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My rant


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Are you seriously comparing a crime on the scale of rape to a person being used for grades?




Actually I think he made a valuable point. It's a common thing to always blame the person complaining for what they're complaining about, and rape just happens to be the most extreme form of it.





This is what I was getting at, and I realize rape is a lot more extreme, but it's the same basic idea. Blame the victim. And yes, he is a victim, from my understanding these projects are mandatory group projects, not solo.

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Oh yeah and the point of group work is, "Because you'll have to learn to work with others in the real world." I really don't think asking to work alone is as effective as many make it out to be.

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Oh yeah and the point of group work is, "Because you'll have to learn to work with others in the real world." I really don't think asking to work alone is as effective as many make it out to be.




That whole working as a group thing is BS

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Oh yeah and the point of group work is, "Because you'll have to learn to work with others in the real world." I really don't think asking to work alone is as effective as many make it out to be.




That whole working as a group thing is BS


True, if I want to "learn to work with others in the real world" I'll just go out somewhere on the weekend, works alot better as I have to get along with people of all ages, not just in my age group.

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Oh yeah and the point of group work is, "Because you'll have to learn to work with others in the real world." I really don't think asking to work alone is as effective as many make it out to be.




That whole working as a group thing is BS


Yeah because in school some kids don't care for their schoolwork. In a job these folks DO care for their job...or they'll go hungry.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I either get a good partner who can actually help, or get the laziest partner possible so they won't put in thier input and get me off task. I work better alone on most things.




But now in high school, the only important thing is to get a good lab partner. If not, you're [bleep]ed.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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Just tell them no. I used to have the same problem. Don't say it nice either, just tell them no, they have to do it. Don't take [cabbage] from people like that. The whole "you'll do better in life!" thing is a lie - they're likely to do just as well, perhaps better. They know how to manipulate people and be social.




Seriously, doing good in school isn't going to turn you into a doctor instantly. After high school it gets better, because these guys will either never go to college and crash and burn (not really that likely) or they'll straighten up. Just gotta learn to not let people use you.




They don't ask me to do the work.. They just don't care about the assignment and forget about. But you're right, next time I'll tell them to do it and I won't correct the whole thing any more. Good tip :)

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i feel for ya mate.


just stop letting them use you, preferably by speaking to the teacher and being in a group by yourself, or if worse comes to worse don't do anymore work than they do. if you take the 2nd option make sure you get straight A's on all the none group work though, so the teacher doesn't think your a complete dumb a**

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you have 2 options.






1) make them work at gun point




2) ask the teacher for an exception and work solo. i always do on "group" tasks and i get the best mark, because both people in each other group are too lazy to do nething

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Boohoo, grow a pair and say no.




Honestly, I use people like you all the time in school, until till you say no it isn't going to stop. Taking a hit now will leave you with more time in the future for these projects. It's just as much your fault as it is theirs for allowing them to use you.




Going to the teacher, you'll be considered nothing more than a rat, it's going to only do you good in possibly making them work, most people these days will shrug off a teacher giving out to them anyway. Socially? It'll just make you look like a [bleep].




Yeah man, and when girls get raped it's their fault too, if they don't wanna get raped they shouldn't drink or dress provocatively!




Blaming the victim :roll:

Are you seriously comparing a crime on the scale of rape to a person being used for grades? =D>




You use equally outlandish and awkward analogies when arguing with Robert, all in the name of "logic".




Just thought I'd point that out. ;)

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The first important thing is to learn that you can't control other people you can only control what you are doing right now and how you react to the problem.




Secondly - Feeling frustrated is the first sign that what you're doing isn't working. So why isn't it working? What else can you do about it? Is there something you can do right now or will it have to wait a while?




Talk to your teacher. Tell your frustrations. "I enjoy group work but I'm having a problem. What can I do when other members of the group won't do anything? I'm a hard worker and I feel that it is unfair that I feel I have to do more than my fair share of the work load. I have already tried talking about it. The other members don't seem to care and think it is funny. If I do nothing, my grades suffer and if I do something, I end up doing most, if not all of it and feel frustrated and powerless. I have a suggestion and I was hoping you will think about it. In future could the people who do their work be put together and the people who don't do work be put together? That way it is equal and the people who don't do work will be put in a situation of do their fair share or know they will fail because there isn't anyone who will do it for them to carry them across the finish line?"




If your teacher doesn't listen to you - tell this to your school's counsellor and organize a discussion with your teacher in the counsellor's presence.




Team work is all about problem solving - If what you're doing isn't working and wearing you down then it's time to come up with another plan.




It will be like this in university for about the first year or half of the first year. Because a) the above situation happens: people who work stick together, people who don't work stick together and they will fail together and B) after the first year around half of the people who started will leave and decide it is not for them, too hard, to go back to work etc And usually it's the smarter people who stick around.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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