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Hegemony-V2 begins page 302


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Jesus Grim, quit being so heavy handed.


There would have been no reason to use RFGs anyways.




I'd recommend people pull their troops out of the target areas, as they will be rendered useless by the gas.


Around 600,000 drones have been dispatched.


I like to be sure and hey If i flatten the dictator it will be a much faster war though I see your point there.

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Jesus Grim, quit being so heavy handed.


There would have been no reason to use RFGs anyways.




I'd recommend people pull their troops out of the target areas, as they will be rendered useless by the gas.


Around 600,000 drones have been dispatched.


I like to be sure and hey If i flatten the dictator it will be a much faster war though I see your point there.




Would like to put Grim on trial for potential war crimes!








Also Ross.. Trol wanted him alive :3

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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Jesus Grim, quit being so heavy handed.


There would have been no reason to use RFGs anyways.




I'd recommend people pull their troops out of the target areas, as they will be rendered useless by the gas.


Around 600,000 drones have been dispatched.


I like to be sure and hey If i flatten the dictator it will be a much faster war though I see your point there.




Would like to put Grim on trial for potential war crimes!








Also Ross.. Trol wanted him alive :3


Wait he wants the dictator alive? Good thing i didnt use the rfg's then. I am gonna use my spec. ops for this mostly (I have had the program going since when I started so they should be pretty good)

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We found a separatist base in eastern Kazakh. The BSF stormed the area, capturing/killing the enemy. A prisoner convoy is being taken to our secured territory in southern Kazakh, which is being guarded by several Lancelots and BSF ops. Minor damage has been done to the area, other than some blood spots on the ground from the separatists that resisted. Some BSF ops have been left behind at the base, which has been secured. Lancelots are accompanying them as well.








Britannian news:




We have manufactured another 450,000 X4 exo-breakers.


We have manufactured another 100,000 Lancelots


Total: 1,900,000 X4 exo-breakers, 900,000 Lancelots.




We will now halt the production of new Lancelots and exo-breakers, with the exception of 100,000 more exo-breakers. (which will make all BSF ops have an exo-breaker)




We will use most of the military funds toward developing a space programme and overhauling our infrastructure.




Who has any colony ships they can sell?



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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We found a separatist base in eastern Kazakh. The BSF stormed the area, capturing/killing the enemy. A prisoner convoy is being taken to our secured territory in southern Kazakh, which is being guarded by several Lancelots and BSF ops. Minor damage has been done to the area, other than some blood spots on the ground from the separatists that resisted. Some BSF ops have been left behind at the base, which has been secured. Lancelots are accompanying them as well.




Good job. we are seeing large amounts of the army deserting when attacked, This is a good sign that ,while he may be in control, few want want him as their ruler.

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The malaysian special forces is combing Kazakhstan for bases so far we have not engaged and Where is the dictators main army? ( I wanna see the look on his face when he sees 300 HAW's lined up against him) \'

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We found a separatist base in eastern Kazakh. The BSF stormed the area, capturing/killing the enemy. A prisoner convoy is being taken to our secured territory in southern Kazakh, which is being guarded by several Lancelots and BSF ops. Minor damage has been done to the area, other than some blood spots on the ground from the separatists that resisted. Some BSF ops have been left behind at the base, which has been secured. Lancelots are accompanying them as well.




Good job. we are seeing large amounts of the army deserting when attacked, This is a good sign that ,while he may be in control, few want want him as their ruler.


Why did he win the election then?



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Most of his new (but untrained) army is with him in the capital city of Astana. The soilders at other bases are part of our old army.Give them a chance to surrender, many of them just dont have the courage to join the rebellion. As for his New army, feel free to use them as target practice.

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We found a separatist base in eastern Kazakh. The BSF stormed the area, capturing/killing the enemy. A prisoner convoy is being taken to our secured territory in southern Kazakh, which is being guarded by several Lancelots and BSF ops. Minor damage has been done to the area, other than some blood spots on the ground from the separatists that resisted. Some BSF ops have been left behind at the base, which has been secured. Lancelots are accompanying them as well.




Good job. we are seeing large amounts of the army deserting when attacked, This is a good sign that ,while he may be in control, few want want him as their ruler.


Why did he win the election then?




Lies. He ran on a platform of providing more security and making Kazakh more independent, what the public thought the liberal party was failing to do, but over the first few months, slowly changed things until he was basically a dictator. The rebellion started about a couple weeks ago, although many NWO allies had mobilized troops before that.

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Most of his new (but untrained) army is with him in the capital city of Astana. The soilders at other bases are part of our old army.Give them a chance to surrender, many of them just dont have the courage to join the rebellion. As for his New army, feel free to use them as target practice.


I am routing my million man infantry army and 300 HAW's (as well as the 1,400 UMRF's from the aircraft carriers) to Astana. My Tactics will be to first using loud speakers on the HAW's to broadcast a demand for unconditional surrender (which I hope they will refuse) and then to do a three pronged attack. (while constantly shelling the enemies with railguns). Does he have any control of the airforce? @ Rocco you try to fly one of those things between 8 legs surrounded by a cloud of exploding pellets then tell me how easy it is also my HAW's could just stand still if they had to :D

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Most of his new (but untrained) army is with him in the capital city of Astana. The soilders at other bases are part of our old army.Give them a chance to surrender, many of them just dont have the courage to join the rebellion. As for his New army, feel free to use them as target practice.




What defences are there in Astanta?



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Most of his new (but untrained) army is with him in the capital city of Astana. The soilders at other bases are part of our old army.Give them a chance to surrender, many of them just dont have the courage to join the rebellion. As for his New army, feel free to use them as target practice.




What defences are there in Astanta?


Soon to be destroyed ones :twisted:

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Most of his new (but untrained) army is with him in the capital city of Astana. The soilders at other bases are part of our old army.Give them a chance to surrender, many of them just dont have the courage to join the rebellion. As for his New army, feel free to use them as target practice.




What defences are there in Astanta?


Soon to be destroyed ones :twisted:




Instead of ordering them to surrender, use the goddamn Scream. FFS. Luxembourg was the one that developed it, but you should automatically have the schematics for it since you're in the NWO.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Not always, hoth walkers were tall, unstable things. HAW's, which i think are based off the walkers form Universe At War, are far lower to the ground, almost like crabs.




Astana has AA turrets throughout the city, and the palace where he is staying is heavily walled and booby trapped, nuclear bunker underground. the best point of assult would be the southwest, as we have some inside men there, who have been able to shut down the AA grid there. While id prefer if you dont totaly level my capital, feel free to blow the [cabbage] out of the palace, as i was going to build a new one anyway.

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Most of his new (but untrained) army is with him in the capital city of Astana. The soilders at other bases are part of our old army.Give them a chance to surrender, many of them just dont have the courage to join the rebellion. As for his New army, feel free to use them as target practice.


I am routing my million man infantry army and 300 HAW's (as well as the 1,400 UMRF's from the aircraft carriers) to Astana. My Tactics will be to first using loud speakers on the HAW's to broadcast a demand for unconditional surrender (which I hope they will refuse) and then to do a three pronged attack. (while constantly shelling the enemies with railguns). Does he have any control of the airforce? @ Rocco you try to fly one of those things between 8 legs surrounded by a cloud of exploding pellets then tell me how easy it is also my HAW's could just stand still if they had to :D


Why the [bleep] would you want walkers that stand still? And it's not so much flying things between the legs, it's me disguising a hole and then laughing when the thing steps in it and is instantly immobilized.




And how is it followed by a cloud of pellets?


Flak cannons that can shoot out pellets in a proportionally large cone of fire. (think shotgun)

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Not always, hoth walkers were tall, unstable things. HAW's, which i think are based off the walkers form Universe At War, are far lower to the ground, almost like crabs.




Astana has AA turrets throughout the city, and the palace where he is staying is heavily walled and booby trapped, nuclear bunker underground. the best point of assult would be the southwest, as we have some inside men there, who have been able to shut down the AA grid there. While id prefer if you dont totaly level my capital, feel free to blow the [cabbage] out of the palace, as i was going to build a new one anyway.




Mind if I conduct a single RFG strike over the palace? It would probably destroy that sector of the city, though. However, he should be obliterated by it as long as he doesn't think to hide in his bunker, which should trap him in.




Britannian news:




We have manufactured another 450,000 X4 exo-breakers.


We have manufactured another 100,000 Lancelots


Total: 1,900,000 X4 exo-breakers, 900,000 Lancelots.




We will now halt the production of new Lancelots and exo-breakers, with the exception of 100,000 more exo-breakers. (which will make all BSF ops have an exo-breaker)




We will use most of the military funds toward developing a space programme and overhauling our infrastructure.




Who has any colony ships they can sell?



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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The siege of Anstasa has begun. (they refused my offer for unconditional surrender)


Right now they are being constantly shelled by railguns (I'm targeting the AA) while the SCREAM does its work while my special ops is infiltrating the city.

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How exactly do you "shell" something with a railgun...




Maybe I should control the rebels, so it's a more interesting fight. They obviously won't have anything to do with Brazil, but it would make it so you guys don't unrealistically wreck them instantly.



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The siege of Anstasa has begun. (they refused my offer for unconditional surrender)


Right now they are being constantly shelled by railguns (I'm targeting the AA) while the SCREAM does its work while my special ops is infiltrating the city.




The SCREAM, yes, the SCREAM! :twisted: (Don't worry, it won't do any damage, but it will certainly immobilise enemies.)




Doom, you could lead the rebels, I guess, but your official name will have to be "Julius Schlampmeister the IV."



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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How exactly do you "shell" something with a railgun...




Maybe I should control the rebels, so it's a more interesting fight. They obviously won't have anything to do with Brazil, but it would make it so you guys don't unrealistically wreck them instantly.


You know what I mean ( continued bombardment) -.-


Anyways the rebels are outnumbered 3 to 1 have no tanks while facing some of the most advanced tanks in the world. My special ops is even now slipping hallucinogenics into officers food, and then there is the scream system which essentially incapacitates infantry with sound. (though i dont know if the tone is high or low) Finally there is the knowledge that if any of us wanted to we could wipe you out with a satellite.

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I'll use 5 FX-Talons and some Lancelots to make sure that no of these rebels even get close to my empire.




We already have the southern region secure. The eastern sector of Kazakh is about to fall as well.




Besides, weren't you campaigning in Mongolia? How's that working out?




The Scream is an acoustic, non-lethal weapon that can induce nausea and vomiting on those who fall victim to it. The sound literally makes people drop to their knees and cry out in unbearable pain as the sound feels as if it's inside their head.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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