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Hegemony-V2 begins page 302


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I wanted them to include magic in a new version, but they said it would be too easy to godmod, so I kind of agreed.

Who is 'them'?

Btw, it'll take you guys 4 years to reach Yggdrasil haha.

All Federation ships have been recalled to Yggdrasil's system, and all able bodied males from the colonies are being shuttled there. The tunnels under Midgard's cities are complete, and production has ramped up on defense systems. Also, I'm going to use the funds in my colony fund (which now should upwards of 4 trillion) to start mass hiring mercenaries. Weee merc armies.

Wait, no. I don't want speed up of time, that just helps you guys tremendously.


And I think there should be a year limit for tech. As in, anything developed past X AD cannot be researched or used in-game. So, if we're playing an ancient world game, you can't just research firearms.

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Yeah, godmodding would be a major issue.


We can just play a medieval version of this game, but making sure that people take care of their micromanagement.

And it also means no more BS tech and such.


For a war system, I was thinking we have a map of the area that the battle is going to take place in, we define each terrain to give a value, and give each kind of troop a set of values, then take turns to move them, with a maximum number of moves per turn.


Almost like a more complex game of chess, per se.


(If anybody has played fire emblem/advance wars, you'll understand what I mean)

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As everyone seems to be doing it I am making my military bigger :thumbsup: The civillian training program has been reinstated with 5 years left.

I am not gonna post how many ships I have (or any others) but I am stepping up the sending of sattelites into the HADES system (this includes orbital ion cannnons) incidentally dusty how do your ion cannons work (mine are essentially CPA's)

Time to post the stats of my hypersonic bomber.

The super cruise speed is mach 10 (at which point it takes structural damage)

it can carry 2 bombs and 2 AA missiles

It has a stealth coating but after it hits anything over mach 2 that wears away.

It is propelled by modified scram jets and hypersonic jet engines.

The actual max speed is something like mach 12 but if it hits that it will fall apart after a few minutes.

Doom would it be possible for me to buy 3,000,000 guns?

Also ross could i buy something like 1,000 helios orbs?

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Technology is the problem with this thread.

If we don't have magic, it wont be just an arms race, it will require true tactics to be successful at if we use the war system that I suggested


Edit: WAIT. What if we just rip the magic system off of fire emblem. There are a few kinds of mages that you can use, and some kinds are stronger against other kinds, meaning you need to choose which kinds you need to take with you into battle.


EG. FIre mage > Thunder mage > Wind mage > Fire mage


That way, we can't just develop magic missiles or Earthquakes, black holes that absorb armies because we "Set our mages to empower new spells"

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Wow now rocco's said that I'm all in foe magic.



Type coherently.

[hide=Translation]Wow, now that Rocco's said that I'm all in for magic.[/hide]


Good idea about the conversion Rocco, hehe. Hadn't thought of that.

Federation cargo and transport ships are being turned into carriers. Also, production on nukes has been ramped up, so as to try and equip the fighters with at least 1 each. Very costly.


Anyways, corners are being cut and a flood of new workers sent to work on Ragnarok, so it should be done in time.


incidentally dusty how do your ion cannons work (mine are essentially CPA's)

They shoot stuff.

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Wow now rocco's said that I'm all in foe magic.



Type coherently.

[hide=Translation]Wow, now that Rocco's said that I'm all in for magic.[/hide]


Good idea about the conversion Rocco, hehe. Hadn't thought of that.

Federation cargo and transport ships are being turned into carriers. Also, production on nukes has been ramped up, so as to try and equip the fighters with at least 1 each. Very costly.


Anyways, corners are being cut and a flood of new workers sent to work on Ragnarok, so it should be done in time.

dusty nukes cost 25 billion each you just said that your fund was going for mercenary armies so I doubt you can do that without setting yourself bankrupt. Also when (again) did you start research on ion cannons.

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Eh well, I'll just ignore the magic then.


dusty nukes cost 25 billion each you just said that your fund was going for mercenary armies so I doubt you can do that without setting yourself bankrupt. Also when (again) did you start research on ion cannons.


I've been saving up billions each year. Started research on them a while ago, but now that I remember they're actually plasma cannons. Whatever. They still shoot stuff.


Anywho, now that we're drawing to a close it seems, I'll finish up some of the tech I've been researching:

Exosuit IV is complete, though I doubt it'll hit high enough production levels to actually have a noticeable effect.

Farm II is done, though, not much use for it now.

Strength IV is done, and production rushed along as fast as possible (can't go too fast since it's a tricky mixture).

New assault vehicle line is done, so here they are:

[hide=Large APC (AKA Elephant)]600px-elephant_1up.jpg[/hide]


[hide=Hellhound (heavy tank)]IG_Hellhound_by_jon_a_ross_on_Flickr.jpg[/hide]


My bomb. Costs around a trillion to make one, so I doubt I'll have more then 2 or 3 when the war breaks out. They're fairly fragile things, and so they can't be dropped from orbit or something like that, or all the different substances would mess up and be neutralized. What it does is raise the elevation of the land by send electrical and other types of signals down into the earth which causes the rock and other materials to expand to the point where it's just a giant mass of densely compacted gas, which pushes the ground upwards.

So, if I took it down into an ocean and set it off...

[hide=Planet Buster]X1FOC.jpg[/hide]



Building sites for the E2S Missiles and interceptor missiles (part of the planetary missile shield) so that they can withstand orbital bombardments. The growth formula is being given to all babies in the Federation, in order to have them at a serviceable age in time. Also, fighter-interceptors are being loaded onto cargo ships and sent out to Midgard. Loudspeakers are being installed in all Federation major cities. My men will die with their battle music blaring in the streets of the only free nation





So yeah, good luck taking Midgard with less than 90% casualties.

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Eh well, I'll just ignore the magic then.


dusty nukes cost 25 billion each you just said that your fund was going for mercenary armies so I doubt you can do that without setting yourself bankrupt. Also when (again) did you start research on ion cannons.


I've been saving up billions each year. Started research on them a while ago, but now that I remember they're actually plasma cannons. Whatever. They still shoot stuff.

If I remember correctly plasma is quite different than ions.

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Yes because right now what we are doing is the goddamn essence of realism. :rolleyes:


Ross, again, that sounds like a good idea. But I think magic would work if we just make it under the new rules. Can't be overpowered. If it isn't overpowered, then what's wrong?

The tech on this thread is often unbalanced.

Magic will be abused, unless we use the system that I said.


We tried to balance the tech here, it didn't work.

People can just come up with things that wtfpwn everything and say they spend a long time researching it.


Speaking of overpowered tech, my Ares prototypes are going to be used in the upcoming war. They are about 1/3 of the power of what the real thing was going to be.

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Yes, what I was thinking of was a combat triangle and some sub combat triangles.


So, Magic > Melee > ranged > magic


Swords > axes > lances > flails etc


Bows > crossbows > throwing weapons etc


Fire > Thunder > Wind > Ice etc.


Combine this with that battlegrid system, and you have a war system that will work rather well, if I do say so myself.


Maybe each unit would consist of 50 people, equalling 50 "HP", then, after they engage in warfare with an enemy, they have some "HP" taken away, and a number is left next to their name equalling how much "HP" they have remaining.


Also, think like this:

Melee - close ranged, magic - Medium ranged, range - Long ranged



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Project India is complete, and Project Sweden has been canceled. Ten million clones that RPG made are relocated there.


And because I can, all of Project Gala(had) is finished:


[hide=SIS suits]

SIS suits (Standard Infantry Suit) are typically jet-black in appearance. They are basically light-weight exobreakers that use electronic visors and headsets in the suit's helmet. A satellite feeds commands and information about the terrain (typically topographic maps) and enemy positions into the soldiers visor, which presents an image for the soldier to see. The headsets are used for communication among other soldiers, and they can be used for last-minute commands.




[hide=Advanced Helicopters]

The helicopters that are being researched under Project Gala are more advanced versions of the helicopter. They use heavier weaponry and can be used to transport more soldiers into combat than their older counterparts. Their advanced computers aid the helicopters with defensive manoeuvres and help with targeting enemy units (allowing




[hide=Hypersonic Jets/Bombers]

These are the Britannian Empire's first super-fast fighter jets and bombers. There isn't really much to say about them.[/hide]


[hide=SPARTA exobreakers]

SPARTA exobreakers are used for Britannia's special infantry. They are heavily armoured and allow soldiers to jump further distances via small propulsion jets. A retractable palm pistol is attached to the soldier's wrist, which serves as a secondary weapon. Due to the exobreaker's strength-enhancing benefits, a soldier can wield much heavier assault rifles and do much damage to enemy units. To add even more benefit, the suit utilises special computers that help make split-second decisions. Like the SIS suit, the SPARTA suit also receives information (maps, enemy positions, commands, etc) from satellites into its helmet. These suits are also some of the most advanced exobreakers in the world, thanks to the X4 schematics and the X5 prototype suit that Aether sent the Britannian Empire for its research.



[hide=The Galahad]

The Galahad is a more modern version of the Lancelot, except that it has more advanced AI (allowing it to even have autopilot) and armour. It is also capable of doing more damage than the Lancelot due to more accurate heavy assault rifles. Like the Lancelot, they also walk like humans for increased navigability across rough terrain, and they can swiftly travel across pavement by using wheels attached to its "feet". However, unlike the Lancelot, they also utilise limited jump jets.




Also, production on hypersonic jets and bombers has begun, as well as Galahads, SIS suits, Sparta suits, and the new helicopters.


Britannian Military Structure


[hide=Royal Guard]

The Royal Guard consists of elite soldiers that are commanded by Knights. The Royal Guard exists in order to serve the Emperor. Each member answers to their respective Knight, and the Knight answers solely to the King.


They wear black capes and SIS suits. Knights wear red capes and SIS suits with gilded trim.[/hide]


[hide="Regular Britannian Infantry]

This is perhaps the largest of the Britannian ground forces. The typical British ranking system is used for this group. Each infantryman wears black, light-weight body armour that protects their legs, arms, torso, and head. Their helmets contain electronic visors and headsets that receive information from satellites. The satellites then issue commands and display topographic maps of their geographic location and enemy units. They use standard assault rifles.




[hide=Britannian Special Infantry/S.P.A.R.T.A.]

The Britannian Special Infantry consists of clone warriors that receive military training since they are children. They receive heavy assault rifles and strong exobreakers. The exobreakers use small jets in order to allow the warriors to quickly move around on the battlefield. Due to the combination of the their early training and powerful weaponry and armour, the "Spartans" are one of the most deadly units in the universe.


They use the Sparta suits.[/hide]


[hide=The Royal Navy]

The Royal Navy is perhaps one of the strongest navies in existence. It consists of many destroyers, frigates, submarines, as well as ships designed for carrying troops, among other things.[/hide]


[hide=Royal Air Force]

The Royal Air Force (RAF) consists of many different air units, including ships that deposit troops onto enemy territory, hypersonic jets, various bombers, and helicopters.[/hide]


[hide=The Citizens' Army]

The Citizens' Army consists of nearly every person in the Britannian Empire. All citizens are required to go through basic military training, and they are issued standard body armour and rifles. During times of invasion, the Citizens' Army could be used to fend off the invaders.[/hide]


[hide=The Britannian Cavalry]

The Britannian Cavalry consists of mechanised ground forces, namely the Lancelot. Lancelots are bipedal, armoured vehicles that can be piloted. These vehicles have replaced Britannia's tanks years ago because they can walk like humans in order to quickly navigate through rough terrain and they can use wheels attached to their "feet" in order to quickly move across pavement. They each wield heavy machine guns. However, newer, expensive models allow for them to utilise plasma shielding and more advanced armour, and they have autopilot capabilities.


Another land vehicle that the Britannian Empire uses can be used as a makeshift command centre and acts as a mobile fortress. This vehicle can rapidly deploy troops and Lancelots, if needed. [/hide]


[hide=The Britannian Space Fleet]

The Britannian Space Fleet consists of two flagships: the HMS Pax Britannica and the HMS Birthright, which are both capable of nuclear bombardment from space. These ships consist of light railguns that destroy incoming projectiles and heavy railguns that are designed for attacking other ships. Both ships also use ARC cannons to bombard a planet from space and do heavy damage to other ships. The cannons are capable of a single, devastating burst or smaller, oscillating bursts.


The rest of the Britannian Space Fleet transports colonists to new worlds, and there are numerous battleships.[/hide]


From this moment on, people are being recruited into the Britannian military.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Dibs on Rome!


[hide=SIS suits]

SIS suits (Standard Infantry Suit) are typically jet-black in appearance. They are basically light-weight exobreakers that use electronic visors and headsets in the suit's helmet. A satellite feeds commands and information about the terrain (typically topographic maps) and enemy positions into the soldiers visor, which presents an image for the soldier to see. The headsets are used for communication among other soldiers, and they can be used for last-minute commands.




[hide=Advanced Helicopters]

The helicopters that are being researched under Project Gala are more advanced versions of the helicopter. They use heavier weaponry and can be used to transport more soldiers into combat than their older counterparts. Their advanced computers aid the helicopters with defensive manoeuvres and help with targeting enemy units (allowing




[hide=Hypersonic Jets/Bombers]

These are the Britannian Empire's first super-fast fighter jets and bombers. There isn't really much to say about them.[/hide]


[hide=SPARTA exobreakers]

SPARTA exobreakers are used for Britannia's special infantry. They are heavily armoured and allow soldiers to jump further distances via small propulsion jets. A retractable palm pistol is attached to the soldier's wrist, which serves as a secondary weapon. Due to the exobreaker's strength-enhancing benefits, a soldier can wield much heavier assault rifles and do much damage to enemy units. To add even more benefit, the suit utilises special computers that help make split-second decisions. Like the SIS suit, the SPARTA suit also receives information (maps, enemy positions, commands, etc) from satellites into its helmet. These suits are also some of the most advanced exobreakers in the world, thanks to the X4 schematics and the X5 prototype suit that Aether sent the Britannian Empire for its research.



[hide=The Galahad]

The Galahad is a more modern version of the Lancelot, except that it has more advanced AI (allowing it to even have autopilot) and armour. It is also capable of doing more damage than the Lancelot due to more accurate heavy assault rifles. Like the Lancelot, they also walk like humans for increased navigability across rough terrain, and they can swiftly travel across pavement by using wheels attached to its "feet". However, unlike the Lancelot, they also utilise limited jump jets.




Also, production on hypersonic jets and bombers has begun, as well as Galahads, SIS suits, Sparta suits, and the new helicopters.

Um, you never researched any of those.

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Dibs on Sparta. :)

Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

-Random Youtuber

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Dibs on Rome!


[hide=SIS suits]

SIS suits (Standard Infantry Suit) are typically jet-black in appearance. They are basically light-weight exobreakers that use electronic visors and headsets in the suit's helmet. A satellite feeds commands and information about the terrain (typically topographic maps) and enemy positions into the soldiers visor, which presents an image for the soldier to see. The headsets are used for communication among other soldiers, and they can be used for last-minute commands.




[hide=Advanced Helicopters]

The helicopters that are being researched under Project Gala are more advanced versions of the helicopter. They use heavier weaponry and can be used to transport more soldiers into combat than their older counterparts. Their advanced computers aid the helicopters with defensive manoeuvres and help with targeting enemy units (allowing




[hide=Hypersonic Jets/Bombers]

These are the Britannian Empire's first super-fast fighter jets and bombers. There isn't really much to say about them.[/hide]


[hide=SPARTA exobreakers]

SPARTA exobreakers are used for Britannia's special infantry. They are heavily armoured and allow soldiers to jump further distances via small propulsion jets. A retractable palm pistol is attached to the soldier's wrist, which serves as a secondary weapon. Due to the exobreaker's strength-enhancing benefits, a soldier can wield much heavier assault rifles and do much damage to enemy units. To add even more benefit, the suit utilises special computers that help make split-second decisions. Like the SIS suit, the SPARTA suit also receives information (maps, enemy positions, commands, etc) from satellites into its helmet. These suits are also some of the most advanced exobreakers in the world, thanks to the X4 schematics and the X5 prototype suit that Aether sent the Britannian Empire for its research.



[hide=The Galahad]

The Galahad is a more modern version of the Lancelot, except that it has more advanced AI (allowing it to even have autopilot) and armour. It is also capable of doing more damage than the Lancelot due to more accurate heavy assault rifles. Like the Lancelot, they also walk like humans for increased navigability across rough terrain, and they can swiftly travel across pavement by using wheels attached to its "feet". However, unlike the Lancelot, they also utilise limited jump jets.




Also, production on hypersonic jets and bombers has begun, as well as Galahads, SIS suits, Sparta suits, and the new helicopters.

Um, you never researched any of those.

He at least has galahads lancelots and hypersonic bombers (i researched them and gave the tech to him)

Also Ive got dibs on china so to speak.

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