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Did I say 10 ton, I meant more like 3 ton. Plus, there are a lot of boosters and 'chutes to slow it so that it wont cause much damage outside the 55 mile area.




Do people read what I post? Because I think that was on the last page.


As for the 10 ton bit, I guess thats because I'm tired.



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Did I say 10 ton, I meant more like 3 ton. Plus, there are a lot of boosters and 'chutes to slow it so that it wont cause much damage outside the 55 mile area.




Do people read what I post? Because I think that was on the last page.


As for the 10 ton bit, I guess thats because I'm tired.






How about this? The pods can have propulsion systems, so they don't just hurtle into the Earth. Instead, they land like spaceships, empty their cargo, and then go back to a hangar. The hangar can carry hundreds of these pods, which instantly connect with the harvesters once a pod has been deployed to Earth. If you can time the rotation cycle correctly, it can be nearly continuous mining.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Can i get the republic of Ecuador pretty please




Alright, I guess it's my turn Doom.


South America is pretty much off-limits to new players, as is Europe (as neither me nor Doom want to give someone a country beside our main power base).


However! You can choose a country that I currently hold in Northern Africa, provided it's not Libya, Morocco, Algeria or Tunisia (I like the Mediterranean). That still leaves you with around 15-20 countries to choose from, though.


And don't worry about the poverty or corruption in those countries. The corruption was stamped out, and infrastructure put in place to combat poverty, so any nation you choose will be on even footing with a European country.


[hide=Here's the most recent map, so you can choose from a country from it - Choose one in Europa-Africa]1yNC4.png[/hide]

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You cycle the ships out. When one ship becomes full, it travels back to Earth and deploys a specialised harvester pod with propulsion systems (works like a spaceship to prevent it hurtling into the Earth like a super RFG projectile). Once the pod lands safely, it empties its cargo onto the ground (or wherever you want it) and takes off again for the space hangar that houses hundreds of these pods. The harvester that deployed the pod to Earth is instantly given a replacement pod from the hangar. The ship then goes back to mining.




If you set it up correctly, it's basically continuous.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Construction on a battle station in orbit above Midgard has begun, once that is finished in 6 years, outposts all around the outer reaches of the planet will be built, as an early detection system for incoming ships.




Oh and Ross, if a single pound of those materials fall on Europa soil, I'll consider it an act of war.

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^ Despite the fact that with things like these, the poster would just say that they landed on his soil.




Of course, it's still incredibly stupid to just drop them onto Earth. You would need some kind of landing/propulsion system so they landed like a spacecraft, not like a bombardment of thousands of RFGs. Not only would it destroy your country, it would destroy a huge chunk of Asia, parts of Africa, and possibly affect Europe. Even if you dropped it on your land in North America, it would destroy half of the continent.




(You already know this, Ross. :P )




NWO memberlist:






New Zealand






Sri Lanka


New Luxembourg




Holy Empire of Jerusalem











Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Border project complete, all of Europa's land borders are now protected by 500 ft walls (pretty much). Coastal defenses are being constructed all along Europa's coastline, should be done in 10 years.




About how much would it cost to set up those walls around Canada?



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Can i get the republic of Ecuador pretty please




Alright, I guess it's my turn Doom.


South America is pretty much off-limits to new players, as is Europe (as neither me nor Doom want to give someone a country beside our main power base).


However! You can choose a country that I currently hold in Northern Africa, provided it's not Libya, Morocco, Algeria or Tunisia (I like the Mediterranean). That still leaves you with around 15-20 countries to choose from, though.


And don't worry about the poverty or corruption in those countries. The corruption was stamped out, and infrastructure put in place to combat poverty, so any nation you choose will be on even footing with a European country.


[hide=Here's the most recent map, so you can choose from a country from it - Choose one in Europa-Africa]1yNC4.png[/hide]


i guess ill have sudan or chad or both i guess but if not both chad

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Border project complete, all of Europa's land borders are now protected by 500 ft walls (pretty much). Coastal defenses are being constructed all along Europa's coastline, should be done in 10 years.




About how much would it cost to set up those walls around Canada?




Enough. I don't see the point though, as Britannia's strength is in its navy.


Europa's strength is in its army (specifically its infantry).




i guess ill have sudan or chad or both i guess but if not both chad


Why Chad and not Sudan? I'm not really willing to give up both, but Sudan is a better choice as it's not landlocked as Chad is. If you still want Chad, though, then you can have it.

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Chad it is.




Welcome to the game! :D




I'm still curious though. Even though much of Canada is wilderness, I thought it would be cool to build a wall along Canada's borders. (like the Black Gate of Morder from LOTR, but only more massive)



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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so i can do what ever i want even though i have no idea what chad has in it




No, you can't develop any ridiculous technology. You also have to consider the years (one RL day = 1 year game time) it takes to research/produce the tech, and you have to consider your budget.




While you need someone to calculate your GDP (money your country makes a year), you take 15-20% of that GDP number and that's the money you can spend. Then, you need to deduct the expenses of your government programmes (healthcare, infrastructure upkeep, etc) and you're left with your military budget. Use it wisely, though.




There are two major organisations/alliances. The NWO (New World Order) is an organisation for world peace and global development. All countries that aren't Australia, Europa, Russia, or Brazil are in the NWO, which is the majority of the game's players. All NWO members share technology with each other, so that may provide great benefits to you. The other alliance is the Eurasian Alliance.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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My ships are being upgraded with armor piercing railguns (50 MJ - 100 GJ). They form the beginnings of my first heavy space fleet.








I want to approach either of you about a trade. I'm kind of sick of the size of Sri Lanka, and I know you guys seem to be expressing interests in moving to other parts of the world. So, I was thinking about a trade. Basically, I give you the deed to Sri Lanka, Gabon, and the minor islands of the Indian Ocean, in exchange for one of the following (because I would rather be in Africa where the population is more sparse rather than close to some of the most populated areas in the world).




So any coutnries I would accept to trade for in order of how much I would wub you ( <3: ) forever if they were the one I got.
















Just a proposal I thought would benefit us both.




However, the Sri Lankan sector of Gaia would remain in Rocco's and the NWO's possession.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I suggest you research your country. Find out what resources it has, its population, and so on. Also, your gdp is about 10-15 times higher than what it is in real life, probably.




To find out how much you can spend for research or military, take your gdp,


Take 5% of that, and that's roughly it.




And I'll trade cameroon for sri lanka and the islands. You can keep gabon. Would the populations be swapped, and we just pretend that you had cameroon all along?



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The election is set to take place next month, and turmoil is on the rise. clashes between opposing sides have become violent, and 3 people are already reported dead.




In other news, our gun schematics have been delayed, due to resources being transferred to election security. (Im addicted to Civ 4, ok)

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The election is set to take place next month, and turmoil is on the rise. clashes between opposing sides have become violent, and 3 people are already reported dead.




In other news, our gun schematics have been delayed, due to resources being transferred to election security. (Im addicted to Civ 4, ok)




I can always send some troops into your region in order to declare martial law, if you like.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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(like the Black Gate of Morder from LOTR, but only more massive)


Heh, I'm building fortresses along the Himalayas and the mountains of Taiwan, somewhat reminiscent of Helm's Deep/the Hornburg.


So I've got some primitive versions of the turrets up, they're alright. They can be automated or remote controlled. Ammo is of course limited, but there is a cache attached for it to automatically reload when needed. Right now it only works with (sub-)machine guns and assault rifles, though we're also looking to see if we can get some models with sniper rifles or RPGs up.


They're more or less like the ones in Half Life, except bigger. And to help prevent them from easily being knocked over, they can easily be stuck into the ground, into the dirt.


So yea, they're really only for defensive measures.


I have no clue how much they cost. Anyone want to give me a number on Lancelots, drones or HAWs, and I can base it off that?


I haven't thought it over too well, as you might be able to tell. I don't think it's too unreasonable (at least no more unreasonable than those other military techs I previously mentioned), and I did spend quite a few years researching them. And once I perfect them, they should be available to all NWO members.


I honestly can't remember what else I was working on. :lol: Um...Nepal and Bhutan are coming along well, both simply the conditions and the training of the men there. And a lot of men who've completed the training have been put to work in helping to produce the weapons that they'll be equipped with if war should ever come to their land. Also, I'm boosting my navy though I don't know how to get into specifics there. Just know that if I ever REVEAL 200,000 TROOPS IN BERLIN, I'd have the ships needed to carry them.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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