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The Decline of a Runescape Respect


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One of the things that has changed the runescape experience, or has been changed by the newer runescape experience is the basic human respect that you expect between people. It's happening more and more that generally people in runescape are becoming much more self centered and rude.




I remember when you started runescape as a level 3 in lumbridge there was nearly always a helping hand somewhere near whether it be a high level player or simply someone in your same position where you could work things out together, but that in recent years has declined to almost nothing. Its the same in p2p, that respect is no longer given to anyone. It seems the only people that ever gain respect anymore are famous pkers, but even then they are shunned. Level 138's are called nerds for wasting their time getting that level, and anyone below 100 cb are seen as noobs or called kids. A lot of friendships within runescape have been broken because of the Pvp updates but also various other things that people have felt made runescape not worth playing anymore; but does this give an excuse for people to be rude and self centered though? I think we have all met or seen someone being like what I described "L0l n3rd.. get a lif kid."




There are many many reasons what the eruption of these attributes could be put down to, but these are my opinions:




1. The influx of a child-friendly game has attracted moody pre-teens or generally more nasty little kids


2. Runescape is turning more into a place where people log on just to insult someone else to make themselves feel better and they log off again, it's happened before.


3. It might have something to do with the increase of no-honor pking aswell, as the old bounty hunter taught everyone that to make the most money, you've got to be willing to kill people with penalties, has this increased the anger in players?


4. Wide open spaces and the decline of the "homely style" that the game used to boast with it's bad graphics and interface.


5. Greed, with more powerful and expensive things thrown into the game, people are more willing to stand on their fellow man to reach those expensive things.




Tell me/us why you think runescape respect has declined, or whether you think it hasn't declined at all?




Yes I agree, but I think the topic has rather gone off my intended topic a bit, that I think that the overall "respect" towards players has plummeted, for example:


A player (level 54) came upto me while I was fletching, I wasn't talking at all because I was watching a program, and he starts to slag me off.. I look to the screen and its just him and a mate telling me how I'm a nerd and how I no-life everything. My main point being I don't believe that would of happened when I had started? my opinion but I don't think that would have happened, and about always picking out the good points. That could not be more wrong for me; I remember when I got lured to the zamorak wine and died. When I got lured into the wildy and lost my first ever whip that I'd spent ages earning money to get. But I still remember a high level killing goblins in goblin village with me just for company, and how I met most of my current friends.




What I'm basically trying to say is that: Yes, there have always been nasty and unpleasant people. People out there for their own gain and not caring about who they beat down to get it, it's the same in runescape and even more so in real life. But imo the general population, in runescape, have moved ever so slightly towards the self-gain aspect of runescape and further away from niceties and pleasantness.




This may be the same for everyone, or other people may have different views but that's what I made the thread for, to see if there was anyone else who thought the same as me.




Also another anecdote, that some people might remember for themselves for not:


As a low level, the word noob was thrown round A LOT, even more than today. But at around 2007, as I started to reach the 95-100 cb mark.. I started to notice the word nerd and no-life thrown around much more commonly as the new insult. But even as recently as 6 months ago the word's kid, lad and son were thrown around more than anything as a way of showing superiority. Now, everyone knew that noob meant you didn't know a lot, or weren't experienced in the game etc. and i could live with being called a noob pretty happily as I dished it out as much as I took it; but as personal insults (even when logic tells us that they don't know us at all) were becoming more common, I felt runescape was changing for the worse and that there were so many more angry and bitter people around than ever causing disrespect to our fellow players

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Another look at Runescape through rose-tinted glasses.




Hey, if Runescape was so great when you joined, maybe you're the reason it went downhill. Seems like a mighty convenient coincidence.




Who's up for a good angry mob to chase OlissilO out of town?




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These threads come up pretty often. People are [wagon]. It's a fact of life.








Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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Another look at Runescape through rose-tinted glasses.




Hey, if Runescape was so great when you joined, maybe you're the reason it went downhill. Seems like a mighty convenient coincidence.




Who's up for a good angry mob to chase OlissilO out of town?




No need to be so aggressive about it really, I was stating my opinion.. but I can say that atleast I am courteous if someone shows me the same respect. If someone steals my kills I will go about my business until it gets too hard to bear and I'll ask them to move/hop then if they don't I'll just hop worlds, and really how am I looking at runescape through rose-tinted glasses? I've played runescape long enough to know how things have changed and how there IS in an decrease in the general respect around, play a bit longer and you might pick that up.

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These threads come up pretty often. People are [wagon]. It's a fact of life.










No, this isn't a rant thread.. this is a thread asking people what they think. Not a thread to release my anger at the population of runescape.. thats what a punchbag is for.

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No need to be so aggressive about it really, I was stating my opinion.. but I can say that atleast I am courteous if someone shows me the same respect. If someone steals my kills I will go about my business until it gets too hard to bear and I'll ask them to move/hop then if they don't I'll just hop worlds, and really how am I looking at runescape through rose-tinted glasses? I've played runescape long enough to know how things have changed and how there IS in an decrease in the general respect around, play a bit longer and you might pick that up.




Right, because I've been playing only a couple months. I just stole this Tip.It account that's been here since 2005. I also stole my Runescape account that I've had since 2003. As for being "aggressive". It's called a joke. Not a joke in the same sense as this thread is a joke. More a sarcastic joke than a pitiful joke.




I remember when you started runescape as a level 3 in lumbridge there was nearly always a helping hand somewhere near whether it be a high level player or simply someone in your same position where you could work things out together, but that in recent years has declined to almost nothing.




There's your rose tinted glasses.




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It's a veeeeeeeeeedeooooooooooo game, who cares about respect, not like it helps you train your skills or anything, or get you farther in the game and get a better job and a nicer house and a prominent career so on and so fourth..






But I get what you're saying

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No need to be so aggressive about it really, I was stating my opinion.. but I can say that atleast I am courteous if someone shows me the same respect. If someone steals my kills I will go about my business until it gets too hard to bear and I'll ask them to move/hop then if they don't I'll just hop worlds, and really how am I looking at runescape through rose-tinted glasses? I've played runescape long enough to know how things have changed and how there IS in an decrease in the general respect around, play a bit longer and you might pick that up.




Right, because I've been playing only a couple months. I just stole this Tip.It account that's been here since 2005. I also stole my Runescape account that I've had since 2003. As for being "aggressive". It's called a joke. Not a joke in the same sense as this thread is a joke. More a sarcastic joke than a pitiful joke.




I remember when you started runescape as a level 3 in lumbridge there was nearly always a helping hand somewhere near whether it be a high level player or simply someone in your same position where you could work things out together, but that in recent years has declined to almost nothing.




There's your rose tinted glasses.




There's your aggressiveness again, and I can already see through your flaming of my thread that you are one of the disrespectful people that I'm talking about. The Thread is about what you think of people in the game when you meet them, not what you think I am or am not, and if you really think that thing's haven't changed (for better or worse) then I think you're looking through blacked out glasses.

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It's a veeeeeeeeeedeooooooooooo game, who cares about respect, not like it helps you train your skills or anything, or get you farther in the game and get a better job and a nicer house and a prominent career so on and so fourth..






But I get what you're saying




I understand you're point of view aswell, but have you never noticed that if someone really gets you angry in game it can reflect your mood irl?

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It's a veeeeeeeeeedeooooooooooo game, who cares about respect, not like it helps you train your skills or anything, or get you farther in the game and get a better job and a nicer house and a prominent career so on and so fourth..






But I get what you're saying




I understand you're point of view aswell, but have you never noticed that if someone really gets you angry in game it can reflect your mood irl?




Hahahaha yes! Well not so much anymore, I've learned to take runescape alot less seriously, and most of the time, I can laugh about people who annoy me, so yeah, I try really hard to leave it to video gamess, and make sure it doesn't carry on when I'm not playingg..

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It's a veeeeeeeeeedeooooooooooo game, who cares about respect, not like it helps you train your skills or anything, or get you farther in the game and get a better job and a nicer house and a prominent career so on and so fourth..






But I get what you're saying




I understand you're point of view aswell, but have you never noticed that if someone really gets you angry in game it can reflect your mood irl?




Hahahaha yes! Well not so much anymore, I've learned to take runescape alot less seriously, and most of the time, I can laugh about people who annoy me, so yeah, I try really hard to leave it to video gamess, and make sure it doesn't carry on when I'm not playingg..




Thats probably the right way to go XD unfortunately I find it hard to retort to a lvl 98 calling me a noob because I'm wearing an arma plate and sara d'hide legs at aviansies, and pride just won't let me ignore it XD.

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There's your aggressiveness again, and I can already see through your flaming of my thread that you are one of the disrespectful people that I'm talking about.




In the words of Boxxy, "I AINST TROLLIN".




News flash: When someone disagrees with you, it doesn't make them a flamer, troll, or a "disrespectful person". You'll find on Tip.It I rarely dole out respekt to people who create threads just to cry about the community. It's the elephant that's been in the room for years, and everyone's stopped bothering mentioning him as long as he doesn't soil the rug or eat our potted plants, because he's not going away and feeding him will only make him bigger.




The Thread is about what you think of people in the game when you meet them, not what you think I am or am not, and if you really think that thing's haven't changed (for better or worse) then I think you're looking through blacked out glasses.




Really? I thought the thread was a whine-off on how Runescape's community used to be a paradise of fr33 st0ff, niceties, and mature people, of which runescape has never been any of the three, and there'll be another thread just like this next month saying the exact same thing. The community hasn't gotten worse, per capita, it's just gotten bigger, and while the percentage of bad users hasn't changed much, they've just gotten a lot more vocal.




The game itself has changed for a much greater good. The only major changes I've seen in the community are the lack of mass-autoers, and the return of a lot of Edgeville pkers who left in 07 when the big updates hit.




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I get used to the idiocy, if they show it, I just show back. Sometimes I carry stacks of wind strike runes.




Misc: Abyssal Whip x28 , Dark Bow x5, Beserker Ring x3, Warrior ring x1

Dragon: Dragon Platelegs x2 , Dragon Plateskirt x2, Dragon Boots x38, Dragon Med Helm x4, Shield left half x3

Godwars: Godsword shard x13, Bandos Hilt x3, Bandos Chestplate x6, Bandos Tassets x4, Bandos Boots x5, Saradomin Sword x1, Zamorakian Spear x1,. Armadyl Helm x2, Armadyl chestplate x2.

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There's your aggressiveness again, and I can already see through your flaming of my thread that you are one of the disrespectful people that I'm talking about.




In the words of Boxxy, "I AINST TROLLIN".




News flash: When someone disagrees with you, it doesn't make them a flamer, troll, or a "disrespectful person". You'll find on Tip.It I rarely dole out respekt to people who create threads just to cry about the community. It's the elephant that's been in the room for years, and everyone's stopped bothering mentioning him as long as he doesn't soil the rug or eat our potted plants, because he's not going away and feeding him will only make him bigger.




The Thread is about what you think of people in the game when you meet them, not what you think I am or am not, and if you really think that thing's haven't changed (for better or worse) then I think you're looking through blacked out glasses.




Really? I thought the thread was a whine-off on how Runescape's community used to be a paradise of fr33 st0ff, niceties, and mature people, of which runescape has never been any of the three, and there'll be another thread just like this next month saying the exact same thing. The community hasn't gotten worse, per capita, it's just gotten bigger, and while the percentage of bad users hasn't changed much, they've just gotten a lot more vocal.




The game itself has changed for a much greater good. The only major changes I've seen in the community are the lack of mass-autoers, and the return of a lot of Edgeville pkers who left in 07 when the big updates hit.




Going back to your first post.. telling me that I'm the reason that runescape has gone down hill = disrespectful. I never did anything against you in particular and it seems you are just in a bad mood or if you're always like this, then I feel sorry for people that do know you. I'm fine if you want to disagree, but you're phrasing of it was pitiful at best. Also, do you think that if one thread stayed in circulation, ASKING people what they think then more threads wouldn't have to be made. This thread isn't a rant and it shouldn't be turned into a flame war, it's a DISCUSSION. Something I was hoping could be turned into an "adult" discussion, but obviously I was wrong and even being a newcomer to the tip.it forum community you aren't giving me much more hope into the friendliness of these forums. Please try and be as civil as I am to you.

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Like it has already been said, the 'level' of respect hasn't reduced its justthat the runescape population has gotten bigger thus making it seem like the 'respect' level has fallen. In my opinion runescape seems exactly the same now as it was when I joined; you still get some nice people and some bad thought the majority are just trying to get on and enjoy the game in their own way.



Woodcutting does not raise your combat level because most people do not play as yew trees.
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Going back to your first post.. telling me that I'm the reason that runescape has gone down hill = disrespectful. I never did anything against you in particular and it seems you are just in a bad mood or if you're always like this, then I feel sorry for people that do know you.




Clearly my joke went over your head. I feel sorry for people who try to crack a joke on you.






"Yo mama!"






This thread isn't a rant and it shouldn't be turned into a flame war, it's a DISCUSSION.




What are we discussing? How a small part of Runescape's community is making you rage? And this is a rant. The entire discussion is why you think Runescape went downhill, and my side is that it hasn't gone downhill, it's just a lot more noticable. If you have 10 people in a room, and one of them is screaming his head off, it's annoying. If you have 100 people in a room, and 10 of them are screaming their heads off, it's more noticable, yet statistically only 1 in 10 are screaming their heads off.




Something I was hoping could be turned into an "adult" discussion, but obviously I was wrong and even being a newcomer to the tip.it forum community you aren't giving me much more hope into the friendliness of these forums. Please try and be as civil as I am to you.




Adult discussions come out of adult topics. There are countless other threads I participate in that are 'adult discussions' that go smoothly, but threads that focus around how much ___ sucks will always end in two disagreeing sides, usually one side calling the other flamers or bullies (that'd be you)




I'll try to be more quaint when I makes sum funnies next time though, I'll be sure to add a lot of smiley face winkies so you pinpoint the exaggerations in my jokes.




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I played since 2001, and the community turn a drastic turn for the worse when Jagex teamed up with free games websites like miniclip to advertise the game. In 2001, there were still scammers (though not as many as the apex that occurred just before the non-trading update), but people in general were more mature and were more willing to help.




When Jagex teamed with miniclip, they introduced the game to a largely middle-school-aged audience, resulting in lots of immature tweens flooding the game. This lead to all the begging, the scamming, the "I want it NOW NOW NOW!!!" attitudes that led to people trying out bots, and the general disrespect for other players, as these kids had not yet developed socially to the point where they considered others' feelings or thought about the box that exists outside of themselves. They were just in it for themselves.

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When Jagex teamed with miniclip, they introduced the game to a largely middle-school-aged audience, resulting in lots of immature tweens flooding the game. This lead to all the begging, the scamming, the "I want it NOW NOW NOW!!!" attitudes that led to people trying out bots, and the general disrespect for other players, as these kids had not yet developed socially to the point where they considered others' feelings or thought about the box that exists outside of themselves. They were just in it for themselves.




I think it depends on the teen ... I learnt about RS by a friend (who saw it on Miniclip so its kind of the same). The first thing that I did when I entered was to ask "Can you tell me how to get an armor and weapons" not "pl0x gimme fr33 st0f!!111!oneone!"

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Thread closed, don't know what I ever saw in these forums.






Anyway, the discussion moves onward!




Miniclip did bring in a lot of kids, I'll agree, but I still maintain my point of it being a natural effect of the community getting larger and that, for every X amount of people you bring in, you will always have a certain number of bad eggs.




If you go by a closed doors experiment, like Runescape Classic, you'd see that only a certain type of player was eligible for continuing play, and as a result mostly hardcore classic players and autoers are left. If you were to open it to the public again, we'd see the return of "OMG rsc sux" threads and questions of how people can level runecrafting when it isn't even on the skill list.




Your thoughts? Chilled beverage? emot-cheers.gif




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Thread closed, don't know what I ever saw in these forums.


Opening threads about how the Runescape community sucks and how good it was back in the days is prone to give you replies you didn't wish for. That's the punishment for opening topics about subjects that have been discussed a million times before, and are funded on nothing.

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Thread closed, don't know what I ever saw in these forums.






Anyway, the discussion moves onward!




Miniclip did bring in a lot of kids, I'll agree, but I still maintain my point of it being a natural effect of the community getting larger and that, for every X amount of people you bring in, you will always have a certain number of bad eggs.




If you go by a closed doors experiment, like Runescape Classic, you'd see that only a certain type of player was eligible for continuing play, and as a result mostly hardcore classic players and autoers are left. If you were to open it to the public again, we'd see the return of "OMG rsc sux" threads and questions of how people can level runecrafting when it isn't even on the skill list.




Your thoughts? Chilled beverage? emot-cheers.gif




You're a nasty piece of work.. opened topic for friendly discussion and you alone have somehow made my day so much worse.

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