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I miss the old days/treat f2p better


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One Vision - Queen wrote:




"I had a dream, When I was young,


A dream of sweet illusion, A glimpse of hope and unity,


And visions of one sweet union, But a cold wind blows,


And a dark rain falls, And in my heart it shows,


Look what they've done to my dream"




I really miss the days when I could log on and dice some noobs in the wildy and actually make a profit. The days when you could be pitied and given a awesome gift or give money to someone in need. I miss being able to drop trade from account to account, and being able to take others stuff when they do it. It seemed so hard to make money then but now after times have changed I realize that I could've mad it rich then. Now we have things like trade limits and the party room (really just a way to drop trade without breaking rules. Only difference is, you have to go through the hassle of popping hundreds of ballons while racing against a bunch of noobs looking to feed of your cash flow.) and PVP worlds. Now when you kill a player you don't even get all of their stuff. You could lose 1 mill in items and cash in pvp worlds several times and all the 'winner' gets of it is a bit of cash, some amulets, noob food and mith armor. How the heck is that equal to the 1.63 mill you just lost or the Zammy armour and Rune weps you hoped to get from the one you just pked? With trade limits it seems that Jagex was trying to help people to get a fair price for their stuff but it just makes it harder to earn large amounts of cash. You used to gain some cash some times and lose some at others, but now everything's 'fair'. On top of that, Jagex shovels new updates and quests, items , skills and methods of making money into P2P worlds while F2P'ers are left with scraps, false hopes, and that eternal feeling of being sub-par. They could at least give us they same items as the P2P'ers but it wouldn't make that much of a difference because half of the F2P people wouldn't be able to afford them. Heck! We wouldn't even be able to store them in our banks! Pshh 68 items? Compared to 400???? What? That is really injustice. It may have been time for a change, but the change that came wasn't for the better.




Please do not post entirely in one any color other than the default as it is hard to read on some skins. You can highlight certain things in color to emphasize something. Thanks! ~ Shaz

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Oh come on... not another thread about how it was better before.




Yes it was better.


Yes PKing was more profitable.


Yes you could give gifts.




But it' s here to stay. Accept it already.




But the part with P2P and F2P updates. Guess what...




We never got this many updates before. Do you even REALIZE how much we actually got this year?

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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We never got this many updates before. Do you even REALIZE how much we actually got this year?


But do you realise how much we LOST too? There is still no decent replacement for solo PKing and the old way of merchanting is dead -- replaced with making huge investments and hoping they'll rise. Don't forget it's still very hard to give items to friends

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We never got this many updates before. Do you even REALIZE how much we actually got this year?


But do you realise how much we LOST too? There is still no decent replacement for solo PKing and the old way of merchanting is dead -- replaced with making huge investments and hoping they'll rise. Don't forget it's still very hard to give items to friends


Yet members lost all those things too. F2P has had a huge amount of updates this year, and while they are not all good, there have been many, many updates. Take a look at this list, it's from another thread, with some person complaining about the lack of updates for F2P. He wrote that he doesn't think the updates are useful, and the bits in bold are my replies:




Assist System - hardly anybody uses | So, you still have the option to use it.


Duel Arena - Only has Noobs looking for fr33 3xp | When I was F2P, one of the things I wanted the most was the ability to duel with friends. Sure, that was at wilderness times, but it still applies today.


Bank Space - They sooo needed this | Good, I'm glad you agree.


Bots - This wasnt a F2P Update, this was a Runescape wide update | Isn't every update either P2P or a RuneScape wide update? You don't get F2P only updates.


GE - um, killed the economy? | You could say that, but I bet you use it every time you buy or sell.


Graphics - F2P doesnt have high detail/full screen | F2P doesn't have fullscreen, but you do have HD.


FoG - Cool Minigame, mostly filled with noobs | It's still a good minigame with pretty good rewards. You said yourself it's cool.


Coinshare - useless in f2p | It's useless, but F2P still has it.


Holidays - everyone deserves this | Jagex could make holiday events P2P if they liked. Nobody, F2P or P2P, deserves anything. We get what Jagex choose to give us.


GnomeCopters - you're serious right? this was just to show newbies how cooll p2p is | Still helpful for F2Pers who are looking to become members.


party pete - again, useless | What, so the only possible way to have a drop party is useless?


quick chat - i guess its good for muted players but thats it | Like you said, if you were muted you would appreciate it.


item lending - good idea but useless in f2p, except for are items | You still have the option to lend items, even if only rares are worth lending.


bank update - if you do this to p2p, you have to do it to f2p | Jagex doesn't HAVE to do anything. It could be P2P only for all they care.


rc guild - good update | Likewise.


trade margin increased - useful but not by much, 10k isnt alot | Like you said, useful, and while 10k isn't a lot, it is still 10k worth more items than you could have in one trade previously.


pvp worlds - everyone deserves pking | Again, nobody deserves anything.

Retired Tip.It Crew Mapper.

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The days when you could be pitied and given a awesome gift or give money to someone in need.


There's the item lending system, although it isn't exactly the same, you could lend a couple of items to help your friends out.




I miss being able to drop trade from account to account, and being able to take others stuff when they do it.




Silly me. I thought drop trading is against the rules. Although I will admit I snagged a maple longbow from a pair of drop traders.




It seemed so hard to make money then but now after times have changed I realize that I could've mad it rich then.




Last time I tried it, which was before PVP returned and before the expanded trade limit, I managed a decent 55kish a hour with steel bars




With trade limits it seems that Jagex was trying to help people to get a fair price for their stuff but it just makes it harder to earn large amounts of cash.




If you play the Grand Exchange right, you can make cash off of that. It's the same way with the real stock market. For example: I should have bought Citigroup stock on Monday, waited for the announcement of the bailout, and sold either today or tomorrow. And especially with the nice new graphs--you can see where everything is going and try to anticipate updates. In a way, it's merchanting made easier.




On top of that, Jagex shovels new updates and quests, items , skills and methods of making money into P2P worlds while F2P'ers are left with scraps, false hopes, and that eternal feeling of being sub-par.




And F2P doesn't pay a cent. No, really, perhaps Jagex should listen and work for the people who give them a profit? (I am and always was F2P, too.)




They could at least give us they same items as the P2P'ers but it wouldn't make that much of a difference because half of the F2P people wouldn't be able to afford them. Heck! We wouldn't even be able to store them in our banks! Pshh 68 items? Compared to 400???? What? That is really injustice. It may have been time for a change, but the change that came wasn't for the better.




There's a reason why members pay to get their perks, you know. You can't just walk up to a company and demand free stuff.

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We never got this many updates before. Do you even REALIZE how much we actually got this year?


But do you realise how much we LOST too? There is still no decent replacement for solo PKing and the old way of merchanting is dead -- replaced with making huge investments and hoping they'll rise. Don't forget it's still very hard to give items to friends




Whell, true we did loose an easy way to making money. Merchanting was really never my buisness. But I did profit around 500k from the GE when lobsters went up with "merchanting". But you have to admit that, coming closer to the end, the wildy was getting really frustrating.




But, skillers profit quite from the update since bots are virtually gone. A few still hang on but that' s like a drop in the ocean compared to the times before Dec 10th.




And giving items to friends, whell, I' m sure alot of us miss that but I still smile when I see all those empty yew spots.

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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We never got this many updates before. Do you even REALIZE how much we actually got this year?


But do you realise how much we LOST too? There is still no decent replacement for solo PKing and the old way of merchanting is dead -- replaced with making huge investments and hoping they'll rise. Don't forget it's still very hard to give items to friends




Whell, true we did loose an easy way to making money. Merchanting was really never my buisness. But I did profit around 500k from the GE when lobsters went up with "merchanting". But you have to admit that, coming closer to the end, the wildy was getting really frustrating.




But, skillers profit quite from the update since bots are virtually gone. A few still hang on but that' s like a drop in the ocean compared to the times before Dec 10th.




And giving items to friends, whell, I' m sure alot of us miss that but I still smile when I see all those empty yew spots.




I'm curious about your favorite yew spots. (Unless you're talking about members' worlds.) With bots gone, humans immediately took their places. Willows are much emptier, true.



You're being watched.

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I do have my spells of nostalgia here and there sometimes too. Like getting excited because I could finally mine Iron Ore or later when I could log in world 17 at the Edgeville Yews and find a good 10 people that knew me and welcomed me.




But it's all changed, so I've had to live with it or quite simply stop playing. I think everyone should really live by this manner...

Taking a Playstation 3 break.


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We never got this many updates before. Do you even REALIZE how much we actually got this year?


But do you realise how much we LOST too? There is still no decent replacement for solo PKing and the old way of merchanting is dead -- replaced with making huge investments and hoping they'll rise. Don't forget it's still very hard to give items to friends




Whell, true we did loose an easy way to making money. Merchanting was really never my buisness. But I did profit around 500k from the GE when lobsters went up with "merchanting". But you have to admit that, coming closer to the end, the wildy was getting really frustrating.




But, skillers profit quite from the update since bots are virtually gone. A few still hang on but that' s like a drop in the ocean compared to the times before Dec 10th.




And giving items to friends, whell, I' m sure alot of us miss that but I still smile when I see all those empty yew spots.




I'm curious about your favorite yew spots. (Unless you're talking about members' worlds.) With bots gone, humans immediately took their places. Willows are much emptier, true.





You know, the ones near Rimmington, south of Melzar' s maze, that's a nice spot. Then there are some near the eastern wall of Varrock, I like those too. The three or four Lumbridge yews if you count the one near Draynor are also nice.




Those are quite nice on a good world and good time. Thankfully my timezone GMT+1 or something like that gives me a nice window to cut in peace.




But hey times change. Sure twas better before, but we all know how much Jagex changes it' s initial ideas. And I' m sure we' re not going to see free trading or merchanting anytime soon.




Would be nice though. Maybe my friends list might get a bit greener.

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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On top of that, Jagex shovels new updates and quests, items , skills and methods of making money into P2P worlds while F2P'ers are left with scraps, false hopes, and that eternal feeling of being sub-par. They could at least give us they same items as the P2P'ers but it wouldn't make that much of a difference because half of the F2P people wouldn't be able to afford them. Heck! We wouldn't even be able to store them in our banks! Pshh 68 items? Compared to 400???? What? That is really injustice. It may have been time for a change, but the change that came wasn't for the better.




Most of your rant is valid, except for the ending. First of all, since when did Jagex say that F2P would get updates(other than holiday events)? Never. So what made you expect Jagex to give F2P updates? Do we pay? No. Should we get updates? No. F2P is for people who enjoy Runescape as it is, and don't want the additional features. If you want them, you pay for them. As for allowing P2P items to be used in F2P, that's a terrible idea. The point isn't that half the F2P community isn't able to afford them, it's that members who can are able to afford them could bring them into a F2P world, ruining a new Runescape players experience (thus Jagex potentially loses a potential member). Also, why on Earth do you need more than 68 items in F2P? I've been playing for 2 years now, all the time F2P and never once have I come within 5 items of that limit. The fact that you call this an 'Injustice' is absurd. A company offers a free service and premium service, which do you expect to be better? Finally, 'sub-par' are you kidding me? Jagex offers F2P players the same support as P2P players. F2P getting less updates should be expected, it is Free to Play.

100% F2P





99 Defense, Tuesday February 10th 2009

99 Attack, Tuesday May 26th 200962,189th to get it

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While it is true that F2P never got this much updates before, it is also true that I regret them all! Yes, you can make money off the G.E., but you must have large amounts of money to profit a large amount. True, you can make money off steel bars, but 55k an hour? Compared to about 1 mill every time I played on my old main, that's nothing. I didn't even play more than once or twice a week then and I was still able to afford pretty much anything I wanted. The age of the trade merchanter is over because of trade limits. Btw, the people coming and saying to stop complaining, don't even bother. This section is for complaining and ranting on about things, thus the title "RANTS".

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We never got this many updates before. Do you even REALIZE how much we actually got this year?


But do you realise how much we LOST too? There is still no decent replacement for solo PKing and the old way of merchanting is dead -- replaced with making huge investments and hoping they'll rise. Don't forget it's still very hard to give items to friends




Yes,solo pking.Don't you remember the days?Just you and your entire clan packed into one spot,hoping for a noob to come about so you could "pwn" them?Or those days you and your ancient mage buddy would wait by Edgeville wild and lure noobs in for the kill?Or how bout those honorable kills we got from RC'ers?




Seriously though,f2p got a LOT more than what they used to when I was f2p.What you got,excluding events (Hell,I joined in the year they skipped events);




Bounty Hunter,Clan Wars plus update,FoG,a temporary quest giving 10 free genie lamps?More,too...




When I joined we had near nothing,the first update I remember for f2p was Runecrafting,which I joined after.Then we had nothing (during which I became p2p),then the Stronghold.




What old days are you talking about?


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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