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Do you have any idea how many members would quit if the economy was messed to that point?


Also, those cards only exist in the US. Thanks for considering anything beyond your country....




I live in England.




There are cards like those in Europe as well.

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Okay, perhaps Europe (don't they only sell them in Target stores? I haven't seen any of those in Germany or France, correct me if I'm wrong) and the US. That's a continent and a half. That's still a lot of people left out.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Okay, perhaps Europe (don't they only sell them in Target stores? I haven't seen any of those in Germany or France, correct me if I'm wrong) and the US. That's a continent and a half. That's still a lot of people left out.




They're different from the cards sold at target.

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I just don't get why roughly $6 a month is so hard for some. Paying the small price unlocks a ton of new areas, equipment and quests. I can probably find $6 in change in my couch.




Mow a lawn/shovel snow once a month and you are set!




Maby some people just can't afford it



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Although I already posted on Page 1 of this topic I came to check it out thinking it was a new topic since the title has been changed.


As long as I'm here I might as well add something:




To all those members who say it's sad that F2Pers aren't willing to pay for membership, who are you to tell people what to do with their money?


If Jagex wants to give freeplay the occasional bread crumb I don't think there's anything you can do about it.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Most people who play RuneScape (myself included) come from a generation of 'babying' or instant gratification. To make a long story short, the prevailing attitude of the generation is that they seem to be imbued with a belief that the world ows them something by defult. I am now 18, I get to see the world a bit differently. In the real world, you must do something to get something in return.




The people who play dislike any request from f2p for a valid reson. Despite many p2p'ers beliving in this auto intitlement I talked about, for the purposes of RuneScape content they are now on the side giving something. This clears their entitlement belief about the game, they now see that they are giving something and f2p are not (don't even think about mentioning ads right now; everything in due course). Now if f2p start getting content, p2p can see this as a huge injustice. They don't do anything and they already have a huge demo capable of satisfying many players who never go to members.




F2p ad revenues are probbaly pretty significant. But they don't pay for members. I would guess the ads pay for servers and maintenance and possibly some bandwidth. Members carry the rest. Members most certainly pays for development. When Jagex gives f2p something, its not because their nice people (though that was true at one time). The original holiday events even up to the famous easter event where we got the ring. That was a out of the goodness of their hearts kind of thing, holiday good will. Now, we see events with p2p content. I was brought to members by their campain of p2p updates in f2p areas (the varrock museaum was what got me). Every update for f2p now, is an investment. The extra revenues that Jagex gets from the new members pays for the f2p updates.




Life is not fair. True. You get what you pay for. True (unless its a contractor #-o ). When you factor in teh burden f2p puts on Jagex with the bandwidth costs, the ads don't pay for a whole lot more.




you know, i dont think this generation has been babyed if you're talking about irl; if you're talking about runescape maybe more so but, you bring up "in the real world" so i'm gonna post a response about same. you say in the real world you must do something to get something in return; you say you're 18. well for the next 20 years you will be paying for the mistakes of the previous generation; dont like it? too bad. what did you do to inherit that? nothing of course.




my whole take on f2p v p2p is it's just silly bs. the free game is there it sometimes gets updates. it doesnt hurt to hope for those that are unable to be members. and i really dont see the point in debating how jagex runs their business. they'll do what they think is necessary. i say lay off f2p. they can want what they want; doesnt mean they'll get it. so lay off; and the original poster makes the point that it isnt necessary to slam f2p for wanting something; it is unneeded to insult and debate that; and doesnt add anything to the discussion. we get it, p2p gets more stuff; f2p gets less. that doesnt mean they cant want an update or hope for 1. it's just too generalised an argument to make against any and all possible future f2p updates and really is an non-intellectual starter when someone brings up no, you're f2p you shouldnt get updates... why not discuss the merits of the wanted update instead or just let be.

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I'm F2p


And I don't care about being member.


I enjoy Everything About Runescape


And I just guess that when mayby I become member I just Enjoy the game even more.!


I don't Feel the needs to Have more right Now.


I don't Complain I Just don't Care #-o


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If U click this I won't eat your brain! I Plomise



angel2w.gifThank you Hawkxs For the awesome siggy!

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We pay, they don't. If they want updates then they should dig into their wallet and fork over some money to help the people who are providing them with their huge, favorite, online, HD, browser-based, multiplayer game for FREE! I'm not they should take f2p away, but really those that do complain should just take a step back and look at how much Jagex have given them for free.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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I just don't get why roughly $6 a month is so hard for some. Paying the small price unlocks a ton of new areas, equipment and quests. I can probably find $6 in change in my couch.




Mow a lawn/shovel snow once a month and you are set!




LOL to quote my original quote...I found $6 ($6.67 to be exact) in change in my 2 Couches last weekend. All F2Pers should start their search for cash there.

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