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Hegemony-V2 begins page 302


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Your HAW's can't fit in a city.


My guerrillas (around 120,000, the rest are guarding the capital) have spread throughout all of khazakstan. Good luck finding 120,000 troops in 3 million square kilometers of land. They recently ambushed a supply convoy successfully.


Enemy troops are now suffering from lack of food in some areas.


yeah bout that My HAW's can grow their own food and a little more... Also do you really think I would send supply convoys unprotected? From the hallucinogenic war I stated that at least 2 HAW's come with every convoy... though I think I will have to up it to 10 each. Anyways aside from the HAW's each convoy is now coming with 800 soldiers in exosuits and is getting air cover.


Our patrols have found a enemy camp and I sent 1,000 exobreakers to crush it... we will see how this goes. Also my HAW's will make room in the city to get through dammit because they can step over the rubble.




They can step over apartment buildings?


As long as they are not more than 8 stories tall I can step on them

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Your HAW's can't fit in a city.


My guerrillas (around 120,000, the rest are guarding the capital) have spread throughout all of khazakstan. Good luck finding 120,000 troops in 3 million square kilometers of land. They recently ambushed a supply convoy successfully.


Enemy troops are now suffering from lack of food in some areas.


yeah bout that My HAW's can grow their own food and a little more... Also do you really think I would send supply convoys unprotected? From the hallucinogenic war I stated that at least 2 HAW's come with every convoy... though I think I will have to up it to 10 each. Anyways aside from the HAW's each convoy is now coming with 800 soldiers in exosuits and is getting air cover.


Our patrols have found a enemy camp and I sent 1,000 exobreakers to crush it... we will see how this goes. Also my HAW's will make room in the city to get through dammit because they can step over the rubble.




They can step over apartment buildings?


As long as they are not more than 8 stories tall I can step on them


If your walkers are that big then there's no way you have as many of them as you do.

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Grim. How exactly does a HAW manage to fit a [bleep]ing farm inside of it. Do you know how much space a farm takes? Have you ever heard of growing times? How do you process the food? It's not like having a tiny bit of hydroponics inside of a walker means you have infinite food year round.




Unless it's a a 6 lane highway, a HAW would have to walk through buildings. They would fall through the cellars and get stuck. Or, they would, when walking on a street, break through the highway and hit a gas main or something, and explode. HAW's don't work in cities.



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Those things are stupid.


They cannot grow enough food to supply their crews, and with legs that tall they would be easy to smash into.


They must also move so incredibly slowly that my drones could climb on it, jam all the guns, and then dismantle it peice by peice as it flails around helplessly.




Sending HAWs with convoys would make the convoys incredibly slowly due to the incredibly slow nature of your walkers (10 MPH is pushing it)




I would say redesign those things, because frankly, they would be terribly impractical to use in real combat.

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Quite honestly Dusty, I don't think shooting down TerrAvenger would be any better than having me crash it into the Earth. It was mostly your money in it anyway :lol: . But I really want it to go into space. I'm sure you do too. So here is the next proposition:




55% Lux


30% Ger (when I'm mad at you, I'm going to call you Germania. It's more fitting to the way you play anyway)


10& Mal


5% other




Does that work for you?


Cause I could live with it just chilling in orbit for a few hundred years and wait for you to get bored. The way you've treated me, You're lucky you're getting any percent.






Oh, and why is Doom in control of the Kazyk rebellion? just to make it more real?




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Grim. How exactly does a HAW manage to fit a [bleep] farm inside of it. Do you know how much space a farm takes? Have you ever heard of growing times? How do you process the food? It's not like having a tiny bit of hydroponics inside of a walker means you have infinite food year round.




Unless it's a a 6 lane highway, a HAW would have to walk through buildings. They would fall through the cellars and get stuck. Or, they would, when walking on a street, break through the highway and hit a gas main or something, and explode. HAW's don't work in cities.


true but the thing about farms is that they are generally two dimensional while using hydroponics I can use stacked plates to grow crops like rice, though I will concede the point that HAW's dont work that well in cities as it is the job of the infantry. Also I am adding a bay or 2 for ship manufacturing in my space station (this should take 10 years) and I am researching a ship that can go very close to light speed (should also be done in 10 years). Also would it be possible to use tachyons for ftl communiction? (think ansible)

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Farms are generally two dimensional?






You are forgetting that there are a lot of supplies needed to grow crops.


Water is a main one.


How much water can your HAWs store?


Not enough to grow crops, thats how much.




As for Khazak, my drones will systematically scan the country and eliminate Guerilla troops, it may take a while, but I don't see many other options.


I'm glad my drones don't use food.

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RPG, yeah. Otherwise people would just be "oh i killed 10 million soldiers with 4 casualties and found all the guerrillas in 4 and a half minutes, while they were all sleeping"




And no, tachyons aren't even proven to exist. That wouldn't work anyway.



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RPG, yeah. Otherwise people would just be "oh i killed 10 million soldiers with 4 casualties and found all the guerrillas in 4 and a half minutes, while they were all sleeping"




And no, tachyons aren't even proven to exist. That wouldn't work anyway.


Well they have to sleep sometime :lol: Anyways I'm fanning out across the country with my UMRF's and exobreakers (100,000 exo-breakers and 1,000 UMRF's) and anyways the HAW's have at least 1 very good use static defense I wont send them out but now that I have 600 of them I can trash whatever tank army comes my way... Also I am starting research on making smaller faster (yet still heavily armored) walkers.

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RPG, yeah. Otherwise people would just be "oh i killed 10 million soldiers with 4 casualties and found all the guerrillas in 4 and a half minutes, while they were all sleeping"




And no, tachyons aren't even proven to exist. That wouldn't work anyway.


Well they have to sleep sometime :lol: Anyways I'm fanning out across the country with my UMRF's and exobreakers (100,000 exo-breakers and 1,000 UMRF's) and anyways the HAW's have at least 1 very good use static defense I wont send them out but now that I have 600 of them I can trash whatever tank army comes my way... Also I am starting research on making smaller faster (yet still heavily armored) walkers.


Try wolfram hull, wolfram is the hardest known metall, it is used in lightbulbs(glow thread) and ball point penns(small ball). The later is under a preassure equal to an elephant doing pirruettes on a golfball when used.(Do not use wolfram as a conductor when in contact with oxygen as it'll fry in nano-seconds.)





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Thats even more pointless.


You might as well just make normal tanks.


And your drones? Their best atributes are their speed and the fact that they dont need food, however I am rather doubtful that a computer AI would have any type of creativity and if you could beat 1 pattern you could probably beat most of the rest of them....

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RPG, yeah. Otherwise people would just be "oh i killed 10 million soldiers with 4 casualties and found all the guerrillas in 4 and a half minutes, while they were all sleeping"




And no, tachyons aren't even proven to exist. That wouldn't work anyway.


Well they have to sleep sometime :lol: Anyways I'm fanning out across the country with my UMRF's and exobreakers (100,000 exo-breakers and 1,000 UMRF's) and anyways the HAW's have at least 1 very good use static defense I wont send them out but now that I have 600 of them I can trash whatever tank army comes my way... Also I am starting research on making smaller faster (yet still heavily armored) walkers.


Try wolfram hull, wolfram is the hardest known metall, it is used in lightbulbs(glow thread) and ball point penns(small ball). The later is under a preassure equal to an elephant doing pirruettes on a golfball when used.(Do not use wolfram as a conductor when in contact with oxygen as it'll fry in nano-seconds.)


That would be tungsten. And I don't know what you're talking about with oxygen, because it certainly does not fry with oxygen.




And his drones apparently have true AI. I think.


Which means they adapt, and can think. Not video game AI, where they only do a few programmed things.



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Hey, got a question.




How much do shipyards cost, and how long? Also, how much would a space station cost, and how would I go about building it, and how long would it take to build?




Also, I would like to purchase a colony ship from either Ross or Doom.




(Also, how would I go about finding a habitable planet and colonising it? I want a planet to myself, just like Dusty has Midgard.)



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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RPG, yeah. Otherwise people would just be "oh i killed 10 million soldiers with 4 casualties and found all the guerrillas in 4 and a half minutes, while they were all sleeping"




And no, tachyons aren't even proven to exist. That wouldn't work anyway.


Well they have to sleep sometime :lol: Anyways I'm fanning out across the country with my UMRF's and exobreakers (100,000 exo-breakers and 1,000 UMRF's) and anyways the HAW's have at least 1 very good use static defense I wont send them out but now that I have 600 of them I can trash whatever tank army comes my way... Also I am starting research on making smaller faster (yet still heavily armored) walkers.


Try wolfram hull, wolfram is the hardest known metall, it is used in lightbulbs(glow thread) and ball point penns(small ball). The later is under a preassure equal to an elephant doing pirruettes on a golfball when used.(Do not use wolfram as a conductor when in contact with oxygen as it'll fry in nano-seconds.)


That would be tungsten. And I don't know what you're talking about with oxygen, because it certainly does not fry with oxygen.




And his drones apparently have true AI. I think.


Which means they adapt, and can think. Not video game AI, where they only do a few programmed things.


err so the AI doesnt just rely on complex algorithms ?


Anyways I am beginning research on LightAssaultWalkers or LAW's which would be 70 feet tall 40 of which would be the legs and 30 of the height would be the chassis it would be 6 legged and made of tungsten (if its not to expensive)

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I now start conducting research on space travel, including faster-than-light metods.




I thought that we'd given up on ftl.




I think Doom and Ross figured out a way to make it work, it just needs excessive amounts of power.


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man sleepy and blind in the eyes.

Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!

If it's the thought that counts, why aren't humans innately telepathic?

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I now start conducting research on space travel, including faster-than-light metods.




I thought that we'd given up on ftl.


I'll never give up on it, but I will make shure whatever solution I come up with at least seems plausible.





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Hey, got a question.




How much do shipyards cost, and how long? Also, how much would a space station cost, and how would I go about building it, and how long would it take to build?




Also, I would like to purchase a colony ship from either Ross or Doom.




(Also, how would I go about finding a habitable planet and colonising it? I want a planet to myself, just like Dusty has Midgard.)



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Hey, got a question.




How much do shipyards cost, and how long? Also, how much would a space station cost, and how would I go about building it, and how long would it take to build?




Also, I would like to purchase a colony ship from either Ross or Doom.




(Also, how would I go about finding a habitable planet and colonising it? I want a planet to myself, just like Dusty has Midgard.)


Shipyards cost me about a half trillion each. Most of mine were being built during the first major space research, which was only me and dusty. Those were built over 25 years, I have 12 orbiting Earth.




For a habitable planet, we decided like 30 pages back that there wouldn't be any more within 20 lightyears of us, because finding one is uncommon enough as it is. There are a few planets within 10 lightyears of us, I think around Epsilon something or another there's one.

I now start conducting research on space travel, including faster-than-light metods.




I thought that we'd given up on ftl.


I'll never give up on it, but I will make shure whatever solution I come up with at least seems plausible.




Apparently you guys have missed the past 10 pages or so.



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Alright, I'll begin the construction of a shipyard close to the Aether-Canada border.




How long do these things take to build, by the way. (Sorry about all these questions, but I'm not exactly savvy in this area.)



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Alright, I'll begin the construction of a shipyard close to the Aether-Canada border.




How long do these things take to build, by the way. (Sorry about all these questions, but I'm not exactly savvy in this area.)


I would put around 10-15 years its 10 years for me because I'm just expanding an existing space station.

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Alright, I'll begin the construction of a shipyard close to the Aether-Canada border.




How long do these things take to build, by the way. (Sorry about all these questions, but I'm not exactly savvy in this area.)


They're in space. They're basically big space stations. The reason why is, for any large ship, getting free of Earth's gravity would be impossible, pretty much, so they have to be built in space. Or on the moon, or something like that.


Since you don't have any right now, it would probably take 10 years or so for the first one. Then longer to research ship types and all that. Once you have some shipyards up, they can help produce more in space, so it's cheaper to build more once you have some.



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