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Watermelon seeds


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So I'm basically one quest away from quest cape, guess which one... har har har


I need to lvl from 55 farming to 65, but I need more allotment seeds, I have an estimate of 230 sweetcorn, 60 strawberries and only 30 watermelon seeds. What's the best way to get watermelon seeds (or the lower ones if bad suggestions)?




Buy 'em? Ogres? ...



Achieved quest (07/08/2009), woodcutting (28/06/2010), attack (21/07/2010), strength + constitution (07/08/2010), defence (26/09/2010), summoning (13/01/2011), herblore (03/03/2011), cook (31/08/2012), firemaking (01/09/2012), magic (08/09/2012), prayer (16/09/2012) and ranged (29/10/2012) capes.

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I'm pretty sure he said he already has 30 seeds, but needs more.




Anyway, unless you're really low on money, I'd suggest buying them. By far the fastest and most reliable method.


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I'm pretty sure he said he already has 30 seeds, but needs more.




Anyway, unless you're really low on money, I'd suggest buying them. By far the fastest and most reliable method.


he said estimate, so he needs 30


Retired item crew

I would like to be credited as essiw at the website update & corrections forum. Thanks!

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Nono, I have 30, I had more but sold them, but now they skyrocketed in price. I'd like to have around 1k watermelon seeds without buying, unless the herbs I'd get from farming would return enough cash.



Achieved quest (07/08/2009), woodcutting (28/06/2010), attack (21/07/2010), strength + constitution (07/08/2010), defence (26/09/2010), summoning (13/01/2011), herblore (03/03/2011), cook (31/08/2012), firemaking (01/09/2012), magic (08/09/2012), prayer (16/09/2012) and ranged (29/10/2012) capes.

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Burgh de Rott ramble or just moss giants (not sure about ogres).




Since you said that, I am actually selling all my seeds right now.


I am not sure what happen to seeds currently, maples and papaya all those stuff are skyrocketing as well.

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Don't farm watermelons, they're a waste of time and money. Strawberries is really the best you should farm in that slot, although optimally, trees are best.

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Yea. if you have cash to burn tress are best. Plus WGS gives acess to TD's, which should pay any money back from the trees. I'm doing Maples+ Pineapple while making super energy pots to get 65 in both skills.


wgs itselfs gives 3,5 mil


Retired item crew

I would like to be credited as essiw at the website update & corrections forum. Thanks!

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Just bought plenty of strawberry seeds, now the problem is I have trouble buying payment for my trees I'd like to plant (e.g. baskets of oranges and watermelons).



Achieved quest (07/08/2009), woodcutting (28/06/2010), attack (21/07/2010), strength + constitution (07/08/2010), defence (26/09/2010), summoning (13/01/2011), herblore (03/03/2011), cook (31/08/2012), firemaking (01/09/2012), magic (08/09/2012), prayer (16/09/2012) and ranged (29/10/2012) capes.

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Don't forget you can boost up from 62 farming with a garden pie. You'll only need one at the start of the quest.


you need to have 63 herblore to plant something, ofcourse you could just use a chicken (summoning) for that ;)


Retired item crew

I would like to be credited as essiw at the website update & corrections forum. Thanks!

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The best thing to do is plant all the best trees you can, you could get to 65 in 2-4 days and thats only logging in for about 20 min a day to check their health. Just do your tree run and then go kill green dragons for hides and bones. You'll more than cover the cost of the seeds just in the hides and then you'll have a nice amount of prayer exp stocked up.

Trolling by giving good advice since April 2011.


The Blog - Currently Cleaning Herbs



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Don't forget you can boost up from 62 farming with a garden pie. You'll only need one at the start of the quest.


you need to have 63 herblore to plant something, ofcourse you could just use a chicken (summoning) for that ;)




Did you notice his stats? He already has 65 herblore...



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You only need 62 farming to start the quest if you use a garden pie.


Signature by Unoalexi.

Tip.it's official signature picture of the quest-cape emote is me.

Fire cape owner since May 17, 2011

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Don't forget you can boost up from 62 farming with a garden pie. You'll only need one at the start of the quest.


you need to have 63 herblore to plant something, ofcourse you could just use a chicken (summoning) for that ;)




Did you notice his stats? He already has 65 herblore...


Sorry I ment 63 farming, you need to plant a herb seed... (that is why I got confused with herblore)


Retired item crew

I would like to be credited as essiw at the website update & corrections forum. Thanks!

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The best way to raise farming isn't alloments. Try planting trees + several daily herb runs. Willows/curries if you're poor and higher trees if you want to spend the money. Alloments are REALLY not worth it.


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Don't forget you can boost up from 62 farming with a garden pie. You'll only need one at the start of the quest.


you need to have 63 herblore to plant something, ofcourse you could just use a chicken (summoning) for that ;)




Did you notice his stats? He already has 65 herblore...


Sorry I ment 63 farming, you need to plant a herb seed... (that is why I got confused with herblore)




Wrong there too. You only need 65 farming to start the quest. You don't need 65 to plant the enriched snap seed.

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