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If You Ruled Your Country....


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socialist, structure would be similair to americas but a much stronger executive(weaken before I die for obvious reasons)




legalize marijuana, prostitution




keep a strong enough military to prevent outside threat




give a f*** about the people so things actually turn out well.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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socialist, structure would be similair to americas but a much stronger executive(weaken before I die for obvious reasons)




legalize marijuana, prostitution, AND MAKE EVERY FRIDAY NUDITY DAY.




keep a strong enough military to prevent outside threat




give a f*** about the people so things actually turn out well.


I'd live there.




LMAO Me too, well without the nudity thing, but I guess I could live with it.

OH S***! He/she/it is back!

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Social Darwinism; free economics; group dictatorship; total secularism; basic utilitarian constitution limiting excessive authoritarianism; one child per family; free press; justice based on rehab, not punishment.




[hide=]What kind of government would it be?




Group dictatorship: one ruling party, selected from society for displaying intelligence, ingenuity, and incorruptibility (that's the tough one), make all decisions based on consensus. Discussion is productive as long as it remains focused on what the country needs, not what it wants. People would be welcome to criticise the governement (so long as they did it productively), and the governemnt would listen to suggestions, but ultimately it would be a "We know best; shut up and do as you're told" philosophy.




The party (or whatever you want to call it) would have one leader, who would be chosen by the party every few years. There would be a fundamental constitution guarenteeing some basic rights to the people, but aside from that, the government could do whatever the hell they felt was necessary. If a leader broke the constitution, he would be forcable deposed by the military, and the country would be placed under martial law until a new leader was found.




What would be the first thing you did?




I would abolish the monarchy and the House of Lords, abolish voting rights, and implement the system described above. I would choose people to from the intitial members of the party, and I would be the first leader--though I would abide by my own constitution.




What adjustments would you make to your country?




Most importantly, I would impose a one child per family law, as environmental problems are caused by overpopulation. I know it sounds immoral, but I belive it is the only way to make society sustainable.




Laws would be based on utilitarian morals (i.e. the only judgement of whether an action is moral is the overal harm or happiness it brings to humanity). People would recieve no benefits from the state, as letting the weaker members of society fail would eventualy produce more productive people with better traits, thus boosting the overal level of ability within the country (though poverty and unemployment would not be helped.)




Religion would have no place in society; raising a child to believe in God would be a criminal offence akin to psychological control. You would be welcome to belive what you liked, but I don't belive any rational, unwarped mind is inclined to become religious anyway.




Criminal justice would be based purely on rehabilitation, not punishment. I don't belive in the concept of punishment; it's nothing better than gratifying your ego when someone has affronted you. There would be no minimum or maximum sentences for crimes, as the sentence would be purely based on compensating the victim (from the criminal's pocket; no allowance for poverty made) and preventing them from re-offending. The death penalty would be used when necessary.




Oh, and I would NOT provide ANY support to banks failing due to the recession. A depression would do society alot of good in the long run.






There's more I'd do, of course, but that's the fundamental theory of government I believe in.




*Breathes out.* Rant mode over.[/hide]

If absolute power corrupts absolutely, where does that leave God?

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Social Darwinism; free economics; group dictatorship; total secularism; basic utilitarian constitution limiting excessive authoritarianism; one child per family; free press; justice based on rehab, not punishment.




[hide=]What kind of government would it be?




Group dictatorship: one ruling party, selected from society for displaying intelligence, ingenuity, and incorruptibility (that's the tough one), make all decisions based on consensus. Discussion is productive as long as it remains focused on what the country needs, not what it wants. People would be welcome to criticise the governement (so long as they did it productively), and the governemnt would listen to suggestions, but ultimately it would be a "We know best; shut up and do as you're told" philosophy.




The party (or whatever you want to call it) would have one leader, who would be chosen by the party every few years. There would be a fundamental constitution guarenteeing some basic rights to the people, but aside from that, the government could do whatever the hell they felt was necessary. If a leader broke the constitution, he would be forcable deposed by the military, and the country would be placed under martial law until a new leader was found.




What would be the first thing you did?




I would abolish the monarchy and the House of Lords, abolish voting rights, and implement the system described above. I would choose people to from the intitial members of the party, and I would be the first leader--though I would abide by my own constitution.




What adjustments would you make to your country?




Most importantly, I would impose a one child per family law, as environmental problems are caused by overpopulation. I know it sounds immoral, but I belive it is the only way to make society sustainable.




Laws would be based on utilitarian morals (i.e. the only judgement of whether an action is moral is the overal harm or happiness it brings to humanity). People would recieve no benefits from the state, as letting the weaker members of society fail would eventualy produce more productive people with better traits, thus boosting the overal level of ability within the country (though poverty and unemployment would not be helped.)




Religion would have no place in society; raising a child to believe in God would be a criminal offence akin to psychological control. You would be welcome to belive what you liked, but I don't belive any rational, unwarped mind is inclined to become religious anyway.




Criminal justice would be based purely on rehabilitation, not punishment. I don't belive in the concept of punishment; it's nothing better than gratifying your ego when someone has affronted you. There would be no minimum or maximum sentences for crimes, as the sentence would be purely based on compensating the victim (from the criminal's pocket; no allowance for poverty made) and preventing them from re-offending. The death penalty would be used when necessary.




Oh, and I would NOT provide ANY support to banks failing due to the recession. A depression would do society alot of good in the long run.






There's more I'd do, of course, but that's the fundamental theory of government I believe in.




*Breathes out.* Rant mode over.[/hide]




I like it, especially the part about utilitarian morals.

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What kind of government would it be?


What would be the first thing you did?


What adjustments would you make to your country?








I would turn my country into a supreme dictatorship and make my people worship me. Kind of like North Korea. Then I would produce a powerful military. And get nuclear weapons. (Like North Korea.) Once my military is established, I would invest all of my (the country's) money into science and health care, to develop a way to live forever. If it is transplanting brains into new bodies or some other way where you achieve immortality, I don't mind. Once I am immortal, even if I am conquered or captured I can always come back. Once immortal, I will also have an infinitely long time to develop further beneficial technologies. Basically, more super powers. So yeah, if I was master of my own country, I would try to become an unstoppable superhero. And then once I was a superhero I would use my powers to improve the lives of everyone.

"Oh, Mike!"

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There seems to be allot of off-topic posts in this particular post. I have read them all to date, and think some of you have some good points, but allot of bad one's. Housepig's one child per family has a obvious flaw- it takes two parents to make a family, hence each new generation's size is one half that of the previous one. What this means in the long run is extinction. Even in the short run of say 20 years, it could prove disastrous to have a significantly larger old and retiring population than the young working one. I believe each new generation must be equal too or larger than the previous one, or we need a race of robot slaves to do our work.






Now, that aside, here is what I would do as leader of my own country:




Well, first of all, lets say there was a popular revolution right here in the states that brought me to power- now this is entirely hypothetical, but let's just suppose this had happened. Out of respect for the Constitution I would swear to uphold it for one final year, and then implement a new constitution based largely on the old one. I would then declare the experiment of representative American democracy to be over, and a new order to be in the making.




There would be considerable reforms under way from the moment I took power. For starters, the Senate and Congress would be purged of lobbyists, and political parties abolished. The pay for all servicemen would triple effective immediately, and we would fight to win- not as peacekeepers or liberators, but as conquerers. A new social hierarchy would be established. At it's head myself as a constitutional monarch, with an entirely different government structure. Instead of the congress we would have the Senate. All Senators would be former servicemen who served with distinction. I would give the Senate all the powers of the old Congress, in addition to it's new ones. Our people would be led by those who actually care- those who put their lives on the line time and again in the defense of our country. We would not however be a military dictatorship. True power would ultimately rest in the people, as it should, but with a guiding hand. Civil and Provincial (yes, no more states) governments would be elected by the people from any law biding citizenry. As for the Senate, as before mentioned, the requirement would be a minimum number of years in the service. Senators would be elected by the people.




Our country would be well governed by difficult to corrupt men. Our laws would be standardized, a system of common law would apply to all provinces. The Senate would make those laws, and the Sovereign would pass them, or veto at his pleasure. Taxes would be low, and determined within the constitution how high they could go. At the national level, a 3 percent income tax would be implemented, revenues received and controlled by the Sovereign. Property tax would be abolished, and no citizen could be charged more than 30 percent of total income in taxation, no matter the form. Government spending would be limited by it's mandate- providing a stable society, and protecting said society.




I could go on and on if you would like, I have given this much thought over the years.




EDIT: Naturally this will never happen, and even if I where thrust into a position of power, I would have to take into consideration the many people who still believe in our democracy and would likely become partisans against my new regime. Therefor, I would consider just implementing a series of reforms over the term of my presidency. Now, if I was starting a country from scratch, then I would like to implement a similar government as the one described above. I would also like to set the requirements for citizenship, and pre-select who exactly would be my people- ideally devoted followers who come with me to start a new nation in uninhabited lands that are legally gotten with my claim to them respected by international law. Coming to power via armed revolution is not the ideal set up, and i may lack the cruelty necessary to maintain my control over a nation in a state of civil war, as would probably happen in the above setup. However, if everyone- man woman and child where to lift me to such heights and believed in my cause, then these problems would not exist. Of course, that is in a fantasy world only.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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Housepig's one child per family has a obvious flaw- it takes two parents to make a family, hence each new generation's size is one half that of the previous one. What this means in the long run is extinction. Even in the short run of say 20 years, it could prove disastrous to have a significantly larger old and retiring population than the young working one. I believe each new generation must be equal too or larger than the previous one, or we need a race of robot slaves to do our work.





That's assuming it's a closed population. The PGR is calculated with the birth/mortality rate and the immigration/emigration rate. Believe it or not, in some developed countries, the birth/death ratio is 0 or less. If there wasn't any immigration, they'd die off, slowly. And also, China has birth limits. This is due to their mass population. So the birth limit is a fair idea, depending on the situation. Now, since I'm assuming your American or European (Sorry, I'm new o.o;), I'm also assuming that's why you would be against a birth limit. Heck, in my country, I would too!




Now, if I were to run my own country, I'd be a terrible dictator. I'd ruin my country and end up being rebelled against where I will eventually get mutilated. But I'd have my great fun before the end. I'd go into greater detail but I'd be called insane ._.



YES WE CAN! Nuff said.

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Housepig's one child per family has a obvious flaw- it takes two parents to make a family, hence each new generation's size is one half that of the previous one. What this means in the long run is extinction. Even in the short run of say 20 years, it could prove disastrous to have a significantly larger old and retiring population than the young working one. I believe each new generation must be equal too or larger than the previous one, or we need a race of robot slaves to do our work.





Yes, that's a good point, but halving or quartering the population would be extremely beneficial. I wouldn't keep the law permanently of course (well, I'd be dead by then; hopefuly my sucessor would be trustworthy...), just long enough to get the population down to a sustainable level.

If absolute power corrupts absolutely, where does that leave God?

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