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Bannable offense


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This is why you don't say stupid things in public clanchats.


This. Mentioning that you bought the account, even if it was a joke, was probably the dumbest move you could have made.


Why? So we can't joke/talk freely because some others can't handle it, and have to report it?






It's usually hard to tell what's a joke and what's not on the internet. A sad truth :(




Hooray for smileys.

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Why? So we can't joke/talk freely because some others can't handle it, and have to report it?








The difference in joking on text and in real life




Real Life:


[+] Notable facial features


[+] Tone of voice


[+] Body movements


[+] Atmosphere






[-] No Facial or Body indication


[-] No tone of voice


[-] Atmosphere easily passed by




What you mean:


emot-v.gif Yea, I bought my account. I'm a baaaaad boy rotflmaobrbgnago2bthroom




What they see:


emot-hitler.gif Yep. Bought my account, breakin dem rules. Don't give a [bleep]. Maybe gonna go rob some children after I auto my way to 99 everythings.




This has been a paid broadcast of the Committee For Decreasing Stupid [bleep] Said on the Internet.




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to be honest, since I got muted for trying to say that there was a bad site, to a mod that was in tip.it cc ("encouraging others to break rules"), I just lost all hope and designated at all tip.it related cc's as full of wanna-be mods, you've just hardened my impresion about it. There's just NO reason to risk your account




I don't use cc's in general, and that's one of the reasons. You can just go anywhere else you want, to talk about runescape, AT LEAST YOU DON'T GET YOUR ACCOUNT BANNED (that's also why I use other places to talk about runescape, like tip.it forums)




if you wanna talk via runescape, just talk to your friends and nobody else.




Yes, jagex demotes freedom of speech

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Don't join clan chats unless you want to be reported. Dead simple.


Forsakenmage chat pushed me over the edge and forced me to quit for a while (I play sometimes now, though).


People in there will just find ANY excuse to report you in the hopes that they'll become a mod.


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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Forsakenmage is full of sad wannabe mods who screw you over for the slightests thing. Especially if you're just joking,that's when they strike.


Nothing like a sweeping generalisation is there? ;)


not a generalisation, its true, my old pure got banned in there, and silo got locked. fsm is full of losers who report ppl for no reason, bsc isnt as bad but you still have to watch your mouth, tbh its bs, reporting ppl doesnt get u a crown, being a decent player does

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I've seen many posts saying "I was joking about rulebreaking and got muted/banned." I wish more people would notice these so they could avoid the same fate. :(




to be honest, since I got muted for trying to say that there was a bad site, to a mod that was in tip.it cc ("encouraging others to break rules"),




Yes, jagex demotes freedom of speech


Ask yourself this: even tho I'm saying "it's a bad site", how many morons listening to me will now go navigate to that site and pick up a virus or malware or enter their RS names? Answer: only a few less than would do it if I were the evil person ADVERTISING the site and not warning them. You are not helping - you are doing the bad guy's work FOR him. Sorry.




For others who have posted "I was only joking", several people above have explained quite clearly that jokes don't come across in text.




If you think this only happens online, go stand in a security line in an airport. They have SIGNS up: "DON'T JOKE ABOUT BOMBS". People felt joking was a way to ease their own tensions, but it just freaked out security personnel and others listening. If you were standing behind someone wearing [insert traditional costume of ethnic group that makes you nervous here], would YOU be confident they were joking? It's different when you are the hearer and not the speaker. So - it's a universal rule in airports now.




I do feel sympathy for the impact on your account. Best recommendation: in Runescape - don't joke about breaking rules.


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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That is so obviously a joke, if the person reporting you didn't see that surely Jagex should have.


The punishment is hugely unfair.




I don't see why you should be forced to check everything you say just incase some.. -ahem- decides to report it.


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I've managed to spam, joke about breaking rules and censor evade in public cc's for ages and haven't been muted even once. :lol:

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Evaded has 42 accounts I think? He wouldn't report you for that though. Thats really low of the person who reported you. Hopefully you'll get out of the 1 year mute.

61,358th to 99 range on May 23rd, 2010.

100,927th to 99 def on February 13th, 2011.



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Picure removed.




Please don't hunt for the reporter.




If you want to create a discussion about reporting, please create a new thread. Without confidential pictures or 'hunting' for someone.




Thank you.

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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