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Settlers - the games.


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Does anyone here like The Settlers games?








I've got 2,3 & 4 .. I love em all!! 2 especially.. I have to play it on my ancient comp though, cos it's DOS.. :P but I still love it..












I was wondering what you people think about it?

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I've played 3 for ages, but I've never played any of the other Settlers games. Definiately fun though.

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Settlers 4 HOK came out not too long ago. But I haven't gotten around to playing it. :)








I have settlers 3, but no one ever seems to be playing, except for a few German players. Maybe we should set up a game? I didn't know anyone else played but me. :lol:


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After playing all 5, you always want to come back to settlers 2.




Settlers 1 & 2 are the essence of series and are what I always return to playing.




Settlers 3 & 4 are a cross between a Settlers 2 and a Warcraft 2 clone done in a semi-3D engine. Basically this is the start of the decline in quality for the series, it still had some elements of the original settler games but focussed less on them.




Settlers H.O.K. (5) is a complete ripoff of Warcraft 3 (but I like settlers 5 better because it isn't as cartoon-ish and has horrible voice acting).








I don't see the franchise ever returning to the gameplay of Settlers 2 which is a shame because thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s what made it great (slow place, planning and good transport networking) however I usually end up playing the new version anyway because of the name.

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Settlers I was the best. Number II comes in at close 2nd. In my opinion they just haven't done justice to the original with every subsequent version.








And yes, I am a bit Settlers fan, my brother and I used to play number I on our old Amiga (oh man that was a long time ago :lol: ).

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The details here is astounding!








from what i understand there are four settlers games and they are considered to be good by the people who know of it. other than that, not much else in the detail department.








Can I suggest http://www.google.com to you 2?








The initiative here is outstanding :roll:

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Can I suggest http://www.google.com to you 2?








The initiative here is outstanding :roll:








or the first post in the topic could have actually had information in it, making it a good topic.








example: what movies did you last see?








starts off asking a question, and then gives his own particular take on the question. well thought out, and it looks like it took more than 30 seconds to make. it starts off a good discussion, everyone knows exactly what the topic is about, and how to answer the question. what you did would be like if all he said was,








subject:what movie did you last see?




post: before sunrise, before sunset, happy gilmore, psycho, hersenhonger








now the rest of the people who post in the topic dont just reply with a list of the last movies they saw. then the whole topic would have just been:








post 1: 4 movies listed




post 2: 5 movies




post 3: 3 movies




and so on. you may find reading a list of movies that someone last saw enertaining, but id rather read what they were about and how they thought about them.








all i see in this topic:








1 is good, 2 is good, 3 sucks, 2 is good, the rest suck... all im seeing is numbers. (until death_by_pod's post, i had no idea what the game was even about, but now i know its an RTS)



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