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Is my internet security being compromised and speaker difficulties


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Hi, I hav two questions which I hope you can help me with, one about accessing different internet connections and the other about some speakers.


A few months ago I bought a wireless conection for my home PC but I think that there may be other people accessing my network. I did a little bit of searching on my computer and I found the following pictures where it lists my connections:



These were taken at different times and are what make me think other people may be using my internet. I'm not really sure how this works so I'm not sure if that is the case or not so I thought I'd ask here. If that is what this shows then can you please explain how I can stop them and if not then please explain what the multiple connections mean.


My house has no other computers or laptops so I know the connection isn't from there. The box I have which controls the internet connections is kept separate and is a Thomson brand. I know the SSID, WEP (hex), WPA PSK and wireless pin but I don't know whether that information is sensitive or not so I won't post it until I get confirmation.



My second question is about some speakers that I bought a week ago. When I'm playing music they crackle occasionally, this doesn't happen when I watch Televison series on my computer. I use the program winamp (version 5.552) to listen to the music and I watch the video on windows media player (I don't know the version). I am using windows 7 and the speakers are Logitech X-240. Is there anything I can do to stop them crackling?


Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope you can help, if you need further details don't hesitate to ask.


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I don't know about the speakers but as long as your using WPA with a strong password (ie. not easy to guess) it is very doubtful that anyone is piggy-backing on your Wi-Fi connection. Those screen shots you took are the Wi-Fi networks your computer can see and, therefor, connect to, not a list of people on your network.

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I have no clue about the speakers, but the internet picture just shows that your connected to home1, and someone living near you got a wireless router between the times you took the pictures

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Those are the amount of networks you are able to connect to. The Twyfolks network has weak signal, so that explains why you can only sometimes see it. From this information, it is impossible to know if anyone is using your network.


Do you keep a phone (wireless, cellphone, or other) near your desk or speakers? The frequencies phones give off disrupt the speakers, where the end result is static.

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Go to in your browser, it should let you configure your wireless modem. Look for something called a WEP key under wireless settings, it is security. Make sure it is enabled. That way people won't be able to access it without knowing the key

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Ok, thanks for explaining the picture. Just one new issue, my internet explorer comes back with "Cannot find server" whenever I enter the address wkw posted. I'll also try not to leave my cellphone near the computer. Thanks for the information.


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Ok, thanks for explaining the picture. Just one new issue, my internet explorer comes back with "Cannot find server" whenever I enter the address wkw posted. I'll also try not to leave my cellphone near the computer. Thanks for the information.

You'll have to plug directly in to your router unless you have an Apple router, in which case that address wouldn't work either anyway.

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My router asks for a username and password (but I'm sure it's my router) when I type in that address, which is really interesting.


About the speakers: I would go into the volume settings and see if the treble and bass are at decent settings, play around with that to see if it's the problem. Also try to reconfigure your speakers using the Control Panel and making sure they're set up right.

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Actually, it depends on the brand and model of the router. I've seen some that it was,, and

I was speaking on the fact that all routers I have come across require you to plug directly into it to reach that address, unless your router uses a proprietary setup.


My router asks for a username and password (but I'm sure it's my router) when I type in that address, which is really interesting.


About the speakers: I would go into the volume settings and see if the treble and bass are at decent settings, play around with that to see if it's the problem. Also try to reconfigure your speakers using the Control Panel and making sure they're set up right.

A lot of routers require that. The default username on linksys routers is "admin" (it could also be left blank) where the password is also "admin."
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