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Firemaking Useless


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Well, it isn't useless, however, I don't generally find a use for it on a daily basis. No skill is "useless" because you end up needing all of them at some point or another for a quest or minigame, etc.

Such requirements are contrived uses for a skill that adds nothing of interest to the game. I mean, we could have a digging skill to use high-level spades and help at Barrows and the Giant Mole and (I guess) the Digsite. You need to do a lot of digging in Runescape too. Doesn't mean you need to gain digging experience in order to use a Dragon Spade at level 60 digging.


Now, if we could light things like weapons and arrows with firemaking, then maybe we'd be somewhere. The hand cannon is an honest effort, but a failure nonetheless.

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Just as useless as smithing, crafting, etc.


Smithing makes armour to fight with and crafting makes the jewelery you wear. Firemaking was meant to be a gold sink. Once you burn the log, there's no way to profit or get it back. This way is stabilizes the economy.


As in, useless from a single player perspective.


Other than for the sake of leveling, theres no real point of having smithing at all, you don't make profit from it, it just costs you money, just like firemaking does.


Plus, firemaking is needed for more useful quests :D


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Just as useless as smithing, crafting, etc.


Smithing makes armour to fight with and crafting makes the jewelery you wear. Firemaking was meant to be a gold sink. Once you burn the log, there's no way to profit or get it back. This way is stabilizes the economy.


As in, useless from a single player perspective.


Other than for the sake of leveling, theres no real point of having smithing at all, you don't make profit from it, it just costs you money, just like firemaking does.


Plus, firemaking is needed for more useful quests :D


I had 49 smithing a lvl 15 combat because I was too stupid to go buy steel armor and was determined to get full steel. When I learned you could buy every piece in a store I was pissed though. angry.gif Regardless, it was my most valuable skill at the time, while being my most neglected now. Firemaking was generally neglected back in the day; but now it is useful for the inferno adze, the hand cannon, and of course a cheap skillcape.

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In the F2P world, Firemaking is mainly pointless.

After you can make fires without having to repetedly attempt to do so, you've done everything you could have in the skill.


Firemaking has no purpose other than to create fires to cook food.

Although useful in an emergency, who brings raw food, a tinderbox and logs to start a fire and cook food when they can already cook the food beforehand and be prepared?


The only uses I see are


A - For long-period use, for example, killing Lesser demons in Karamja.


One would bring a hatchet, a tinderbox, a fishing tool, armour, weapons and food.

They would:

1) Kill as many Lesser demons as they can before food supply runs out

2) Fish more fish in the Karamja fishing spots (preferably lobsters/swordfish/tuna)

3)Create a fire, and cook the food

4) Repeat


B - Using a fire to supportively train the Cooking skill effectively near banks.


In the P2P world, however, Firemaking does boast some other uses, such as

- Questing

- Minigames

- Others.


Unfortunately, in most situations, the average P2Per does not require the uses of Firemaking, however useful they may seem.


To me, because Firemaking's many uses are not oftenly used and neglected as a "nooby" skill, it seems quite pointless.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The effort involved does outweigh the benefits...but, at high levels, it is definately is worth it. A friend of mine is 99 Firemaking, and got 2700 shots from his handcannon; WHAT THE HELL? This is useful, no? :o

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- put fires anywhere. (which can be done with 1 fm...)

- Burn better logs. (burning more money faster :thumbdown: )

- adze. (One of the scarce advantages, and its special ability can be argued about...)

- Hand cannon. (Bigger fm level, higher chance that it does not break)


And i think that sums it up.

"An Amateur practices until he can get it right. A Professional practices until he can't get it wrong."


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The uses of FM in F2P, as far as I know, is just creating fires to cook wherever you need to cook.


In P2P it's somehow more important, for pyre ships, lighting lanterns and such so you can go to dark areas, the FM boosts you get from Beacon Network, the handcannon and offcourse, the inferno adze.

And lets not forget burning lighters in Haunted Wood for prayer exp, although it's not much of a prayer training skill.


The benefits of FM come when you can fire a handcannon, although a higher firemaking has the benefit, that it's less likely the cannon would explode.

At 92, you get the inferno adze, wich is good for training on maples/yews to earn WC exp ánd FM exp if a log flips away and burns.


So in P2P it's not completely useless. But with the release of Ivy, the adze has lost some of the benefits, because it doesn't burn a log 1/3 off the time.

The benefits are little, but it can make your life somewhat easier when using the handcannon, and lighting the Beacon Network for the adze, to speed up training from 92, to 99.

"We had gay burglars the other night. They broke in and rearranged the furniture."



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People seem to be missing the point. I see guys listing off the things we can do with firemaking. Folks, none of those uses require a firemaking skill. The idea here is that firemaking as a skill does nothing for the game, not that there is no content associated with the skill. It's that the content we do have is stiffly and artificially contrived in order to make sense in a world where firemaking is a skill. And it sucks because firemaking doesn't need to be a skill for any of it to work. We need flaming weapons and arrows in order for the skill to make any sense.

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Did you missed the need of FM to light a bullseye lantern? To light any lantern at all, so you can enter dark caves?

So on that point, it does something for the game, but it's to small to put more in the game then let's say, construction.


I agree Jagex can make more out of the FM skill when they add flaming arrows. Don't know about weapons, because I can't see how it will benefit on top of all the weapons we already have.

"We had gay burglars the other night. They broke in and rearranged the furniture."



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  • 3 weeks later...

Many people belive firemaking is usless, but thats partialy false.


it has a few things that it can do, that make life (sometimes easier in runescape.


it lets you make fires anywere, so long as you have logs with you.

you can use the beacon network,

you can use it in quests,


prayer restor lamps in haunted woods,

hand cannon,




there are a few things, that it can do, but people still think theres no point in trainin it.


do you think its usless? or do you think that it is an important skill?

do you think there is a way to make this skill better?


convince me.


let the Debate Begin!

:-k :-k :-k :-k


None of the things you listed are useful

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If firemaking wouldnt exist, wouldnt players ask Jagex to make them able to light logs?


Firemaking is a small skill, yes, but wouldnt players question it if the benefits of firemaking were in some other skill?

"An Amateur practices until he can get it right. A Professional practices until he can't get it wrong."


Quests just keep bringing me back to this game.

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If firemaking wouldnt exist, wouldnt players ask Jagex to make them able to light logs?


Firemaking is a small skill, yes, but wouldnt players question it if the benefits of firemaking were in some other skill?

Use tinderbox -> logs


Ta-dah, fire. No xp needed, right?

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I can't be sure, but i think it was firemaking that got me into all-round skilling.


I was f2p at the time & the ge didnt exist.

I made my first million there selling strength pots (made at the apothecary) for 1k each in varrock east bank.

I was into some skills, but neglected most.


I was in the habit of trading things i made for random stuff.

So one day i put up some air tiaras and the other guy traded me 100 willow logs.

I decided to burn them only to find that i couldnt ... i lacked the fm level.


I spent the next two days leveling wc and fm and it never stopped from there.

I set myself the goal of getting every skill 80+, and i'm still going at it (although i formulated some further goals along the way).


When they reopened rs classic i tried out duelling & some other stuff, but i found it was fm that i got my first levels in.

So there you have it, firemaking is the perfect low-threshold skill.


Right now, one of my goals is getting 92 for the adze & although i have grown to like fm, i dont find it an easy skill.


All of this off course doesnt negate the fact that firemaking is a fairly useless skill (even more so in f2p).

But jagex have seen the light, it seems, and are trying to tie it in with as many other skills and features as possible.

This cross-breeding of skills & abilities, after all, is the only thing that will keep this game alive.

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If firemaking wouldnt exist, wouldnt players ask Jagex to make them able to light logs?


Firemaking is a small skill, yes, but wouldnt players question it if the benefits of firemaking were in some other skill?

Use tinderbox -> logs


Ta-dah, fire. No xp needed, right?

How about lighting light sources, burning evil trees, making pyre fires, lighting beacons in an cold places, an adze that makes the logs you chop burn? In what skill would you put these? If player doesnt know how to cut a tree, then how does he know how to set it on fire, as different types of wood are harder to set on fire than others? It is simply easier to make a skill for it. Even if players would question it, it makes more sense.

"An Amateur practices until he can get it right. A Professional practices until he can't get it wrong."


Quests just keep bringing me back to this game.

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If firemaking wouldnt exist, wouldnt players ask Jagex to make them able to light logs?


Firemaking is a small skill, yes, but wouldnt players question it if the benefits of firemaking were in some other skill?

Use tinderbox -> logs


Ta-dah, fire. No xp needed, right?

How about lighting light sources, burning evil trees, making pyre fires, lighting beacons in an cold places, an adze that makes the logs you chop burn? In what skill would you put these? If player doesnt know how to cut a tree, then how does he know how to set it on fire, as different types of wood are harder to set on fire than others? It is simply easier to make a skill for it. Even if players would question it, it makes more sense.

Light sources can also be done without a skill, just like you don't need a farming level to crack coconuts or an herblore level to fill vials with water. Evil trees can be part of woodcutting--nobody complains that crafting leather and crafting jewelry are part of the same skill, and that's a lot more of a stretch than cutting down trees vs. burning down trees. The other ones were contrived to make use of firemaking, so if firemaking wasn't a skill, they wouldn't exist anyway.

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Firemaking can be much more useful if the surviving thing actually works out. You know going out on an adventure, catching fish, cut wood and then cook it while fending off attacks. Nowadays with the teleports we have, restocking is never really a problem, maybe if the new skill is actually random dungeon/adventure and food is limited, players would have to DIY on the spot, firemaking can be more useful.


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I think that firemaking is a skill and Jagex will never eliminate it from RuneScape. Although it is very useless (lol) I think it is used in some helpful ways like maybe 1 and that's for cooking food but w/e. I didn't very much like firemaking when I tried to level it up as it was very boring but it will alwways be a skill that sits there for the lulz.

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I think that firemaking is a skill and Jagex will never eliminate it from RuneScape. Although it is very useless (lol) I think it is used in some helpful ways like maybe 1 and that's for cooking food but w/e. I didn't very much like firemaking when I tried to level it up as it was very boring but it will alwways be a skill that sits there for the lulz.


The man is the voice of sanity.



I piety the fool.

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I think that firemaking is a skill and Jagex will never eliminate it from RuneScape. Although it is very useless (lol) I think it is used in some helpful ways like maybe 1 and that's for cooking food but w/e. I didn't very much like firemaking when I tried to level it up as it was very boring but it will alwways be a skill that sits there for the lulz.


The man is the voice of sanity.

I can't tell whether you're being sarcastic or not. I'm leaning towards yes. :mellow:

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I think that firemaking is a skill and Jagex will never eliminate it from RuneScape. Although it is very useless (lol) I think it is used in some helpful ways like maybe 1 and that's for cooking food but w/e. I didn't very much like firemaking when I tried to level it up as it was very boring but it will alwways be a skill that sits there for the lulz.


The man is the voice of sanity.

I can't tell whether you're being sarcastic or not. I'm leaning towards yes. :mellow:


Go with your gut =D


I like his avatar though.



I piety the fool.

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All skills are useless in principle since it is a game.


The only valid criteria would be if a skill gives you some kind of enjoyable or worthwhile experience.


And lately I discovered the professional firemaking guide which has given me quite a lot of satisfaction the last few days, creating patterns with fires around the GE.


I don't know if I will continue to do so, but I noticed that firemaking now fulfills and important criteria for a worthwhile skill: that is that I enjoy it.



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All skills are useless in principle since it is a game.


The only valid criteria would be if a skill gives you some kind of enjoyable or worthwhile experience.


And lately I discovered the professional firemaking guide which has given me quite a lot of satisfaction the last few days, creating patterns with fires around the GE.


I don't know if I will continue to do so, but I noticed that firemaking now fulfills and important criteria for a worthwhile skill: that is that I enjoy it.

That's a good thing, of course. And nobody would argue that firemaking should be removed. But from a game design perspective, you need to look at what a skill adds to the game. And with firemaking, you can see that it adds very little, at least in its current state. If we were allowed to light some more interesting things on fire besides logs--say, weapons, ranged ammo, that sort of thing--then firemaking gets interesting.

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All skills are useless in principle since it is a game.


The only valid criteria would be if a skill gives you some kind of enjoyable or worthwhile experience.


And lately I discovered the professional firemaking guide which has given me quite a lot of satisfaction the last few days, creating patterns with fires around the GE.


I don't know if I will continue to do so, but I noticed that firemaking now fulfills and important criteria for a worthwhile skill: that is that I enjoy it.

That's a good thing, of course. And nobody would argue that firemaking should be removed. But from a game design perspective, you need to look at what a skill adds to the game. And with firemaking, you can see that it adds very little, at least in its current state. If we were allowed to light some more interesting things on fire besides logs--say, weapons, ranged ammo, that sort of thing--then firemaking gets interesting.



The Skillcape looks Wicked though =D

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