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Rock-paper-scissors online world championship


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Well yeah I thought about this cool new mmorpg with a hard pvp-combat core, but then I figured that if I took out all the fancy weapons and class systems it would just come down to a mmorpsg, that is mmo-rock-paper-scissors-game.

The idea is to have a free trial of this game and cash prices for paying participants, and the one who wins the most in row is the champion.

It's very much like the evolution-game you may have played at some kids' camp, where the point is to "evolve" from an ameba to a human being through a few steps in between, by playing rock-paper-scissors with the other amebas, and the winner always gets to evolve to the next step, and then duel again against the people who are also on that step.

Now, as this would be a mmog, there would be thousands of participants trying to get to the top, and it would be mightly epic and exciting trying to battle your way as high as possible. Every win gives you a point and every lose loses you a point and you can only duel those who have as many points as you. How high do you think you could get?

So someone please make this (maybe as a facebook application?) and rake in thousands as micropayments, every duel costing like 1 cent and cash prices for the highest scoring player every week.


For discussion value, what kind of crazy ideas did you last have?

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A rock-paper-scissors online world championship... not sure how that would turn out but I don't think it will be fun for me.


As for crazy dreams, I don't have any at the moment.




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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I had a strange thought last night of a modified game of Monopoly themed on Tip.It called 'Modopoly'. Instead of buying property, you gain control of forums. Instead of buying houses and hotels, you buy sub-forums. Instead of going to jail, you get Temp Banned etc.

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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For all the world's governments to chip in and build a giant space elevator from Earth to the moon. Then Disney buys it and makes it into Tower of Terror 3000.


Epicness assured.

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.

We could have so much more fun with this. A little experimenting with gravity and we'll have a highway to the Moon!

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I've always dreamt of traveling across the country to compete in the biggest Super Mario tournament ever and win a Nintendo Power Glove.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I had a strange thought last night of a modified game of Monopoly themed on Tip.It called 'Modopoly'. Instead of buying property, you gain control of forums. Instead of buying houses and hotels, you buy sub-forums. Instead of going to jail, you get Temp Banned etc.

Haha that would be fun. Get out of jail free card is replaced with a "friends with the admins" card, money is replaced by post count, and so on.



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I've always dreamt of traveling across the country to compete in the biggest Super Mario tournament ever and win a Nintendo Power Glove.


Never referrence that movie again. (If you are referrencing it, that is.)


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I had a strange thought last night of a modified game of Monopoly themed on Tip.It called 'Modopoly'. Instead of buying property, you gain control of forums. Instead of buying houses and hotels, you buy sub-forums. Instead of going to jail, you get Temp Banned etc.

Haha that would be fun. Get out of jail free card is replaced with a "friends with the admins" card, money is replaced by post count, and so on.



Exactly what I thought. It was a good hour trying to get to sleep thinking about it, it made me wish i knew an online monopoly game maker.

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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I had a strange thought last night of a modified game of Monopoly themed on Tip.It called 'Modopoly'. Instead of buying property, you gain control of forums. Instead of buying houses and hotels, you buy sub-forums. Instead of going to jail, you get Temp Banned etc.

HAHA, wow, that's brilliant! XD


*Senses activity in Forum Games...*

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I had a strange thought last night of a modified game of Monopoly themed on Tip.It called 'Modopoly'. Instead of buying property, you gain control of forums. Instead of buying houses and hotels, you buy sub-forums. Instead of going to jail, you get Temp Banned etc.

Well there are 10 different boards on Tipit, throw in the main page and maybe a twelfth property and you got that covered. Then it's just a matter of changing everything else to a Tipit theme. Railroads = ISP's? Chance = Internet, etc.

Holy crap this could work out so well. I'd make a topic for the planning of this, but I wouldn't maintain it well enough.

You'd need to vote for what boards give replace what properties on the monopoly board, what each thing is named, etc.Then just collaborate to come up with community chest and chance cards (Obviously need to be themed). Then someone will probably end up making it.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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