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Since when does your love become limited to just your spouse (and kids) when you get married? :roll:








Why aren't you allowed to love anyone else?








(i.e) Grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, relatives of all sorts, best friends, etc..








And just because you say you care about someone else who ISN'T your spouse or kids...does that make it wrong? Why all the narrow mindedness I wonder...

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Who said you aren't allowed to love anyone else?








Who has the right to say you aren't allowed to love anyone else?








Anyone has a right to say that, dosent matter who it is, they have the right. But they cant stop you from loving another person.








You might be confusing people cause this topic is coming out of no where. But i get what you mean, and it is true, some people do think that you cannot care for another. Its all about jeoulusy.


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anyone who wants to can say you cant love anyone else. nobody can force you. i dont really know what you are getting at though, since nobody, or no religion (i think thats what you are talking about, i cant really tell) ever says that.



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Guest GhostRanger
Since when does your love become limited to just your spouse (and kids) when you get married? :roll:








Why aren't you allowed to love anyone else?








(i.e) Grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, relatives of all sorts, best friends, etc..








And just because you say you care about someone else who ISN'T your spouse or kids...does that make it wrong? Why all the narrow mindedness I wonder...








Who has ever told you that you can't love other people besides your spouse? (i.e.) gparents, parents, brothers, etc.












I've never heard that theory...

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ok, here is the deal...








There's a friend that I cared very much about. He isn't my spouse. He isn't one of my kids. He was just that, my very best friend. I explained what happened between him and I in rants somewhere. It bothered me when some kid whose friends with my rs daughter, makes a remark at me about the situation saying how he thought I was married with kids, as if to say it wasn't right to love anyone else but your spouse and kids.








Its just something that was bothering me. The comment came out of no where, and I felt there was something floating about that needed some flushing. (if that makes sense at all)

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There's two kinds of love: the kind with pants and the kind without pants. The latter kind should probably be reserved for certain people but besides that, who cares?

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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ok, here is the deal...








There's a friend that I cared very much about. He isn't my spouse. He isn't one of my kids. He was just that, my very best friend. I explained what happened between him and I in rants somewhere. It bothered me when some kid whose friends with my rs daughter, makes a remark at me about the situation saying how he thought I was married with kids, as if to say it wasn't right to love anyone else but your spouse and kids.








Its just something that was bothering me. The comment came out of no where, and I felt there was something floating about that needed some flushing. (if that makes sense at all)








You serious? Some loser on RUNESCAPE made fun of you caring about a friend, and you're posting about it in OT? Uhh...ok. :?








Since when did anyone care about runescape, or what some kid says to you on runescape? You're a grown man right, with a wife and kids, yet you care what some 10 year old says to you on a game? :?

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You serious? Some loser on RUNESCAPE made fun of you caring about a friend, and you're posting about it in OT? Uhh...ok. :?








Since when did anyone care about runescape, or what some kid says to you on runescape? You're a grown man right, with a wife and kids, yet you care what some 10 year old says to you on a game? :?








The last time I checked, I was a woman. And why are you so concerned about me being so concerned about it? If it bothers you that much, maybe you shouldn't even be reading it in the first place, afterall, I'm entitled to voice whatever it is I feel like voicing. And yes, I enjoy reading what is on the minds of others. How open minded can we get. Hm?

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anyone who wants to can say you cant love anyone else. nobody can force you. i dont really know what you are getting at though, since nobody, or no religion (i think thats what you are talking about, i cant really tell) ever says that.








It must have been the Jedi. The is no emotion, there is peace.

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anyone who wants to can say you cant love anyone else. nobody can force you. i dont really know what you are getting at though, since nobody, or no religion (i think thats what you are talking about, i cant really tell) ever says that.








It must have been the Jedi. The is no emotion, there is peace.








Off with their heads!(?)
































o O (lost me there)

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You can love everybody you want, right? Atleast, that's how I've been brought up. I really wouldn't mind if my wife would love her grandparents or her friends, as long as she doesn't sleep with them. But how did you get to this? Your husband does not allow you to love your parents, or a friend told you this, or? I'm asking this because it sounds a bit random, I don't see where you are comming from.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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You serious? Some loser on RUNESCAPE made fun of you caring about a friend, and you're posting about it in OT? Uhh...ok. :?








Since when did anyone care about runescape, or what some kid says to you on runescape? You're a grown man right, with a wife and kids, yet you care what some 10 year old says to you on a game? :?








The last time I checked, I was a woman. And why are you so concerned about me being so concerned about it? If it bothers you that much, maybe you shouldn't even be reading it in the first place, afterall, I'm entitled to voice whatever it is I feel like voicing. And yes, I enjoy reading what is on the minds of others. How open minded can we get. Hm?








Oh, my apologies then. Sorry. Well its a forum, so the whole point is kinda to voice your opinion on the forums, which is why I seem so "concerned". You shouldn't care what other people think, especially that of a small child that you don't even know. If I make fun of you, will you get upset? It just looks like you're letting the views of others online effect you, which it really, really shouldn't.








I think everyone has already answered, that its okay to love other people besides your spouse and kids. Noone said you couldn't :?

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You can love everybody you want, right? Atleast, that's how I've been brought up. I really wouldn't mind if my wife would love her grandparents or her friends, as long as she doesn't sleep with them. But how did you get to this? Your husband does not allow you to love your parents, or a friend told you this, or? I'm asking this because it sounds a bit random, I don't see where you are comming from.








Before I give up on this topic, let me say I should have put this on rants because I was venting it out more so than anything else.








It wasn't runescape related (although it sorta was) so I came to the conclusion that it belongs on off topic.








I feel like I should write something in an A. B. C. fashion for those who don't get it.








And lastly, BMW lol if there is one person on forums who is narrow minded enough to think that love becomes limited once you exchange vows who learns that there is a broader side, then I'm happy. But for the most part, I was venting it out. I'm sure if there is one person who thinks that love is limited, there is at least one other who also needs to be informed it isn't so. If I'm wrong, at least I got my say out of it.

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Well, the way I've learned it, you're supposed to love everyone you meet. Yeah thats right, everyone. It doesn't matter who it is, your mom, your spouse, or even your worst enemy, your supposed to love them all. But the catch line is, you don't love them all the same way. You most definitely love your spouse, thats why you married them. But most likely you love your best friend differently than you love your spouse. See, it's not a matter of how much you love someone, its the way that you do. That's how I see it at least...

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Well, this is a little off topic, but there's several kinds of love.








There's what the Greeks called agape - charitable love. This is word the Bible uses when it says to love your neighbor as yourself. I believe that one should extend this love to everyone one meets.




Then there's eros - sexual love. I believe that this should be reserved for a spouse alone.




There's what some would call mother love - the special relationship a mother has with her children.




Obviously, you can't love everyone in the same way. You will love your spouse differently than you love your children, and your children differently than your neighbor. I think it's best to love them all in which ever way is appropriate.








I'm not really sure why I typed this, but hopefully someone will find it interesting or helpful. :)



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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Well, this is a little off topic, but there's several kinds of love.








There's what the Greeks called agape - charitable love. This is word the Bible uses when it says to love your neighbor as yourself. I believe that one should extend this love to everyone one meets.




Then there's eros - sexual love. I believe that this should be reserved for a spouse alone.




There's what some would call mother love - the special relationship a mother has with her children.




Obviously, you can't love everyone in the same way. You will love your spouse differently than you love your children, and your children differently than your neighbor. I think it's best to love them all in which ever way is appropriate.








I'm not really sure why I typed this, but hopefully someone will find it interesting or helpful. :)








Dont forget the greek word philo which is I think what you were refering to with the motherly love. The word philo is that of attachment and personal affection such as parental love or a son loving his parents.








As for me I can only wonder how sad of a world it would be to be only able to love close family members. I love my friends but im not gay nor do I "like" more than one girl. The bond I share with them is that of trust and affection. Without this love, friendships will never last long.

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i have love for all my family, but they are different kinds of love.




my husband is my partner, rock and i have a intense burning kind of love for him.




my kids its a intense but as they are a part of me its a protecting kind of love as well.




the rest of my family and friends are a friendship kind of love, freindly concern, but nothing compared to my hubby and kids(oh and my dog and guinea pig too :twisted: )








if someone is cussing you down for saying you have feeling towards someone- whether it be online or whatever, then they are the ones with problems not you.








there is different kinds of love and we all need a lil of it(and a hug too) to survive.




affection and showing you care is a great moral booster and i love being shown that i am loved.(hubby if you read this- poke! :wink: )








people who moan that you can't love someone online needs their head examined, just because they live too far away to be close physically doesn't mean that they don't exist. it just means we have to fill in the gaps that we don't know about them ourselves. i suppose thats where online can get tricky esp if the wrong info is gathered. ( but that is another subject)- sluggy

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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I did a search for other posts by you and found the topic you mentioned earlier where you explained things between you and your "friend." I still don' think I totally understand the situation but I'll contribute my 2 cents anyway.








First of all, no it isn't wrong to love someone other than your spouse(unless by "love" you mean to engage in some sort of sexual activity which isn't really love anyway). The only thing is that when you marry someone you're forming a union with someone that is supposed to be permanent. If you love someone enough to form a permant relationship with them on that level, you should love them more than anything else. I think this is where a lot of people get confused. They hear that you love someone and they think that challenges your love to your spouse, like as if two loves can't exist at once. It's really a screwed up interpretation of the word love. You can thank the english language for that, too many words have multiple meanings.








Anyway, it's okay to love a friend, but why would you want to love a friend like that? True friends don't try to con another friend out of items and insult them. You seem to be worried too much about being a good friend to him, and that worry seems to keep you distracted from the fact that he obviously isn't worried about being a good friend to you. If that guy doesn't care anymore about you than that, he isn't your friend and never really was.








In your other topic you mentioned having a history of domestic violence. I'm not a licensed psychiatrist or anything but from what I've heard, and in my own experience and observations, it seems that people who have a history of domestic violence have very little self esteem and it causes them to settle for things. Instead of trying to find good friends that actually care, they seem to think to themselves "well I'm worthless anyway, I don't deserve better friends" so they settle for pathetic friends. Then the same thing goes for when they date and marry, they end up settling for a lousy spouse because they don't think they can get anyone better, or that they don't deserve any better.








That however is the opposite of how they should feel. If someone doesn't care about you, they don't deserve to be in your presence, leave them in the dust. If that "friend" of yours takes you off his list because you got angry and asked for something back after he insulted you, then he doesn't deserve to be your friend. From the sound of it, you have given him a ton of stuff and he hasn't even appreciated it. It's no different than in real life.








If you have lousy friends irl they will be more than glad to take your things and time and leave you with nothing but a hole in your heart. Oh, and a mess. They come over without asking, dirty your dishes, eat your food, drink your soda(or other beverages), use your tv, clutter your house, and get things dirty. All while keeping you from doing things you may have needed to do. They'll ask to borrow things and never return them, ask you for your help moving furniture, doing yard work or any number of things, but then when you need anything they're always busy or their wallet is their other pants, even if they're wearing their other pants.








You said a history of domestic violence so I hope you arn't still being abused by someone close to you. If something is still going on, you can leave me an address and name in pm and I'll gladly go kick the stuffing out of the sorry loser. Or since you are apparently an adult you could just leave the person and never speak to them again, which is what they deserve for abusing you.








No one deserves to be abused either phsyically and verbally by anyone, especially not by people they would call friends, and most especially no by their relatives or marriage mate.








I hope I haven't sounded like Dr. Phil here but it's the honest truth, if someone treats you badly, they arn't your friend and you shouldn't associate yourself with them.

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You can love everybody you want, right? Atleast, that's how I've been brought up. I really wouldn't mind if my wife would love her grandparents or her friends, as long as she doesn't sleep with them. But how did you get to this? Your husband does not allow you to love your parents, or a friend told you this, or? I'm asking this because it sounds a bit random, I don't see where you are comming from.








Before I give up on this topic, let me say I should have put this on rants because I was venting it out more so than anything else.








It wasn't runescape related (although it sorta was) so I came to the conclusion that it belongs on off topic.








I feel like I should write something in an A. B. C. fashion for those who don't get it.








... :? Sorry, but I don't understand anything of you. You open some kind of vague topic about love. I ask you some questions, I ask where you are comming from, on what it is based. And then you come with this. I give you my time by replying to your topic, asking what is wrong, asking you to clearify because I don't get it and I want to be of somekind of help. And you basically say I am stupid because I don't get your vague topic. Also I never said something about Runescape.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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