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The biggest badest boss ever?


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The biggest and baddest boss for me is probably the ice titan from kingdom hearts. Although probably not as powerful as Sephroth it is still harder to hit. It took me ages to beat him but i've done it once (ages ago).
















Basicly you have to float from the higher parts of the stadium and quickily hit him in the face. He shoots these hard ice attacks and can take quite a lot of damage. I forgot most of his attacks since i haven't fought him in ages but i remember he has a powerful one he uses later on in the battle.








All you have to do is stand in the corner and guard when he shoots ice at you. They fly back at him and knock him down. You just run down, wack him in the face a few times, then run back to the corner and repeat the process.

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The Ice Queen La Saia from Dark Cloud or Gannondorf from the SNES version of Zelda.








Psycho Mantis from MGS without using the controller trick. I'm sure he is impossible without this trick because he knows what you are going to do.

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One of the most interesting bosses i've ever seen is in MGS3:Snake Eater. His name is 'The End' and it's basically a sniper who hides from you on a massive terrain, takes ages to defeat him and it's really the most original boss i've ever come across.




Omg, that boss took me FOREVER! I ended up beating him luckily by trying to get his camo by holding him up withg the shotgun, When I got his camo I got a few good blasts in and he was pretty close to dead :) Managed to finish him.




The second time through (I always play games twice) I cheated and made him die of old age. Lol.








I climbed a tree and found a place on the high area where he always returned after a couple secs of shooting




His shiny head gave him away. i just shoot him in the head as many times as i can, and he runs away to his other spots




His hiding places are all away from my tree, and he cant target me because the tree is protecting me. so afterwards he runs back into clear view.


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Abyssion from Tales of Symphonia took me at least 20 miniutes of constant battling do beat.








And Verdugo from Resident Evil 4 is pretty tricky, but most of those bosses are easy with a rocket launcher, U3 from that game is pretty hard.








And Final Fantasy X-2, oh, I can't remember his name now, the final boss after a 100 level dungeon or something, he can summon a rain of meteors that 1 hits your whole party most of the time, Tera or something is his name.








Most of the "Big Bad" bosses are usually not that big for some reason.








Oh, and for coolest I pick Braska's Final Aeon from FFX

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The badest is if you can solo in WoW to fight onyxia




FFX is damn easy as you can deal 99,999 dmg each attack




FFX part 2 is also easy, just equip cat-nip , get ur hp to yellow and then trigger happy . you will deal 9999 each shot.




DMC3 is abit difficult althouh the final boss is the same size as you(dantes brother) . try plaaying heaven or hell mode

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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-The biggest, most awesome looking boss in a game would probably be the Vigoorian Emporer from Ninja Gaiden. That thing was HUGE (in its first form)








-The hardest boss would probably be Ishtaros from Ninja Gaiden.


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Kefka, from Final Fantasy 6.








Not necessarily difficult (although he has the most evil attacks of any final boss), mostly because you can use 12 characters in the final battle.








But its his DEMEANOR that makes him awesome. He's totally full of himself and his power, until the end. His own actions cause his downfall, and the look on his face when he realizes this is offset by the maniacal laughter that follows.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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general kim in true crime was hard.... till i beat him :lol:








He was a pain in the [wagon]... "I'm gonna make you scream like a cat in heat"... when I finally killed him, my finishing shot in the airplane ring of fire was throwing a pipe at him for the KO.








Xan in the original UT, and the biggish thing in the original Unreal were both formidable foes, but Xan could be camped out.








Jack of Blades from Fable was not terribly difficult, but it wasn't a short battle for me.








In Hitman 2, Redemption at Gontrano (or whatever the place's name was) was hella hard, until you got to your hut and got the big guns.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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New one.




The End on European Extreme in MGS3. Not using the old age trick or the hold up trick. Crikey that was tough. (Half way through that mode now)








if ur in "the end" now, wait until u get into the rest of the game... :roll:








Why make out like you've done it?












because i have? lmfao

Doctor of Dental Surgery-2014

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please you call those hard bosses? any1 remember that old skiing game for the computer u got to a certain part and this big like yetti runs out and eats you.... i think it impossible to beat it lol








ski free... yetti... hard? you jump over it and it dies. or something like that.



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That thing was as easy as the first boss on barbie horse adventures for god sakes :P








Barbie Horse Adventures doesn't have any bosses, silly goose.




It does too! you have to jump over the log of doom jump in level 3, hardest boss ever.

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Malak on KOTOR, very easy if you now how to kill him BEFORE you start playing. i decided putting force heal onto my guy would be cheating, oh how i regreted not doing it. also this was when i was on the light side which made it even harder. i restarted the game, this time i went to the dark side and found ravens robes on the star forge by accident which made this a hell of a lot easier.




Not that hard. Just run in a circle and use power attack on him, and when he starts using Force, use Force Lightning (if u have it)

Used to play RS, not anymore. WoW pwns!

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