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Construction Update Pack - Ideas (includes summoning)


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This topic is a display of idea's I have for a large update to the construction skill. It is designed to include many new items and rooms. It is currently a work in progress and I invite you to suggest any ideas that you think should be added please suggest them here. Feed back is more than welcome.








The Glade Level 47 Construction


The Glade is a new room for the POH that is devoted to the Summoning Skill. It serves 2 main purposes, the first is to put a summoning obelisk in your house so you can recharge your points conveiniently. The second task it performs is giving you somewhere to store all of your pets that you have amassed in your travels. The Glade requires level 47 construction and completion of the Wolf Whistle quest to build. Much like the Garden rooms it is an outdoor room (does not have walls or a roof). It has only a single entrance/ exit at the bottom of the room. Pets stored in The Glade will remain fully fed but will not grow at all during their storage time. Pets stored in The Glade will be able to freely wander around your house in much the same way as Servents do.






[hide=Obelisk]Location The middle of the room




Mini Obelisk 47 Construction


Materials 10 Limestone blocks, 50 summoning shards


Looks Like the same as mini obelisks found through out the world, colour glow slowly changes between all colours


Function - Recharges your summoning points to full




Obelisk 67 construction


Materials 3 Marble blocks, 500 summoning shards


Looks like the same as obelisks used for training summoning, the colour glow slowly changes between each colour


Function - Restores summoning points and can be used for infusing pouches and scrolls




Soul Rift 87 Construction


Materials 2 magic stone, 5000 summoning shards


Looks like 2 stone columns that spiral around each other with energy arcing between them


Function - Restores summoning points and can be used for infusing pouches and scrolls. Pouches will use ¼ fewer shards per pouch and 1 extra scroll will be generated.[/hide]




[hide=Roost]Location Top side




Perch 50 construction


Materials - 5 Maple logs


Looks Like A curvy tree trunk with several branches leading off it, no leaves


Function Allows the following pets to be stored Raven, Squirrel




Nesting Tree 57 construction


Materials 5 yew logs


Looks Like A large yew tree with several branches and full foliage


Function - Allows the following pets to be stored Raven, Phoenix egglings, Racoon, Squirrel




Grand Roost 65 construction


Materials 5 magic logs


Looks Like A massive magic tree with many branches, foliage and flowing magic energy cascading off it, around the base of its trunk are several moss covered boulders


Function allows the storage of the following pets - Raven, Phoenix egglings, Vulture, Monkey, Chameleon, Racoon, Squirrel[/hide]




[hide=Den]Location Left side




Sunning Rock 47 construction


Materials 5 limestone


Looks like A largish rock sticking out on a 30 degree angle


Function allows the storage of the following pets Dogs




Cave Network 60 construction


Materials 5 sandstone 10kg


Looks like A large rocky outcrop with several cave entrances in it


Function Allows the storage of the following pets Dogs, Soul Wars pets




The Krag 85 construction


Materials 10 granite 5kg


Looks like A mountainous peak with several cave entrances at its base and a large opening near its peak


Function allows the storage of the following pets dogs, Soul Wars pets, baby dragons[/hide]




[hide=Waterhole]Location Right side




The shallows 55 construction


Materials 5 buckets of water


Looks like a lake with several reeds growing along its bank


Function allows the storage of the following pets gecko, platypus, broav




Cascades 70 construction


Materials 5 limestone, 10 buckets of water


Looks like A Pile of rocks has a waterfall casacading out of it into a lake with lilys floating on the surface


Function allows the storage of the following pets - gecko, platypus, broav, penguin, giant crab[/hide]




[hide=Fence]Location around the sides of room




Rock wall 50 construction


Materials 10 limestone


Looks like jagged rocks jut out of the ground closing the room in, are of a similar style to the obelisks


Function aesthetic




Forest 60 construction


Materials 10 yew logs


Looks like a dense forest surround the room, looks similar to the dense forest found at soul wars


Function aesthetic




Canopy 70construction


Materials 10 magic logs


Looks like the same as forest except much larger and leaves extend over room covering it in a roof like fashion except for a circle above the obelisk.


Function - aesthetic[/hide]










[hide=Biblos]Library 75 construction


Materials 5 mahogany planks


Location left corner behind altar


Looks like a tall slim corner book case


Function holy book, unholy book and book of balance can be stored here[/hide]




[hide=Perch] 67 construction


Materials 3 Teak Planks


Location right corner behind altar


Looks like A bird perch customised to the theme of your church


Function Allows the storage of God birds[/hide]




Garden and Formal garden




[hide=Butterfly] 60 construction + hunter level for butterfly


Materials one of the butterflys caught via hunter


Location the hotspot itself is just at the entrance however the butterfly will fly freely around the entire house


Function Butterflys provide the same stat boost that they do when used on other players however it may only be ued once every 24 hours[/hide]




Quest Hall




[hide=Jewelry Case]60 construction


Materials 3 teak planks, skill necklace (uncharged), combat bracelet (uncharged)


Looks like each piece of jewellery is displayed on a cushion side by side on a table


Function give access to each teleport location[/hide]




Skill Hall




[hide=Runecase]Ruse case 3 43 construction, 77 runecrafting, mourning end 2, lunar diplomacy, legacy of Seergaze


Materials - 2 teak planks, 2 molten glass; 1 each astral, law, death, and blood runes


Looks like same as other runecase except different runes


Function display




Rune case 4 43 construction, 23 runecrafting


Materials - Materials - 2 teak planks, 2 molten glass; 1 each mist, dust, mud, smoke, steam and lava runes


Looks like - Same as other runecases but with different runes


Function - display[/hide]




Portal Room


[hide=New Teleport Locations]Each Teleport Location requires 10 times it normal casting runes to set up. Locations from that require quests to access will require that quest to be complete in order to set it up. Both Trollheim and Ape Atoll teleports will display a warning pop up before you use them to inform of the dangers that lie outside of them. This warning can be turned off at the Doom sayer in lumbridge similar to other warnings.






Ape Atoll














New Features


Dyed Cloth


Cloth bought from the saw mill starts as a defult white colour, It can now be dyed with any of the available dyes (red, blue, yellow, purple, green, orange, black and pink). Any items made with cloth will be the colour it is dyed. These include










Other items requiring cloth are un affected by this.




Fur Rugs 40 construction


Materials 4 pieces of either polar kebbit, common kebbit, feldip weasel or desert devil fur


Location any rug hotspot


Looks like each fur gives the rug a unique pattern and colouration.

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I love this! I support nearly all of this.




The only ones that I must make note on, is the teleport room: The trollheim teleport was removed because people were being lured there with no safe way back. I'm assuming that none of the Ancient teles you have there are ones into the wildy. But Ape Atoll and Trollheim teleport portals should not exist (For the safety of the ignorant)



overall-1.png: 1437 combat.png: 173
Lowest Combat to 1,000 Total in F2P (23 Combat)
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I love this! I support nearly all of this.




The only ones that I must make note on, is the teleport room: The trollheim teleport was removed because people were being lured there with no safe way back. I'm assuming that none of the Ancient teles you have there are ones into the wildy. But Ape Atoll and Trollheim teleport portals should not exist (For the safety of the ignorant)






These teleports would have a warning message attached to them which could be turned on and off at the Doom sayer in lumbridge the same as any other warning message.




I'll edit the original post to make light of this.

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While we're on Construction... Farming itself hasn't had anything yet for Construction, other then bagging a few plants...




What I'm suggesting is a room where you can put both plants and trees in as well as animasl;




The Farm;




Along the right side;


An animal pen. Houses respawns of either 6 Chickens, 2 Cows, 3 Sheep and a Ram, or 4 Pigs and 2 piglets...


Each animal can be killed for it's respective drops, sheered for its wool, and all that. Pigs and Piglets drop Bones and Raw Pork (turns into Cooked Meat once cooked)




Upper left corner;


Fruit tree patch. Treat exactly the same as normal fruit tree patches.




Left and bottom side along the corner;


Allotment. Treat exactly the same as any other Allotment, except picking the vegetables is done like the Fruit Tree (up to 6 are stored and they regrow over time even when completely harvested)




Some more suggestions for Construction;


Tool Store lvl 6;


Contains a Bronze Axe and a Bronze Pickaxe








While we're at it... Can the Cooking guild please have a ladder down to a Brewing Vat much like the one found on Keldagrim and Port Phasmatys..?

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http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=783991 <- more construction updates.


very nice ideas, altho im not sure if jagex is ready to put a full function obelisk in to your house yet.



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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I love this! I support nearly all of this.




The only ones that I must make note on, is the teleport room: The trollheim teleport was removed because people were being lured there with no safe way back. I'm assuming that none of the Ancient teles you have there are ones into the wildy. But Ape Atoll and Trollheim teleport portals should not exist (For the safety of the ignorant)






people other than the house owner should not be allowed through portals, but instead greeted with a message kinda like ''you dont know where this portal leads, so you decide not to go through''




or you perhaps shouldnt be allowed through with items...




or the house owner can uild a return portal at the other side using house tele runes x10 and 5 limestone blocks. which would stay there at all times viewable the house owner only




or for trollheim tele in particular, you shouldnt be allowed without edgar's ruse and climbing boots

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People who don't own the house shouldn't be allowed to use the third obelisk, due to it's huge benefits. If you try doing anything with it, a message comes up saying "You have no idea how this strange obelisk functions."

When you go feather dragon god, you never go back.

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People who don't own the house shouldn't be allowed to use the third obelisk, due to it's huge benefits. If you try doing anything with it, a message comes up saying "You have no idea how this strange obelisk functions."


Good idea :thumbup:


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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