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75+ Crimson charms in 30 minutes - Chaos dungeon waterfiends


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I really want to try the Duo method, but still need a unicorn first! drat!




Great guide, keep it bumped up ::'


So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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Tried a solo run (yes my stats suck but hey).


I lasted about 25 minutes (well my titan died and I forgot extra pouches) and killed 57 of them (slayer task).




There not for the faint hearted, but are a very quick way of doing them for a slayer task.




I plan on doing any slayer tasks over 150 waterfiends using this method.




For anyone wondering I was using SGS with glory (yes I need to rebuy fury) dhide, d bones, life, barrows gloves and slayer helm.


Yes the cheap mans setup, but it is my sgs ;)




Is it me or do they drop more cooked sharks then at the cavern?


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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Thanks for bumping warrior :)




Why would you use a unicorn in the ct?




Unicorn for duo method. Unicorn user is using lunar magic healing (and pot share) spells. Another player (with iron/steel titan) is keeping fiends aggressive so healer can use dharoks pretty safely. It's a quite fun to do with friend after you get everything right.




Although, summoning update changed also duo method so that it's preferrable that both use fighting familiars. Haven't tried it after updates, though.




Joe, maybe you just got lucky with shark drops. I don't think there is any difference.

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You don't have many choices and the ones you have are not very efficient.




Verac's flail, Barrelchest anchor, torag's hammers (not sure if these can train attack with crush style).


Hmm ok I think I'll try the flail, but I won't be actually doing it for just training until 95 attack and strength which is going to take awhile.

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Oh yes, I was thinking about obby weapons but wasn't familiar with them. Although doing this with zerker necklace in Chaos tunnels is probably not good idea, negative defence may be noticable...


If you want I can go test it out cause i'm bored and was gonna go there anyway. But my stats aren't that great so idk if it would be a good test or not -.-

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Geyser titans were briefly mentioned on page 1. Are they preferable to lower-leveled titans?


Of course. Geyser is the first familiar that starts hitting very decent. Geysers are the start of GOOD combat familiars, with the iron and steel titan as ultimate fighting machines, if you are not too poor to use their scrolls often.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can safely say that any familiar below Geyser is not worth it. I've tested Elemental titans, Lava Titan, Spirit Dagg, and Swamp Titan, and none of them provide enough boost to make this method worth it.




So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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I can safely say that any familiar below Geyser is not worth it. I've tested Elemental titans, Lava Titan, Spirit Dagg, and Swamp Titan, and none of them provide enough boost to make this method worth it.



Ele titans healing ability makes up for the lower hits, not better then geyser, but a lot better then nothing.


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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  • 4 weeks later...

I can safely say that any familiar below Geyser is not worth it. I've tested Elemental titans, Lava Titan, Spirit Dagg, and Swamp Titan, and none of them provide enough boost to make this method worth it.



Ele titans healing ability makes up for the lower hits, not better then geyser, but a lot better then nothing.


But isn't the point of this guide is to get the fastest crimsons possible? Hense the healing ability means almost nothing.


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  • 4 weeks later...



This is pretty much the perfect inventory for me at the moment. Enough free inventory space so you don't have to juggle drops at the start (only if you get really lucky with herbs/bstaves etc), and lasts about 50 minutes from bank to bank (or until iron titan dies). I personally found bringing another iron titan pouch for when the first one dies and supplies to go with that one rather annoying, not being able to pick up drops really put me off doing trips.

This is at my stats of course, if your magic/defence levels are higher you might want to try to bring less brews and more prayer potions, and take a sip of extreme set when you leave the bank (I don't do this because I found I don't need more than 8 doses/trip. I also summon iron titan when at fiends and not before leaving bank).

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I'm so looking forward to do these with overloads. I would only need 3 overloads for an hour so that's 1 spot saved. Also, when you overload at the bank, and heal at full hp, that's another 50 hp you will get in there. You have extra magic lvls, so more magic defence and all these lvls stay topped all the time, so you should survive easier too. With overloads you also don't have to care when you drink your brews, which is a very big advantage IMO. I've been getting around 130 an hour before, but I think with overload I could break the 150 mark.


And @ Dj: what's with the duelling ring and glory? Your inventory etc makes good sense, but I prefer staying these 20-30 min longer with Cantristenon's set up. The beginning is a bit hard with the juggling, but the extra long period you can stay at the end makes up for it IMO. I find it strange though how you can stay 50 minutes there with that few pray pots. Gonna recheck my invent, but I bring like 2-3 more I think and I can only stay around one hour untill I have no prayer left.


edit: I bring 12 in total + a wrench (I count prayers and super restores as the same). Why dont you bring a wrench? I think the spot saves more than one prayer pot.

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I usually use 9 restore doses for brews, so one of those restores basically functions as a prayer potion. I messed up during last trip and accidentally got them aggressive again, had to tele after 38 minutes already because I was out of ppoints already from having to range prayer for another 10 minutes. So yeah, you could probably bring another prayer potion to use if the titan doesn't die fast, but most of the time it does and I honestly prefer not having to worry about inv space. Even with this inventory I had problems with inv space last trip because the first few fiends dropped 3 different charms and water orbs/ranarr seed/death runes.

The wrench gives 8 points extra per prayer potion, so it counts like half a prayer potion. I'd bring it but it would shorten my trip even more or give inventory problems :P


The duelling ring is for getting to ooglog, and the glory is for teleporting to edgeville from ooglog. I bank them in edge so I have some empty spaces, I tried bringing food in those spaces but that only makes me waste more sgs specs.


Now I think about it, this whole inventory is based on having as little inventory space problems with drops etc as possible. If you don't mind juggling, it would probably be better to bring more prayer potions, as you said.


I have been averaging ~135 crims/hour over the past few trips, at about 100 crimson charms per trip. So the average trip time is more like 45 minutes.

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Okay, that clears some things up, thanks. Wrench more counts as 3 doses of pray pot though (96 prayer points if you use 12 pots) so it's debateable to take it.


I dont really think going to ooglog is worth the effort though, it takes at least 2 minutes in total I'd say. Just house tele after a trip, recharge pray and glory to edge, eat up and go again (I mostly only go one trip though) seems more desireable. Do you count this time into your charm rate btw?


135 an hour seems to be what I'm getting to and we have about the same stats.


Anyway, I just thought that I will be making some super prayer pots too, so I will be able to stay even longer :-). 4 overloads, 12 super pray pots and some brews, aah, that should be fun. Now just to get these herblore levels first, damn exams.

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I found that I barely manage to last 5 minutes before having to brew for the first time even if I do jump in the pools first, so I'd say it would be quite a waste of extreme pots to skip the pools. It would be unnecesary if you had the herblore level for overload though.

I start timing my trip when I teleport to mobilising armies, it takes 2.5-3 minutes to get to fiends from there. Since the trips are designed to last quite a short time and have several different phases anyway, I don't really mind doing this at the start. I still mostly do it because cantcristenon recommends it though :P


This might be one of the places where extreme prayer potions are actually worth it yeah, since the aggressive phase wastes quite a lot of supplies and prolonging your trip with extreme ppots would considerably cut down the relative cost of those supplies per trip. Good luck with herblore :thumbup:


On a completely unrelated note, it might be a good idea to sip a dose of extreme antifire at the bank to protect from the bronze dragon's breath. That dragon has pretty much [bleep]ed up two of my trips so far by hitting 40+ when I ran past it :P

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Yeah Ive been thinking about that. I just sold my regular antifires though, and they are rising again, so I'll wait with that. I really cba to collect a ton of phoenix feathers like you did, so I will make only as much as I need I think (like 500 should for a looong time). But yeah, if you have more than you will ever use, one sip doesn't matter at all.


And I think extreme prayer potions are always worth it, with wyvern bones at 4k. I mean, 15gp/xp is one of the cheaper options these days, and then I'm not even counting the money you save because you get more points per pray pot. This is of course providing you will use your prayer pots. Just a bit annoying to grind the bones, but I will only do 1k which should last me a loong time anyway.


About the pools: The 50 hp you get after 5 min from the overload you take at the bank will help A LOT for the agressive phase. EDIT: I'm a fool, they won't since you will loose it instantly again after you drink your next dose of overdose.

(ps, making wyvern bonemeal is soo slow!)

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