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Hegemony-V2 begins page 302


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You guys are starting a new Hegemony? Great, I didn't like the space stuff...


I'll try it out again, and I prefer starting somewhere in the 400-500s AD, the beginning of the Dark Ages. Our primary goal is to secure a good kingdom/empire which would be the start of the Medieval era (Just like how Charlemagne did in the 900s.)


I claim Sicily. Southern Italy as my second choice.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Alright, the stage is set, the era is decided, now I just need to fix all this mapping trouble.

Its impossible to fix completely, so I'm making it as easy as possible, with single colour blocks which show terrain.


Then I guess I'll write up some more rules for the old kingdom thread.

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Neither, we're claiming a culture.

You'll have a small amount of land while most of the land on Earth remains neutral.

Kind of like a barony.

Remember, there weren't 6 billion people on the earth back then, I assume it was in the millions, if that, but I think we're playing with like 20,000 people each or something.

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Wait, so are we claiming empires or pieces of land?

we are claiming cultures. For instance I am the chinese in this new thread and ross is the egyptians I think we start out with 100k people and we should be able to expand from there (up to a point of reason)

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If we start in 450 AD, I think there should be a combination of both. Say, if you were part of the Roman Empire, now it fell, you could become independent or historical-dependent. Like Sicily wasn't a independent nation after the Goths took Rome, but in the Hegemony it could. You could also pick the Byzantines instead of Turkey. You could be Visogoths or Eastern Germany;


That is, if we pick after the fall of the Roman Empire. 450 AD.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I don't think history will be affecting it too much, you just consider yourself independant.

100k people is too many I think, it should be 20,000, max, with little increase.


(I just realised that I don't get to use my pretty fire emblem grid squares for the map <_< )

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Hmmmm, just been able to post, just been playing some Civilization (ironic)


Can I be the Japanese culture?


Or I dont mind having an African culture, only a few I've seen been picked like Egypt (thats located on Africa right?)


Meh, someone should just get a list of most of the cultures, and we pick from it, first come first serve.



If anyone picks "americans" please note you will be the native "indian" tribes...

It's a REALLY big shaft.

I didn't catch fire, I used the can of hairspray as a flamethrower and pointed it at my arm.

how are you going to ignore my posts when I'm offering to let you live as my vassal in two weeks time?

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Alright, the stage is set, the era is decided, now I just need to fix all this mapping trouble.

Its impossible to fix completely, so I'm making it as easy as possible, with single colour blocks which show terrain.


Then I guess I'll write up some more rules for the old kingdom thread.

Don't bother with mapping. We'll find an easier way somehow. I still think typing it will be fine.

I think this version is easy enough to use without too much hassle.

Without some kind of visual aid, its rather hard to keep track of though.

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How long will that take, this might allow planning, and sorting out what the hell will happen in this game, btw this whole magic business really has to be sorted out, I for one am against it

It's a REALLY big shaft.

I didn't catch fire, I used the can of hairspray as a flamethrower and pointed it at my arm.

how are you going to ignore my posts when I'm offering to let you live as my vassal in two weeks time?

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I think 450 A.D. is a bad time to start. Basically most of Europe is taken by the East and West Roman empires, and then the Sassanids have most of the middle east, along with the Hun threat.

The sour dough of the epitmous pie hungers for another's sweet lips to be dulled into a state of most irreverant humbleness


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Hmmmm, just been able to post, just been playing some Civilization (ironic)


Can I be the Japanese culture?


Or I dont mind having an African culture, only a few I've seen been picked like Egypt (thats located on Africa right?)


Meh, someone should just get a list of most of the cultures, and we pick from it, first come first serve.



If anyone picks "americans" please note you will be the native "indian" tribes...

Sorry, I already have dibs on Japan.

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I think 450 A.D. is a bad time to start. Basically most of Europe is taken by the East and West Roman empires, and then the Sassanids have most of the middle east, along with the Hun threat.

We'll be mostly disregarding that sort of thing.

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My titans is heading back to Earth. :)


And I'm viceroy of the Britannia Empire. They can use my military whenever they need too.


70% of my entire army has exobreakers X-4.


[hide=World Map]78bai8.png[/hide]





Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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