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When will Rs ever be Full 3D?


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i just wish some the the more materialist items where designed to be seen better then they are, like the feather on cavaliers at an angle look weird, and i wish their was a way i could zoomin to my character, just to observe him up close, or any1 for that matter

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i like the graphics the way they are now. if they made a whole new 3d game i wouldn't be able to play it anyways because my computer is too slow.








People like this, no mater what things you have to say, will always be around. This is a large number of people throughout the entire world. The business model Jagex has choosen includes serving these people because it ensures the largest customer base possible. No other company provides the same sort of entertainment to the low end technology customer base. Jagex owns this space with Runescape.








They have plans for the future though.




A quote from the Jagex corperate site.




We intend to become a significant online operator in all the major gaming markets worldwide; developing and commercializing highly compelling persistent character games that appeal to as wide an audience as possible, based on cutting edge technologies developed in house.








Our ambition for 2005 is to exceed 400,000 subscribers for RuneScape, to take RuneScape into other non-english language markets and to begin the development of a completely new game.

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Well technicly the game envirorment is just as 3-D as guildways but I suppose you really mean high-quality 3-D.








Will the graphics be updated? Yes. Although graphics are not nessesary for keeping existing players interested they are for getting new members.








I would have never forked over 1 cent to play runescape classic members Yet I have paid close to 100$ total for membership fees in runescape 2. And although I'll admit my way of thinking is rather odd, I'm sure many other members share my opinon in this matter.








They will eventully redo the engin when the benifits outweigh the drawlbacks but that won't be for some time, months if not years.

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If updating the graphics on RS is the only way to get new players, why does the population seem to grow and grow?








I don't think that RuneScape will get much prettier than it is now, because like what's been stated before, they're trying to play with a niche market here: players who don't want to technically install software, players on older model computers, and people who want to play from whereever. How many alternative games can you play anywhere just by going to the game's site? Very few. Most either require CDs (which you have to carry with you to play elsewhere) or can be downloaded from the site, but then have to be installed to play(Like Tibia or Another World).








What other game offers THAT kind of portability?








If you want prettier RuneScape, go play Another World(I think that's what it's called, and if it's still around) -- it's like a modern-age RuneScape, except it's made in Russia... Pretty good English on that game, considering that little fact... It plays very much like RuneScape does.

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Why was this bumped again?








let the posts die please?

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a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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runescape is probably the best mmorpg going, not the best graphics but who needs amazing life-like graphics when its meant to be a pixel representation. games like that belong on your playstation or xbox not on multiplayer internet games.

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Why can't people be happy with the current graphics, Jagex are even updating various places and giving them better graphics.








took the words right out of my mouth

-= weasel =- rsname: moosewalker ~ top 10000 player :D

newscape300x50qz7.giffull qp - always willing to chat add me...

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What are you talking about? It already is full 3D...








You have 2D and 3D, there's no in-between. If a game uses sprites and flats it's 2D, if it uses models it's 3D.








No, Paper Mario For Example. Part of it's 2D other parts are 3D




Good example, or like Animal crossing. 3D World and people, 2D objects.

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