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its old, but bandits with a god item and either guthans or noted food with lots of money

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Each of us a cell of awareness/Imperfect and incomplete/Genetic blends with uncertain ends/On a fortune hunt thats far too fleet
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Bandits have constant attack but armoured zombies are better exp and have good drops.
i hyave tried bandits before it it took almost an hour to find a free world :wall: and i cant get to AZ's now, nor do i plan on doing the quest for them



Verac- Helm, Brassard x 2,

Torag- Body, Hammers

Karil- Crossbow

Guthan- Body

Ahrim- Hood, Staff

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Bandits have constant attack but armoured zombies are better exp and have good drops.
i hyave tried bandits before it it took almost an hour to find a free world :wall: and i cant get to AZ's now, nor do i plan on doing the quest for them


Well then any monster that has tolerance.

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Bandits have constant attack but armoured zombies are better exp and have good drops.
i hyave tried bandits before it it took almost an hour to find a free world :wall: and i cant get to AZ's now, nor do i plan on doing the quest for them


Well then any monster that has tolerance.

i dont really get this?






but i heard flesh crawlers are decent? i havent been to them since i got mems so i dont know for sure



Verac- Helm, Brassard x 2,

Torag- Body, Hammers

Karil- Crossbow

Guthan- Body

Ahrim- Hood, Staff

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They would be terrible for you. Honestly, quest until you can get AZ's. Even if it takes 15 hours, it will be worth it in the long run. If not slay. Bandits otherwise, or camping is your real only other option which is any good.

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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They would be terrible for you. Honestly, quest until you can get AZ's. Even if it takes 15 hours, it will be worth it in the long run. If not slay. Bandits otherwise, or camping is your real only other option which is any good.
hmmm..ok then...ill stick to slayer then since i hate questing



Verac- Helm, Brassard x 2,

Torag- Body, Hammers

Karil- Crossbow

Guthan- Body

Ahrim- Hood, Staff

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While I totally recommend slayer, I can say something about most other powertraining spots mentioned here




Armoured zombies - Very good exp/hour, and provides a little income. I would advise doing the quest, seriously.


Zombie monkies - Pure exp, better than armoured zombies, but will net you a small loss.


Bandits - Incredibly outdated and should not be used, will essentially waste your time, unless you AFK, and in that case, GTFO because AFKing is against the rules :lol:


Flesh crawlers - LOLOLOLOL


Slayer - Provides a decent total exp rate, some variety to make training less boring, and possibly some nice loot.




Well, theres my advice.

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Armoured zombies - Very good exp/hour, and provides a little income. I would advise doing the quest, seriously.


Zombie monkies - Pure exp, better than armoured zombies, but will net you a small loss.





Zombie Monkeys are about 5k-10k better xp per hour, and you can add a little more if you throw in a combat familiar.




However, AZs will profit ~180k. Whereas Zombie Monkeys will make you lose quite a lot in prayer potions. 1 potion lasts you ~6 minutes, so you'll use 10 potions, but then consider that you'll run in there with full prayer from an altar, so it's really 9 potions. Then add in the costs of pure sets (5k per pure set) or Zamorak Brews (1.5k per Zammy Brew, which is by far the better option, tbh). You'll need 4 of each.




So the Ppots cost 99k, and the pure sets cost 20k, while Zammy Brews cost 6k (note Zammy Brews also restore a bit of prayer, it's +7 points for me @ 71 prayer). So the costs of Zombie Monkeys is 105k-119k, not including the familiar, which will add in another 2-6k, depending on what you use, of course.




But in reality, you're giving up ~300k to gain 10k extra xp at Zombie Monkeys. That saves you 6 minutes. If you can make 300k in 6 minutes (that's an average of 3m per hour), then good for you, go to Zombie Monkeys. But if you CAN'T, then AZs are the better option.




Plus they also drop charms, which I chose not to add into the calculation, but do save you a lot of time in the long run.

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Slayer will be slow, won't it? You Keep having to go to a slayer master to get a task which slows it down and unless you can use the same gear again (not like having to use prayer 1 task then normal gear the next) you have to nip to the bank and change equipment then get to the new task.




Unless theres some items that speed that up, I don't slay much.




Camping you can stay there all quite ahwile then restock at the bank then come back to the same spot which is quicker.




For gaining exp in both melee and slayer it is the best but just for att (for example) it is rubbish.



IM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER .......... or die trying

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Armoured zombies - Very good exp/hour, and provides a little income. I would advise doing the quest, seriously.


Zombie monkies - Pure exp, better than armoured zombies, but will net you a small loss.





Zombie Monkeys are about 5k-10k better xp per hour, and you can add a little more if you throw in a combat familiar.




However, AZs will profit ~180k. Whereas Zombie Monkeys will make you lose quite a lot in prayer potions. 1 potion lasts you ~6 minutes, so you'll use 10 potions, but then consider that you'll run in there with full prayer from an altar, so it's really 9 potions. Then add in the costs of pure sets (5k per pure set) or Zamorak Brews (1.5k per Zammy Brew, which is by far the better option, tbh). You'll need 4 of each.




So the Ppots cost 99k, and the pure sets cost 20k, while Zammy Brews cost 6k (note Zammy Brews also restore a bit of prayer, it's +7 points for me @ 71 prayer). So the costs of Zombie Monkeys is 105k-119k, not including the familiar, which will add in another 2-6k, depending on what you use, of course.




But in reality, you're giving up ~300k to gain 10k extra xp at Zombie Monkeys. That saves you 6 minutes. If you can make 300k in 6 minutes (that's an average of 3m per hour), then good for you, go to Zombie Monkeys. But if you CAN'T, then AZs are the better option.




Plus they also drop charms, which I chose not to add into the calculation, but do save you a lot of time in the long run.




It depends on how you do it, if you sacrafice a little exp per hour and use the alter to get prayer back then it costs nothing to do. Doing it that way is risky since if you run out of prayer trying to get past those gorrilas then your dead.



IM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER .......... or die trying

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ok, is there a place to train that is like yaks but the monsters are aggresive? drops arent a big factor, but the extra money doesnt hurt




ghostly warriors bro. previously i was ranging flesh crawlers but too many people are after them. i read the guide on ghostly warriors and decided to try them out. Good afk xp and the rune drops are pretty good. I could literally camp there for days with guthans for healing but i have to go to the bank every so often for more super att pots.

Disregard females.


Acquire currency.

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One last suggestion would be giant spiders in the SoS, but AZ's are the better option by far. Slayer is a good way to mix it up and have fun though (Fyi, you spend little more time changing outfits at a banks slaying than you will restocking at a bank for camping, plus the loss of slayer exp will hurt you in the long run).



99 Strength since 6/02/10 99 Attack since 9/19/10 99 Constitution since 10/03/10 99 Defense since 3/14/11

99 Slayer since 8/30/11 99 Summoning since 9/10/11 99 Ranged since 09/18/11 99 Magic since 11/12/11

99 Prayer since 11/15/11 99 Herblore since 3/29/12 99 Firemaking since 5/15/12 99 Smithing since 10/04/12

99 Crafting since 9/16/13 99 Agility since 9/23/13 99 Dungeoneering since 1/1/14 99 Fishing since 2/4/14

99 Mining since 2/28/14 99 Farming since 6/04/14 99 Cooking since 6/11/14 99 Runecrafting since 10/10/14

9 Fletching since 11/11/14 99 Thieving since 11/14/14 99 Woodcutting since 11/20/14 99 Construction since 12/03/14

99 Divination since 2/22/15 99 Hunter since 2/23/15 99 Invention since 01/20/17 99 Archaeology since 5/14/22
Quest Point Cape since 08/20/09
Maxed since 2/23/15 Fire Cape since 02/27/13
Slayer: 3 Leaf-Bladed Swords, 8 Black Masks, 2 Hexcrests, 26 Granite Mauls, 5 Focus Sights, 32 Abyssal Whips, 9 Dark Bows, 1 Whip Vine, 3 Staffs of Light, 15 Polypore Sticks

Dragon: 9 Draconic Visages, 7 Shield Left Halves, 20 Dragon Boots, 40 Dragon Med Helms, 8 Dragon Platelegs, 6 Dragon Spears, 20 Dragon Daggers, 5 Dragon Plateskirts, 1 Dragon Chainbody, 63 Off-hand Dragon Throwing Axes, 19 Dragon Longswords, 27 Dragon Maces, 1 Dragon Ward
Treasure Trails: Saradomin Full Helm, Ranger Boots, Rune Body (t), Saradomin Vambraces, Various God Pages
Misc:1 Onyx,1 Ahrim's Hood, 1 Guthan's Chainskirt, 1 Demon Slayer Boots

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Armoured zombies - Very good exp/hour, and provides a little income. I would advise doing the quest, seriously.


Zombie monkies - Pure exp, better than armoured zombies, but will net you a small loss.





Zombie Monkeys are about 5k-10k better xp per hour, and you can add a little more if you throw in a combat familiar.




However, AZs will profit ~180k. Whereas Zombie Monkeys will make you lose quite a lot in prayer potions. 1 potion lasts you ~6 minutes, so you'll use 10 potions, but then consider that you'll run in there with full prayer from an altar, so it's really 9 potions. Then add in the costs of pure sets (5k per pure set) or Zamorak Brews (1.5k per Zammy Brew, which is by far the better option, tbh). You'll need 4 of each.




So the Ppots cost 99k, and the pure sets cost 20k, while Zammy Brews cost 6k (note Zammy Brews also restore a bit of prayer, it's +7 points for me @ 71 prayer). So the costs of Zombie Monkeys is 105k-119k, not including the familiar, which will add in another 2-6k, depending on what you use, of course.




But in reality, you're giving up ~300k to gain 10k extra xp at Zombie Monkeys. That saves you 6 minutes. If you can make 300k in 6 minutes (that's an average of 3m per hour), then good for you, go to Zombie Monkeys. But if you CAN'T, then AZs are the better option.




Plus they also drop charms, which I chose not to add into the calculation, but do save you a lot of time in the long run.




It depends on how you do it, if you sacrafice a little exp per hour and use the alter to get prayer back then it costs nothing to do. Doing it that way is risky since if you run out of prayer trying to get past those gorrilas then your dead.




Then that makes absolutely no sense. You'd get LESS xp per hour AND LESS money per hour. If you recharge prayer upstairs, you can't get the 100k/hr rate of AZs, and you certainly won't get 180k per hour. It makes it an even worse option.




On your point about slayer:




I can go to Laplok/Duradel, bank, and get to my next assignment in an average of 3-5 minutes. Less if it's an easy monster to get to, but never more than 6, unless I get held up by a Random or something.




Plus, at the lower levels, Slayer is great xp because the Black Mask helps a lot more at lower levels than higher levels.

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Slayer is slower, but it is the way I have chosen to get 99 attack. Sure, I spent a few hours at AZs, but only when I was doing something else, or bored of slayer. O ya, I also camp Mages and Abbies a bit. (35 D boots from camping, 2 whips.) So ya, slayer is good cash at higher levels. Aberrant specters=200-400k cash a task. Those are only 60 slayer as well.

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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Then that makes absolutely no sense. You'd get LESS xp per hour AND LESS money per hour. If you recharge prayer upstairs, you can't get the 100k/hr rate of AZs, and you certainly won't get 180k per hour. It makes it an even worse option.




On your point about slayer:




I can go to Laplok/Duradel, bank, and get to my next assignment in an average of 3-5 minutes. Less if it's an easy monster to get to, but never more than 6, unless I get held up by a Random or something.




Plus, at the lower levels, Slayer is great xp because the Black Mask helps a lot more at lower levels than higher levels.




You don't use any money so how do you lose it? unless your using super attack and/or strength pots.




I have never been to AZ's but every time 1 of these topics comes up every body says it (except me) so it must be crowded so you would spend time hopping round for an empty world or fighting over them so lowering your exp per hour.




I have never seen any body at zombie monkeys and I have spent well over 20 hours (6 hours a day there for a week) at the gorillas and not 1 person went down there with the intent to kill any monkeys.



IM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER .......... or die trying

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Then that makes absolutely no sense. You'd get LESS xp per hour AND LESS money per hour. If you recharge prayer upstairs, you can't get the 100k/hr rate of AZs, and you certainly won't get 180k per hour. It makes it an even worse option.




On your point about slayer:




I can go to Laplok/Duradel, bank, and get to my next assignment in an average of 3-5 minutes. Less if it's an easy monster to get to, but never more than 6, unless I get held up by a Random or something.




Plus, at the lower levels, Slayer is great xp because the Black Mask helps a lot more at lower levels than higher levels.




You don't use any money so how do you lose it? unless your using super attack and/or strength pots.




I have never been to AZ's but every time 1 of these topics comes up every body says it (except me) so it must be crowded so you would spend time hopping round for an empty world or fighting over them so lowering your exp per hour.




I have never seen any body at zombie monkeys and I have spent well over 20 hours (6 hours a day there for a week) at the gorillas and not 1 person went down there with the intent to kill any monkeys.








Ok look, AZs are 100k xp per hour and 180k per hour profit.




ZMs are 110k xp per hour and -115k per hour.




However, if you go recharge prayer at the altar, you'd get significantly less xp, but only spend 20k per hour (on pure sets) and also a small, negligible amount of teleports.




So are ARE losing money. You are losing the money that you could have had if you went to AZs.




It's true though, AZs are much more crowded, but I've never had to hop more than 4 times.

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Pure set? :?




I can go to the gorillas and the only money I spend is the tele there so I would assume that it is the same as the ZM.




Of course I sometimes take att pots but I made them without buying the 2 main parts (collected herbs, secondary but bought the empty vials to save money) so I spend 5gp every 10 mins (guess).




AZ might be the best exp but I think ZM are a good alternative, especially since I hate world hopping.



IM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER .......... or die trying

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Pure set? :?




I can go to the gorillas and the only money I spend is the tele there so I would assume that it is the same as the ZM.




Of course I sometimes take att pots but I made them without buying the 2 main parts (collected herbs, secondary but bought the empty vials to save money) so I spend 5gp every 10 mins (guess).




AZ might be the best exp but I think ZM are a good alternative, especially since I hate world hopping.




Pure set means super attack and super strength.




You don't get it. It takes a HUGE amount of time to go to the altar at ZMs. It's a much better idea to simply bring ppots.




You also don't spend 5gp every 10 minutes. For one thing, you forgot to take the time to gather all the parts into consideration. How long did that take? How much xp could you have gotten instead? How much money could you have made instead?




Also, if you are not taking pure sets, you aren't getting the best xp. It's as much as 20k worse xp/hour if you don't use pure sets.




Tbh, ZMs are not a good alternative at all. You're giving up too much potential money and real money to gain such a small advantage.

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It takes a HUGE amount of time to go to the altar at ZMs. It's a much better idea to simply bring ppots.


It takes 60 seconds.




...I don't know what your concept of 'HUGE' is, but I think I have different standards. :?




I find zombie monkeys a solid alternative for someone who doesn't feel like doing the quest for AZs, or doesn't like crowded worlds.

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It takes a HUGE amount of time to go to the altar at ZMs. It's a much better idea to simply bring ppots.


It takes 60 seconds.




...I don't know what your concept of 'HUGE' is, but I think I have different standards. :?




I find zombie monkeys a solid alternative for someone who doesn't feel like doing the quest for AZs, or doesn't like crowded worlds.


Ok it takes 60 seconds. So every 5 minutes you need to go recharge at the altar, spending 60 seconds, or another minute of time. So overall, you lose 11 minutes of time over the course of an hour. That's equal to about 12k xp at ZMs. So by not bringing ppots, you get 12k xp less per hour, more if you use a familiar.




So now let's see. The xp per hour of ZMs (recharging at altar) would be 98k per hour, with a loss of 20k per hour (on pure sets). Compare to that AZs, which is 100k per hour with a profit of 180k per hour. That's a 200k different between loss/profit, meaning that you "spend" 200k per hour at ZMs (since you are forfeiting potential money).

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