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Hegemony-V2 begins page 302


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I'll use 5 FX-Talons and some Lancelots to make sure that none of these rebels even get close to my empire.




We already have the southern region secure. The eastern sector of Kazakh is about to fall as well.




Besides, weren't you campaigning in Mongolia? How's that working out?




I was talking about the eastern region section of Kazakhstan.




As for the battle plan at Mongolia, the red circle is what I have secured. As for outside the circle, I will watch the borders heavily for any signs of the rebels and I will try to use my satellites to look for their camps and destroy them with Raptors F-22.




[hide=Battle Plan of Mongolia]o3hPK.jpg[/hide]

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Mongolia shouldn't be too hard, the new government never really had much of a chance to secure it. @doom, they arent really rebels, since they are technically the government. My forces are the rebels, trying to take back the country. @Serephurus, feel free to drop 1 RFG on the palace, we had a GPS tracker placed on him during the campaign, and it shows he is currently in the bathroom :lol:




EDIT: NVM trying to take him alive, the sooner i am back in controll, the better.

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Trol, do you or do you not want an RFG strike on the Kazakh palace in Astanta. It would basically end the war, however, it will cost you lives and infrastructure damage in the capital.




drop one right now. most civilians fled after the sight of Larcust drones and HAW's

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1 RFG would probably cave in the palace where it hit, but since he's in a nuclear bunker, it wouldn't really do much, especially since the energy would have mostly gone into the palace instead of the bunker.




Bombardment with railguns doesn't work. All you'd be doing is hitting the same spots over and over. The point is for them to go straight. Not shoot in an arc, like artillery.




If I'm controlling the government forces, here's what I do. I order my troops to scatter into the rural areas around the city, and take down as many troops as they can with ambushes, and other forms of Guerilla warfare. I only sent some of the most loyal 50,000 troops to do that, so none of them will desert.


Other troops are fanning out to find and kill any special forces in the area.


My engineers are working to get the tanks back running. Seeing as there's no such thing as a disabler, and tanks are just various parts, all we have to do is isolate how they were sabotaged, and get them running again. Bombers from our remaining air force bases are aiming for enemies unprotected by anti air.




EDIT: Brazil update: Since we are putting an unprecedented amount of funds into this, research on Diamonds is going well.



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We have the first image of the city. it appears a section about .7 km across has been destroyed. the projectile landed about 20 metes south of the palace. Our techs are working on hardwiring the image accross every television set in government controlled areas.




@doom, you had 500,000 loyalist troops. the majority of the real military has either been captured or surrendered (although a large number have been killed by the palace RFG strike




EDIT: also, Kazakh has no real air force, except what it had circa 2009 (although we ha purchased 30 Gunship back during WWIV




EDIT OF THE EDIT: We had about 1150 tanks, 400 of which we have under our control. Basicly what our techs did was wipe the memory of the computer parts of the tank. that means that all automated parts wont work (laser cant charge, ammo feeds wont work.)

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Yeah, but wouldn't it also kind of cave him in? It's still better to have him trapped in one area than being able to escape the city altogether.




By the way, I'm really tempted to buy a colony ship/mining ship off of you, Doom.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Yeah, but wouldn't it also kind of cave him in? It's still better to have him trapped in one area than being able to escape the city altogether.




By the way, I'm really tempted to buy a colony ship/mining ship off of you, Doom.




I stated that when Brit dropped the rod, he was in the washroom.




EDIT: this is my last post of the day, im off to play some Civ4 (addictions are hard to kill :P)

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1 RFG would probably cave in the palace where it hit, but since he's in a nuclear bunker, it wouldn't really do much, especially since the energy would have mostly gone into the palace instead of the bunker.




Bombardment with railguns doesn't work. All you'd be doing is hitting the same spots over and over. The point is for them to go straight. Not shoot in an arc, like artillery.




If I'm controlling the government forces, here's what I do. I order my troops to scatter into the rural areas around the city, and take down as many troops as they can with ambushes, and other forms of Guerilla warfare. I only sent some of the most loyal 50,000 troops to do that, so none of them will desert.


Other troops are fanning out to find and kill any special forces in the area.


My engineers are working to get the tanks back running. Seeing as there's no such thing as a disabler, and tanks are just various parts, all we have to do is isolate how they were sabotaged, and get them running again. Bombers from our remaining air force bases are aiming for enemies unprotected by anti air.




EDIT: Brazil update: Since we are putting an unprecedented amount of funds into this, research on Diamonds is going well.


Alrighty then I'm scrambling the UMRF's on my carriers 7 carriers and the other 2,000 on my airfields I have been targeting AA this entire time, My infantry is very compacted with massive air cover (the HAW's rocket launchers carry half anti tank half SAM missiles) if you make any moves to invade any other countries I will wipe out all of your major cities with RFG units. My special forces having received extensive language and camouflage training are ordered to scatter about the country till called on again. Also my HAW's would very likely wreck your tanks with rockets \' .

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One rfg wouldn't do anything close to .7km of damage. More like 20 meters. Or so.




Sere, according to trol he was in a nuclear bunker, so it wouldn't kill him. Plus, if it landed 20m away from the palace it would only really kill any guards unlucky enough to be standing there.








Sere, let me just check at what I'm building for ships right now and I can get you a price/time estimate.




Trol, I'm about 7000% sure that government nuclear bunkers are equipped with toilets.



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Glad to see I'm not the only victim of a civil war :D




Except mine was because I was leading my nation in a different direction (Catholic crusades, to uniform perfection), and Trol's was more for fun. Whatever. Having no military, I can't really do much to help the cause in Trol's territory. I developed the SCREAM. Consider that my contribution.




TerrAvenger is complete, and auditions for colonists are now open. TerrAvenger is still able to be updated incase some sweet tech comes out in the next year. Just remember that the population will be cloned only, and will be 80% Luxembourgian. (is that how that's said? Luxembourgish? ian? ist? whatever.)




pics of the behemoth ship to come shortly.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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30,000 more colonists have arrived on Midgard.




Glad to see I'm not the only victim of a civil war :D




Except mine was because I was leading my nation in a different direction (Catholic crusades, to uniform perfection), and Trol's was more for fun. Whatever. Having no military, I can't really do much to help the cause in Trol's territory. I developed the SCREAM. Consider that my contribution.




TerrAvenger is complete, and auditions for colonists are now open. TerrAvenger is still able to be updated incase some sweet tech comes out in the next year. Just remember that the population will be cloned only, and will be 80% Luxembourgian. (is that how that's said? Luxembourgish? ian? ist? whatever.)




pics of the behemoth ship to come shortly.




80% Luxembourg? [bleep] that. I poured billions into the project and the damn thing was constructed on my shipyard. 60% Luxembourg, 30% Europian, 10% Malaysian.


Anything less and my armies move in, because I'm in a drunken belligerent mood.

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One rfg wouldn't do anything close to .7km of damage. More like 20 meters. Or so.




Sere, according to trol he was in a nuclear bunker, so it wouldn't kill him. Plus, if it landed 20m away from the palace it would only really kill any guards unlucky enough to be standing there.








Sere, let me just check at what I'm building for ships right now and I can get you a price/time estimate.




Trol, I'm about 7000% sure that government nuclear bunkers are equipped with toilets.




Very well. We will fire a few more RFGs in that central location. (I thought RFGs could destroy large sectors of cities.)



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Glad to see I'm not the only victim of a civil war :D




Except mine was because I was leading my nation in a different direction (Catholic crusades, to uniform perfection), and Trol's was more for fun. Whatever. Having no military, I can't really do much to help the cause in Trol's territory. I developed the SCREAM. Consider that my contribution.




TerrAvenger is complete, and auditions for colonists are now open. TerrAvenger is still able to be updated incase some sweet tech comes out in the next year. Just remember that the population will be cloned only, and will be 80% Luxembourgian. (is that how that's said? Luxembourgish? ian? ist? whatever.)




pics of the behemoth ship to come shortly.




Actually, if we go by factual real life information, Israel developed the weapon and used it on settlements on the Gaza strip. You produced them for us, though.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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30,000 more colonists have arrived on Midgard.




Glad to see I'm not the only victim of a civil war :D




Except mine was because I was leading my nation in a different direction (Catholic crusades, to uniform perfection), and Trol's was more for fun. Whatever. Having no military, I can't really do much to help the cause in Trol's territory. I developed the SCREAM. Consider that my contribution.




TerrAvenger is complete, and auditions for colonists are now open. TerrAvenger is still able to be updated incase some sweet tech comes out in the next year. Just remember that the population will be cloned only, and will be 80% Luxembourgian. (is that how that's said? Luxembourgish? ian? ist? whatever.)




pics of the behemoth ship to come shortly.




80% Luxembourg? [bleep] that. I poured billions into the project and the damn thing was constructed on my shipyard. 60% Luxembourg, 30% Europian, 10% Malaysian.


Anything less and my armies move in, because I'm in a drunken belligerent mood.


Works for me even though I probably gave around the same as you How about 60% Luxembourg 25% Europian 15% Malaysian?

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Eh, for what it's worth, the way my ship production is broken up is this:




50% Desta battleships


15% Experimental Ships/Research Ships


15% Harvester Ships/Colony Ships


20% Production Ships.




The production ships are used to help assemble more stuff. They work like my production stations, only more mobile.




RFG aren't as powerful as one would think. They might be able to do a lot of structural damage to a block, and kill people within a few hundred feet. Well, depending on the type. In general though, conventional weapons are more effective.



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Eh, for what it's worth, the way my ship production is broken up is this:




50% Desta battleships


15% Experimental Ships/Research Ships


15% Harvester Ships/Colony Ships


20% Production Ships.




The production ships are used to help assemble more stuff. They work like my production stations, only more mobile.




RFG aren't as powerful as one would think. They might be able to do a lot of structural damage to a block, and kill people within a few hundred feet. Well, depending on the type. In general though, conventional weapons are more effective.


A) Desta battle ships?


B) I think a 900 kilogram object falling at its terminal velocity would do quite alot of damage.


C) Why do you always do this to super weapons right after I get them? (jk)

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30,000 more colonists have arrived on Midgard.




Glad to see I'm not the only victim of a civil war :D




Except mine was because I was leading my nation in a different direction (Catholic crusades, to uniform perfection), and Trol's was more for fun. Whatever. Having no military, I can't really do much to help the cause in Trol's territory. I developed the SCREAM. Consider that my contribution.




TerrAvenger is complete, and auditions for colonists are now open. TerrAvenger is still able to be updated incase some sweet tech comes out in the next year. Just remember that the population will be cloned only, and will be 80% Luxembourgian. (is that how that's said? Luxembourgish? ian? ist? whatever.)




pics of the behemoth ship to come shortly.




80% Luxembourg? [bleep] that. I poured billions into the project and the damn thing was constructed on my shipyard. 60% Luxembourg, 30% Europian, 10% Malaysian.


Anything less and my armies move in, because I'm in a drunken belligerent mood.


Works for me even though I probably gave around the same as you How about 60% Luxembourg 25% Europian 15% Malaysian?




How about 50% Luxembourg, 35% Europian, and 15% Malaysian? Only fair, considering you donated only money (which everyone throws around as if they have an infinite supply of- whereas I supplied a shipyard, of which there are only 4 countries that have them [Europa, Russia, Brazil, Aether]).


edit: Actually, it would be more fair to have 40% Luxembourg, etc other percentages, but I doubt Rpg would agree to that.


Anyways, all my "colonists" are Europian spec op forces *hum de dum, nothing suspicious going on here guys*




Eh, for what it's worth, the way my ship production is broken up is this:




50% Desta battleships


15% Experimental Ships/Research Ships


15% Harvester Ships/Colony Ships


20% Production Ships.




Alright, mine is like this:


20% Battleships (Pegasus, Galactica)


70% Transport/Colony ships


10% Harvester/Mining ships

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Eh, for what it's worth, the way my ship production is broken up is this:




50% Desta battleships


15% Experimental Ships/Research Ships


15% Harvester Ships/Colony Ships


20% Production Ships.




The production ships are used to help assemble more stuff. They work like my production stations, only more mobile.




RFG aren't as powerful as one would think. They might be able to do a lot of structural damage to a block, and kill people within a few hundred feet. Well, depending on the type. In general though, conventional weapons are more effective.


A) Desta battle ships?


B) I think a 900 kilogram object falling at its terminal velocity would do quite alot of damage.


C) Why do you always do this to super weapons right after I get them? (jk)




Doom's worse at nerfing new weapons than Jagex! :lol:




Oh look at that...a deleted message.


I wonder what it said? :-k



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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30,000 more colonists have arrived on Midgard.




Glad to see I'm not the only victim of a civil war :D




Except mine was because I was leading my nation in a different direction (Catholic crusades, to uniform perfection), and Trol's was more for fun. Whatever. Having no military, I can't really do much to help the cause in Trol's territory. I developed the SCREAM. Consider that my contribution.




TerrAvenger is complete, and auditions for colonists are now open. TerrAvenger is still able to be updated incase some sweet tech comes out in the next year. Just remember that the population will be cloned only, and will be 80% Luxembourgian. (is that how that's said? Luxembourgish? ian? ist? whatever.)




pics of the behemoth ship to come shortly.




80% Luxembourg? [bleep] that. I poured billions into the project and the damn thing was constructed on my shipyard. 60% Luxembourg, 30% Europian, 10% Malaysian.


Anything less and my armies move in, because I'm in a drunken belligerent mood.




...alright, fair is fair, You did pour [cabbage] tons of money in it.


55% Luxembourg


25% Europia


15% malaysia


5% other (or Europian if not filled)




and for the record I think they are actually legit called "Luxembourgers". Weird.




pic time :D


I will give inginfite love to whoever guesses where I got the pics from (not the site, but the source)










Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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...alright, fair is fair, You did pour [cabbage] tons of money in it.


55% Luxembourg


25% Europia


15% malaysia


5% other (or Europian if not filled)




and for the record I think they are actually legit called "Luxembourgers". Weird.




pic time :D


I will give inginfite love to whoever guesses where I got the pics from (not the site, but the source)










A terrible low-res cutscene from a poorly animated video game?


Also, that "80% Luxembourg" that you first proposed made me rage hard.


I'm fine with the statistics what they are at above, as long as I get the 5% undecided. So 30% Europian. Also, can clones reproduce? I don't think they can.




Oh look at that...a deleted message.


I wonder what it said? :-k


I guess you shall never know :-$




More legit answer:


It was bashing you for something you said that I rescinded until I can find a more *ahem* eloquent way to put it.

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Nah, you guys are just great at making weapons better than they should be.




I made a post about desta battleships about, oh I don't know, 15 years ago. Or something.




Well, kinetic bombardment all depends on the size of the projectile.


Saying you're using a RFG isn't too specific.



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Nah, you guys are just great at making weapons better than they should be.




I made a post about desta battleships about, oh I don't know, 15 years ago. Or something.




Well, kinetic bombardment all depends on the size of the projectile.


Saying you're using a RFG isn't too specific.




Well, I'm pretty sure telephone pole sized, solid tungsten rods would do a lot more damage than a 20-metre radius, lol.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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