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Marijuana, why isn't it legalized?


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talking about it.


ahahha, I don't have the energy to honestly reply to you.




And I'm the lazy and unproductive pothead. :lol:




Talk about being owned.


Now, GTFO lazy s-o-b

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Is your life really not that rewarding to the point where you have to smoke some strange herb so you can have a fun time..?


Substitute the above with any recreational activity: video games, sports, art, casual sex, etc.




Drug use is, for many, yet another thing that can add pleasure to an already rewarding life.




and the smell, and the taste.


and it's not THAT great being high.


Personal differences. I love the smell and the taste, and I enjoy the high. The majority of people do.




I've had alot greater times sober.


Same here, but that doesn't mean I don't also have a good time while high. More importantly, on some days my time is better spent high than sober.




Even if you personally don't like the drug, just as I personally don't like sardines, surely you can understand the importance of law reform? Something that would likely not only reduce its use and abuse, but also boost tax revenue, increase medical potential and much more.






Marijuana Fact one: it is not part of the PHYSICAL addiction category such as alcohol, cocaine, ect...


it can be addicting to the user MENTALLY.. ex: "i NEED to smoke man" refers to a person not liking the sober way of life and would like to get high, hence mental addiction.




Marijuana is not ADDICTIVE, it is habit forming, like coffe, addiction is a physical process, habituation is a psychological process, anything can form a habit.




of course websites and people like scholastic, and anyone with a influence to children will say its addicting.. schools ect.. but dont listen to the media... smoke up :-) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: (how appropriate the guy with the smiles name is Mr Green..)


Psychological dependence is, as I've said, not something to be taken so lightly. :| It has destroyed thousands of careers, educations and social lives. For some, withdrawal symptoms can be pretty horrible, and it's not uncommon for them to contribute to continued use. Psychological dependence is one hell of an expensive "habit."




Depending on marijuanna to come through the day? I can believe that you have an urge, a craving, the thought "Darn I'd like to smoke right now" but a serious addiction? I'm not saying that it doesn't exist (as I've had enough experience with it) but it's quite pathetic.




I didn't say you compared the addictions, just don't compare MJ to Heroin. It's like comparing a beer to a whole keg of absinthe. However, I don't think heroin is much more addicting then MJ, it's just the withdrawals after you are addicted which are severly bad.




Talking about this is quite hard with all the stupid forum restrictions. Seems you know more of the subject than you can probably post here Venomai. I'd like to write a lot of things down but those aren't "acceptable" to post here.


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"I don't think heroin is much more addicting then MJ"




Heroin = Will [bleep] you up, and it's addicting and severely detrimental to your health.




Weed = About as addicting as caffeine, if that. And health effects are minor, if any at all.

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Depending on marijuanna to come through the day? I can believe that you have an urge, a craving, the thought "Darn I'd like to smoke right now" but a serious addiction? I'm not saying that it doesn't exist (as I've had enough experience with it) but it's quite pathetic.


No more or less pathetic than depending on any other drug to get through the day. Physical addiction isn't an "excuse" for people to become dependent on a drug.




I didn't say you compared the addictions, just don't compare MJ to Heroin. It's like comparing a beer to a whole keg of absinthe.


They are both drugs that can cause depenedence. That is the only aspect I am comparing.




However, I don't think heroin is much more addicting then MJ, it's just the withdrawals after you are addicted which are severly bad.


Heroin is more addicting in that it produces more physical withdrawal symptoms.




Physical dependence is characterized by physical withdrawal symptoms after abrupt discontinuation.




Psychological dependence is characterized by psychological withdrawal symptoms after abrupt discontinuation, including insomnia, irritability, loss of appetite, depression, etc.

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Chart of drug dangers..




The class system is the UK one.












(Oh and to those who don't know, cannabis is being upgraded to a Class B again, after being downgraded to class C a few years ago. I watched the speech by Jacqui Smith, and as usual, she mentioned "protecting the children" about 9 times. When a politician mentions children in a subject that has nothing to do with them, you pretty much know they have a different agenda.)


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It's funny how the most illegal drug - LSD - is near the bottom of that list. :lol:




You ever dropped LSD?




Not only should it be legal, but we should also have HUGE statues of Albert Hoffman.




That guy is a REAL hero.


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I haven't, but I've done lots of research on it and it looks very interesting. I guess my only concern would be a bad trip.




Not going to lie, I had a bad trip and it was the scariest thing I've ever experienced and it took me a while to be able to build myself back up to trying acid again, but honestly, in my opinion the risk is worth it just because when you have a good trip (which is the majority of the time providing you're sound mentally) it is just the most amazing thing ever. Well, not as amazing as DMT, but you get the idea.




Oh and mods, no, I'm not "encouraging" drug use, I'm giving balanced information, good and bad, and I'm saying that personally I think it is worth it, but ultimately it should be the person taking it who makes the decision whether they are of the right mentality and whether the benefits outweigh the potential risks. For me, this was the case, and I'm just telling people that if they DO do it, then they should also make sure of this. So don't delete my post like before with any of that "encouraging drug use" bs.


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(Oh and to those who don't know, cannabis is being upgraded to a Class B again, after being downgraded to class C a few years ago. I watched the speech by Jacqui Smith, and as usual, she mentioned "protecting the children" about 9 times. When a politician mentions children in a subject that has nothing to do with them, you pretty much know they have a different agenda.)




It's funny how must of our cabinet has done it and all of them claimed not to have disliked it. It would be great to get them hooked up to a polygraph test on this, hypocrites. I'm sure there's a bit about this on Mock the Week but I can't find the clip.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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(Oh and to those who don't know, cannabis is being upgraded to a Class B again, after being downgraded to class C a few years ago. I watched the speech by Jacqui Smith, and as usual, she mentioned "protecting the children" about 9 times. When a politician mentions children in a subject that has nothing to do with them, you pretty much know they have a different agenda.)




It's funny how must of our cabinet has done it and all of them claimed not to have disliked it. It would be great to get them hooked up to a polygraph test on this, hypocrites. I'm sure there's a bit about this on Mock the Week but I can't find the clip.




They bs so much about this sort of the stuff that you can tell they're actually starting to believe it themselves.




Also, if a party like labour suggested decriminalisation, it would be political suicide in our current climate.




Did you see her speech? Everytime she mentioned "protecting the children" I just wanted to stand up and smash my TV. They know very well that it isn't about children, and in fact probably the sole reason behind their decision was to gain support from middle England.




Their own board of scientists told them not to upgrade it, and they still went ahead and did it. It would be great if our drug laws reflected actual danger rather than old fashioned prejudice.


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I came to the conclusion years ago that these drug laws are not here for our safety as the politicians would like us to believe.




Reasons why marijuana should be legal:




1. The "potency argument" is an argument for keeping weed illegal, which says that because strains are more potent today, it poses a more significant health risk. Not only is this [cabbage], but it is deliberately designed to create fear and force public opinion against legalisation. With alcohol, in a regulated market you know how strong the drink you are buying is and therefore adjust how much you take accordingly. When they force us to buy weed off the street, we have no idea how strong it is. So we smoke the same amount every time and we cannot regulate how high we get. If it is legalised, this doesn't happen.




2. The media often reports that weed is being laced with harder drugs and should therefore be illegal. First of all, weed is RARELY laced with harder drugs as most of the time those harder drugs are more expensive than the weed. Sometimes it happens, granted. In a regulated market though, it doesn't.




3. Drug dealers push harder drugs onto buyers therefore making them more likely to try them and get addicted to stuff that will ACTUALLY mess them up.




4. Legalising weed would free up prison space greatly which would save [cabbage] of money. As well as this money that went towards prosecuting weed users can actually go towards more beneficial things. Also, police can spend their time on more important issues instead.




5. Punishing people for using weed is just ridiculous and it RUINS LIVES. Sure, people know the penalties before they take it, but that's still stupid because if a law came in that said everyone who j-walked would get their brains blown out by a firing squad, and that happened, you wouldn't say "oh, well they knew the rules." Just because the laws are there does not mean they're right. People can lose jobs etc, and due to the fact that weed is stigmatised in society as being "bad" (which is caused by it being illegal) it makes it harder for people to get on with their lives etc simply because they smoked a little bud.




6. Legalising and taxing weed would obviously raise a lot of cash.




I haven't even covered the fact that you should be allowed to do whatever you want to your own body as long as it does not impose on the freedoms of others (yes this means I support legalisation of every drug, but this is irrelevant here). Realistically, weed isn't half as dangerous as the government pretends - I'm not saying that there aren't any dangers to it, of course there are, but there are dangers to every drug (alcohol anyone?). Making weed illegal causes more problems than it aims to solve, takes up too much money, and punishes people who are otherwise, most of the time, law abiding citizens.




:thumbsup: You deserve a cookie!




Anyway, I agree with you and if I may add, if weed was legal, then that would mean that it would put a stop to most of the deaths. Like I said in an earlier post, many people were killed just for a bag of weed and why would you kill a guy for weed if they were being sold at a store?



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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Well said sir.






But sadly, whenever you post good points like that on a forum, someone always has to go [developmentally delayed] on you.




Try posting on the "Is god real post your thoughts" thread. See what response you get for making points like those there.




I gave up on that thread long ago.




All it is is certain people arguing semantics and trying to mislead people with ambiguous, pompous wording (Sly_Wizard) and then the extremist appeasing vague-God worshipping claim-to-be-theists (who are really deists actually - Lenticular J) whose belief, even by their own admission, are in a God which is unknowable, and then the crazy fundamentalists (Saruman) who have listened to everything in the Old Testament and simultaneously rejected everything that Jesus (allegedly) said.




There really isn't any point debating these type of people UNLESS there are people on the fence listening in.


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talking about it.


ahahha, I don't have the energy to honestly reply to you.




And I'm the lazy and unproductive pothead. :lol:




Talk about being owned.


Now, GTFO lazy s-o-b






oh, my reply didn't post?






well, [cabbage].


ahahha definatly not retyping that.




and oh wow, me not wanting to reply to you doesn't make you not worth my energy.




I had already covered everything you would have said.




so uhhh, keep outta mai bizniz.



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talking about it.


ahahha, I don't have the energy to honestly reply to you.




And I'm the lazy and unproductive pothead. :lol:




Talk about being owned.


Now, GTFO lazy s-o-b






oh, my reply didn't post?






well, [cabbage].


ahahha definatly not retyping that.




and oh wow, me not wanting to reply to you doesn't make you not worth my energy.




I had already covered everything you would have said.




so uhhh, keep outta mai bizniz.










**** you dude, **** you.


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They bs so much about this sort of the stuff that you can tell they're actually starting to believe it themselves.




Also, if a party like labour suggested decriminalisation, it would be political suicide in our current climate.




Did you see her speech? Everytime she mentioned "protecting the children" I just wanted to stand up and smash my TV. They know very well that it isn't about children, and in fact probably the sole reason behind their decision was to gain support from middle England.




Their own board of scientists told them not to upgrade it, and they still went ahead and did it. It would be great if our drug laws reflected actual danger rather than old fashioned prejudice.


Just further proof that any one who says New Labour is still left-wing is quite clearly talking out their jacksie. Yet unfortunately, they are the only party out of the big three who would ever even consider down classifying drugs.




In reply to your other thread by the way (I think it was you who asked), I've always voted Labour. Indeed, I'm actually a Youth member. Only costs a quid and they offer loads of volunteering work when they need it. :)

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They bs so much about this sort of the stuff that you can tell they're actually starting to believe it themselves.




Also, if a party like labour suggested decriminalisation, it would be political suicide in our current climate.




Did you see her speech? Everytime she mentioned "protecting the children" I just wanted to stand up and smash my TV. They know very well that it isn't about children, and in fact probably the sole reason behind their decision was to gain support from middle England.




Their own board of scientists told them not to upgrade it, and they still went ahead and did it. It would be great if our drug laws reflected actual danger rather than old fashioned prejudice.


Just further proof that any one who says New Labour is still left-wing is quite clearly talking out their jacksie. Yet unfortunately, they are the only party out of the big three who would ever even consider down classifying drugs.




In reply to your other thread by the way (I think it was you who asked), I've always voted Labour. Indeed, I'm actually a Youth member. Only costs a quid and they offer loads of volunteering work when they need it. :)








I'm going to vote socialist this time, **** labour lol. They have no right to call themselves labour - they no longer stand for the workers. My constituency will still be labour I think, so I don't have to do the lesser of two evils vote, and thus can vote on principle.




A vote for the socialists is a big **** YOU to the government.




If labour go back to how they used to be, instead of the war-mongering, civil liberty crushing douche bags that they are now, I would probably vote for them. But I mean, after the war in Iraq (American conservatives just stfu, you're wrong and stupid), their support for ID cards, 42 day detention etc, I just can't bring myself to vote for them.




How are the conservatives winning though..?




They're like labour but they don't care about poor people.


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The Tories aren't winning. I think that's the point. Every policy Cameron comes up with during the weekend and tells on BBC Breakfast Monday morning is ridiculed by midday, and Osbourne looks more incompetent with every passing week.




Labour were imploding, and were losing massively to the SNP before Glenrothes. Scotland is Labour's heartland. That's why Labour's at the panic stations. Ironically, the current economic crisis is actually helping Brown. Traditional Labour supporters on the left would rather trust Brown than vote for the Liberals and the catastrophe that is Nick Clegg, and risk the Tories getting in.

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