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Zombies/Skeletons 115k exp/hour! BETTER THAN MONKEY ZOMBIES!


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Hi, Matthew20141 here, I've been a lurker on these forums for a long time and decided to create a guide on my favorite training spot in the game. I was just looking and saw that monkey zombies had to use pray pots, AZ's were crowded as [Cabbage] (I'm too lazy to world hop) and I couldn't read my manga while there, so I found another AFK training spot, this one :). So I present MY GUIDE OF WIN!




Edit=Caromon 27 has decided that this guide was a lie and he wants all the exp so from now on its 1k exp/hour=Matthew20141 has decided that it is!






[hide=Introduction]What are these monsters that are better than Monkey Zombies? Read my guide to find out!



Monkey Zombies (129)










-Afkable (Drink a Pray pot every couple minutes)


-High Hp


-Easily Accessible




-Multi-combat so familiars can be used


-Maxes at 110k exp/hour








-Need prayer


-Lose 40k/hour


-No drops


-Need familiar to get 110k exp/hour




Skeletons (79) & Zombies (40)








-Lower defense




-Easily Accessible




-Afkable (Eat some food every couple Minutes)


-Multi-combat so fighting familiars can be used


-Maxes at 115k exp/hour


-Makes 80k/hour


-Magic Exp


-20-30 blue charms an hour








-Pures have almost no chance


-Need decent defense level


-Need decent armor


-Need Familiar to get 115k exp/hour


-Possible Revs on the way there[/hide]




[hide=Requirements and Recommendations]Recommended Levels/Requirements (Good/Better/Best)


Attack: 60+/75+/90+


Strength: 60+/75+/90+


Defense: 60+/75+/90+


Magic: 55


Summoning: 52+


Normal Spellbook


Quest Requirements


Plague City, Haunted Mine, Tarns Lair Minigame[/hide]








Head: Neitiznot>Dragon Full Helm>Berserker Helm>Dragon Med Helm>All (Rune)




Neck: Salve Ammy(e)>Salve Ammy (THIS IS A MUST, Salve ammy(e) or normal)




Weapon: Saradomin Sword (For Strength Training) = Whip> D scim>All




Shield: (If not using 2h weapon): Rune defender>Dragonfire Shield>Dragon Sq>All (Rune)




Torso: Torags Platebody=Bandos Chestplate>Dragon Platebody>Granite body>All (Rune)




Legs: Torags Platelegs=Bandos Tassets>Dragon Plateskirt>Granite legs>All (Rune)




Boots: Dragon Boots>Rune Boots>Adamant Boots>Climbing Boots>All




Ring: Ring of life=Berserker Ring>Warriors Ring>Ring of Wealth




Gloves: Barrows Gloves>Dragon Gloves>Rune gloves>Best RFD Gloves




Cape: Firecape>Skills cape trim>Skills cape>Obsidian Cape>Legends Cape>all




Spec Weapon: Saradomin Godsword>Enhanced Excalibur>Dragon Battleaxe+Restore






Salve ammy(e) or Salve ammy is REQUIRED! Do not do this place without it.


Oh but the fury has better strength bonuses.


OH NO IT DOESNT, Salve ammy (e) has +20% Attack and Strength and not (e) has +15%










Unfortunately, I dont have the cash to pay for a Saradomin Sword, so just imagine that a Saradomin Sword Exists in this picture if you are training strength.












These equipments are just baselines, feel free to mix and match then equipment, just dont be stupid and try to wear something like Ahrims/Splitbark/Mystics here-_-, I've seen people here do that.....well one person.












If you only have the equipment shown above, you are going to eat a LOT more food if you have no bunyip/other familiar. And if you only have this armor, Im going to assume that either you are a rune pure or you are a low level, both of which dont go too well with aggressive, multi-combat monsters.[/hide]




[hide=Inventory Setups]Inventory setups




What should we take to these monsters? Well, if you think that Oh Im a high level, I wont take any damage, YOU ARE WRONG! The skeleton has a max hit of 10 and the Zombie has a max hit of 5, both being somewhat accurate, even with super potted at 90 def, full barrows+dfs, I still get hit, however, a enhanced Excalibur or Saradomin Godsword negates a lot of this damage and if you take bunyips, it is almost fully negated. You should still take a fighting familiar, Like an Obby Golem because it boosts the Exp you get/hour by around 15-20k. Thus, we get an inventory that looks something like these three. Your Beasts of burdens items are up for you to decide.(I'm too lazy to take pics of those) Fires and nats are important, they drop lots of alchables.






This is an average inventory, for people with ok armor and ok defense.


A BoB should be used with this inventory.


1X Dragon Battleaxe


2X Restore potion


2X Super attack potion


2X Super defense potion


200X Natures


1000X Fires


1X Cannonball


1X Mud rune


1X Law rune


10X monkfish


1X Coin (Placeholder)


1X Empty spot


1X Each type of Charm








Good inventory, the enhanced Excalibur can be replaced with a SGS if needed. Use the SGS spec on the Skeletons.


A BoB should be used with this inventory.


2X Super Sets


1X Enhance Excalibur/SGS


200X Natures


1000X Fires


1X Cannonball


1X Mud rune


1X Law rune


1X Coin (placeholder)


1X Empty spot


10X Monkfish


1X Each type of Charm






Best inventory, fighting familiars boost exp/hour about 15k-20k. If bunyips are wanted, replace the pouches, I like using bunyips cause it uses less food.


2X Super Sets


6X Monkfish


1X Each type of Charm


1X Enhance Excal/SGS


200X Natures


1000X Fires


1X Cannonball


1X Mud rune


1X Law rune


1X Coin (placeholder)


1X Empty spot


1X Summoning Potion(2)


3X Fighting Familiar of choice[/hide]




[hide=How to get there?]How to get there!


Step 1 Getting to the Chaos Tunnels (CT)






(Credits go to Runescape Wiki)


Path 1, Orange- Combat Brace tele to monastery and Alch brace, then continue to CT.


Path 2. Green- Glory Tele to Edgeville and Run to CT


Path 3. Cyan- Start in G.E, go through agility shortcut and continue to CT


Path 4. Gold- Games necklace Tele to Wildy Volcano, bank and walk to CT






Step 2 Getting to the Zombies/Skeletons








After you go down the rope, you will get to the number 1. Go through the portal that I have circled in yellow.




[Killing is best done on a 1500+ world][/hide]




[hide=Killing]How to kill them Undead


First, when you walk in, you *Will* get swamped, note, in the picture it's been 3 secs and my hp went down by 24, this can happen rarely sometimes so be prepared








Now you have to walk to the place right here.








You will then pot up and stand in this place to minimize damage and let auto retaliate do the work for you. Read a book for 5 minutes, go back to rs, spec with spec weapon, and pot up, pick up drops/charms, alch. back to reading. If you wanted, you could piety flash, but that would take too much concentration. If you were really lazy, you could just pot+spec.[/hide]


[hide=Note]Notice how only 2 Zombies/Skeletons can attack me at one time? This way, I can switch between two things attacking me at the same time, same as Zombie Monkeys. But better, notice the difference between the first screenshot and second screenshot. That was loot of 3 mins while getting the screenshot. Also, when stepping out to get drops, alch the items WHILE attacking because alching no longer stops attacking :thumbsup: , this shaves down on time a lot.


Also not picking up loot increases exp by about 6k/hour.


The things you alch all depend on you. (List is too long and Im too lazy)[/hide]






[hide=Aggression]Oh Noez! The Undead arent aggressive anymore!!!!!111!! WTF!!!


Calm down, there is a simple fix to that problem, follow the arrows on the picture.








Boom! Aggressive Zombies/Skeletons :) Every time the skeletons/zombies go non-aggressive, do this and then go afk for the next 10 minutes. After trip is done, Teleport to Ardy with the mud runes and law runes youve collected.[/hide]




[hide=Credits+Calculations]Credits are 100% Matthew20141


Yes I am a girl in the setups


I was doing recruitment drive.




Now for calculations


In 1 hour I got a total of 32,404 in Atk/Str/Def potting every 5 levels.


32,404*3=97,202 Experience/hour without piety flash or


Combat familiar and picking up all the drops!


I got this at 89/91/89


Pray can also be used here for piety and even more exp.


Not picking up drops is also another way to get exp up.[/hide]




I *have* gotten a skeleton champion scroll here so :)

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A good guide, but the low hitpoints of them makes this a bit not-so-good for higher levels.


AZ's were crowded as [Cabbage]
Um, no they're not.... :shock: It's easy as [cabbage] to find a world for them. And they're alot better, but if you get bored and as such read mags and whatnot, then you should do slayer.




Still, a good guide, and I imagine it's good for low-ish levels.


Rare, valuable drops:

D claws x4 Whip x1 Ruined dragon armour lump x1 Armadyl hilt x2 (22/16m split) Sara sword x1 (1.1m split) Armadyl helmet x1 (1m split)

I was too excited to take screenies of any drops :P

The Greatest Tormented Demon Guide Ever

88 summoning achieved on 26/4/09.

99 ranged achieved on 9/5/09.

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115k xp/hour? Are you sure...? If so, this is one of the best 4 training spots...






To get 115k/exp hour you'll need a familiar to help you, max without would be id assume 105k/hour maxed stats no pray and since my melee stats are 89atk/90str/89def....97k/hour without familiar...






BTW what are the 4 best training spots?

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I've tried dharoking here before, I found that It's better to dharok at Zombie Monkies due to:


A-Zombies & Skeles have less health so you are not getting max exp/hour


B-Zombies & Skeles CAN get lucky on you and hit up to 30+ in a streak




However, you could try dharoking with a whip to finish off low hp monsters.

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No offense but those rates seem bs.


I've had a quick test with 5% prayer, obby golem and was getting far less exp then at AZ's.


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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These things cant be 115K xp/hour.....and these monsters have low hp....not so good for high lvs...AZ's are better than these + Monkey Zombies are better, alright guide.


PSN: Skaterguy1224 Tactical Nukes - 22

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Good guide though :)



By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest;

Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.


- Confucius

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No offense but those rates seem bs.


I've had a quick test with 5% prayer, obby golem and was getting far less exp then at AZ's.




First pot up every 5 mins


Then pick up drops smartly, don't lose time picking em up


Piety flash if its not enough


If all the above does not work for you


Then go back to az's which ARE faster

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Now for calculations


In 1 hour I got a total of 32,404 in Atk/Str/Def potting every 5 levels.


32,404*3=97,202 Experience/hour without piety flash or


Combat familiar and picking up all the drops!


I got this at 89/91/89


Pray can also be used here for piety and even more exp.


Not picking up drops is also another way to get exp up.


Ok if that was 100% true then with void, piety and a combat familiar it would be 30%+5 to 15k more exp.


So your talking (97+30%)+15=141k exp per hour max if it was true. Thats a good 25k/hour more then the current best exp in combat.


So with maxed stats not picking up the drops, void (pray melee), piety, pure sets and combat familiar you could be getting 150k+ per hour.


See how it looks like its unreasonable.




The hp of these is 2 hits per kill at pretty much any level.


In a perfect world say you always hit 30's with salve (e).


Az's would waste 20 exp per kill, zombie monkeys 0 exp per kill these 36 to 88 exp per kill. The lost exp being the difference between the finishing hit and a full hit.


Seems like given the hp it might be better to use a GS here then normal training weapon.




PS. I wasn't randomly picking up drops, I was using the 5% prayer and potting every time my stats dropped to 10 less then there normal (which is about every 4/5 minutes).


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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Might check this out, if it's good ima use it for 20/50m def exp 8-)




1 question though, wtf is with the cannonball?

Off, is the general direction I wish you would [bleep].


[hide=My perception of the Admins in Assistclan:]



Slayer: Lots of Dragon Boots, 16 Whips, 24 Dark Bows, 7 Staves of Light, OVER 9000 Charms


Bandos: Lost count

Zamorak: ^^^^^

Saradomin: ^^^^^^^^^^^

Armadyl: None[/hide]

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These are great :)




I was ranging them yesterday with cheap tank gear and I lasted about an hour an half. (Using a bull ant with 9 p'apple pizzas)




Gear was :


D med




D legs


Bronze Knives


Granite Shield


Dragon Boots


Black Hide Vambs


Black Hide Chest


Archers Rings


Im also 75defence using super defence pots




I managed about 50k an hour at 80 range potting up at 85.




I also got 17 blue charms over two trips (3 hours total)

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its NOT 115k exp an hour, 90 att 99 str with a familiar and pray I got like 90k an hour.

Started free trade with 1.5m cash. 2 weeks later, have hit max cash 2x.


PvP drops: 359 Brawling Gloves, 11 Vesta's Longswords, 41+ Zaros/Ancient Statues

9 Dragon Full Helms, 3 Dragonfire Shields on the old PvP loot system


Brawler guide is being finished!


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