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Hegemony-V2 begins page 302


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-Joined the Norwegian and Finnish colonies.


-Coloured in Malaysia's plot of land.


You don't have the right to give away my land. The bodies of my colonists are still there, so it's still technically mine.




Sorry to get angry, but the reason we made the map int smaller sections is because you dont need to take 3 sections. one section is roughly the size of 2009 kazakhstan. take 2 at the most, but i really don't see Malaysia needing 3. and to


britannia, ive had one of the smallest sections of mars, and i have almost half a million people. i dont think your brand new colony needs 2 slots to start.

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The only problem with a game like that is boundaries. We'd have to have fairly strict rules on discovery of planets, because unlike earth, we really have nothing to base stuff on. In this game I can't just discover an oil well that can put out 10 million barrels a day, but in a game like that, I could find a planet made out of pure gold or something.


It would be cool though if a game like that was based in the future of this game. So like, I'd still be based on the Brazilian empire, only a few thousand years down the line.




Or we could all go play sins of a solar empire for a few months straight.




Also, by "bodies of my colonists" I thought he literally meant the corpses. I don't know.


when this thread maxes out (or we get bored) we can continue into solar empires! :twisted:


And @ trol Norway brazil japan and possibly aether have equally big territories as I do.

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The only problem with a game like that is boundaries. We'd have to have fairly strict rules on discovery of planets, because unlike earth, we really have nothing to base stuff on. In this game I can't just discover an oil well that can put out 10 million barrels a day, but in a game like that, I could find a planet made out of pure gold or something.


It would be cool though if a game like that was based in the future of this game. So like, I'd still be based on the Brazilian empire, only a few thousand years down the line.




Or we could all go play sins of a solar empire for a few months straight.




Also, by "bodies of my colonists" I thought he literally meant the corpses. I don't know.


when this thread maxes out (or we get bored) we can continue into solar empires! :twisted:


And @ trol Norway brazil japan and possibly aether have equally big territories as I do.




all four of them were the original mars colonizers, i believe. and they chose their land before we decided to make the colonies smaller.




EDIT: ah to hell with it, if you cant beat them, join them. Im claiming the 2 colonies west of me. as soon as i regain control (hopefully) of my nation, we will step up immigration to mars to an all-time high.

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Any hedgehog1's citizens in Mars who won't swear allegiance to the NWO, will go to jail and possibly die.




Mongolia's guerrilla warfare is being extremely weak.




This is the most current map of Mars! I will add tomorrow. I'll wait a few hours.





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Added my new territory and fixed the borders a bit.






Not most current map.




This is.








You seem to have taken someone's else land?




My other mining and transport ships coming along nicely.

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Base all mars mars maps off this one








Damn it, ill remake it. do you want a special name for your colony?


Would you mind calling mine New Jakarta?




to late :lol:




ill do it next time.




and sorry for [female dog]ing at you


no problem this thread can annoy us all ( when I'm angry I don't spell coherently and by the time I have corrected all of my mistakes I'm not that mad anymore)

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Damn, wtf did you guys do. I don't check this topic for about a week and a half, and you guys explode. Someone needs to get cracking and make this thread into a real game.




Do you mean a game like a video game? Or something like this only with more rules/guidelines?


It would be amazing if something that allowed us as much freedom as a rpg like this could be made into a video game or something. But that would probably require a lot more work than anyone would be willing to put in.


The only way I could see something like that working is with a system that combined civilization iv, spore, and sins of a solar empire. Only on steroids.


Like spore in that people could design their own vehicles, and the like, so each country had a unique look, and all that.


Like civilization with the whole technologies thing, only with a lot more, and into like 500 years in the future of hypothetical tech. And like sins, in that stuff actually takes a long time, and games on sins can actually last a few months.



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Should we form an alliance where we can freely share information without anyone find out what we say?




Fail! :P




Google Language Translator ftw.








Hey Dusty, I have a Pollock friend that wants to join and play as Poland, is that okay with you?


Heh, google translator fail :(




It was actually a response to his question of an alliance; what I said was:


"You mean an alliance? I'd be fine with free sharing of information, but not an alliance."




And no to Poland. Europe is off-limits to new players. Take one of Doom's countries.




Base all mars mars maps off this one








Damn it, ill remake it. do you want a special name for your colony?


Would you mind calling mine New Jakarta?




to late :lol:




ill do it next time.




and sorry for [female dog]ing at you




I have a feeling Bulgaria is going to be pretty pissed about you taking his land.

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Damn, wtf did you guys do. I don't check this topic for about a week and a half, and you guys explode. Someone needs to get cracking and make this thread into a real game.




We've been increasing the post rate exponentially, compared to the first Hegemony. After pretty much everyone left, besides Germany, Luxembourg/Vatican City, the Brazilian Empire, and the Russian Empire (as well as Australia, Jerusalem, Malaysia, Egypt and South Africa, etc) started massive territorial expansion after I joined the game (page 70).




Once I claimed Ireland, I soon began diplomatic talks with the United Kingdom and Annexed it. Around that time, Germany and Russia conspired and led a Blitzkrieg into Europe, Iceland, and Greenland. In the melee, Luxembourg was sacked and fled to Africa. Sometime later on, Germany established a treaty in North America, which gave four countries parts of the northern area of the continent. Britannia (formally the Kingdom of Eire) claimed Canada (excluding the artic isles and Quebec), Brazil gained Quebec, Germany claimed the Arctic isles, and Russia claimed Alaska. The Kingdom of Jerusalem annexed China and Korea and became known as the Holy Empire of Jerusalem. Aether and Brazil expanded into the former United States.




Later on down the line, several allies of Luxembourg got pissed off and declared war on Germany (which now had a huge army claiming almost all of Europe, Greenland, Iceland, and the arctic islands). At that time, I happened to had an alliance with Germany, so I worked out a peace treaty, which ensured that Germany could never again claim anymore land via warfare. Some time during that war, Aether (Iran) sent troops into my Canadian territory in an attempt to keep me from helping Germany, but we didn't fight for terribly long. After World War IV, Britannia began to develop a new, standard exo-suit called the Lancelot, which was basically a humanoid mecha wielding a machine gun. During this time period, some countries gained new technology and built up their space programmes. The New World Order was later formed, which included the majority of the nations in play. Findenland declared war on the world, which led to their invasion by all major superpowers. That pretty much leaves us to the Present.




Sorry for the huge wall of text, but that's what you've missed. A lot has happened.








And no to Poland. Europe is off-limits to new players. Take one of Doom's countries.




Haha, okay. I'll make him an offer, but he won't want any of Doom's African territory. He still wants to play, though, so I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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And no to Poland. Europe is off-limits to new players. Take one of Doom's countries.


Didn't Doom said it was your turn to give up a country?




He did. (I think.)




I believe he was the one that gave Kenya to Mather.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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And no to Poland. Europe is off-limits to new players. Take one of Doom's countries.


Didn't Doom said it was your turn to give up a country?




He did. (I think.)




I believe he was the one that gave Kenya to Mather.




I gave Chad to some bloke. If he doesn't do anything with it I'll take it back though.




Sere, is there any way the deal I pmed you about could work? I'm willing to negotiate pretty much anything you want.






Battlestation complete above Midgard. Outposts being constructed now, as well as a Shipyard above Midgard (most of the colonists are working for free until the colony is established fully and businesses start up).

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Sere, is there any way the deal I pmed you about could work? I'm willing to negotiate pretty much anything you want.




I don't think it could work with offering me territory in Africa, to be honest. Not trying to be a douche or anything, but I feel like giving up Canada would deprive my nation of a lot of wealth and potential, as well as messing up the storyline I had planned for it.




I was also going to allow my friend to co-own Canada with me so he could play. (He pretty much would refuse any African territory, and all European territory is taken up anyway.) I planned to give all of the land I have now to someone once I quit, especially a new player so they could have as much fun as I do on here.




The land I have now is pretty much all I'm going to claim, ever. (with the exception of colonies on Mars and distant extra-terrestrial planets) It just seems like if I make any kind of major land trade-offs like that, it would seriously mess up my gameplay



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Here's a question. Let's say you managed to create a wormhole, or had the tech to do so. How would you choose where it would end up? If it's random, you would probably have an overwhelming chance of ending up in intergalactic space. Which is nothing, basically.


What is your opinion that I posted a while ago on the idea?




[hide=]For warping and FTL travel, I say 'convert' our moon into a warp point. The warp point will run in a low powered mode, where only when someone activates it (by either warping to it, or selecting a destination) it will switch to active mode. Controlling the warp point will be done by ship's navigation panel, and will be a universal design. Warping will take ~5 minutes IRL time, the warp point will remain open for 5 minutes of last use, with a 20 minute cool down once it closes the rift (once again in IRL time.) It will be solar powered, with generators acting as a backup power supply. Warp points can only be created using a moon or small planet. Once a warp point is created it will take 2 days IRL time to connect it to the other warp points. Also, they cannot be created where it wouldn't receive continuous sunlight.




Sound good?[/hide]

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when this thread maxes out (or we get bored) we can continue into solar empires! :twisted:


And @ trol Norway brazil japan and possibly aether have equally big territories as I do.




Like someone else said we were the first actual colonizers of Mars, when we claimed the territory we actually had ships that were shipping people there. I can't remember my exact numbers (need to find the post) but I should have over 1 million people there which is about 15% of my total population.




Plus Thorland is in the polar region, which can't support as many people.



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my technicians and computer nerds are bout to commence researching an AI that has a tendency towards violence and cruelty, for use in our drones, which are currently controlled by basically, squad movement (ive youve ever played a rts, youll know the type i mean, where you select a squad and the entire thing just moves where you click), where their attacks are aimed at everything that doesnt emit the allied/friendly signal. we need them to be able to think for themselves, but not suffer lack of morale, get scared etc




my weapons testing i posted earlier today is finished, and the weapon has deemed to be a success, and is being added to the active arsenal

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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