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YOU vs. Mediocrity

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I played 5 years, only got close to 1800 total so far.


Unlike Joe, I:


- Prefer balanced combat stats but loathe ranging for some reason (*cough* max 5k xp an hour because i cant pay attention *cough*)


- Dont do any activity with the sole purpouse of making money, ever, With exeptions. Lol


- Love quests and have completed all of them, know lots about them.


- I aim for skilling funds before godswords.


- Owned barrows before whip, and whip before legends/obsidian cape.


- Never do grinding monsters.


- Want 2 000 tot before a 99.


- Pay close attention to updates to have something to think about.


- Have never touched the rants forum.


- Can actually write proper English, Im like two years ahead of all my other classmates, and im not joking.(Most still dont know how to use basics like was, were, his, her etc.)


- enjoy minigames but dont overdo it, still miss things like void outfit.


- Has an average skill level above 70.


- I can has cheeseburger.


- All skills 60+


- 5 skills or so left below 70


- No skill above 90


- Low total XP compared to Total Level.


- Am totally unique. Look at me go, i say, Then you know hwo i am.


- Only has 30m cash totally.




Other than that, im pretty much mini Joe.

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I used a Granite Body and D Legs in my 85 Slayer screenie, and used them until I got Torso, then switched to Bandos soon after release. I differ from joe in that the Quest Cape was my first cape, I got 85 Slayer at lvl 112, then 90 at 116 or so. I got 75 RC way back in Sep 06 at like lvl 105 or so, and used that as my primary moneymaker for a while. I had 85 Mining, 85+ Slayer, and an RC level also in the 80s before getting my first 99, Fletching. I eventually got 83 Hunter to catch D Imps, and I've soloed over 1700 of the sort of bosses Joe would likely need a team for.



4x Phat owner: Blue, Green, 2x Purple


3100+ GWD bosses soloed.

Solo GWD Drops:

5 Bandos Plates, 4 Bandos Boots, 3 Bandos Hilts, 2 Arma Helms, Arma Skirt, Arma Plate, 3 Arma Hilts, 4 Zammy Spears, Steam Staff, 15 Sara Swords, 6 Sara Hilts, 29 Shards.

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- Want 2 000 tot before a 99.

\' Don't see the point in wasting money grinding cooking and fletching to 99. I used to wear the exact same outfit until I started questing etc (Neitiznot, Barrows gloves, fire cape). People used to wear that outfit as lots of items weren't in the list of armour in defence and thought granite helms/shields were better than rune and dragon was the best helmet in the game. I've seen some wear crystal shields too but not many.
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What makes me different?




I currently have over 10m LESS total exp than anyone else with the same total lvl. Normally it's about 5m exp less.




I'm also going to get 2000 total lvl before any of skills go into the 90s.

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Well, this topic really made me feel a bit embarassed.


I have a combat level of 135 and 7 skills at 99, one of which is a resource gathering skill and the other is a secondary skill, rest of my 99's are combat orientated. My total level is just under 1800 :oops: , which I am quite ashamed of, but I can't seem to pull myself together and start skilling. Also, because my total level and most of my skills are quite low, I can't do many quests and if I ever do any, I use a guide and hardly pay any attention to the storyline.


Although, when an update comes out, I do read about it. Incase the update annoys me, I just deal with it. I have never used the Rants forum yet and I do not see myself doing so in the near future. I have been playing this game since 2002, so I pride myself with the fact, that I have more knowledge about the early days of RS than 90% of people. Also, I think that my spelling and punctuation are pretty good, afterall English is my second language.

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Well that was a rather interesting read. And seems to fit the bill rather nicely. :XD: Anywho, how I'm different: I can't STAND killing monsters just for levels or just for money or something like that. If I'm killing dragons? I keep the bones and hides and use them for prayer and crafting exp. :D I've never gone and killed monsters that are supposed to be good for training, I train through slayer! And that's where almost 100% of my combat happens now. I did only do all the quests for the cape really... but now that I have the cape I try and pay attention to the story lines. :D However I'm awful at that and forget them all mostly anyways...




I play for... *gasp* FUN. I hate when people sit there and grind and complain about how awful a skill is. If it's so bad, why train it?? You are playing a GAME which is supposed to be FUN. Also, just jumping around in topics here, I don't wanna go back and edit stuff. :XD: I don't really like combat minigames. I go to Stealing Creation sometimes, and it's pretty fun. I like to use the Morphic Tool for mining stars. :D I used to play Trouble Brewing a lot too. I was trying to get the black navy suit I think... but I got bored and quit, and now I have a bunch of Pieces of Eight sitting in my bank doing nothing. :D Runecrafting Guild minigame isn't too bad either! And the tabs are super awesome. :D




Anywho... long story short, I like to see myself differently than the average player who grinds through the game simply for the accomplishments and prestige. O.O




EDIT: OO and updates! I can never wait to read about the next update. :D I am always in the know on updates. O.O

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Kind of reminds me of when I was really nooby. I was more of a sub-par Joe than an average. To be quite honest I don't remember how I got to where I am. I remember questing on end, and finally getting that cape... And then I think I slayed a bit until I could afford a whip... Oh, and then I think I remembered I unlocked the Evil Chicken's Lair with RFD, so I camped black drags with a newly acquired Dragon Halberd, and lo and behold, a shiny visage :P (after 4k of them, but who's counting?) Promptly made it into a shield, stopped camping them, and went to town on Slayer, eventually was able to afford full Bandos. (This was all before the GE).




GE comes out. Holy crap, I can sell a bunch of stuff in my bank easily now \' . So I happily am making decent cash. Even got a fire cape :D . And then the hacking -.- Down 55m (oddly the hacker didn't drop the fire cape... I find that weird, but everything else tradeable and worth something was BHed off, and my void was dropped :evil: ), but I would not be cowed! After a brief reconnection with the black dragons of the Evil Chicken's Lair, I made enough cash for another whip, and straight back to slayer I went, with full rune! And as luck would be, I got a visage on a steel dragon task! Huzzahs, another Dragonfire Shield! And I have continued slayer since then, having just bought a Bandos chestplate. Hopefully I'll be able to get tassets soon, and hell, maybe even a berserker ring. (84 Slayer atm, and Lapalok insists on throwing me to the waterfiends instead of Spiritual Mages... Oh well, more water orbs for me ::' )




Along the way I picked up, in order, a Quest cape, Strength cape, Attack cape, and Hitpoints cape. Am I a noob for having 99 stats only in combat skills? Sure, but I'll be damned if someone tells me I don't love my 99's :) .




As for the other things, I'll dabble in minigames when I feel like a change in what I do (which is basically kill everything in sight) to letting loose and making some crazy rum or playing castle wars. (Wait, that's killing everything in sight too... Damn you 1.9k CW tickets!) I don't really post on the RSOF, I always read updates on the main page, even the patch notes usually. I do quests as they come out, and I really love the storylines. I've only ever PC'd really to get full void (all three helms too), and I can't bring myself to play Soul Wars. It feels like cheating to me. I don't PK much either, aside from the odd 26k here and there. Oh, and I freaking love clue scrolls :thumbsup: . And you are highly unlikely to find me at GWD. After a failed attempt at tanking Bandos for a team, I don't like going there... :cry:




So I'd say I went from Sub-par Joe to pretty well off Sman25000. Sorry I rambled so much :P

Requiescat in pace, Shiva "Anarith" Kumar.
351 Quest Points|99 Strength|99 Attack|99 Constitution|99 Defence|99 Magic|138 Combat|99 Summoning|99 Slayer|99 Ranged|99 Firemaking|99 Dungeoneering|99 Cooking|99 Prayer|99 Runecrafting|99 Smithing|99 Fletching|99 Construction|99 Farming|99 Fishing|99 Herblore|99 Crafting|99 Agility
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I hate to say it, but i believe i am reasonably close to joe! :(




I must say, i did start this game with a sense of ignorance. Which hasn't really helped me much.


Armour wise, i am very similar. Dmed, G Plate, D legs but no whip since sadly i am not a high enough level.


A way that i am different to Joe, is that i enjoy skilling :thumbsup: i must say that although my stats are not high (i have been taking a break from the game, since i have been revising for exams etc) i have recently begun to start concentrating on them. Also i don't gruel on combat (anymore ;) ) I try and concentrate on just about everything equally.


I must say that i am not the biggest quester. I have enjoyed all that i have done, but i have admittedly used the guides a few times :wall:


I love researching updates! i read each and every one, i did even when i wasn't playing the game :)


I have also never used the rants. I'm sure Jagex has annoyed each and every one of us at some time, but owell.. life goes on. Its only a game after all :)




When it comes to minigames, i have got to admit, i very rarely stray from Castle Wars and Pest Control, but i do these as i enjoy them. Not just for XP and money. :)




So in conclusion, i may be slightly like Joe here, but perhaps (and hopefully) more respectable to the decent Runescape community :D


My Stats Suck :(


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I totally different to "Joe". He is combat orientated and I only train combat to make raising my skills easier. Also, he is training his skills to get to level 99. I tend to just log on and just do whatever I feel like. No goals, I tend to just mess around with friends. I also love mini-games, especially BA.




Overall, I would say I played Runescape differently to a lot of players, but then again, I barely play Runescape any more.

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