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a question i can never answer...


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I always thought it was location that determined at what age you would go mad and when you'd be sane again... Yay for me I'm wrong again. Yeah, I know several of those types of people. Annoy you, make an idiot out of you, but on most tests they never get anything above a 60, can act like [people] when they don't know the answer to a question, always want your help and you never get anything in repay when you do help them.




You're the normal person in this situation; These types of people are a complete mystery. I don't want to say this in a funny way, but I wish there was an Ignore list in real life.

Death should not be taken as 'the end,' but a very effective way to cut down taxes.

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Because your parents allow him to. He has this bad behaviour and your parents have already made it clear that it's acceptable behaviour by not confronting him about it. He also knows they will stuck up for him in situations when it comes down to you and him. If they don't correct him then he will always be like this. And unfortunately if you confront your parents they sound like the type of people who wouldn't listen to a word you said. Stick it out until you can move out. Unless they come to some sudden miracle realization on their own, nothing is going to change. And I should know, it took a judge and several counselling visits just to point out that my parents were over reacting. And that one of my brother's proceeded to treat and talk to me like a piece of crap for no reason at all, because he knew they would side with him. As a result, he's grown in to quite an arrogant person with limited people skills. They refused to understand that they are the people who are supposed to be role models and people copy the behaviour they're brought up in. It's usually the people who encounter and suffer from violent opposition from mediocre minds that shine through and put a stop to passing on this horrible trait to their generations. My word wasn't enough, despite my area of knowledge and studies! This kind of post is also more relevant in the "relationship and advice forum" instead of in it's own thread. I know how you feel though, some people just don't see the obvious, even when it sticks out like dog's balls.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Although his anger seems to be a little more widespread, fact of the matter is...he's you're BROTHER. They're supposed to treat you like that. You're making too big a deal about it. I do most of the same things you just described to my sister(granted she's younger). Thre's really nothing you can do about it except by staying out of his way. You're two very different people, chances are you won't be best friends. In about 10 years, you'll get along just fine though.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Brothers and sisters are usually always annoying. But when they display those kind of traits constantly, it's not healthy. Not just for your own relationship of brother and sister but towards other people too. It's not something you can just "get over" and I think that is a little insensitive. And if the behaviour continues, I highly doubt things will be okay in 10 years time. Quite the opposite, they probably won't be talking to each other.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Although his anger seems to be a little more widespread, fact of the matter is...he's you're BROTHER. They're supposed to treat you like that. You're making too big a deal about it. I do most of the same things you just described to my sister(granted she's younger). Thre's really nothing you can do about it except by staying out of his way. You're two very different people, chances are you won't be best friends. In about 10 years, you'll get along just fine though.




I agree and disagree with your post. I agree with the fact that theres probably about a 95% chance there's something that gets him angry and he takes it out on you, and I agree most siblings have their own quarrels. The only part I disagree with is the part where you said

In about 10 years, you'll get along just fine though.
because from personal experience (not with me, but with my step dad) he and his brother haven't talked since he was 19 and his brother was 17 he said. The bad thing is, he can't even remember what they fought about.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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Although his anger seems to be a little more widespread, fact of the matter is...he's you're BROTHER. They're supposed to treat you like that. You're making too big a deal about it. I do most of the same things you just described to my sister(granted she's younger). Thre's really nothing you can do about it except by staying out of his way. You're two very different people, chances are you won't be best friends. In about 10 years, you'll get along just fine though.




I agree and disagree with your post. I agree with the fact that theres probably about a 95% chance there's something that gets him angry and he takes it out on you, and I agree most siblings have their own quarrels. The only part I disagree with is the part where you said

In about 10 years, you'll get along just fine though.
because from personal experience (not with me, but with my step dad) he and his brother haven't talked since he was 19 and his brother was 17 he said. The bad thing is, he can't even remember what they fought about.


True, not every sibling gets along after they go off on their own. But as you said, your stepdad forgot what the fight was even about. Now all that's needed is someone to step foreward and admit that, and the old companionship can hopefully resume (assuming there was one). Time fixes all problems, even if it needs a little assistance along the way.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I agree with you Joe from my own personal experience too. My brother was horrible to me, he would punch me in the mouth when I got my braces (you guys out there who just got your braces on would understand how painful that is) for something so idiotic like I was "sitting on his chair". So I called him names back and I always got in to trouble for it, because I "must have done something for him to react that way". Then he would lie through his teeth and I would try talk to my parents about it but once more "oh he doesn't lie". Or he would act like a slob and never clean up after himself. Then my parents would say "oh you just worry about your own mess and leave his there." Then come back and say "There's dishes in the sink, why haven't you done them?" god it frustrated me. I tried everything to have a normal relationship with my brother, I tried to apologize for whatever it is that I've apparently done to make him be this way toward me, I've sat down and tried to talk to him, to which he puts on his ear phones, turns the music up and ignores me, or talked to me like a piece of crap because he knew my parents would let him get away with it. One time I was working in the city, ordered a taxi a few hours in advance to meet me at the train station because a girl had just been raped there the previous night and it didn't come. I asked my bro if he could please pick me up, he said sure "cost you 10 bucks in petrol". I'm like I don't have 10 bucks until pay day so he hung up on me. I get home, after walking an hour in the dark where someone was just raped to get home (oh and had blisters and a pants rash) and nobody cared. I would never allow Raiden to treat his sister or his brothers like that. That's not personality differences, that's raising your kids with negative life morals. He would even sit on his [wagon] and watch me clean the house while I was heavily pregnant and roll his eyes at me when I asked how he could do that to someone. I bring his nephew over and he locks himself in his room and doesn't even come out to see him. My brother and I don't talk and I will never have anything to do with him again until he can snap out of it. And I'm not holding my breath for it.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I agree with you Joe from my own personal experience too. My brother was horrible to me, he would punch me in the mouth when I got my braces (you guys out there who just got your braces on would understand how painful that is) for something so idiotic like I was "sitting on his chair". So I called him names back and I always got in to trouble for it, because I "must have done something for him to react that way". Then he would lie through his teeth and I would try talk to my parents about it but once more "oh he doesn't lie". Or he would act like a slob and never clean up after himself. Then my parents would say "oh you just worry about your own mess and leave his there." Then come back and say "There's dishes in the sink, why haven't you done them?" god it frustrated me. I tried everything to have a normal relationship with my brother, I tried to apologize for whatever it is that I've apparently done to make him be this way toward me, I've sat down and tried to talk to him, to which he puts on his ear phones, turns the music up and ignores me, or talked to me like a piece of crap because he knew my parents would let him get away with it. One time I was working in the city, ordered a taxi a few hours in advance to meet me at the train station because a girl had just been raped there the previous night and it didn't come. I asked my bro if he could please pick me up, he said sure "cost you 10 bucks in petrol". I'm like I don't have 10 bucks until pay day so he hung up on me. I get home, after walking an hour in the dark where someone was just raped to get home (oh and had blisters and a pants rash) and nobody cared. I would never allow Raiden to treat his sister or his brothers like that. That's not personality differences, that's raising your kids with negative life morals. He would even sit on his [wagon] and watch me clean the house while I was heavily pregnant and roll his eyes at me when I asked how he could do that to someone. My brother and I don't talk and I will never have anything to do with him again until he can snap out of it. And I'm not holding my breath for it.




i remember you telling stories of your siblings before. Sometimes I forget how (for lack of better term) bad things can get. On the plus side, your brother, as well as alot of other experiences, have caused you to become the person you are now. and from the way you present yourself here on TIF...you're the best person I've ever encountered, filled with wisdom and experience. So although you and you're brother don't get along, that's not really your fault. No one said it was right, or that it could ever be righted. My point was that in most cases, sibling tiffs are usually very insignificant. I tend to speak in generalizations. You just happen to be an exception to my generalization.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I'm almost 23, my brother is 19, turning 20. Things started to go downhill when I was about 14 years old so as you can see almost 10 years have passed and nothing has changed. I can understand if he hates me (f..k knows why) but the thing I will never forgive him for is taking it out on his nephew. He doesn't have to even say hello to me but not even acknowledging his little nephew was the last straw for me. That's really insensitive and not fair to a poor innocent kid who has done nothing wrong. Anyway I don't want to hijack this thread, it belongs to Abyssal. But I do have a quote for you Abyssal_whip and it's from Albert Einstein.




"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds."




And although you have encountered some rather horrible experiences, you will become a better person for it. And your children, their children and their children will be better people, all because of you and putting a stop to a negative trait in the family line. When you have your own children it will be your only hope that they raise their children even better than you raised them.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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tell your brother what you think of his attitude. I know my elder brother had/has a huge impact on my behavior, and I think my feelings towards him are universal with all siblings relationships. Don't keep it all cooped up inside! Nobody is going to help you if you don't stand up for yourself, if they're too dense to notice something is wrong ::'

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I'm almost 23, my brother is 19, turning 20. Things started to go downhill when I was about 14 years old so as you can see almost 10 years have passed and nothing has changed. I can understand if he hates me (f..k knows why) but the thing I will never forgive him for is taking it out on his nephew. He doesn't have to even say hello to me but not even acknowledging his little nephew was the last straw for me. That's really insensitive and not fair to a poor innocent kid who has done nothing wrong. Anyway I don't want to hijack this thread, it belongs to Abyssal. But I do have a quote for you Abyssal_whip and it's from Albert Einstein.




"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds."




And although you have encountered some rather horrible experiences, you will become a better person for it. And your children, their children and their children will be better people, all because of you and putting a stop to a negative trait in the family line. When you have your own children it will be your only hope that they raise their children even better than you raised them.






i've seen that quote in my history class. to correct a little it was medicore minds instead of weak.




i'm feeling a lot better now. its mainly thanks to everyone that took time to explain their hardships with the same situation that i'm in.

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You're right it is. I found another version of it. But I'm glad you're feeling better. Just know within yourself that you are so much better than that and be thankful that you are smart enough to make the correct social changes to become a better person. He will suffer for it later on in life, with friends, finding a partner and probably his own kids. And you are much more wiser because of it. So as burdening as it is, you have learnt something very valuable. How to treat people with respect and dignity. It's a rare thing to find these days and you've experienced it quite early.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Wait a minute, you're the older brother, and he's 16?




MAN UP. I could've sworn you were 12 from that post, but now you have no excuse. If you actually care what he does (which you shouldn't) and don't do anything about it (which you don't), and you're (18?), my God, grow a pair.




Okay, now that the uninteresting problem is solved lakes make this thread about Goddess' story.




Man you have an f'd up brother.




Like, worst brother of the year award f'd up.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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you should've learned that you gotta keep em on the leash while they're young. i'm the oldest of three and none of them messes with me :lol:




Its not too late. Set a boundary, he is not allowed to raise his voice to you, don't tell him about this, though. When he crosses that boundary, just wait for both your parents to leave the house and beat the living hell out of him. Sure you'll get into trouble, but it'll be worth it and He'll learn pretty quickly not to mess with you. If you parents are anywhere near as lax with you as him, then you'll have no problem setting him straight.


Ok picture this, they replace your yew and magic trees with a tree that if you attempt to cut it alone your axe breaks, if you cut it with a group as soon as you get a log you get a skull on your head, all the other woodcutters attack you and you cant log out for 3 minutes.

Bounty hunter and tournaments were not a replacement, they are garbage.

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Err, can we have a view from someone who is a younger sibling?




Right so I'm 16, my brother is 20 (and doesn't live with us)




I would have to say our relationship as brothers is pretty good, he talks to me as if I'm one of his good friends and also treats me like utter crap, but secretly, I think he is awesome ;)




What I used to get annoyed about was that my parents let him do stuff that I wasn't allowed to do, and I used to get very very stressed about that... But ever since he left home, I've become alot more relaxed and I do not have someone constantly egging me on...




Are you doing anything to your brother to annoy him? or did?

Luck be a Lady

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sounds like your brother made you his little [bleep] :D LOL




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