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You'r opinions of the mmorpg's you've played?


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World Of Warcraft




















Greaaattt game, you can start questing, making money and having fun from the very start.








The quests are (usually) fun and have rewards people actually want.








Instance raid are fricken' awesome, the most fun I've had on an MMORPG ever was my first instance raid, Blackfathom Deeps.








I can't really say anything else that hasn't been said 10 times by now.








(Btw Battle Grounds pwn)








Runescape -
















Terrible graphics, worst community of any online game I know of,and terrible customer service.








It has decent PvP, just because of how simple it is.








The PvM is ok, but none too exciting, the strongest monster is a 1-2 minute fight at best with no real chalenges as a large group.












Battle Magica -
















It had basicly no graphics, practicly no players, but a decent concepte.








The gameplay was tedious and boring.








The community was great because of the number of players, practicly everyone playing was the #1 at something, I geuss it really wasn't that bad. It wasn't quite addicting enough to draw in players.

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5/10 - not bad, much stuff to do, totaly free, graphic sucks, big big grind. Don't need fast pc. HAs even cooler stuff on p2p. Gets insanely boring, but u can't stop playing it.








Mu Online:




5/10 - great graphics, great events, great interesting armor drops with bonuses, rewards are great. ONly one thing to do grind combat, lots lots of hacking. FREE.








Eternal Lands -




6/10 - graphics ok, has many skills liks rs, small good community, has a lot of potential to expand. Skills are a bit funner to do then rs, and they are easier. It is probably even better now since the last time i played it, cause i heard they added a lot of armor. FREE








Kal Online




4/10 - great graphics, has some neat features, a lot like mu, interesting drops. Lots of autoers in fishing areas, gets boring like mu does. Probably a little worse then mu if mu wasn't being hacked all the time. FREE








Guild Wars:




9/10 - great game, graphics rock, not much push to train. Has some addicting features, updates a lot, one time purchase, PVP is awsome (just spent whole day PvPing). I could see it getting boring though, haven't reached the stage yet though.


Visit my DeviantArt Page at http://vladmoney.deviantart.com

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Runescape : 6/10 not bad game but rather time consuming








EVE : 7/10 was good but never really got the hang of it...








Never Winter Nights : 10/10 by far the greatest game ive ever played.. only good when there was a good module to play on though..








Guild Wars : 4/10 personally i dont think this game is that good, i stopped playing after about 2 weeks of purchase..

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lvl 50 undead mage, jarkely -=HORDE RULES YOU!=- -SO DO SHAMANS-
















world of warcraft is a EXTREMELY GOOD GAME! its rated as one of the best mmorpg's. the gameplay is really similar to runescape *target npc,attack npc, do your spells moves etc..* this game is really good and its worth the high price. there are 2 factions the horde and alliance, bad guys and good guys, you can raid towns, do battlegrounds which are different games right now they have.








warsong gulch - basicly CTF game, no timelimit, cap flag 3 times, 10 players on each side, the game is divided by levels, 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60.








alterac valley - kill the general!, not sure if there is timelimit, kill general, 30 players on each side, game is only for people lvl 51-60 its very hard to get into but worth the wait.








the game has 3 types of servers *sorry cant switch servers unless its on the transfer list*.








PvE - Wont flag in enemy territory or contested




PvP - Flag in enemy territory and contested *dont complain about being killed by 3 guys in a group while questing*




RP - Same rules as PvE but it is basicly strictly RP, anything that isnt rp will get you banned for a bit, but it depends what you say.








the word flag is when a player goes into enemy territory, attacks another player, attacks a opposing faction npc. when a player is flagged he is vunerable to attack by opposing factions.








this is only a little bit of the game, there is ALOT more i recomend this game to everyone, no whining noobs, mature players willing to lend a hand.








if you want me to get into the classes just say so.












my rates:












runescape 5/10 it was really addictive








diablo2 4/10 kind of addictive too many annoying pvp noobs








neverwinter nights 8/10 love it








i havnt tried guild wars but i dont have alot of money.

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i quit D2 cause i kept getting scammed out of my crap here are the ones that hurt me the most..








Tal Rasha plate for Some plate that had more defence, never heard from person again it was called like dark hades or something








a GRANDFATHER SWORD for some crappy charms and some chitty sword, i was seriously hyped up at the time.

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Just to correct you guys, but a lot of you put diablo 2 down as an MMO. It's not an MMO.. just a game you could play online. :)








yeah and the last two also put down neverwinter nights, which is just muiltiplayer over the internet.



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Has anyone mentioned the Fallout series? 1 and 2 are perhaps the best RPG's I have ever played in my life. I haven't played it in about 5 years now, and will probably dig it out from the clutter to give it another go :P

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Actualy cj, i'd have to disagree. I do think a lot of people bought WoW because blizard made it. (except for me, i didn't even touch it after I saw what crappy customer support they had in diablo 2)








I'm not actualy going to argue about the actual gameplay, because, suposably people like it. To me though, it just looks too.... well, stupid.








and as far as the battlegrounds go and stuff, a lot of MMO's have big pvp places. However, you haven't done pvp untill you have done a castle siege with a thousand people, dragons flying all around, siege golems, yeah. It's hectic.

What like a 2000 allience v 1000npcs and 1000 horde in the biggest town in WoW?








more like thousands of players sieging a castle full of thousands of players.








so, much much bigger. :)








Thats partly true WoW is one of the best selling video games of all time, but its also has the most returns of any video game.


Visit my DeviantArt Page at http://vladmoney.deviantart.com

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I've only majorly played 2 mmorpgs - Runescape and Guild Wars








Rs I'd give a 4/10 because of it's addictivness because it's very cheap to play and can run on pratically any computer and connection, but as said is very boring doing the same thing for hundreds of hours on end.








GW I'd give an 8/10 because I had so much fun on it. Very cheap and doesn't need a super computer to run it either. Amazing pvp system, but because there is no proper grinding needed mean I wasn't so addicted to it. If I had been in a good pvp guild then I possibly wouldn't have got bored of the game and would have given it a 9.








Game I'm waiting for just now is Dark & Light. Looks amazing. Anyone else looking forward to it?

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Da big boys:








ShadowBane: It was fun for a while but they made a supposeldy PvP game, where you have to level on non-players... so the only real fighting was over training spots. Plus, got tooheavily dominated with just two sides and fell apart. The test server was pretty fun though because of the pure chaos value. Don't recommend it.








Everquest: Played it back when it had less than 50,000 accounts. It was decent for its time, but really, really boring. Haven't looked at it in years don't plan to ever again. Their customer service is better known for banning people when they ask for help than for actually providing help. Don't recommend it.








Ultima Online: Loved the shard system where people could host their own servers. Had way too many problems with people abusing the PvP engine. Like using walls of fire to kill and not getting marked as a Pk. Then when wall of fire was changed to being an attack spell, they'd push people into each other's walls, the caster would become a pk, and then you could kill him and get good credit for it. It was bad. Don't recommend it (if it's even still about).








Asheron's Call: The onlgoing story was fun, gameplay was aweful. Roleplaying didn't exist. (don't recommend it).








Starwars: Won't touch it until I can be a Jawa. I ahve friends who are among the oldest accounts (been playing since day 1 of the beta). Still, no Jawas means not for me. They put in frickin' PC Rhodians (think Greedo in the bar scene) but not Jawas! Sigh. Plus, the whole thing with At-Ats and walkers breaking the game is not cool. Don't recommend it.








Lineage I: Haven't seen lieage II, but in lineage one I watched a battle with 17,000 players involved. My computer lagged all to hell. Nice concept, but dialup and a wussy computer kinda ruined the potential of this one for me. From everything I've seen and heard I do recommend Lineage II.












Da little guys:








Mankind.net : Only MMORTS I know of. At its height had over 180k people online at once. You pretty much needed to speak German or French to communicate since it was almost exclusively European playerbase. Then a Japanese company bought them and the programers wiped the servers rather than let asians have their game (It was literally an act of racism, I saw some of the emails from the programmers who were responsible). Fans bought the rights to the now worthless game and have been reverse-engineering the server program from the client. It's not free anymore so I dunno how it still is. It had 500 million planets in star systems of up to 16 worlds each. Each planet had a map biger than 16 of the largest Command and Conquer maps. And it was all one giant RTS war game. Truly one of the best ever made.








GoKrida.net : Very slow. The whole game plays in realtime and it can sometimes take a week to move one step. BAsed around reincarnation, souls, magic, and society. 99% roleplaying, but with very exciting war elements. Too slow for my tastes but has its moments. It is fantastic for people with not a lot of time to game.

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Runescape: 0/10. Can't believe i wasted 1 year of clicking.




ROSE online: 0/10. It's basically just leveling up, but it's still fun, yet i quit from it.




Gate to Heavens: 0/10. It's ok. Good graphics. Best music ever. To tell you the truth, i've only played for like 15 min lol. I've yet to try it out...not.




Gunzonline: 10/10. It is not pointless clicking. Real pwnage, real fun.








All other mmorpg's is just a total waste of clicking. I suggest you quit now before you get a heartattack from losing your party hat.

Sup noobs.

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RS: 6/10 Ok game... i find it good just caues its the only one i can fully play...








Diablo: 0/10 Both 1 and 2/expansion are a simple waste of time. Its not open ended in a real way, and after beeting the game, all there is to do is to get your character up, which is pointless.








thas the only online ones i play... A (95% of the others are final fantasy games...)


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Ultima Online: Loved the shard system where people could host their own servers. Had way too many problems with people abusing the PvP engine. Like using walls of fire to kill and not getting marked as a Pk. Then when wall of fire was changed to being an attack spell, they'd push people into each other's walls, the caster would become a pk, and then you could kill him and get good credit for it. It was bad. Don't recommend it (if it's even still about).








It's still around.








however, I must say, if I would choose the best MMO of all time, i'd choose UO. why?








- Had so many skills. Make's the non combat stuff in runescape pale in comparison.








- The leveling system. There was no "combat level" you could get 700 points total, 100 max for each skill. There were so many combo's of character types.








- PvP. Ok I know I know, a lot didn't like it. However, UO had a realy harsh system for pvper's. I think if they killed someone it was like a 12-18 hour wait ingame before they could go to a town.








- The fact it was simply.. one of the first. I remember playing the game over at my friends house, my god it was awsome. The comunity was huge first off, and the POH's were a realy nice adition to the game. It also had that fantasy world feeling unlike other games. You wern't fighting lame monsters like "big mushroom thingys" and it had a lot more realistic feel to it, in a fantasy sense.








Sure, you started off killing wolve's and stuff, but you got up to killing larger monsters. And that was the thing, the big monsters posed a real threat, and wern't just some little thing people could rid of easily.












Overall, the game was an amazing game. I wish they would release a UO2, because I would sure as hell pay 15$ a month to play it. I never got to experience UO to it's "full" potential, but I have a slew of memory's from playing it. Even though I wouldn't realy recomend it now-a-days, back then it was simply awsome.












Lion, diablo is not a MMO. I do disagree with you on the rating, in my opinion Diablo it's self kind of.. rejuvinated the RPG scene on PC. Diablo 2 LOD was some great gaming I had back then. Sure, I guess if you realy wern't in for trying to get up realy high level than it wasn't that big of a deal, but I found it fun and a challange to try and make my character's as strong as possible. Maxing my self out with charms, SOJ's, the works.

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