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Stupidest way you've been injured?


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Well today i got hit in the head by a base ball. A girl friend of mine (she's a girl thats a friend...) threw the base ball (just as we had started tossing (or should i say) pitching it around... first time throwing it to me,a nd it missed my glove and hit me int he forehead... god it hurts!








I was playing baseball with my brother and a few other friends once. He threw the ball at me really hard. Just then, someone ran in front of me and I couldn't see the ball. They dodged the ball and it hit me right in my ribcage. I broke one of my ribs. :(








One time I was jumping on a trampoline and got my little toe caught in one of the springs... When I pulled it out, I discovered that I had put a big gash in it and it was broken. I couldn't walk right for a week. (That happened to be my first week back at school from summer vacation too) It really sucked.

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well it wasent me but it was my cusin and it was SO funny i have to share...he tried to bunge jump off hid deck using a normal rope that he had tied around hid waste...good thing he wasnt seriously injured... :o :o




That's hilarious! What a dumb kid lol :lol:


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~108 combat~

5.9k dusties killed / dragon chain :D

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going psycho and punching stuff after a friend pissed me off.




the scars remain, and every time i look at them i feel regret.




don't do it kids.

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my baseball coach hit me in the eye with a baseball when we were practicing i had 2 go 2 th ER 11 x-rays later i found out i broke my cheek bone and they said it was hard to put a cast on it so they didnt bother cause they were too lazy next week i was playin again 2 days after it happened no pain at all :twisted:








but i had a black eye for 6 months :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :twisted:


(\/) 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

(O.o) cabbage rools

(><) my sig is cool, if you agree put this in your sig. *is too lazy to animate*

^the bunny is back! yay!

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Hmm, well, the only one I can think of was a few months ago, before the Easter holidays. I was in Science, my class was standing round the middle table while the teacher (who was standing in for my normal one) demonstrated something. This was the first class of the day, I was tired, and we'd been standing up for about fifteen minutes. We were talking about eyes, and I'm normally a bit squeamish about them. He got out this model, and started taking it apart. Suddenly I felt really dizzy - but since there were people on either side of me, I couldn't go and sit down. Next thing I know, I'm lying on the floor under a table with everybody staring at me. Apparently, the teacher ran around like a headless chicken yelling "What do I do, what do I do?" at the top of his voice. :) I got the rest of the day off school, so it wasn't too bad, but it was really embarrassing, loking up at everyone from the floor.








Also, my friend managed to break his wrist while doing a handstand in PE, then, almost the next week, a girl dislocated her thumb doing high jump. It wasn't really funny, but still . . .









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when i was 10 i was hiding on a caravan and the guy got in and drove off




so i jumped off and broke 2 legs(one of the bones went right through my skin) arm and had a masive gash down the other arm i was in a+e for bout 18 hours

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when i was 10 i was hiding on a caravan and the guy got in and drove off




so i jumped off and broke 2 legs(one of the bones went right through my skin) arm and had a masive gash down the other arm i was in a+e for bout 18 hours








Eeeeeesh.... :( I bet that had to hurt!

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When I was 5, I was jumping around near the edge of my grandmothers bed, and there was a mirror sitting upright on the ground. Being 5, I had little coordination or judgement, and I accidently leaped off of the bed, and my head head hit the corner of the mirror, about one inch above my eye.








It wasn't a serious injury, but if I landed in almost any other way, I would of lost my left eye. Plus, I have a life-long Harry-Potter-like illegal program in the middle of my forehead.

OMG! that is almost exactly what happened to me, i was being chased by my younger brother when i was young, i jumped off a foot stool thing, and hit my head on my like left eyebrow, i was eyebrowless for like all of kindergarden, and now i got a scar up there, 7 stiches there. alright that was pretty stupid. the other one was when i had a glass mug full of coins. the bottom just colapsed and slit my hand open, 4 stiches there.
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I think it must be during a tennis match, quite recently. It was a doubles match and i was returning serve against this dude with an awesome slice serve. Anyway he put an insane amount of spin on it, and i tried to hit it on my forehand but it spun round and caught me off guard. I don't know exactly what happened but i think i hit the top of my nose with the edge of my racket and nearly knocked myself out, but not quite. For some odd reason i couldn't see for about a minute, didn't realise it was my turn to serve, people were throwing me tennis balls to catch and i was stumling around with a fair bit of blood coming out of my nose. Eventually got my sight back (my doubles partner was still oblivious to my pain) and served and actually won my game (somehow). I think it was when i stumbled off the court with blood down my white shirt and shorts that people realised what i'd done. Hurt a fair bit later.








Oh yeah, and i was out on my bike once with some friends and there was this right angles turn on a gravel dirt road on a steep downhill and we were all going down, with me in the lead. Anyway i took the corner too fast, my back wheel skidded out, put my hand out but i kept sliding down the hill. Scraped most of the skin off the palm of my hand.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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lol coach got a bad throw?








He auditioned for the part in 'Bad News Bears'












well it wasent me but it was my cusin and it was SO funny i have to share...he tried to bunge jump off hid deck using a normal rope that he had tied around hid waste...good thing he wasnt seriously injured... :x :x








ROOFLMAAO OOMMggg I cannnot breaaathe !!!! LOooooollllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








Omg i have this huge image of some1 i know doin that and I cannot stop laughin OOOMmmg!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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I was riding my bike earlier and a chain link fence gate swung open and slammed into my arm. The skin was white where it hit. Didn't hurt too bad, though, just pissed me off and made me swear at a metal fence... :roll: I just kept on riding and brushed off the dead skin. Still quite a gash though.








I also fell down the stairs a few years ago and couldn't breathe for like 10 minutes. Don't remember why...








And REALLY weird, I chipped my front tooth by getting slammed in the face by a metal rod. Same thing happened to my dad (hockey accident), my friend (moving an excercise machine), and his dad (also hockey accident)! :shock: Felt like my tooth had a plastic glove on it for a while afterwards.








The Kalphite Queen spit at me and disintegrated my arm off. (nah, kidding)

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we were playng rugby in the school yard (HARD ground of concrete)








then my friend which had the ball slipped and so did i, my chin hit my friends head and my new tooth which had grown long and sharp was pushed up my upper lip so there was a big hole.








at my class-trip we where at a indoor pool, i climbed up on the edge of the pool, i jumped... bang! then i suddenly was laying at the bottom at the pool.








by accident i banged my head into some pipe of aluminium so my head cracked, luckyli i didnt have to take any stitches.








the rest of the day it was a trail of blood in the pool after me.



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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One time, my first time on a motorbike for christs sake, i was doing the course where you apply for your L's on a bike, just after i'd had stitches in my knee (which was bloody painful), and i tried doing a wheelie :lol: axed it totally and landed right dam hard on my bloody knee. Could not straighten my leg at all, and i passed out :)








Another one was when i fell backwards over council tape (that like 1.5 metre high red stuff around dangerous areas). I just fell backwards over it an broke my arm.. lol :?

Rsn: snyper jr

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I was 13 and trying to learn how to ride a bike, I have learning disabilities, but not major, so I found it a bit hard to ride a bike. Anyway I tried riding a bike down a hill (it was a nice large field on a gentle slop). I started to learn how to peddle while free riding down the hill, then I tried to learn to steer, then lastly brake. Now doing 3 things for me at the same time was staring to confuse me and soon I started to panic while still free riding. I was heading for....a large bramble bush :lol: . 2 girls were watching me and my family were also watching me. The 2 girls shouted "Brake!" I got even more confused: "Should I brake or steer away from the bush????".








I crashed and ended up in the bramble bush, I had lots of cuts on my face and arms and obviously a bit shaken.








Also, one time at home and pulled a draw out from my chest-of-draws. I pulled it out too far and fell on my big toe. I found out that I had broken my toe as it had blood underneath the nail.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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Last summer was in mexico with a friend, we snuck out to the pool at like 2am, and decided to dive off the waterfall like we were earlier in the day... Little did we know they drain the dam landing pool at night, so we dove into 2 feet of water. Split my chin, and fractured my jaw.

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There was this wonderful girl on the trainstation, then my brain went black and 11 minutes later I had her number and planned 7 hours on the couch waatching the first season of twin peaks. Sweet. Everything proceeded as it was supposed to, but then ofcourse it turned out that she was more into women then men, and some hot chick from another town stole her. Ouch. Or did you mean physically?

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I've got my leg broken at least 4 times. Every one of them were really stupid :lol:








And the time I still used to skate I got my teeth broken few times :oops:








Ive knocked out like 4 teeth boardin... but its all good :shock:

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when i was in elementary school, we came up with this fundraiser called "Slow Bicycle Race". Seemed all fun and games. But turned out to be the most evil race of all time. I entered with my little orange huffy bike. The object of the race was to go as slow on your bike as you could without falling, the person who stood up the longest or went the farthest going slow wins that round and goes to the next round. WELL....








I started all the way on the end and we started racing. i was loosing really bad so i was like in the middle of the pack. the stupid kid on the end (who happend to be my best freind jason) fell over and knocked over everyone else in the row. so i got like 3 people on top of my little poor orange huffy. all polished up. anyways when they fell i got my foot caught in the chain of the kid beside me's bike and he started peddling. he cut 2 of my toes almost off, (they were hanging on by like nothing) and i had to get surgery to put them back on and now i cant move one of them.....








go ahead.. laugh at me

"Ive always tried to kill the greatest man alive, but then I finally realize that suicide is not the answer"



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My one is just plain stupid, it was when i was in yr 7 and was up the school hanging with one of my friends (it was the weekend). We pass by this pole thing and my friend sort of hangs upside down on it (no idea why) so being the person i am i tried to do something even better. I ran at the pole and jumped on it. I landed in a really painful position (i'm not saying where for certain reasons) my legs went stiff and it really hurt. I stayed in that position when i fell sidewards on the pole but i got over it quickily. Although my friend was on the floor laughing. :oops:

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