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tzhaars linked to zaros?


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Hmm, lets break this chain of insolence and constant quoting of the epic lol post ( Even though I loled like hell on it )




I myself have devised a theory before the tzhaar got their graphical 'frog' update, but those files 1. got deleted during the TiF whipeout and 2. are unfortunally erased from my computer.




-Edit- found it, its in the hide tags.






TzHaar: Perhaps the biggest reference ever? Or Chaosvuistje: The biggest nutcase ever to log in on Tip.it Forums?




--Warning, very long read.--


--Warning #2, lots of pictures


--Warning #3, big speculation thread, those without imagination should be wary


--Warning #4, lots of spoilers on the movies Aliens vs Predator, and Aliens vs Predator 2



Ive done some research on TzHaar and Predators before, twice, TvP, TvP2.


Now, with the upcoming updates to TzHaar, Im back to lunge at the booze and try to make this article even more convincing (or at least entertaining :P )


Ive tried to use less vague pictures in this topic then my previous one. I hope they will suffice.




First up, a tiny introduction about the two races.




TzHaar, from Runescape


- Habitat: Jungle, Deep under Karamja volcano.


- Lifestyle: Fighting and hunting


- Highest priority: Honour,

They suffer few of the ills of men: sickness only rarely comes upon them, they know nothing of crime, honour stands above all other virtues.




Predator, or Yautja, From the Alien/Predator/AvP series.


- Habitat: Jungle, temple built deep under Antartica


- Lifestyle: Fighting and hunting


- Highest priority: Honour.




Now, onto comparing stuff.




[hide=Minigames][Fight Pits.


A sport among the TzHaar and Humans where they kill each other for TokKul and fun.


Viewing orbs and Viewing device comparing:




In the movie AVP, the Predator used this device to see if there were any enemies in the temple. In Runescape, they are used to look at fights and spot enemies.


Also, the fight pits end in the same way as the Predators in AvP1 did. By getting overwhelmed with monsters and dying because of them.






Fight Caves.




On the edge of the TzHaar city, there is a vast cavern known as the Fight Cave. Used by the hunters of the TzHaar as a rite of passage, it's been opened up to outsiders as a test of perseverance.


This resembles the first hunt a predator must pass in order to be accepted into the Predator culture.




When you kill the Jad, you will do a cheer emote. This might be a spoof to




where a predator survived his trial.


In fact, Predators often show off their prized kills by holding them up high in the air.][/hide]




[hide=Tzhaar Npcs.][TzHaar-Xil, the agile hunter. Both using the rings as the TzHaar swords and knives.


You might have notices the TzHaar-Xil go up into their environment very well, Theyre nearly unspottable, but still seeable. Predators have a cloaking device, they can cloak most of their body, but you can still see them, like the TzHaar-Xil.




They use their rings both ranged-wise and melee-wise. Like the shuriken in the first AvP movie. Used both to shred through an alien head melee wise, and against the Queen ranged-wise.






The highest ranked TzHaar are the TzHaar-Mej, They watch over the pits and the caves, and guide the TzHaar. Something similar in rank would be an Elder predator, which has done many fights and hunts. And is considered an expert at leading.


TzHaar-Mej use a two handed staff. And they use them with both magic and melee. Strange that some Npc uses one weapon for two combat techniques. And there arent that much two-handed staffs around. The favourite weapon choice of a skilled Predator is the staff/spear, since it can do serious damage.




Their magic attack is a massive blast of heat from far away distance, and a less big heat blast if nearby. Pretty much like a plasma caster, which Predators often charge if prey is far away.






TzHaar-Ket are the big guardians. The ones wearing the most armour and the ones with the most strength. They are like the predators in AvP1. Which are all heavily armed, more so then most other predators, who only use a small amount of armour.




Tz-Kih are the only flying TzHaar creatures. They could be compared to facehuggers, the only flying Alien( leaping, flying.. whatever floats your boat. ). In the fight caves guide, they are advised to be killed first. Pretty much like the Facehuggers. Since once they hit you, its game over.






Tz-Kek, the clump of lava. Once you hit these with melee, you are bound to get hurt, like alien blood. The Acids in alien blood are able to burn through any organic matter and some metals.


Also, once you kill one, two other small ones burst from the dead carcass. Chestburster anyone?




Tok-Xil, this big guy has a powerful dart attack. The only reference I could find in him was that the darts look similar to the shot-gun like spear gun, which fires multiple darts at prey.




Ket-Zek, the big frog with a charmander tail. Seriously shouldve gotten a more fearsome look <_<. Opinions aside.


Ket-Zek use their tail to throw fire at you. Raise your hand if you think this is a reference to the alien who had his tail cut and used it to fling its acid blood at the Predator. *raises hand*




Yt-Hurkot, the guys who help the big daddy out of trouble when going gets tough. These guys heal the Jad in a group after he is down to half HP. In AvP1, the tied Queen cries out for help, and other aliens sprint towards her. They free her from the chains she was tied in and Queen was good to go to mess up the Predators who did this to her. When they heal a light comes from above, like the light the last-standing Predator was in AvP1.




TzTok-Jad, the creature that showed me whos boss 13 times. Make no mistake, this is the strongest and biggest TzHaar creature there is. The most prized for any TzHaar to kill.


If you look at its design youd think you would be claimed a madman for comparing it to the Alien Queen. Im willing to try just that though.


Not only is the Alien Queen the strongest and biggest Alien around, and obviously the most prized to kill for any Predator, it has some similar features to the Jad.


Like his Melee attack, it pounces its head at you, just like the Queen did towards a water tank in AvP1. Both the Jad and the Queen have 3 [bleep]es on either side of their back. The Jad dies in pretty much the same way as the Queen did in AvP1, where if falls down, grasps the ground, bites one more time and splashes down in the water. Now if you swap splash of water with a splash of fire, youve got the same death sequence.






Obsidian golem, an upcoming summoning creature. Ive tried hard to look for a reference here, since it does not lie in the looks of the creature itself, but the fusion of two others.


Consider the picture below.




Compared to.




Oh yes, in my view, the PredAlien reference is coming to Runescape. And it better be powerful alright :P][/hide]




[hide=Weapons and Armour.][The TzHaar and Predator have very simular equipment.


A two handed staff:




A knife:




A throwing ring/disk:




And both of their primary weapons, the sword for the TzHaar and wristblades for the Predator, have two very long blades. The colour of the TzHaar sword varies from most of the other weaponry. It being grey/metallic and the others more red/black.




The fury amulet has a red light emitting from it. No other obsidian jewelry has this. And it is used to maximize the accuracy from your attack. Quite similar to the laser emitter on the Predators helmet. Which tracks prey down automatically.




The berserker necklace has beads similar to the skulls on a Predators necklace. The more skulls on a Predators necklace, the more experienced he is with his weaponry. Hence why the Berserker necklace boosts the effectiveness of TzHaar weaponry.


The ring of stone requires a bit of depth. When a TzHaar dies, he solidifies, in other words, he turns to stone. The Self-destruct mechanism on the Predators is in that way similar to the TzHaars Ring of stone. As it both kills the owner.


The fire cape, worn by the best of the best, the mightiest of the mightiest. Strangely enough the only predator ever seen with a cape was an Elderpredator, which is the mightiest, and it was red.




The Bracelet of Regeneration makes sure you have double the amount of hp healed compared to normal conditions. Incased in a Predators bracelet are medkits, which make wounds heal much faster.][/hide]




[hide=Samuel Scourduel Part II references.][

I was well-treated there, but I was also little more than a pet.


Probably a reference to the way Predators treated the Mayans, as cattle.


To my great shock and joy, it haltingly spoke the tongue of men!


Predators can use the language of humans too, although it isnt perfect english, often mixing both their languages and English when talking to humans.


Though my vision was obscured by the steam that rose from vents in the floor.


Reference to the steam/gas vents in the predator ships.


they know nothing of crime, honour stands above all other virtues.


Do I really need to explain that this is exactly like the Predators?


a grand hall filled with statues of their kind. These, she explained to me, were her ancestors Carved into their likeness? I enquired.


Grand hall, like this?






[hide=Random references, not able to place them in any Category][TzHaar death, They fall to their knees and their arm rest on one of their knees. Could be compared to a Predator setting off their self-destruct mechanism




TzHaar death > deathgu1.png




This picture can be compared to the cloaking device malfunctioning.






The egg chamber, a massive nest, currently closed off to all Non-TzHaar. Perhaps the breeding place for future summoning pets. Let hope these dont lunge towards you and impregnate you with icky creatures.






TokKul, the coins for the TzHaar, are made of their ancestors or kills. They symbolize honour, like skulls Predators collect to gain honour.][/hide]




[hide=conclusion]This is by far the most researched reason on the subject: what TzHaar are, that Ive seen. Mainly because there werent that much researches. Some big ones like the topic of the meaning of TzHaar words deserve my respect as they have researched very well.


Obviously I waited a long time to post this, since there are a lot of TzHaar updates in near future, it is time to put this theory to the test.




Now, what this topic is about, is what if this is true, what if TzHaar are indeed a reference to the Yautja, what updates could we expect?






Do you have a life?






Is there any reason for making this topic?


Lack of interesting topics :P




Your looking into this way too much!


I decide how I play a game and how I waste my time thank you




Why would Jagex ever make a huge species like the TzHaar a reference to a movie?


Because they can, and there were no obvious races left, like the lizardmen and the orcs.




So please, dont resort to these kind of replies. Ive seen enough of that.




©TzHaar belongs to Jagex Ltd. Aliens versus Predator to Twentieth century fox©][/hide]


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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I think I speak for all of us when I say:




Holy crap.



Current account: Dragonguy 87


Goals: Get members

Get all skills 40+


Hehe, this is like Jagex telling half of Runescape players that they're [developmentally delayed]. Sort of. That's how I interpreted it. :P


Runescape is why I support abortion.
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Ok, some ppl are just [bleep] stupid, i will bury zaros-tzhaar theory :) let see in future, btw this :twss: smile suck :twss: oh, and picture was ugly^^ i dont see link between tzhaar and hamburger.




It hurts so.... much to read your posts.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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How the [bleep] in the sweet name of Jesus, Mary and Joseph is that evidence? Its barely even the same shape. I mean C'mon, theres wild speculation and just plain bull [cabbage].




mister_moocky's picture is awesome, made me lol.

Theres a fine line between not listening and not caring,

I like to think I walk this line every day.

Pinning blame on Jagex is like trying to put pants on an old man.

You both know he needs them, but he'll just keep dancing around, avoiding them at all costs.

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