I think the general idea people are getting across is that they don't want updates for F2P because they don't pay, not that they shouldn't play at all because they pay a subscription fee. You need to read more carefully before you try to get on your high horse.

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I support the idea, it would be fun..




To the people who believe in "no pay, no play", that's just stupid... if you put it that way, you don't deserve this forum, I don't pay for it, does it mean I can't use it? :roll:




Who said that if you didn't pay you couldn't play? Oh, no one. :roll:




I think the general idea people are getting across is that they don't want updates for F2P because they don't pay, not that they shouldn't play at all because they pay a subscription fee. You need to read more carefully before you try to get on your high horse.




Harlaw, I'm pretty sure you he ment what you are applying

Levon.png Bladewing.png


It's great you know what you're talking about rustiod. Everything you've said is 100% accurate a true.


That being said...your a [bleep]ing [bleep] douchebag, and none of your advice will ever (or should ever) be taken seriously because of it.

disregard good advice because the giver is a douche



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I support the idea, it would be fun..




To the people who believe in "no pay, no play", that's just stupid... if you put it that way, you don't deserve this forum, I don't pay for it, does it mean I can't use it? :roll:




Who said that if you didn't pay you couldn't play? Oh, no one. :roll:




I think the general idea people are getting across is that they don't want updates for F2P because they don't pay, not that they shouldn't play at all because they pay a subscription fee. You need to read more carefully before you try to get on your high horse.




Lemme reword it so that it doesn't sound as good "no pay, no features"... same analogy as before: you can browse forums all that you want, but you can't post unless you pay.

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I support the idea, it would be fun..




To the people who believe in "no pay, no play", that's just stupid... if you put it that way, you don't deserve this forum, I don't pay for it, does it mean I can't use it? :roll:




Who said that if you didn't pay you couldn't play? Oh, no one. :roll:




I think the general idea people are getting across is that they don't want updates for F2P because they don't pay, not that they shouldn't play at all because they pay a subscription fee. You need to read more carefully before you try to get on your high horse.








Lemme reword it so that it doesn't sound as good "no pay, no features"... same analogy as before: you can browse forums all that you want, but you can't post unless you pay.




I've actually seen forums that make you pay to post :shock:

Levon.png Bladewing.png


It's great you know what you're talking about rustiod. Everything you've said is 100% accurate a true.


That being said...your a [bleep]ing [bleep] douchebag, and none of your advice will ever (or should ever) be taken seriously because of it.

disregard good advice because the giver is a douche



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they should add a new boss for 3 or 4 player teams of level 100+ players, with good drops, melee drop with nice bonusses and which will sometimes increases your max hit with 5, ranged gloves with nice bonusses which will sometimes cause your bow not to consume an arrow (thus allowing you to kill more monsters with less arrows) and a magic drop with nice bonusses which will also cause your bow not to consume an arrow sometimes. the boss can also be fought in free to play, but only 5 or 15 times in total (though unlimitedly in p2p). Also, in free to play you can only get one of the three drops, and it depends on which style you used when your group killed the boss. The boss would be very hard in f2p and doable in p2p but well worth the hassle as the drops make training somewhat more durable.

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