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This was originally intended to be a response to a different thread about Runescape dying, but I thought that there were some interesting points here some people might like to read. I have been thinking about this for a while, and while I never bothered to write them out, the other thread gave me a reason to. There is a lot more behind what I have written here, but you can get the gist of what I'm talking about. There are a lot of words here!




Runescape is scary. It is crazy to think how far it has come from its simple origins, from the original DeviousMUD to the HD version we have today (for now.) It's pretty sick. Graphically better versions will continue to be released in relation to the current level of technology. The graphics pretty much reflect the lowest common denominator of current computers, which are exponentially increasing in power, and lowering in cost. A Jagex employee stated that the only reason the graphics are not better than they are now is because it makes more sense to have the game accessible to the largest market. By raising the computing power requirements, you lose a large part of the market, especially with so many kids playing who might not have fancy computers. The fact that it can be played on any computer with an Internet connection is amazing. Perfect really, since it means that anyone with a computer has a Runescape capable console (which is basically everyone.) The perfect medium and format to release it upon.




Runescape is simply way, way too profitable for Jagex. If it ever started to seriously lose population, Jagex will simply change the rules/game to attract more players. They could just bring back pking in its old form, remove trade restrictions, and stop caring about RWT to attract people. It would work, since people who quit would eventually find out about the changes, (checking back, word of mouth, etc) thus gaining old players back, along with tons of new ones. If that didnt work, they could do a whole slew of other things that would bring people in and back.




Jagex will never let the game die. They have servers in 14 different countries worldwide, with more on the way. Millions of players. The owners are multi-multi-millionaires. It's free. Runescape is like a virus that has infected the world, and it cannot be destroyed. It has started spawning different versions of itself (Mechscape, Funorb), different strains you might call them, that will infect other markets of people. Ironically you could call this virus airborne since it is passed on by word of mouth. Its design is flawless, in that after you play the free version, you (can) get hooked enough to justify paying for it. After you start paying, you become more addicted and want to continue playing, otherwise you have wasted the money you put into it. Withdrawal is harsh for the addict, and many people who quit come crawling back for more. So, in essence, the game is an airborne virus with powerful drug-like qualities and addictiveness that is 100% electronic, and it is now leaking out into real life in the form of game cards, as well as the potential for TV commercials and other advertising ventures.




Runescape may take over the world.




With all this in mind, I still play Runescape. I have vowed to never pay for this game, and I never will for a few reasons, but this is definitely one of them. It's scary. Imagine when virtual reality is accessible and every computer is capable of it. Im not telling people to quit members, as there are tons of incentives and bonuses given to paying members, but thats sort of the point isn't it. I would like to think of myself as watching rather than playing the game, as it is really interesting to have seen what it has evolved into since it started. The only questions are where will it go and will it ever stop.




I suppose it doesn't matter, as long as you've enjoyed the ride.


1543 Skill total, 100% F2P

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Kudos to you. Very well written. =D>



Winged Fish on a RWT complaint-

There's four complaints on the whole site, one from a mother who was convinced by her son that the RWTers she was buying him items from were from Jagex (and then got scammed and is taking it out on Jagex), two people complaining about having their accounts taken away, and one ranting on the trade restrictions and wilderness removal.


Now just change the background color and page layout, and you have the RSoF

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tl; dr




You watch too many movies. Good for them if they've suaccessfully found their niche and managed to become competition for some of the larger companies in gaming. It's about time EA and Activision-Blizzard (to name a few) get some motivation to bring out better games that are accessible to more people.

alright. once, there was a family of the dad, Joe, the mom, Sue and the son Jim. one day they were sitting at the breakfast table eating pancakes. the next thing they knew, 3 giant penguins came in and bit their heads off. they died. the end
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Off-topic but I immediately recognized your sig (Krazyck) from years and years ago, was funny back then and is still funny now loool :lol:

How many runescape players does it take to change a lightbulb?


1 to change the bulb and the other 49 to complain about how it was better before.


So why are you here?

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Your "evil-empire" theory is identical to those toward fascist regimes, like North Korea who actually pose a real and substantial threat to human lives with their unstable government and manipulation techniques.




People may agree with you, but that is the very essence of humans around the age of 12-20 in our society; they find the idea of a "revolutionist" movements cool, in which bash "the man". And I see you obviously find Jagex to be "the man".




The reality of your claims prove only that Jagex is identical to almost every other company with many consumers on this planet; they want profit, a steady and happy customer base, and growth.




FACT: By definition, Runescape is not "addictive"




FACT: Jagex doesn't have global domination on their itinerary




Thats all, I just want people to see through these attention-grabbing claims.


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Unless there is a massive culteral shift away from online gaming (doubtful) or a major catastrophe for the company/world, I doubt Runescape will go down in the foreseeable future, it might just go on and on and on and on and on and on....

-- 2001 Starter --


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Why are you calling it a 'virus'? It's an online game, for heaven's sakes. Yes, Jagex has made money off of it, and it appears to be going fine as long as Jagex doesn't shift to mechscape.


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

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FACT: By definition, Runescape is not "addictive"





I think most MMORPG's can be defined as addictive.







the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.





No, stopping Runescape would not cause severe trauma, even in the most extreme circumstances.


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FACT: By definition, Runescape is not "addictive"





I think most MMORPG's can be defined as addictive.







the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.





No, stopping Runescape would not cause severe trauma, even in the most extreme circumstances.




Taking a dictionary defintion of a scientific term is not always acurate. Runescape can be defined as psychologically addictive, because if you abruptly take it away from someone who plays, say, 3 hours a day, they would experience trauma. However, Runescape can be weened off of through sheer will power, just like any physically addictive substance. In that respect, Runescape is addictive.

I has herd, that lesser demons, MAY or may not, drop tormented demons. \:D/ :roll: :x :D :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol:


Due to a typo, I am now stuck with 1k dragon darts and no buyer. Can I has bail out from tip.it plox?

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FACT: By definition, Runescape is not "addictive"





I think most MMORPG's can be defined as addictive.







the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.





No, stopping Runescape would not cause severe trauma, even in the most extreme circumstances.




Taking a dictionary defintion of a scientific term is not always acurate. Runescape can be defined as psychologically addictive, because if you abruptly take it away from someone who plays, say, 3 hours a day, they would experience trauma. However, Runescape can be weened off of through sheer will power, just like any physically addictive substance. In that respect, Runescape is addictive.




Please elaborate, what kind of trauma would be suffered if Runescape was stopped "cold turkey".


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Well, one of my friends went into deep depression... he started cutting himself in front of his parents to get rs back. I've seen cases of people attacking their parents, one divorced his wife because she hacked his account and changed the password so he couldn't guess it. He didn't have any recovery questions. Yeah, it can cause trauma. I couple of people commited suicide, it was on the news a year ago i think. And don't say they have no lives, because addiction is what causes that.

I has herd, that lesser demons, MAY or may not, drop tormented demons. \:D/ :roll: :x :D :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol:


Due to a typo, I am now stuck with 1k dragon darts and no buyer. Can I has bail out from tip.it plox?

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Well, one of my friends went into deep depression... he started cutting himself in front of his parents to get rs back. I've seen cases of people attacking their parents, one divorced his wife because she hacked his account and changed the password so he couldn't guess it. He didn't have any recovery questions. Yeah, it can cause trauma. I couple of people commited suicide, it was on the news a year ago i think. And don't say they have no lives, because addiction is what causes that.


rofl cutting himself in front of his parents?


what a nerd L

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Well, one of my friends went into deep depression... he started cutting himself in front of his parents to get rs back. I've seen cases of people attacking their parents, one divorced his wife because she hacked his account and changed the password so he couldn't guess it. He didn't have any recovery questions. Yeah, it can cause trauma. I couple of people commited suicide, it was on the news a year ago i think. And don't say they have no lives, because addiction is what causes that.




First off, no sane or without other variables contributing to the problem would act that eratticly over a game. Overall, anything has the ability to cause addiction if accustomed in certain environments and for long enough periods of time. I am saying, by it self, Runescape isn't more addicting than something like chewing gum.


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Well, one of my friends went into deep depression... he started cutting himself in front of his parents to get rs back. I've seen cases of people attacking their parents, one divorced his wife because she hacked his account and changed the password so he couldn't guess it. He didn't have any recovery questions. Yeah, it can cause trauma. I couple of people commited suicide, it was on the news a year ago i think. And don't say they have no lives, because addiction is what causes that.




First off, no sane or without other variables contributing to the problem would act that eratticly over a game. Overall, anything has the ability to cause addiction if accustomed in certain environments and for long enough periods of time. I am saying, by it self, Runescape isn't more addicting than something like chewing gum.




that's the thing, Runescape caused these variables, depression, things like that. You are thinking only of physical addiction, psychological addiction can be more deadly. Rehabilitation is used for breaking psychological addiction, most likely by the time someone goes there, they either never had a physical addiction or it has already been broken. the way you are speaking, you think psychological addiction isn't powerful. On the contrary, it is very.

I has herd, that lesser demons, MAY or may not, drop tormented demons. \:D/ :roll: :x :D :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol:


Due to a typo, I am now stuck with 1k dragon darts and no buyer. Can I has bail out from tip.it plox?

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Well, one of my friends went into deep depression... he started cutting himself in front of his parents to get rs back. I've seen cases of people attacking their parents, one divorced his wife because she hacked his account and changed the password so he couldn't guess it. He didn't have any recovery questions. Yeah, it can cause trauma. I couple of people commited suicide, it was on the news a year ago i think. And don't say they have no lives, because addiction is what causes that.




First off, no sane or without other variables contributing to the problem would act that eratticly over a game. Overall, anything has the ability to cause addiction if accustomed in certain environments and for long enough periods of time. I am saying, by it self, Runescape isn't more addicting than something like chewing gum.




that's the thing, Runescape caused these variables, depression, things like that. You are thinking only of physical addiction, psychological addiction can be more deadly. Rehabilitation is used for breaking psychological addiction, most likely by the time someone goes there, they either never had a physical addiction or it has already been broken. the way you are speaking, you think psychological addiction isn't powerful. On the contrary, it is very.




Rofl, your making Runescape seem way to powerful. As I just said, Runescape isn't anymore addictive than chewing gum. I never implied or stated any opinions on whether pshycological or physical addiction was more serious, and happen to totally agree that phycological addiction is worse, but that is irrelivant to any points you or I have made.


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Well, one of my friends went into deep depression... he started cutting himself in front of his parents to get rs back. I've seen cases of people attacking their parents, one divorced his wife because she hacked his account and changed the password so he couldn't guess it. He didn't have any recovery questions. Yeah, it can cause trauma. I couple of people commited suicide, it was on the news a year ago i think. And don't say they have no lives, because addiction is what causes that.




First off, no sane or without other variables contributing to the problem would act that eratticly over a game. Overall, anything has the ability to cause addiction if accustomed in certain environments and for long enough periods of time. I am saying, by it self, Runescape isn't more addicting than something like chewing gum.




that's the thing, Runescape caused these variables, depression, things like that. You are thinking only of physical addiction, psychological addiction can be more deadly. Rehabilitation is used for breaking psychological addiction, most likely by the time someone goes there, they either never had a physical addiction or it has already been broken. the way you are speaking, you think psychological addiction isn't powerful. On the contrary, it is very.




Rofl, your making Runescape seem way to powerful. As I just said, Runescape isn't anymore addictive than chewing gum. I never implied or stated any opinions on whether pshycological or physical addiction was more serious, and happen to totally agree that phycological addiction is worse, but that is irrelivant to any points you or I have made.




Alright, i suppose i have gotten a bit off topic. There is one difference, however, between Runescape and chewing gum. computer screens emit strong amounts of light that can effect the brain, after playing too long, this can cause a inbalance in brain chemicals(don't ask me on the specifics, i'm not in biochemistry, this is independent study) that can cause the feeling that a computer screen is good for one's self, sort of like the feeling you get when you eat a big meal. This can cause a physical addiction to computer screens, especially the source image, Runescape in this case, because this provides a familiar feeling. This isn't the leading cause of Runescape addiction, as one would have to play as if they were psychologically addicted in the first place in order to achieve this state, however, this makes Runescape much stronger than you might think. I did blow its power out of proportion with my extreme examples, however, you underestimate it as well. Just read the leaving Runescape sticky, you'll see there are many more addicts than there are chewing gum addicts, and chewing gum sells many more units than Runescape.

I has herd, that lesser demons, MAY or may not, drop tormented demons. \:D/ :roll: :x :D :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol:


Due to a typo, I am now stuck with 1k dragon darts and no buyer. Can I has bail out from tip.it plox?

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Well, one of my friends went into deep depression... he started cutting himself in front of his parents to get rs back. I've seen cases of people attacking their parents, one divorced his wife because she hacked his account and changed the password so he couldn't guess it. He didn't have any recovery questions. Yeah, it can cause trauma. I couple of people commited suicide, it was on the news a year ago i think. And don't say they have no lives, because addiction is what causes that.




First off, no sane or without other variables contributing to the problem would act that eratticly over a game. Overall, anything has the ability to cause addiction if accustomed in certain environments and for long enough periods of time. I am saying, by it self, Runescape isn't more addicting than something like chewing gum.




that's the thing, Runescape caused these variables, depression, things like that. You are thinking only of physical addiction, psychological addiction can be more deadly. Rehabilitation is used for breaking psychological addiction, most likely by the time someone goes there, they either never had a physical addiction or it has already been broken. the way you are speaking, you think psychological addiction isn't powerful. On the contrary, it is very.




Rofl, your making Runescape seem way to powerful. As I just said, Runescape isn't anymore addictive than chewing gum. I never implied or stated any opinions on whether pshycological or physical addiction was more serious, and happen to totally agree that phycological addiction is worse, but that is irrelivant to any points you or I have made.




Alright, i suppose i have gotten a bit off topic. There is one difference, however, between Runescape and chewing gum. computer screens emit strong amounts of light that can effect the brain, after playing too long, this can cause a inbalance in brain chemicals(don't ask me on the specifics, i'm not in biochemistry, this is independent study) that can cause the feeling that a computer screen is good for one's self, sort of like the feeling you get when you eat a big meal. This can cause a physical addiction to computer screens, especially the source image, Runescape in this case, because this provides a familiar feeling. This isn't the leading cause of Runescape addiction, as one would have to play as if they were psychologically addicted in the first place in order to achieve this state, however, this makes Runescape much stronger than you might think. I did blow its power out of proportion with my extreme examples, however, you underestimate it as well. Just read the leaving Runescape sticky, you'll see there are many more addicts than there are chewing gum addicts, and chewing gum sells many more units than Runescape.




If anyone was ever "addicted" to Runescape, that I know is myself. Up untill 3 weeks ago, I played hours and hours a day, even interfering with my homework and school. Do I consider it an addiction at all? - No, I did not suffer any trauma when quitting 3 weeks ago; sure I was bored a bit, and had to learn how to fill up my schedual a little differently, but it wasn't too bad.




As for your argument about how Runescape is different than chewing gum, where you claim that neurochemicals are a physical component of Runescape addiction. First I want to say that you shouldn't make baseless claims, without sources, especially when you say yourself that you haven't studied biochemistry. But okay, I'll humor you. Based on those standards in which "biochemicals" which a Runescape player has once playing Runescape, gum would be far more addictive, no? It stimulates muscle-patterns, releases flavor receptors, and fofills the need many people have of having something in their mouth (one of the causes of ciggarette addiction).




Also, saying Runescape effects the brain, unless your speaking strictly about the content of Runescape (which you're not), then it is not Runescape, but the computer itself, so blame Bill Gates and the William Krooks for inventing the Computer and CRT.


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If you quit Runescape then riddle me this, why are you on a fan board? And also, just because you play hours a day, doesn't mean you are addicted. Especially since the only side effect you experienced was boredom, sure it is a minor form of tolerance, but prove addiction. Besides, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that computer screens stimulate the brain in a form comparable to uppers, and when stimulated as such you prefer a familiar feeling, for example, if you were on uppers, you would stick with the same drug, you would not try a different upper. It is the same with Runescape, you are addicted to the screen images, that does not mean that you would just play World of Warcraft on a wind, it is your conscience which determines the content.




Note: About your citation claim, there is no need to cite evidence for so simple a topic, personal experiences as well as peers' experiences(as long as they are not part of your clique) suffice.

I has herd, that lesser demons, MAY or may not, drop tormented demons. \:D/ :roll: :x :D :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol:


Due to a typo, I am now stuck with 1k dragon darts and no buyer. Can I has bail out from tip.it plox?

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If you quit Runescape then riddle me this, why are you on a fan board? And also, just because you play hours a day, doesn't mean you are addicted. Especially since the only side effect you experienced was boredom, sure it is a minor form of tolerance, but prove addiction. Besides, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that computer screens stimulate the brain in a form comparable to uppers, and when stimulated as such you prefer a familiar feeling, for example, if you were on uppers, you would stick with the same drug, you would not try a different upper. It is the same with Runescape, you are addicted to the screen images, that does not mean that you would just play World of Warcraft on a wind, it is your conscience which determines the content.




Note: About your citation claim, there is no need to cite evidence for so simple a topic, personal experiences as well as peers' experiences(as long as they are not part of your clique) suffice.




I am on the fan board because it is one of the oldest communities I am a part of currently, and I also still take interest in Runescape. Just because I quit doesn't mean I cannot discuss it.




If it is such common knowledge that " computer screens stimulate the brain in a form comparable to uppers, and when stimulated as such you prefer a familiar feeling, for example, if you were on uppers, you would stick with the same drug, you would not try a different upper" (light waves from computer screens are addicting), then it should should be easy to find a source. Instead of even making more baseless claims, prove them. If you can find a source that tells me screen light patterns are addictive, then I will believe that they are. But this still has nothing to do with Runescape being addictive. You just felt that it supported your argument, when really it was totally irrelevant.


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I'm sorry, but if you don't believe light patterns can be addictive I can't argue with you. Why should I have to prove a point that is common knowledge? You're basically asking me to prove that when you put your hand on a pot that is on a range that it burns your hand. This is nothing personal, but this fact is an axiom almost, there's no real way or need to prove this. Unless you would like to read an article from google scholar, but quite frankly, I don't wish to search for the correct lab report.

I has herd, that lesser demons, MAY or may not, drop tormented demons. \:D/ :roll: :x :D :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol:


Due to a typo, I am now stuck with 1k dragon darts and no buyer. Can I has bail out from tip.it plox?

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I'm sorry, but if you don't believe light patterns can be addictive I can't argue with you. Why should I have to prove a point that is common knowledge? You're basically asking me to prove that when you put your hand on a pot that is on a range that it burns your hand. This is nothing personal, but this fact is an axiom almost, there's no real way or need to prove this. Unless you would like to read an article from google scholar, but quite frankly, I don't wish to search for the correct lab report.




You downsize me for not knowing a claim that you state as nothing but the truth, and that it is such common knowledge that you simply have to halt the argument for that reason. You look like a fool, making yourself believe a false claim made by yourself, not the false claim that light is addictive, but the false claim that it is common knowledge. Please give me a shred of proof that your claim is correct, not because I know for a fact it is false, but for arguments sake.




Ask 10 people if they think the question on whether light waves are addictive is common knowledge. Your just fooling yourself.


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Heh, don't take this too seriously.




I just thought it was an interesting way of looking at things. It got kinda out of hand as I was writing it and it ended up pretty long and whimsical, but it was mostly just for fun so take it as you will.








Haha cazwise, I remember your name from way back when as well. It's been a while since I've posted, but I can tell this thread is just going downhill from here.


1543 Skill total, 100% F2P

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I'm sorry, but if you don't believe light patterns can be addictive I can't argue with you. Why should I have to prove a point that is common knowledge? You're basically asking me to prove that when you put your hand on a pot that is on a range that it burns your hand. This is nothing personal, but this fact is an axiom almost, there's no real way or need to prove this. Unless you would like to read an article from google scholar, but quite frankly, I don't wish to search for the correct lab report.




You downsize me for not knowing a claim that you state as nothing but the truth, and that it is such common knowledge that you simply have to halt the argument for that reason. You look like a fool, making yourself believe a false claim made by yourself, not the false claim that light is addictive, but the false claim that it is common knowledge. Please give me a shred of proof that your claim is correct, not because I know for a fact it is false, but for arguments sake.




Ask 10 people if they think the question on whether light waves are addictive is common knowledge. Your just fooling yourself.




I suppose mingling with a crowd that has taken at the least Physics B is not good for my "common knowledge" appeal. Alright, you win. I concede. Just next time, try not to argue for arguement's sake.




On a side note: Has anyone else found the shift key to be unresponsive on this forum? I know it's not my keyboard because it works fine on Rs and other forums.

I has herd, that lesser demons, MAY or may not, drop tormented demons. \:D/ :roll: :x :D :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol:


Due to a typo, I am now stuck with 1k dragon darts and no buyer. Can I has bail out from tip.it plox?

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