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Does anyone here own a white scarf?







Does it ever get dirty?


I want a white scarf so bad, but my parents keep telling me that it will look like crap after it gets dirty.

there is something called bleach.


just handwash it in some bleach.. not too much or else the bleach will rot it. soak it down in half a cup of bleach and half a bucket of water.. and then rinse 4 times.


if any parts are really dirty.. just swish it around in a bucket of water and a capful of detergent. then rinse in regular water for 3 times.. or until the water is relatively clear.


Does anyone here own a white scarf?







It feels weird when you compare your age to people that do stuff that gets popular. Like these guys, they were 19 when they did that. I'm almost 20 now and I haven't murdered anyone yet.


Just what the [bleep] am I doing with my life?

living a happy and contented life? as someone who respects human life?


Mmmm. Toasted cheese sammitches.


I had a thought, when I reached to get the milk gallon in the fridge, Toasted Cheese Sammitches + Ketchup = ???

i do this a lot. tastes a little like cheese pizza.



Interesting. Strange that this is from a Republican candidate.

amazing video.


Can somebody explain to me why the following quote is funny/how it makes sense?


It took tens of thousands of years for humans to go from wearing no clothes to covering almost every inch of their bodies. It's taken about 200 years to reverse the process.


evolution from monkeys to human > no clothes

cavemen > wearing fur that's like a smock

romans > men wearing skirts.. and people wearing togas etc.

victorian > google "victorian dresses"

present day > nude beaches

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My friend / mebe crush is 1/8th Mayan.


The more you know.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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Does anyone here own a white scarf?







Does it ever get dirty?


I want a white scarf so bad, but my parents keep telling me that it will look like crap after it gets dirty.

there is something called bleach.


just handwash it in some bleach.. not too much or else the bleach will rot it. soak it down in half a cup of bleach and half a bucket of water.. and then rinse 4 times.


if any parts are really dirty.. just swish it around in a bucket of water and a capful of detergent. then rinse in regular water for 3 times.. or until the water is relatively clear.


But you would have to wash it completely in bleach to get it even. Wouldn't that ruin it quite fast?

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>We have been receiving a large ammount of request from your IP, please enter the captcha to gain access to the video


What the [bleep], Youtube? This is the first time it ever happens. I have had comments ask me for captcha, but never for actually watching a video.

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>We have been receiving a large ammount of request from your IP, please enter the captcha to gain access to the video


What the [bleep], Youtube? This is the first time it ever happens. I have had comments ask me for captcha, but never for actually watching a video.

Yeah, I had that the other day too. I was like, what?

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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